Tag Archives: Trump

Globalists- NWO – UN – many in our Government ….

and media around the world  who are aligned with this manipulative, corrupt, evil, ‘destroy America’ movement  are the biggest racists that exist. They  want to rule over the  world with all others beneath them in servitude; as in Al Gore, Soros, Clintons, Buffet, Obamas, Gates, Zuckerberg, Pelosi, Rothchilds, some of the Bushes, etc. – to name a very few. Their goals are to control all the world’s resources and assets, including all property rights. They want to weaken America  and take us down to insert us into the NWO under the rule of the UN. Under this rule, the masses will have no freedom.  It will be an illusion of ‘being taken care of’. All will be ‘considered equal’ according to the edit of the few who rule over the masses. So what better way to do this than to flood America with illegals, refugees and others that don’t want to assimilate, but instead want to drain, destroy, change, rule over and conquer the USA.  

President Trump is trying to expose and to  bust this up. This group of  self- anointed  elitists are greatly threatened and in fear of him and what he is doing as it goes against their destructive evil agenda for America.  While they appear that they wanted ‘equality’ for all – this is only a facade – what they want is control. That is why they are after Trump so intensely. He is exposing them and will continue to do so. He sees right through them and has for years. If you listen to his interviews, from decades ago, he even says so then and that he knows their agenda.

Only the ignorant are buying into the chaos and division that ‘they’ are instigating, triggering and promoting concerning race, etc. Tearing down statues and monuments is destroying our history. History is ‘what it is’ – it can’t be changed and it is to be learned from. To tear down, destroy, hide  or try to recreate history is control for agenda and of evil.

‘They’ own most the media. So ‘they’ imprint in the minds of fools that which they want them to believe. They know most of the populous will believe what they are told because they don’t/won’t/can’t think for themselves and are easily brainwashed to believe that these manipulative elitists care about them and their miserable lives. ‘They’ think as advertisers do – repeat the promo – the lie – promote – repeat – promote –  continuously repeat –  and  the masses will believe what they are told to believe and buy what they are told to buy.

They want the American people weak and fighting one another. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

They want the government to replace God…. they want the world broken, fractured, fragmented, perverted, confused and under their Satanic-based control.

Cut to the chase – we are on the planet of dualities – good versus evil.

Evil hates the good, just for their being the good . Therefore, Leviathan fog is spread over all communication and  used for manipulation, control and corruption.

Their weakness is their arrogance – that no one can see what they are doing and that they ‘think’ in their distortion that  ‘they’ are all powerful. Just like Satan thought he was better and more powerful than God.  So God – ‘good’ – threw evil out of Heaven and  down to earth.

Evil is not more powerful than good.

God is freewill. Evil is about control…

What you do is more important than what you say…

ann-smile4Words are meaningless without intent and follow-through.

All talk and no action is empty rhetoric.

“I never worry about action, but only about inaction.” Winston Churchill

Most politicians are all talk and no action…

In the real world only sociopaths, psychopaths, scammers, liars, cons etc. are all talk with no action.  All talk and no action is the first sign of a con.

In the real world, people must follow their words with action, they must follow through or they will  lose face, people won’t trust them and, in general, they just plain eventually lose.  They get found out for what the are and others turn from them.
The government is one of the places where people that are all talk and no action are rewarded.
When the government is supposed to be by the people and for the people, what it’s become is for the government, for the benefit of the government and screw the people. People don’t matter as long as, we,  the government, can keep sucking from and off them to keep us in their money. So why do we keep electing politicians that don’t put action with their words? Or who even do the opposite of what their words convey.
In the real world, all trust is lost in someone who lies, or talks with no action. For some in the government, it appears the people keep on trusting and that is what the government is counting on, that the people keep on trusting their words with no action or their opposite action and the stupid, unaware, ill-informed people do. Look at the c Clinton and Obama cons.
Hopefully President Trump will change all that…

Why does Hillary always have that smug smile plastered on her face…

hillary-smiling-2like she knows a secret or that she has already won the election? Because the corrupted progressive bought and paid for whore of the NWO media is protecting her with agenda-filled-propaganda to brainwash the masses.

