CULTURE CRISIS 2016 by William Been August 8th, 2016.
Under the protective umbrella provided by the Democrat Party, the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical Islamist groups have been allowed to quietly infiltrate and operate openly within America while those responsible for national security have offered no significant resistance. Donald Trump has ripped the mask of silence away as he has stood alone warning the American people of the threats associated with the mass migration of Syrian Muslims into many American cities.
In addition, when Hillary Clinton and the Democrats shamelessly used the death 12 years ago of a Muslim as a self-serving political attack on Mr. Trump, the secrecy surrounding the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration was finally revealed to millions of Americans. Numerous reports followed the Khzir Kahn statements revealing his links to Sharia Law and the philosophic beliefs of the Muslim Brotherhood. In addition, the family of Hillary Clinton’s confidante and assistant Huma Abedin was once again shown to be a significant part of the highest levels of the Brotherhood.
The American people now have visibility of the Muslim Brotherhood and their stated intent to rule the world either by infiltration or by force. By taking his stand concerning the threat of Radical Islamist Terrorists, Mr. Trump has given the American people one last chance to save America from the disastrous cultural attacks being experienced throughout Europe. Four more years of Clinton-Obama will be irreversible.
Many of us have been greatly concerned about Radical Islamic Terrorism and the destruction of cultures and countries throughout Europe and Africa. However, with both political parties pretending Islam is the religion of peace and the Obama Administration actively advocating for Open Borders and increased migration from Islamic countries, there has been nothing but ridicule for any Americans who have voiced concern.
Many will not believe and will ignore what is presented in the balance of this article. It is a long article but, hopefully, it will be worth your time.
The election of Donald Trump is not only the most important of our lifetime but also the last opportunity to stop the continuing destruction of American greatness by anti-American Progressivism.
In the past few days, we have witnessed the most decadent behavior on the part of the Democrat Party, Hillary Clinton, and her Mainstream Media allies. These anti-Americans who readily support the culture war described by the Clintons and led by Barack Obama during the past seven years will literally do anything to codify their transformational culture in any fashion possible. Effectively, their culture war strategy follows the Alinsky tactics that both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have studied and adopted.
Under the protective umbrella of Barack Obama, the Muslim Brotherhood has made tremendous progress following Muslim aggression tactics including immigration, migration, and refugee policy. In addition, the election of Barack Obama has allowed the infiltration of Muslim Brotherhood supporters into the highest levels of United States government.
It is now clear that the Clinton culture war and the Obama transformation are the same with both facilitating and sympathizing with the objectives of the Muslim Brotherhood.
All of the above plus much more has occurred with rare resistance from the Republican Party. In fact, there has been no organized resistance with only sporadic efforts made by Congressman King from New York and Michele Bachmann. Both were attacked viciously as Islamophobes, bigots, and any other demeaning name by the leftist Democrats and, of even greater importance, by some of their Republican allies in congress. Both Bachmann and King were effectively ostracized by the Washington Establishment and the march toward an Islamic state continued.
Consider the following:
- Barack Obama objected to being called Barack Hussein Obama prior to 2008 election

- Barack Obama said America not a Christian nation
- Barack Obama and Hillary promote overthrow of sectarian governments in Libya and Egypt
- Barack Obama and Hillary instrumental in establishing Morsy, known Muslim Brotherhood
- Hillary assistant Abedin part of high level Muslim Brotherhood family
- Obama Administration staffed with Muslim Brotherhood supporters or members
- Barack Obama gives Iran path to nuclear weapons
- Barack Obama allows Iraq to fall into chaos with ISIS prevailing
- Barack Obama erases his own red line allowing ISIS to flourish in Syria
When June of 2015 arrived, the American public was blissfully ignoring all of the above. The Republican congress was preoccupied with showing the American people that they can reach across the aisle. They reached across approving the national debt up to the $20 trillion level. They merely grumble about sanctuary cities. They accomplish nothing concerning immigration or border control. They ignore Fast & Furious. They do nothing about Benghazi. They do nothing about the fall of Iraq. They do nothing about Syria. They do nothing about the IRS scandal. And, of greatest importance, they do nothing and say nothing about the near total breakdown concerning the vetting of refugees, dominantly Muslim, from Syria and various other Muslim nations where the Rule of Law no longer prevails.
