Category Archives: EXPLOSIONS

Hell on Earth…

 I met a Dr. who works for Planned Parenthood – I have never met or talked with anyone associated with this organization before. He is Ob-Gyn and cares for and delivers babies at a hospital and then also works for Planned Parenthood giving abortions. I talked to him without sharing my beliefs and opinion – at first. I asked him if he thought of an abortion as killing a child and he answered, “No, it’s just an operation. The women don’t want the child or they should not be having a baby in the first place.” He said that he performs abortions on girls as young as 15 and women who have many, many children and just don’t want another. He was matter of fact about it all with no care or emotion. Although he did state that in his opinion when the first two cells connect that there is life.  Then I commented that assisting to bring babies into the world must be joyful. His response, “No, it’s just a procedure. Many of these women should not be having kids. They can’t afford them. They can’t afford to care for themselves. They have no common sense. They just get pregnant, get an abortion or have the kid and can’t take care of it. If the woman tries to work child care is too costly. So they quit and stay home.”

So he assists with bringing life into the world on one hand and kills life with the other. And to him either way, it’s no big deal… just procedures.

I have worked as a volunteer in a charity capacity with young girls before. I know and understand how frustrating their ignorance, lack of common sense and no education or proper life guidance can be. One girl I worked with was 14 and all she wanted was to be like Angelina Jolie. This uneducated star-struck child wanted to have many children but did not want to be married. I asked her how she would support all of her children and she shrugged. She never thought about it. I told her that Jolie had a lot of money and was able to afford to give her children food, shelter and education even if she was not married. I asked this young girl if she could do that? And she shrugged. She had no concept of reality of what it took to care for children. She just wanted them. She was a child herself and no one had instructed her about life and reality. Her mother had been an unwed mother. She was carrying on the family legacy.

The ignorance, immorality, lack of common sense, lack of parenting, ‘hooking-up’, no real human interaction and connection, technology world we are living in is fast become Hell on earth. With sex as sport and no commitment, abortion with no concern, lack of responsibility, corrupted government. media propaganda and brainwashing. We are doomed.

I am disgusted with it all. I was reared so differently – to treasure life – that you get married, buy a house and then have a child – I was reared with God in my life. I went to Sunday school, church… I never thought about having children before I would be married. To do this would be shameful… What in the world is happening today?! Human life has no value. Morality has no value. Commitment has no value. Evil is taking over our world at rapid pace and at its basis is complete ignorance and irresponsibility – no respect or value for, or to human beings.. some people place more value on their pets than human beings, but dare you mention how many fat people there are now and ‘Oh my gosh!’ you hurt their poor ignorant, self -indulgent feelings’ – This is the world of ‘hook ups’ where sex means little to nothing. There is no commitment with sex and relationships – no commitment to one another –  so no commitment to the children they bring into this world. It’s the don’t judge me lifestyle of the young  and Godless.  Yep… HELL ON EARTH.

Corrupted media and entertainment industry…

The media is being used to encourage and foster psychopathic behavior in otherwise normal people. They are manipulating otherwise decent people to emulate psychopathic traits and to view these traits as the norm. The entertainment industry is filled with this message. Lady GaGa parades around in a dress made of animal flesh that sends out a message to millions of young impressionable minds that they are just a hunk of meat. This is not by accident. This is not ‘art.’ Look at the vileness of Miley Cyrus and her sexual degradation and exploitation. 

It’s become all about the money and power over others’ lives and reality… propaganda, perversion and brainwashing..

  Psychopathic individuals behind the scenes in music and entertainment are slowly altering  psychology in order to dehumanize, so that the day comes to replace freewill,  human spirit and your soul with a microchip, you’ll accept it, as you will have been conditioned to view your humanity as just soulless meat. And your sexuality contains no boundaries and as meaningless. Perversion and crossing sexual boundaries separates people from their humanity and their soul.

 Look at the fashion industry, pornography, etc. The aim of the trans-humanist movement is to remove consciousness from the Earth except for a ‘privileged’ few. That is if they even know what ‘consciousness’ is  as they seem  to be steeped in evil and Satanic vibes. Morality as in truth, honor, kindness, humanity is going out the window replaced by lies, propaganda, perversion and greed. People mean nothing. Greed and the false power wielded on earth are everything. Sinful behaviors are being promoted as good. While morality is looked down upon and laughed at.