They think if the say  something often enough that it will be believed. This is not journalism because most are completely biased and all they do is push the progressive agenda which is communism. They do not report facts. They put opinion, agenda and emotion into their words and this is not journalism.  It’s bought and paid for talking heads with agenda.

They repeat the same things until it’s obscene while leaving out real news. It’s slanted and done to imprint what they want on the minds of what they deem are the ignorant masses. But the deal is many of us see right though their agenda, turn it off, and demand that it stop.

Journalism is supposed to be without bias and agenda. Journalism is supposed to be our first line of defense against a corrupted government. Today Journalism is dead. It is of the corruption and something to fear, turn off and not to believe.

As well as most of the polls which are orchestrated, false and hyped to sway those that they can and  manipulate to think and to vote like the majority. Follow the group kind of mentality… sheep led to slaughter or…

You know about that nice NBC/WSJ “poll” that shows that Hillary is up 11, right?

Well, CTH deconstructed it.  It wasn’t very hard to do, and it showed the usual media bias in the sample, which is a problem standing alone.  But then we get into why the bias existed, and it’s not so simple as it first appears.

What CTH managed to find is that the organization that ran the poll is an organization run by a man who currently is a SuperPAC operator for PrioritiesUSA in support of Hillary Clinton, and was involved in a similar one for President Obama.

In other words the so-called “media poll” wasn’t actually run by NBC and the WSJ, it was run by a SuperPAC dedicated to Hillary’s election.

The reason for the intentional bias in the poll’s sample is now obvious — and ought to have been reason enough for both NBC and the Wall Street Journal to refuse to run it at all.

But it gets better — Hillary’s campaign paid this organization over $200,000 in September alone!

If you watched the second presidential debate, you witnessed Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper and their blatant attempts at skewing hard questions, avoiding policy discussions, and their flat out contempt for Donald Trump.

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell immediately took the screen on Fox Business Network’s Varney and Company (V&Co.) to expose the moderator’s slant as a recurring, predictable tactic of these so-called “journalists,” describing the debate as similar to “the vice presidential debate where the Republican was consistently challenged on his position while the Democrat was given a free pass.”

Moderators should never show bias.   Our media is corrupted.

clintonsClinton had an affair with an intern, fathered a baby (possibly more than one), abandoned him, accused of rape by more than one woman. Link about Clinton’s illegitimate son:  http://www.snopes.com/bill-clinton-illegitimate-son/

Had multiple affairs while married to Killery. Hillary defended a child rapist, harassed and slandered the women that Bill raped sexually harassed, and had affairs with, had people killed in Benghazi, deleted 33k emails on her private server,  created a vacuum for ISIS to  be created, armed ISIS, 6 billion dollars unaccounted for as Sec of State, runs a corrupt Clinton Foundation, stole money from Haiti. ( Bush Sr and Bill Clinton did the Haiti charity fund raising together, millions turns up missing) Calls law enforcement racist. Accepts money from countries with no rights for women and this is only the tip of it.

Trump said something 11 years ago in a private conversation (leaked by a relative of the Bush family) and  the media goes crazy.  Media hypocrisy is astounding!

“Without the media Hillary Clinton couldn’t be elected dog catcher”–Donald J. Trump

Obama-Lies-SCThe only way Obama was elected is because the bought and paid for progressive media whores created a rock star out of this inexperienced, without quality, teleprompter reader, traitor to America, community organizer who couldn’t run an ice cream stand and the dumbed-down- entertainment-tonight masses bought into it hook line and sinker. hillary-and-barackObama is a NWO puppet of the globalists just as Hillary is, along with all progressives and much of the media. If Hillary goes down so does Obama… so they are thick as thieves.  All in it together as they threaten, pay off, bribe or even kill anyone who gets in their way.

