Category Archives: EXPLOSIONS

Two-faced, smile to your face, talk about you behind your back…

Polite and nice to money. Rude otherwise and looks down upon, even shows disdain for those with less than, or in poverty.  Judges people by their car, house, clothes, etc.  instead of their character. They don’t even know what ‘character’ is  because they have none – so they can’t recognize it in others. Will do anything – lie, cheat, steal to achieve the image, position or appearance of control or power over others. Mistakes having power and things as greatness.

Say one thing then  they do another. Say words or act in ways to manipulate for their use or gain. Nice, courteous and kind to people when selling something – be it a service or a product but uncaring, dismissive even rude otherwise. try to extract value for self from people, places and things with no regard to what they might do to harm.

Men who tell  lies to get a woman into bed. Women who flirt and compliment to make an oaf feel like a king for her gain – doing so, only to manipulate and with ill-intent instead of worthy intentions.

I have observed and become more aware of  this kind of behavior in our world today. This is why, in my opinion there is so much depression, anxiety, addiction, harm to self and others. There is a lack of respect for our fellowman and  ultimately ourselves.

I am otherwise, I was taught otherwise and choose to live otherwise. My words and behaviors reveal who I am, not only to others but to myself.  My word is my honor and my bond. I can be counted on to do what I say, or I don’t say it. So many people these days cannot be counted on for anything much less their word.

What I do in private, matters as much as what I do in public. Of course, I have been known to say what I think – which means, I don’t lie to myself or others.  There are  these concepts called – truth – honesty –  responsibility and accountability.

I try to live by the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Do I lose it at times and mess up? Of course! But this serves me also,  to become more aware of my behaviors and how they may affect others including myself. It’s called ‘self-reflection’ and ‘self-awareness’. We won’t grow, if we don’t have both in our emotional and mental selves.

If we are not becoming more aware in our lives, then what is it we are actually doing? Accumulating stuff – screwing as many people as we can – and on multiple levels –  taking  instead of giving? Look into the eyes of people who have done this in their life even for their entire lives with little to no awareness.  Oh, then of course, some know exactly what they are doing and these are the evil ones. And these people  have dead eyes which reflect their internal selves

Look at the eyes and faces of the Clintons – they are perfect examples. Bill is only 71 and he looks as if he is 171. 

Today so many seem to live by the motto – ‘Screw others before they screw me’.  They will say  or promise thus and so and if they are lying or change their mind and it inconveniences or harms another — so what? Their motto is –  ‘It’s ‘me’ that matters, not them’. What value can I extract from another. They are all about self and this is why they are so internally twisted and unhappy, seeking any and every thing to numb out their torment and misery.

We have become in many ways a selfish, narcissistic society. And that is why so many are unhappy, turn to drugs, alcohol, stuff their selves with food, buy too many things, sit on the sofa watching TV or playing computer games, watching porn, having sex with people only for sex, stare at their phones – texting or surfing the internet even when in the company of others.  Living behind a facade of cars, clothes, fitness routines  – so concerned with ‘image’ – they forget  their internal/eternal self – when reality is – nothing is fit or right about them. Or  they may live in a fat, unkempt body, wearing ill-fitting sloppy clothing, lazy and slovenly  while, thinking nothing matters,  including their appearance, while being envious even hating those who appear they are ‘really together’ – but  who inside may be also dying.

There is a concept called balance – both  inside and outside. The inside will reflect on the outside in some manner or form.

Those who indulge in these behaviors ‘think’ they are putting something over on everyone  else, but what they are really doing is harming themselves, even going as far as to be rotting their soul. Who – they are conning – is themselves. They are choosing to live by no standards, disaplines or morals, but that of self-gratification and all this does is to make a person selfish, self-centered, internally alone, even though they may be surrounded by others – bloated and fat – possibly catch STDS for having sex with many – and because of selfish self-indulgences  they lose their ability to love and care for others and therefore, lose their own individual humanity, just for the purpose  and sake of their momentary attainment and  pleasure of fake power and things. Image is actually nothing. It’s the internal reality that matters.

When you are true to yourself is when you will be true to others. and this has to do with integrity in body, mind and spirit and this comes from continual awareness of self as it relates to others and your relationship with yourself. Self -awareness and self-reflection are keys to happiness.

A book to assist in awareness:,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch


Violation of First Amendment Rights…

Facebook – and others are censoring conservatives at their whim and at rapid pace for doing little to nothing. Some in social media do not want the truth out or any differing opinions that do not support their communist/progressive, NWO agenda. Therefore, ‘FB jail time’, blocking and banning are happening more and more often.

FB put me in jail for 30 days for a post that I wrote years ago and it was not anything but my opinion about how ‘some’ homosexuals behave which is my right to have and to express. So now, FB is going back in time to find anything that they can to shut  up conservatives, Christians, white people  and heterosexuals.  Anything  against DACA, Muslims, Sharia Law, illegals – post anything about an aspect concerning gun control, homosexuals, transexuals, women’s march – women who wear vaginas on their heads – being in support of President Trump – anything against Hillary, Dems, progressives, NWO are deemed as going against ‘FB community standards’. While FB allows verbal abuse of conservatives from terrorists,  gays, dems, muslims, lib/dem/ progressives, etc.  and allows them to post horrible even threatening things and not be censored. FB allows all sorts of perversions to be displayed and if you are against them – you are thrown into FB jail and ‘punished’ – censored – as if you are some school child.