Then, one American arrived on the scene who had been watching the systematic destruction of the America that he loved. He was not a political hack. He was not bought by $15 million donors. He was not a politician. He was a businessman and an entertainer. He vowed to close the borders, to restore our national security, and to make America great again. He subsequently read the lyrics of a song named ‘The Snake’ which indicated clearly that he knew what the radical Muslims were doing. He then stood openly against the Obama Iran giveaway. He then stated that we should stop accepting Muslim refugees until we can find out what is going on. He was the only leader, the only Republican, and literally the only American that has the strength of character and courage to confront the most significant threat that the America homeland has faced in its short history.
His name is Donald Trump. He must be our next President or subsequent generations of America will most probably live under the heavy hand of Radical Islamists led by the Muslim Brotherhood who profess the following:
“Commitment to the Quranic concept of Geography: The land belongs to Allah, his religion is Islam, and every country is already in the House of Islam—now in the present time—since they will be in the House of Islam by force in the future. The whole of humanity is a Muslim Nation: it is either ‘the religion of the nation’ which has embraced this religion [Islam], or a ‘proselyte nation’ we are obliged to conquer.”(Alwani, The Jurisprudence of Muslim Minority Affairs. No. 7, translated from Arabic by
All of the above seems so obvious and so ominous. It is difficult to understand how any patriotic America fails to stand in resistance to anything and everything that would further the Muslim Brotherhood agenda. Yet, the Democrat Party argues whether God should be part of their activities and blocks God from their platform and is actively harboring the Muslim Brotherhood. In addition, Muslim reformers are denied a voice in Washington by the Administration including Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump provides access to reformers who truly promote Islam as a peaceful religion as he has vowed to seek an understanding as to what is going on.
Even worse, Hillary Clinton and the national Democrats are so deeply ingrained within the Muslim Brotherhood that traditional American values are totally missing from their politics and their actions. Honesty, like “Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness” has been totally abandoned by Hillary Clinton as is so visibly obvious in so many different respects including emails and Benghazi families. Of all values, honesty is the most basic and the most important in any relationship whether governmental or otherwise. Without honesty, confusion will reign and decision making will, by definition, be negatively impacted.
On July 27, Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party allowed someone named Khizr Kahn to represent the Muslim Brotherhood with what appeared to be an unprovoked attack on the compassion and character of Donald Trump. It is now clear that fears for Mr. Trump, or any other Republican who will stand courageously opposing further Muslim aggression, will be denigrated and attacked using any vulgar and disgusting approach at their disposal.
My father was KIA in Germany on March 7, 1945. The use of a deceased war hero from any religion or group for political purposes is the most disgusting and repulsive action imaginable. Equally repulsive and inappropriate is for surviving family members of a war hero to use the loss of that family member in a blatantly obvious political fashion. 4
After Mr. Kahn misrepresented the Constitution, it has also now surfaced that he may have had a self-serving profit motive derived from legal immigration involving wealthy or connected Muslims. With the Kahn linkages to the Muslim Brotherhood documented by Walid Shoebat, it is now clear that the Democrats, the Clintons, and the Muslim Brotherhood will now convert this election campaign into the Clintons’ Second Culture War. It appears that the Clintons and their allies are willing to sacrifice American heritage and traditions to establish a permanent Democrat government including or subservient to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Personally, I believe Mr. Trump knew that Kahn was acting in a self serving fashion to gain personal wealth and as a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer. Kahn’s success in both endeavors is directly dependent upon the election of Hillary Clinton. When Kahn’s Muslim Brotherhood ties and his business involvement seeking Muslim immigration became known, he quickly dismantled his website in an attempt to hide his pedigree. It became clear that he was not speaking to honor his son, but rather was there to use his son’s demise to further his own financial wealth which, by definition, is dependent upon Hillary Clinton being elected and Donald Trump being defeated in November.
Donald Trump will close the borders. Donald Trump will stop Muslim immigration unless properly vetted and understood. Donald Trump will build that wall. Donald Trump will stand courageously supporting those American traditions and values that patriotic Americans hold dear, under God, and indivisible.
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