Their agenda is to lower the standard of living in the US as they use America as an income stream to the UN. Flood America with immigrants and refugees, have no borders, create chaos in US, then reorganize under the guise of ‘good’. But nothing about this is good for the US or any of her citizens.  It’s blatantly evil. Alinksy’s, Rules for Radicals, dedicated to Satan… 

hillary-smiling-3Their agenda is to  get rid
of borders as
Hillary stated very clearly in a leaked tape from one of her Wall Street speeches. She says one thing in private and quite another in public to get elected. Her public persona is false and her agenda is to lead America into the NWO under the rule of the UN.

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” Brock Adams – director of UN Health Organization…

Clinton’s plan for the future revolves around maintaining political power while working to create an “unaware” and “compliant” citizenry.

The same as Obama, Soros, Buffet, etc. and the  progressive propaganda media  are whores of this agenda.  Control the media, control their minds.

Low information voters, uneducated, ignorant. those dependant on the government are who the progressives/Clintons are after and appeal to, or those who want to make the world and all it’s resources its slave… those of the Satanic godless, immoral people.  It’s the educated those with higher IQ and independant, believers in God that stand with Trump.
Our media is a bought and paid  whore of the elite globalists that think they know better than us what is good for our lives. They want to control all of earth’s resources and only allow us what they deem necessary while they live large on what we produce.

In both the Democratic and Republican parties, all  progressive/communists are in on this. Progressive equals communism. 


Trump2This is why they are so against Trump and why progressives in the Republican party are also against him. He is not one of them and they know he will come in, expose them and tear their plans apart, putting them and their agenda out on the street.  He will strengthen our military so we won’t have to use it and pull wealth and jobs back into our country.

What these corrupted progressives are doing is trying to keep their cushy government positions and world-wide  investments while telling the public what to think and do, putting regulations and taxes on individuals and businesses so they themselves can gain more power and wealth. They think of the masses as their slaves. It’s Agenda 2030… their goal is to have it all in place by then.

Trump’s goal is to make America strong, solid and great again and this goes against their plans for our weakening and ultimately our destruction.

With Trump we can hold onto our American Sovereignty. With Hillary America will be sold to the highest bidder and enslaved to the NWO under the rule of the UN.

Along with the corrupted media we, also have voter fraud…. the only way lying puppet cons like Obama and Hillary can win…

As Leviathan spins the web of fog to blind  people to the truth   Good is seen as bad,  bad is seen as good, truth is seen as lie,  lie is seen as truth, because that is the way and agenda of Satan’s destruction.

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Why Trump and not Hillary, Muslim infiltration…

CULTURE CRISIS 2016 by William Been August 8th, 2016.



Under the protective umbrella provided by the Democrat Party, the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical Islamist groups have been allowed to quietly infiltrate and operate openly within America while those responsible for national security have offered no significant resistance. Donald Trump has ripped the mask of silence away as he has stood alone warning the American people of the threats associated with the mass migration of Syrian Muslims into many American cities.

Hillary+Clinton+caricature+webIn addition, when Hillary Clinton and the Democrats shamelessly used the death 12 years ago of a Muslim as a self-serving political attack on Mr. Trump, the secrecy surrounding the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration was finally revealed to millions of Americans. Numerous reports followed the Khzir Kahn statements revealing his links to Sharia Law and the philosophic beliefs of the Muslim Brotherhood. In addition, the family of Hillary Clinton’s confidante and assistant Huma Abedin was once again shown to be a significant part of the highest levels of the Brotherhood.

Islam5The American people now have visibility of the Muslim Brotherhood and their stated intent to rule the world either by infiltration or by force. By taking his stand concerning the threat of Radical Islamist Terrorists, Mr. Trump has given the American people one last chance to save America from the disastrous cultural attacks being experienced throughout Europe. Four more years of Clinton-Obama will be irreversible.

GodAllahMany of us have been greatly concerned about Radical Islamic Terrorism and the destruction of cultures and countries throughout Europe and Africa. However, with both political parties pretending Islam is the religion of peace and the Obama Administration actively advocating for Open Borders and increased migration from Islamic countries, there has been nothing but ridicule for any Americans who have voiced concern.