A vital stage of their agenda is to create a bond between machines and humans. Technology distances you from your humanity. The people behind this agenda are evil. They want to take away choice, freedom, and Godliness and rule over Earth and all its inhabitants. 

I was in a hair salon recently and no one talked to anyone, even the stylist. Everyone was on their phone or computer. I sat there observing … it gave me a sick and eerie feeling in my gut. If you would ask the stylist a question, she would answer. But when you entered no one greeted anyone, no one smiled, there was no small talk. There was no human interaction. There was no happiness.  There was nothing. It was clear the stylist was not interested in her clients personally and was all about the money exchange coming to her. When it was time for the client to pay, the stylist gave attention. Watching her made me feel sick to my stomach… like I was watching manipulative evil extortion in action. The decor was stark white and minimal – attractive but cold.  It was bizarre and felt like being on another planet and not earth.

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”Brock Adams – director of UN Health Organization.

Being in North Korea is not like visiting your grandmother’s…

At our house, my mother would pretty much allow us to have snacks when we wanted them. When visiting my grandmother’s, after the dinner dishes were done, she would proclaim, “The kitchen is closed for the night!”

After she was settled in her bedroom, we would quietly sneak down the stairs and into the kitchen  to make popcorn or to raid the frig. hoping and thinking that she didn’t hear us. When we came back up stairs, she would shout from her room, “You kids, better have left my kitchen spotless!” Which of course, we did. We disobeyed her ‘kitchen rule’ and had we not left the kitchen clean. What would she have done?  Probably told us that the next time we sneak into her kitchen to clean up after ourselves.  She would not have banned us from the kitchen and given us no food for the rest of our visit.  She wouldn’t have starved us for our childish disobedience or sentenced us to hard labor in her backyard.

In America, if a college student protests, tears down posters, banners or whatever, nothing  much if anything happens to them. But in Korea and other countries there are harsh punishments for things that are considered the norm  – are allowed or even are our rights in America.  In America, we are free! Inquisitive, rebellious college age young adults that commit acts of protest aren’t given corporal punishment. And if a crime is committed, we have the right to a fair trial.

Everyone who  visits a country, so very different from America needs to learn and be aware of their customs, rules and laws. Because extremely harsh penalties and  punishments are given for what we consider our rights in America. Some other countries treat human beings with no value and they have few if any rights …actually pretty much treat humans like dirt.

It’s horrendous what happened to the young college man, Otto Warmbier, in North Korea. It’s no telling the horrors that he endured being imprisoned there.  Bottom line, he was killed for taking a banner. This is a vile absurdity beyond our belief. And so is to be sentenced to 15 years hard labor for taking a banner.  Also, do we even really know for certain that he did take the banner?

College kids especially liberals /Dems/ progressives ‘snowflakes’ – need to wake-up and realize that other countries aren’t like America. They are free living in America and have rights here that they may not have elsewhere. They need to learn to appreciate where they live and to not take their rights for granted. We are not a dictatorship. Many countries in the rest of the world are under harsh regimes. It might be best for college kids and others to stay out of places such as this. For example, gays are thrown off buildings in Muslim countries, etc.

When anyone goes to another country, they need to learn and be very aware of their laws. Many places are not as accepting and tolerant as America. North Korea hates America. So this young man was a sitting duck to be targeted. Thank goodness that this young man was brought back to America but certainly not soon enough.

Kim Jung Un is a ruthless, evil, little dictator… And what would happen to me in North Korea if I said that there? I would be executed.

While in America, look at how our President is talked about and treated by the media and others with little recourse.

Freedom in America is something that should never be taken for granted . These protestors – libs/dems/progressive ‘snowflakes’ need to wake up to reality!

God bless America the home of the free and the brave!

About Abortion…

Why is abortion even a government issue? Shouldn’t this weighty and most serious decision be between a woman, her doctor, her family, those in her life that know the situation and her God?

I believe in a woman’s right to choose. As there are circumstances in her life and that of the unborn where an abortion may be the decision that she makes. But that is between her and her God and not the decision nor the business of the government.

I am not saying that abortion is the ‘right’ thing to do as it is not my place to do so and it is not the government’s either. It is deeply personal and a decision of seriousness that matches few others, as also is the decision to bring a child into this world.

When and how did abortions become such an ordinary decision to make? Was it Roe vs.Wade that did it? That government ruling that made it ‘okay’ to do this. But even the woman that forced the creation of this ruling has since changed her mind.