Many will not believe and will ignore what is presented in the balance of this article. It is a long article but, hopefully, it will be worth your time.

Trump2The election of Donald Trump is not only the most important of our lifetime but also the last opportunity to stop the continuing destruction of American greatness by anti-American Progressivism.

In the past few days, we have witnessed the most decadent behavior on the part of the Democrat Party, Hillary Clinton, and her Mainstream Media allies. These anti-Americans who readily support the culture war described by the Clintons and led by Barack Obama during the past seven years will literally do anything to codify their transformational culture in any fashion possible. Effectively, their culture war strategy follows the Alinsky tactics that both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have studied and adopted.

MuslimsUnder the protective umbrella of Barack Obama, the Muslim Brotherhood has made tremendous progress following Muslim aggression tactics including immigration, migration, and refugee policy. In addition, the election of Barack Obama has allowed the infiltration of Muslim Brotherhood supporters into the highest levels of United States government.

It is now clear that the Clinton culture war and the Obama transformation are the same with both facilitating and sympathizing with the objectives of the Muslim Brotherhood.

All of the above plus much more has occurred with rare resistance from the Republican Party. In fact, there has been no organized resistance with only sporadic efforts made by Congressman King from New York and Michele Bachmann. Both were attacked viciously as Islamophobes, bigots, and any other demeaning name by the leftist Democrats and, of even greater importance, by some of their Republican allies in congress. Both Bachmann and King were effectively ostracized by the Washington Establishment and the march toward an Islamic state continued.

Consider the following:

  •   Barack Obama objected to being called Barack Hussein Obama prior to 2008 election Barack
  •  Barack Obama said America not a Christian nation
  •   Barack Obama and Hillary promote overthrow of sectarian governments in Libya and Egypt
  • Barack Obama and Hillary instrumental in establishing Morsy, known Muslim Brotherhood
  •  Hillary assistant Abedin part of high level Muslim Brotherhood family
  •   Obama Administration staffed with Muslim Brotherhood supporters or members
  •   Barack Obama gives Iran path to nuclear weapons
  •   Barack Obama allows Iraq to fall into chaos with ISIS prevailing
  • Barack Obama erases his own red line allowing ISIS to flourish in Syria

When June of 2015 arrived, the American public was blissfully ignoring all of the above. The Republican congress was preoccupied with showing the American people that they can reach across the aisle. They reached across approving the national debt up to the $20 trillion level. They merely grumble about sanctuary cities. They accomplish nothing concerning immigration or border control. They ignore Fast & Furious. They do nothing about Benghazi. They do nothing about the fall of Iraq. They do nothing about Syria. They do nothing about the IRS scandal. And, of greatest importance, they do nothing and say nothing about the near total breakdown concerning the vetting of refugees, dominantly Muslim, from Syria and various other Muslim nations where the Rule of Law no longer prevails.

TrumpThen, one American arrived on the scene who had been watching the systematic destruction of the America that he loved. He was not a political hack. He was not bought by $15 million donors. He was not a politician. He was a businessman and an entertainer. He vowed to close the borders, to restore our national security, and to make America great again. He subsequently read the lyrics of a song named ‘The Snake’ which indicated clearly that he knew what the radical Muslims were doing. He then stood openly against the Obama Iran giveaway. He then stated that we should stop accepting Muslim refugees until we can find out what is going on. He was the only leader, the only Republican, and literally the only American that has the strength of character and courage to confront the most significant threat that the America homeland has faced in its short history.

Trump and MelaniaHis name is Donald Trump. He must be our next President or subsequent generations of America will most probably live under the heavy hand of Radical Islamists led by the Muslim Brotherhood who profess the following:

ATT00001“Commitment to the Quranic concept of Geography: The land belongs to Allah, his religion is Islam, and every country is already in the House of Islam—now in the present time—since they will be in the House of Islam by force in the future. The whole of humanity is a Muslim Nation: it is either ‘the religion of the nation’ which has embraced this religion [Islam], or a ‘proselyte nation’ we are obliged to conquer.”(Alwani, The Jurisprudence of Muslim Minority Affairs. No. 7, translated from Arabic by Shoebat.com)

CpV7ockVUAAQtk9All of the above seems so obvious and so ominous. It is difficult to understand how any patriotic America fails to stand in resistance to anything and everything that would further the Muslim Brotherhood agenda. Yet, the Democrat Party argues whether God should be part of their activities and blocks God from their platform and is actively harboring the Muslim Brotherhood. In addition, Muslim reformers are denied a voice in Washington by the Administration including Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump provides access to reformers who truly promote Islam as a peaceful religion as he has vowed to seek an understanding as to what is going on.

Moozies1Even worse, Hillary Clinton and the national Democrats are so deeply ingrained within the Muslim Brotherhood that traditional American values are totally missing from their politics and their actions. Honesty, like “Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness” has been totally abandoned by Hillary Clinton as is so visibly obvious in so many different respects including emails and Benghazi families. Of all values, honesty is the most basic and the most important in any relationship whether governmental or otherwise. Without honesty, confusion will reign and decision making will, by definition, be negatively impacted.

On July 27, Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party allowed someone named Khizr Kahn to represent the Muslim Brotherhood with what appeared to be an unprovoked attack on the compassion and character of Donald Trump. It is now clear that fears for Mr. Trump, or any other Republican who will stand courageously opposing further Muslim aggression, will be denigrated and attacked using any vulgar and disgusting approach at their disposal.

My father was KIA in Germany on March 7, 1945. The use of a deceased war hero from any religion or group for political purposes is the most disgusting and repulsive action imaginable. Equally repulsive and inappropriate is for surviving family members of a war hero to use the loss of that family member in a blatantly obvious political fashion. 4

???????????????????????????????After Mr. Kahn misrepresented the Constitution, it has also now surfaced that he may have had a self-serving profit motive derived from legal immigration involving wealthy or connected Muslims. With the Kahn linkages to the Muslim Brotherhood documented by Walid Shoebat, it is now clear that the Democrats, the Clintons, and the Muslim Brotherhood will now convert this election campaign into the Clintons’ Second Culture War. It appears that the Clintons and their allies are willing to sacrifice American heritage and traditions to establish a permanent Democrat government including or subservient to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Personally, I believe Mr. Trump knew that Kahn was acting in a self serving fashion to gain personal wealth and as a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer. Kahn’s success in both endeavors is directly dependent upon the election of Hillary Clinton. When Kahn’s Muslim Brotherhood ties and his business involvement seeking Muslim immigration became known, he quickly dismantled his website in an attempt to hide his pedigree. It became clear that he was not speaking to honor his son, but rather was there to use his son’s demise to further his own financial wealth which, by definition, is dependent upon Hillary Clinton being elected and Donald Trump being defeated in November.

Didyoukn8Donald Trump will close the borders. Donald Trump will stop Muslim immigration unless properly vetted and understood. Donald Trump will build that wall. Donald Trump will stand courageously supporting those American traditions and values that patriotic Americans hold dear, under God, and indivisible.

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Obama is a traitor. He stands with those who wish us dead.

Eggplantfall5Referring to the attacks on Paris Obama minimizes them calls them ‘setbacks’  but when referring to gun violence in US, he maximizes it in order to implement his gun control agenda. Everything Obama says, does and why he lies, is to harm the US, to escalate Muslim influx, to weaken America and to empower those who wish us destroyed. He wants Americans disarmed while he allows refugees, illegals, and immigrants into our country. Obama has indebted us more than any other president. Financial destruction is one way of Jihad.

Obama avoids calling out Muslim terrorists which is exactly what they are because he stands with them. ISIS was created because of Obama. He allows them to grow, become stronger and to infiltrate more of the world including America as he allows refugees to enter even after the attacks in Paris, when there is no way to vet these people. We are being set up for attack by Obama.