Today, promiscuity, pregnancy in young, and younger females and pregnancy in unmarried women is rampant. Children born out of wedlock and children who don’t even know who their fathers are is rampant. How did this get so out of whack? And to think that abortion is one of the government’s answers to this is disgusting. The government has no answer.The government needs to butt out.

When I was in highschool, I didn’t even know what an abortion was. Only the sleeziest of girls went ‘all the way’. I didn’t know, or ever even heard of a girl getting pregnant. If one did, it was hidden and taken care of by the family to an outcome that they alone reached and it was in private.

I didn’t have my first first ‘french kiss’ until the night of the prom. And the first man that I ‘went all the way’ with I married. And as an adult, I can look back and know that I missed nothing by not having sex at a young age. Thank God, I had a childhood. When I was a child, I was a child and when I was an adult, I delt with the adult issues of sexuality and even then they were sometimes very difficult.

When I was in college, a girlfriend from high school did get pregnant by her boyfriend and I was appalled to hear it. No one that I knew of got pregnant before getting married. This couple quickly got married because to have a child out of wedlock just wasn’t done. It was shameful to all concerned.

Later in my life, after a divorce, I got pregnant. The man and I were in love, but weren’t ready to get married. So, after much discussion, we opted for an abortion. It was the most difficult decision that I ever made and I changed my mind several times before actually having it. One of my thought processes in deciding to have an abortion was that it must be okay because others were doing it. There is a law that says it’s ‘okay’. So it must be okay. And this was BS!

But even though in my heart and soul, I knew it was wrong, I did it. I suffered emotionally for years because of that decision. The man and I married, but having made the abortion decision that we did, our relationships was harmed.

I feel that abortion is murder. I have prayed, asked for forgiveness and felt tormented for years… until I could finally put it into some sort of perspective. But I will never get over it and when I think of it, I feel like crying still to this day. And on my death bed, I will be asking for God’s forgiveness for this action.

But, I don’t want women that do decide to have an abortion to have to sneak into some back alley.. and have it done by some not so good doctor, or in less than sterile and safe circumstances.

But then, at the sametime to have an abortion carry some shame might curtail how many that have them, or even get pregnant in the first place. To have some shame associated with getting pregnant out of wedlock, and who practice promiscuity, might cut down on those participating in it, especially at ages where they have no real idea of how serious the repercussions are or will be in their lives.

How did we as a country become so lax and promiscuous?
Was it when the ‘government’ started paying for unwed mothers and their ‘issue’? Is this when so many decided that having a ‘government baby’ was the thing to do, or even a ‘lifestyle’ choice that was desirable? I find this despicable.

I was in my thirties when I had an abortion and even then I didn’t realize how deeply that I would be affected by this decision. So how in the world can a young person in highschool, or even younger know, or even have any idea of how important or profoundly deep a decision it is to have sex and to get pregnant? They can’t. They don’t!

In our current climate, sex, having babies and having abortions have become almost no big deal. And they are VERY BIG DEALS.

Sex creates human life. Human life is valuable. The most valuable thing that we have on this planet. Abortion is killing a growing human being.

There is nothing more serious, important or worthwhile. And the importance of this needs to be taught in the homes, schools and churches. A baby needs a home, two parents that love each other and that can provide for it and this will never change no matter now much BS, government propaganda, politically correct propaganda, Hollywood immorality, or anything else promotes otherwise.

It’s difficult enough when there are two grown-up parents to raise a child then to add other obstacles into the mix.
All this needs to be taught by example of how to live by adults and in the community.

The government needs to butt out of private decisions concerning a woman’s body.

And the government needs to butt out of all healthcare issues… this is between an individual, their physician, their family or clergy and not the government.

It’s about life. The most valuable, important, precious and profound thing on our planet.