We have fought Muslims for centuries and will be fighting their evil cult of hate and death forever and under the Obama regime, this evil has been given more power than ever before.

Obama & Democratic/Progressive/Communist Party are doing the equivalent, of introducing an invasive species, Muslims -‘illegals – refugees, to an area of world where they do not exist. It’s the equivalent of the situation with the Asian carp in American rivers and streams, it has taken over it eats and consumes the eggs and babies of the natural species there, this is the type of warfare the American people are up against.

This is not some plan of a buffoon or idiot, this is strategic analytical and criminal attempt and effort to kill the American people and their children here in America. What was once the Democratic Party, is now a Progressive/Communist cancer to the American way of life.

If Congress does not immediately pass a bill, that states you must be a legal citizen of the United States of America for no less than 18 years to be eligible to vote and you must have a photo ID to vote, they are working against the best interest of the citizens of America creating a catalyst for Civil War. That is their intention, to create chaos, to destroy, kill and disrupt the lives of all Americans with the intention of the destruction of the American/Christian/Judeo way of life. To destroy our Constitution, insert America into the NWO under the rule of the UN to create a one world religion and government where there is no choice or freedom. This is exactly what our forefathers warned us about and why they created the three branches of government as checks and balances. Obama’s dictator rule with his pen and phone is not how our government works. Obama is a bought and paid for puppet placed for America’s destruction and any media outlet or others who cover up for this evil are complicit.

Democrats blocked Cruz’s bill to revoke citizenship from Americans who join ISIS.

The free world will be at war with Muslims forever as we have been for centuries and Obama and his vile regime has put America in danger like never before.
Mosques are where they prepare for war. There are no moderate Muslims. There are those who terrorize and those who stand by and watch. They are all in it together with agenda to kill the infidel, to destroy the Western way of life and once they do, they will kill one another. Islam is a cult of hatred and death.
One Muslim being truthful and stating their intent. “It’s our obligation to implement Sharia.”
Islam means submit and you will not be killed. It does not mean peace.
Muhammad sent letters to kings & leaders of surrounding countries & tribes, inviting them to surrender to his authority & believe in him as messenger of Allah. He always ended his letters with the following two words: “Aslim, Taslam!”. Although these two words are derived from same infinitive Salama which is the root of Salam, i.e. ‘Peace’, neither one of them implies‘peace. The sentence means ‘surrender & you will be safe’, or in other words, ‘surrender or face death’. So where is the meaning of ‘peace’ in such a religion that threatens to kill people if they don’t submit to it?
There is no practice on earth that is more Antichrist and will use force than Islam, they have never been a friend to the church and have killed and imprisoned the saints.

He will be duplicitous, and initially will appear as a man of peace.  The Antichrist will preach to the masses in the large sports stadia that were constructed in recent years.  During the 3 ½ years of the Tribulation, his true evil character will be revealed.  He will be the worst tyrant the world has ever known, specifically persecuting Christians. 

Trump under no obligation to correct or shame a person who asks a question…

Pullinghair2Americans have the right to ask what they want, to think and believe as they want, instead of being censored, humored,  patronized, admonished, or told  what they should say, think and believe. Trump was correct to respond as he did to the man’s questions concerning Obama being a Muslim, Muslim influx into MuslimsUS and the radical training camps in the US. Muslims are entering America, building mosques
( which are their places to prepare for war), trying to change our laws, in order, that America be taken over by Islam and Sharia Law. All Muslims are under Sharia Law and, in my opinion, that includes Obama.  Why do we have so many Muslims in the Obama administration? Obama ‘says’ he’s Christian but everything he does is against Christians and for Muslims.  It’s common knowledge that Muslims sanction lying to achieve their goals.
TrumpTrump’s response to the man asking the questions about Obama and Muslims, “We’re going to be looking at a lot of different things,” Trump said, generally shrugging off the question. “You know, a lot of people are saying that and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening. We’re going to be looking at that and many other things.” Then the media and some of the other candidates are using this against Trump. When Trump said exactly what he should have at that time. 
Trump has no reason, nor should he defend Obama in anyway, shape or form.
Hillary makes people who attend her rallies sign an allegiance to her before they enter. She takes no questions that aren’t orchestrated. Obama  only accepts hand picked questions from both Americans and the media. Their actions are that of dictators, communist dictators.
Trump’s open forum for questions is freedom… freedom of speech, freedom to ask, freedom to question and that is what America is about… FREEDOM! Trump doesn’t know before hand what is going to be asked, so if he doesn’t respond, he is stepping aside in the moment and will probably come back to it.  I think the questions the man asked about Obama and Muslims are great ones and some of the most important issues facing America today.
It’s my opinion that Obama is a Muslim and it’s because of his words and actions that I do.
This is America not a communist country. We can ask, say and think as we wish. All politicians and those running for office should be open to all of our questions, every single one of them. They have a right  to not answer, but not the right to shame or curtail us from asking. This is our country…they are running for the honor of serving we, the people. Our government serves us. We do not serve them.

No one but a Muslim would say things such as this:

“It is important for Western countries to avoid impeding Muslim citizens from practicing religion as they see fit” 
Barack Hussein Obama 
“We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better, including my own country.” 
Barack Hussein Obama 
“The contribution of Muslims to the United States are too long to catalog because Muslims are so interwoven into the fabric of our communities and our country” 
Barack Hussein Obama 
“I have lived in a Muslim-majority country… I know, because I am one of them.” 
Barack Hussein Obama 
“As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.” 
Barack Hussein Obama 
“Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.” 
Barack Hussein Obama 
“As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.” 
Barack Hussein Obama 
“Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.” 
Barack Hussein Obama 
“And since our founding, American Muslims have enriched the United States.” 
Barack Hussein Obama 
“And I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.” 
Barack Hussein Obama 
“Moreover, freedom in America is indivisible from the freedom to practice one’s religion. That is why there is a mosque in every state of our union, and over 1,200 mosques within our borders. That is why the U.S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it.” 
Barack Hussein Obama 
“We are not nor have we even been at war with Islam” 
Barack Hussein Obama 
“Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation” 
Barack Hussein Obama 
“We Do Not Consider Ourselves a Christian Nation” 
Barack Hussein Obama 
“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” 
Barack Hussein Obama 

I am not stating that I am selecting Trump at this time, but I really like his direct way of speaking and his lack of PC. PC is destroying our country. And PC is one tool Muslims are using to infiltrate and ‘change’ America.  I think Trump’s business experience is desperately needed. We need a real businessman who knows what a bottom line is, knows how to negotiate and to balance a budget.

The politicians, we now have, are self-serving dweebs, only caring about keeping their positions in the government which needs to shrink to half its size. It’s become a bloated, entity of mostly waste. We need to rebuild our military to the max and cease allowing illegals and those who hate us into our country. Everyone needs to adapt to the rules or our country. We need to adhere to the Constitution and use the three branches of government, the way out forefathers intended. We need to pull out of the UN, close our borders and speak only English. We need to create jobs and businesses in the US. We need better trade policies that benefit America instead of suck us dry. We need to make America great again.

And yes, Obama, America is great now, but you were the one who campaigned on ‘change’ when America doesn’t need changing.. we just need to be more than we are and let loose.. not reigned in by your debt, regulations and communist ways.

CruzI really like Cruz. Everything he says is what America is about and strands for. We need to hear more from him.

We must not let the bought and paid for whore of the media select our next President. Our media which should be our first line of defense against a corrupt government has become corrupted and complicit in the cover ups, lies and agenda of and for the Obama regime, and a liberal/progressive/communist agenda of brainwashing. I detest our media. I can barely watch any of them. Only ones I think are worthy at this time are Greta, Judge Jeanine and Hannity. 

This is America, the home of the free and the brave, we can and should ask any question that we desire of those running for office.

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