Sexual pursuit, harassment, assault …

ann-smile4About twenty years ago, I was visiting a friend in Manhattan Beach. He was invited to a party at an actresses’ house in the ‘Hollywood area’ because of his business association with her. So, we  attended. I knew no one there, but apparently, I resembled some wife of a studio head so I was greeted as if many knew me or thought they did.  I was outside admiring the lagoon when a world famous, Hollywood elite – actually ‘acting royalty’ – as in from a  family acting dynasty, actor approached me. I had seen him in many movies and on TV and liked his acting.  He was friendly, talkative and began flirting with me. I knew from the tabloids that he was not divorced from his first wife, although they had been separated for years. He was seen dating many and was known to be a womanizer.  His flirtations to me were flattering – I guess. But I disengaged from him.  No way was I interested in dating a womanizer, still married actor. Yet, everywhere I went, he was close by watching me. Men, such as this, when they set their eyes on a target and are not successful, just keep at it. He approached me again and again. Gave me flattering compliments – asked if he could take me to dinner. To which, I responded, “You are still married. I don’t date married men.” To which, he stated, “But the divorce will be final soon.” I said. “Call me when it is” Then laughed and walked away. Clearly, being the top actor that he is, he was not used to being rejected. He touched my arms, tried to hold my hand, put his hand at my waist, like he was trying to appear as if we were a couple and I was his.  He leaned in as if to try and kiss me and I turned my head. He tried to corner me, by moving forward forcing me to step back against a wall, so he could have my full attention and be in control. I stepped away and disengaged.

My friend  and I left the party – going onto another. The next day, this actor called my friend inquiring about me. Asking if he and I were a couple, asking all sorts of questions about me. My friend told me that this actor was smitten with me and would fly to Dallas to take me out. To which I responded, “I do not date married men, no matter who they are!”

Get it ladies? You set the boundaries. You know when a man is leaning into kiss and you can easily step back or turn your head or talk loudly to embarrass him or even scream, ‘NO!’ So that others hear.

These stories I am hearing about Trump sound like bogus lies to me. All coming forth at this time, for political agenda. That one woman’s story of being on an airplane and saying Trump was all over her. I call BS! At his first attempt, all she needed do was say I am not interested and get up. Yet, she says something like if his hands had stayed above the waist, well, then she wouldn’t have been so upset. Really?  If any of this is true, it shows that she allowed him to touch her so he kept on. But I think this whole thing is a made up lie to correlate  with the leaked Billy Bush tape.  It’s a set up!

So what if Trump likes beautiful women and approaches them?!  It doesn’t mean he disrespects women but admires their beauty. And as far as him forcing a woman to do something she is not interested in – I doubt that very much.  

The above actor, I mentioned was an ambassador to some humanitarian political organization or some such. He is high profile. He is married again and has children in the home. How stupid and idiotic would it be if I came out and said what he did to me at a party? It would be incredibly inane.  He is a good actor and a fine person in most regards. He just pursues women that he finds attractive – SO WHAT!?

Sexual harassment and assault – I  have had this occur when I was asked to write a book with a man in the financial industry. He was married and lived in my neighborhood. I knew his family and was acquaintance-like friends with his wife. He came onto me verbally  during our book collaboration. I would ignore his stupid comments then finally it was too much when he grabbed the pearls   around my neck and pulled me to him. I pushed him away and left. Then I called him on the phone telling him that I would not do this project and to leave me alone. And at the time, I needed the money, he was paying me because I was going through a divorce. then I found out that he raped a woman in his office and that he had a history of this kind of behavior – as in other financial institutions that he worked for in his past had settled  with several women who made sexual harassment accusations against him.  I filed a lawsuit to break the contract between us and I did it immediately. I didn’t wait. I did it the very next day. He was very well-known in our area as am I. So it made the paper big time. It went to trial. He settled with me.  And during that time, they tried to say I was crazy and everything else to disparage me and it did not work. I was telling the truth and I prevailed. His wife divorced him.

I have been through enough things such as this to know what is real and what is BS. Men come onto women they find attractive and this is very different then sexual harassment or assault. Women set the boundaries. They say, ‘no”! Disengage or file a lawsuit immediately, if it really is sexual harassment or assault.  They do not wait 30 years and come out just before an election to whine and say he groped me or he ‘looked’ at me or whatever these bought and paid for accusers are doing.

About Trump looking at the women in the beauty pageants. At one time, Trump went on Howard Stern and he put it out there as he beat his male ego-driven chest about sex and women. At the time, he was not running for President … he was a novelty kind of reality show guy. Many years have passed. So again, I say so what?!

Do I like the way Howard Stern and others talk about women? No! It’s lame, immature and rank. Men like this have the need to beat their chest and say these things. It’s males being idiots!  Most men talk this way about women to one another, at times, bragging,  beating their chests as if to claim… ”  I am man hear me roar!” I say … who cares?! Be an idiot.

Wise women see right through what this is and disengage.  And men can grow up and change. SoTrump and Melania 2me don’t like Bill Clinton did not, but I believe Trump has. And also that most the women coming out with their stories and accusations just weeks before the election are bought and paid for, ‘you know what’s’ to do so. Otherwise, were it true and so traumatic, they would have dealt with it at the time as Clinton’s victims did to which Hillary further victimized them. 

Trump is my choice for President. I believe he, his knowledge and expertise are what America needs. Hillary’s  agenda along with all  lib/dem/progressive  is to lead us into the NWO under the rule of the UN. With this kind of duplcitious leadership – America will be no more.

I write about women respecting themselves and setting their boundaries.  Hillary Clinton/dems/libs/progressives respect no one but their agenda – especially women, blacks, minorities, etc. They use them for her cause and benefit which is for more power and wealth for the NWO and those who will benefit from America’s destruction.

Trump is going against their agenda so they are against him. Making America great is the exact opposite of what they want, no matter what they say. They are liars, crooks, progressive communists.


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Why does Hillary always have that smug smile plastered on her face…

hillary-smiling-2like she knows a secret or that she has already won the election? Because the corrupted progressive bought and paid for whore of the NWO media is protecting her with agenda-filled-propaganda to brainwash the masses.

They think if the say  something often enough that it will be believed. This is not journalism because most are completely biased and all they do is push the progressive agenda which is communism. They do not report facts. They put opinion, agenda and emotion into their words and this is not journalism.  It’s bought and paid for talking heads with agenda.

They repeat the same things until it’s obscene while leaving out real news. It’s slanted and done to imprint what they want on the minds of what they deem are the ignorant masses. But the deal is many of us see right though their agenda, turn it off, and demand that it stop.

Journalism is supposed to be without bias and agenda. Journalism is supposed to be our first line of defense against a corrupted government. Today Journalism is dead. It is of the corruption and something to fear, turn off and not to believe.

As well as most of the polls which are orchestrated, false and hyped to sway those that they can and  manipulate to think and to vote like the majority. Follow the group kind of mentality… sheep led to slaughter or…

You know about that nice NBC/WSJ “poll” that shows that Hillary is up 11, right?

Well, CTH deconstructed it.  It wasn’t very hard to do, and it showed the usual media bias in the sample, which is a problem standing alone.  But then we get into why the bias existed, and it’s not so simple as it first appears.

What CTH managed to find is that the organization that ran the poll is an organization run by a man who currently is a SuperPAC operator for PrioritiesUSA in support of Hillary Clinton, and was involved in a similar one for President Obama.

In other words the so-called “media poll” wasn’t actually run by NBC and the WSJ, it was run by a SuperPAC dedicated to Hillary’s election.

The reason for the intentional bias in the poll’s sample is now obvious — and ought to have been reason enough for both NBC and the Wall Street Journal to refuse to run it at all.

But it gets better — Hillary’s campaign paid this organization over $200,000 in September alone!

If you watched the second presidential debate, you witnessed Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper and their blatant attempts at skewing hard questions, avoiding policy discussions, and their flat out contempt for Donald Trump.

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell immediately took the screen on Fox Business Network’s Varney and Company (V&Co.) to expose the moderator’s slant as a recurring, predictable tactic of these so-called “journalists,” describing the debate as similar to “the vice presidential debate where the Republican was consistently challenged on his position while the Democrat was given a free pass.”

Moderators should never show bias.   Our media is corrupted.

clintonsClinton had an affair with an intern, fathered a baby (possibly more than one), abandoned him, accused of rape by more than one woman. Link about Clinton’s illegitimate son:

Had multiple affairs while married to Killery. Hillary defended a child rapist, harassed and slandered the women that Bill raped sexually harassed, and had affairs with, had people killed in Benghazi, deleted 33k emails on her private server,  created a vacuum for ISIS to  be created, armed ISIS, 6 billion dollars unaccounted for as Sec of State, runs a corrupt Clinton Foundation, stole money from Haiti. ( Bush Sr and Bill Clinton did the Haiti charity fund raising together, millions turns up missing) Calls law enforcement racist. Accepts money from countries with no rights for women and this is only the tip of it.

Trump said something 11 years ago in a private conversation (leaked by a relative of the Bush family) and  the media goes crazy.  Media hypocrisy is astounding!

“Without the media Hillary Clinton couldn’t be elected dog catcher”–Donald J. Trump

Obama-Lies-SCThe only way Obama was elected is because the bought and paid for progressive media whores created a rock star out of this inexperienced, without quality, teleprompter reader, traitor to America, community organizer who couldn’t run an ice cream stand and the dumbed-down- entertainment-tonight masses bought into it hook line and sinker. hillary-and-barackObama is a NWO puppet of the globalists just as Hillary is, along with all progressives and much of the media. If Hillary goes down so does Obama… so they are thick as thieves.  All in it together as they threaten, pay off, bribe or even kill anyone who gets in their way.

Their agenda is to lower the standard of living in the US as they use America as an income stream to the UN. Flood America with immigrants and refugees, have no borders, create chaos in US, then reorganize under the guise of ‘good’. But nothing about this is good for the US or any of her citizens.  It’s blatantly evil. Alinksy’s, Rules for Radicals, dedicated to Satan… 

hillary-smiling-3Their agenda is to  get rid
of borders as
Hillary stated very clearly in a leaked tape from one of her Wall Street speeches. She says one thing in private and quite another in public to get elected. Her public persona is false and her agenda is to lead America into the NWO under the rule of the UN.

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” Brock Adams – director of UN Health Organization…

Clinton’s plan for the future revolves around maintaining political power while working to create an “unaware” and “compliant” citizenry.

The same as Obama, Soros, Buffet, etc. and the  progressive propaganda media  are whores of this agenda.  Control the media, control their minds.

Low information voters, uneducated, ignorant. those dependant on the government are who the progressives/Clintons are after and appeal to, or those who want to make the world and all it’s resources its slave… those of the Satanic godless, immoral people.  It’s the educated those with higher IQ and independant, believers in God that stand with Trump.
Our media is a bought and paid  whore of the elite globalists that think they know better than us what is good for our lives. They want to control all of earth’s resources and only allow us what they deem necessary while they live large on what we produce.

In both the Democratic and Republican parties, all  progressive/communists are in on this. Progressive equals communism.|main5|dl3|sec1_lnk3&pLid=-1805529810_htmlws-main-bb 

Trump2This is why they are so against Trump and why progressives in the Republican party are also against him. He is not one of them and they know he will come in, expose them and tear their plans apart, putting them and their agenda out on the street.  He will strengthen our military so we won’t have to use it and pull wealth and jobs back into our country.

What these corrupted progressives are doing is trying to keep their cushy government positions and world-wide  investments while telling the public what to think and do, putting regulations and taxes on individuals and businesses so they themselves can gain more power and wealth. They think of the masses as their slaves. It’s Agenda 2030… their goal is to have it all in place by then.

Trump’s goal is to make America strong, solid and great again and this goes against their plans for our weakening and ultimately our destruction.

With Trump we can hold onto our American Sovereignty. With Hillary America will be sold to the highest bidder and enslaved to the NWO under the rule of the UN.

Along with the corrupted media we, also have voter fraud…. the only way lying puppet cons like Obama and Hillary can win…

As Leviathan spins the web of fog to blind  people to the truth   Good is seen as bad,  bad is seen as good, truth is seen as lie,  lie is seen as truth, because that is the way and agenda of Satan’s destruction.

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NWO under rule of UN or keep America’s sovereignty as a free country?

Hillary+Clinton+caricature+webTrump or Clinton… ? Agenda 2030 or America’s freedom?
Enslavement to NWO under rule of UN or America’s sovereignty? Trump and Melania 2
“Today, evidence came to light with regard to unbelievable elements of the immunity deals between the FBI and Hillary Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson. Two elements stand out immediately.
(1) Both Mills and Samuelson’s lawyer negotiated the destruction of laptop computers for both  aides, thus destroying ANY chance of procuring possible information  detrimental to Hillary with regard to her no infamous email server.
(2) The FBI agreed to search NO information after Jan. 31, 2015, thus eroding  ANY possibility of securing information that may reveal attempts by the  former Sec. of State to obstruct justice.

Unbelievable doesn’t begin to describe the way this smells. It appears  that the more one digs into Hillary’s practices while head of the State  Department, the more one is overwhelmed by the indescribable stench. “To  high heaven” is how offensive the smell is!!!

Of course, the question that begs to be addressed and answered is “Why  would the FBI agrees to such glaringly inappropriate, highly questionable, traitorous, potentially campaign ending terms? The ONLY answer that I can  come up with is that the FBI is a complicit agency with her completely  illegal activities.
So, the absolute necessity of insuring that she is NEVER elected to the  highest office in the land is once again underscored. The corruption that  already exists, and that will be escalated exponentially, if she gains the  White House, is beyond belief.

Couple these most recent revelations with the phenomenal town hall that  Donald Trump did in Herndon, VA today (a question and answer session with  retired, and concerned, decorated generals, admirals, colonels, etc.), and  the answers to your voting questions should be abundantly clear. The blatant, arrogant, incessantly deceptive, diabolical, lifestyle that  is Hillary (and Bill) Clinton defies one’s ability to comprehend. These  two people are beyond conscienceless! The have to meet the Biblical
characteristic of having consciences “seared with a hot iron.” They FEEL  nothing traditionally. They SEE nothing normally. They DO nothing from a  standpoint of having core values.

No, these people have deeply rooted issues the depths of which cannot be  plummeted by the normal, questioning individual. “Pure evil” is the phrase  that my brother uses to describe them.
So, with 36 days to go till “Election Day,” it is imperative that you do
your homework, diligently seeking the mind of God, and asking, Which of  these two candidates will allow me to live my values, without working  tirelessly to undo my First Amendment rights? Which of these candidates  will communicate honestly with me and not sell my nation to the highest  bidder? Which of these candidates even remotely cares about the nation and  it’s people? Which candidate will support our greatest ally, Israel, and
not work to throw them under the Islamic bus? Which candidate speaks with  great affection about defending Christian’s rights to be involved in the  electoral process–even repeatedly stating that he wants to remove the  notorious “Johnson Amendment” of the IRS tax code? Which candidate  endorses the Biblical concept of “nationalism” rather than the anti-Christ  concept of “globalism?”

The answer to these questions (and a host of other that could be asked)  should clearly lead you to a definitive conclusion. And, for what it’s  worth, a non-vote IS a vote–one that will, without doubt, allow for the  election of a completely desensitized, gratingly unattractive, deceptively  evil, and possibly murderous individual.”
Dave Kistler
President, HOPE Ministries International/HOPE To The Hill
President, North Carolina Pastors Network (NCPN)

TrumpTrump is America’s only chance to keep her sovereignty and not be sold out to the globalists, inserted into the NWO under the rule of the UN.

Butcher of Benghazi…

Hillary lies 2Hillary Clinton has made clear she intends to dramatically raise taxes on the American people if elected. She has proposed an income tax increase, a business tax increase, a death tax increase, a capital gains tax increase, a tax on stock trading, an “Exit Tax” and more (see below). Her planned net tax increase on the American people is at least $1 trillion over ten years, based on her campaign’s own figures.

Hillary has endorsed several tax increases on middle income Americans, despite her pledge not to raise taxes on any American making less than $250,000. She has said she would be fine with a payroll tax hike on all Americans, she has endorsed a steep soda tax, endorsed a 25% national gun tax, and most recently, her campaign manager John Podesta said she would be open to a carbon tax. It’s no wonder that when asked by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos if her pledge was a “rock-solid” promise, she slipped and said the pledge was merely a “goal.” In other words, she’s going to raise taxes on middle income Americans.

Hillary+Clinton+caricature+webHillary’s formally proposed $1 trillion net tax increase consists of the following:

Income Tax Increase – $350 Billion: Clinton has proposed a $350 billion income tax hike in the form of a 28 percent cap on itemized deductions.

Business Tax Increase — $275 Billion: Clinton has called for a tax hike of at least $275 billion through undefined business tax reform, as described in a Clinton campaign document.

“Fairness” Tax Increase — $400 Billion: According to her published plan, Clinton has called for a tax increase of “between $400 and $500 billion” by “restoring basic fairness to our tax code.” These proposals include a “fair share surcharge,” the taxing of carried interest capital gains as ordinary income, and a hike in the Death Tax.

But there are even more Clinton tax hike proposals not included in the tally above. Her campaign has failed to release specific details for many of her proposals. The true Clinton net tax hike figure is likely much higher than $1 trillion.

For instance:

Capital Gains Tax Increase — Clinton has proposed an increase in the capital gains tax to counter the “tyranny of today’s earnings report.” Her plan calls for a byzantine capital gains tax regime with six rates. Her campaign has not put a dollar amount on this tax increase.

Tax on Stock Trading — Clinton has proposed a new tax on stock trading. Costs associated with this new tax will be borne by millions of American families that hold 401(k)s, IRAs and other savings accounts. The tax increase would only further burden markets by discouraging trading and investment. Again, no dollar figure for this tax hike has been released by the Clinton campaign.

“Exit Tax” – Rather than reduce the extremely high, uncompetitive corporate tax rate, Clinton has proposed a series of measures aimed at inversions including an “exit tax” on income earned overseas. The term “exit tax” is used by the campaign itself. Her campaign document describing this proposal says it will raise $80 billion in tax revenue, but claims some of the $80 billion will be plowed into tax relief. How much? The campaign doesn’t say.

This proposal completely fails to address the underlying causes behind inversions: The U.S. 39% corporate tax rate (35% federal rate plus an average state rate of 4%) and our “worldwide” system of taxation, which imposes tax on all American earnings worldwide. The average corporate rate in the developed world is 25%. Thirty-one of thirty-four developed countries have cut their corporate tax rate since 2000. The U.S. has not. Hillary’s plan moves in the wrong direction.

ATR is tracking Clinton’s full tax record at its dedicated website,

See also: “Everyman” Tim Kaine Tried to Raise Taxes on Adult Beverages

Hillary Opens the Door to a Carbon Tax

Hillary’s Soda Tax Endorsement Violates Middle Class Tax Pledge

Video Shows Hillary’s 25% Gun Tax Endorsement

Democrat Platform Calls for Carbon Tax

Tim Kaine Pushed Income Tax Hikes on Working Families Making As Little as $17,000

 Anyone who votes Democratic/progressive/communist is voting against self, their quality of life, their family, the future of their children and freedom. They are voting for their demise and that of America.

Abused by a man on FB, then abused by FB…

headshot60A man sent me an email full of vile words when I rejected his advances to me. I reported the abusive email to FB and, of course, they did nothing. I blocked the man.

I also contacted the local authorities and sent them a copy of the email thread. I then posted the email thread on my FB page to warn and alert others to this man’s behavior.

The post got over 50 responses and all agreed that the man is nuts and dangerous for what he wrote to me.

CensorshipThen a few days later, FB bans me for 30 days for the post.  FB is continually standing with abusers, terrorists, etc. and they ban conservatives for nothing, while allowing liberals/progressives/Muslims and others to spew all sorts of evil.

I have tried to contact FB repeatedly and they do not respond.

When you report abuse, they do not respond orthen haven’t to me and I have heard other people saying the same things about FB. But they will ban a Conservative for doing nothing.

Here is the thread:

“I am posting an message thread from a classic abusive man.. 
I post pics for fun and there is never any real nudity.. I post pics of me having wine with dinner.. I have a wine business.. that does not mean that I drink all that much.. I have very high morals and standards and this is what I get from a man on FB who comes onto me and I rebuke him…
Chuck Sheehan

any friend of ARCHIE’s is a friend of mine —— not to mention I think you are GORGEOUS!!!!!! Be my VALENTINE Ayn —-xoxoxoxoxoxo

Chuck Sheehan
Hi there GORGEOUS WOMAN!!!! xoxoxoxo
Chuck Sheehan
Chuck Sheehan
that pic of you on stairs in just the shirt—showing that pretty sexy bra and almost your tight little muff——– you are quite the naughty TEASE —and I love it !!!! You live in Texas ??? For some reason I thought you lived near me here in Juno Beach, Florida ????????
Ayn Dillard
Ayn Dillard
Thank you but I do not like the familiar verbiage you are using.. you can’t see a thing ..
Chuck Sheehan
Chuck Sheehan
that’s typical! I love how you post many pictures where you are showing yourself like a cheap whore slut yourself—and then if a male makes a comment agreeing with what you did YOURSELF —you go all fucking BIPOLAR passive-agressive and say idiot shit like this: “I don’t like your verbiage”—!!! What a typical spoiled asshole little arrogant CUNT you really are!!! No wonder you are miserable and cannot stay in a healthy fucking ralationship and are alone!!! You’re mentally SICK cunt. But again—-it’s all my “fault” after YOU yourself post many many suggestive and horny pictures of you looking like a fucking WHORE —-and making tons of posts suggesting the same including that website–“EXPLODING WOMEN”!! WHAT A TYPICAL STUPID FUCKING HYPOCRITICAL CUNT!!!!!!

This man is still harassing me… I blocked him and he must’ve opened another profile on FB…  and FB does nothing…


Chuck Sheehan commented on your photo.
Chuck Sheehan
July 26 at 11:35am
 I think FB should be banned from the Internet and prosecuted for aiding and abetting harm to others while censoring the good and those trying to protect themselves and who expose the abuse and abusers.
FB continually censors Conservatives to promote their liberal/progressive agenda.
Look to the left and click to follow…