Censorship for agenda must be stopped. It is against our First Amendment Rights and is why our forefathers stated it as such – in order to curtail censorship for agenda before it begins and to allow freedom of speech for all – not just a few.  When people are not allowed to express differing opinions then we are under a communistic rule and dictatorship coming from some in the social media, etc. 

Political correctness is nothing but Censorship.  ‘PC and so-deemed hate speech’ are being taken way too far and being used as control of free expression and free speech.   It’s for the evil agenda of perversion and control of the masses.  FB  even wants an app for children – so their agenda can be imprinted as early as possible – so addiction to technology and  that brainwashing can begins earlier and earlier – the sick twisted desire of rule, dominate and control to implement their agenda over the masses.

FB should be cited, sued, fined, etc. for curtailing freedom of speech and expression.  According to Zuckerberg, FB was started as a place for people to communicate and share expression. Now, it’s become a place to promote Zuckerberg’s agenda as he censors anyone against it –  curtailing FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS for those ‘they deem’ going against ‘their agenda’. FB is un-American, about control and about ‘their’ agenda while they make money off ‘everyone’ who uses their communistic-run site. People are punished at FB’s whim without due recourse or way to communicate. Those in protest are not even listened to – I have contacted FB hundreds of times, after I have been thrown in ‘their FB censorship jail’ and no one  ever responds.  zuckerberg resolution 2017 mark 5 1500x1000Being on FB is like North Korea –  being on there, we are under the dictates of a  wimpy little dick-ta-tor of control, arrogance and agenda. Zuckerberg is now creating a household computer- ‘butler’- like robot and he has made it so that it only listens to his voice and not his wife’s. This man is an out-of-control dick-ta-tor and needs to be thrown in jail for being a traitor to American freedoms.

Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg are a menace to a free society. He curtails freedom of speech and freedom of expression and uses his site to promote progressive communism  to try to weaken America, flood her with illegals, muslims  and refugees who hate our country, in order to created chaos – thus enabling  the progressive agenda of control to insert a weakened America into the NWO under the rule of the UN – where all rights will come through them and they have control over all earth’s resources, land, property and people.   Completely against freedom – all about the evil of control. 

Download- upload – how about we upgrade to God?

We have all these technological upgrades that we are continually being prompted to make on our computer  and our phones. ‘Technology’ – what is it really? It’s one way to communicate through machines – it can be convenient and it can also be a pain to deal with. While it’s making communication faster with ability to reach more, it is also taking away the humanness in it. It’s taking us over and it’s separating human beings from others with focus on machines that transmit communication with no real human interaction.  Used too often, it can become, instead of an aid, a menace to society and to the psychological well-being of human beings.  It’s distancing us from one another – distancing us from  genuine human interaction as it ‘pretends’ to bring us closer. Used as a tool and in perspective, it’s great – out of hand it becomes a distancing evil.

Machines  and things are of this earth.  Human beings are of God. Human beings are the importance  and the blessings  on this planet. Things are tools for human use – not to be used for control, to manipulate,  or to distance us from one another. And certainly not to be made or to become more importance than human beings.

Guns are things ‘machines’ – they can’t do anything without human control over them. Those who use them to harm  and kill are Godless- faithless- lost people.  Guns used by the right people are to be for protection.  All things and machines can be used for either ill or for good. 

We are on this planet to interact with one another – person to person – voice to voice – eye to eye. – flesh to flesh – instead of texting on a phone or emailing on a computer. Technology is man- made. Human beings are created by God. Texting does not replace a real conversation and much can be misconstrued in a text as our phones self- correct spelling sending the wrong word.  It can be difficult enough to communicate in person – so texting, emailing etc, can many times add more difficulty – as it can be too fast – too easy – too unfeeling. And that is what is happening to some people in this world – too fast – too easy –  too unfeeling.

A text is not a hug!  A text is not a voice!

What this world needs is to upload and upgrade to God. We will be much better served and it’s free – no app to buy or new machine to purchase or anything to upgrade or download  in order to keep up with it and not be left behind or to become ‘out- of-date’.

Government is not your father or your god and certainly not the father to your children. Communication through a machine is not genuine human interaction. Real communication is eye to eye, voice to voice, person to person. How about cease texting and pick up your phone to hear a voice – better yet, have a real face to face in person communication. All this technology is creating isolation in our people especially our youth and for some it’s detrimental to their psychological development, mental health and emotional well- being.  People need to feel connected to one another. Babies will not thrive and develop healthfully and normally, unless they are held, feel human touch, voice and energy – daily and often.

We need God back even stronger than ever before in our country – our schools – our families – our businesses – with a strong presence  in all  areas of our lives. We need to bring God back into our hearts! It’s the family – a father – a mother – and children with God at the helm that will create a solid, stable, healthy environment for living a ‘right’ life. Sure, it can be done in many ways, but the ‘right’ way is, for the most part – the easiest with usually a better outcome for those involved and society in general.

There is right living and there is wrong. ‘Right’ promotes health and goodness. ‘Wrong’ promotes decay, harm and evil ways – addictions, perversions, unhappiness in mind, body and spirit – distancing from self and from others.

There will always be good and evil. Isn’t it better and more productive for an individual and society to strive for good?

Let’s download the Ten Commandments. The closer we live by and to them – the better our lives and that of others will be.



The Ten Commandments –  also known as the Decalogue, found in the Ark of the Covenant are:


  1. You shall have no other Gods but Me.
  2. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything. (Gov is not your god or your lord and savior – it’s a false idol- giving a false sense of security – it’s man- made- therefore out for self and not to be trusted.)
  3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it Holy.
  5. Honor your father and your mother.
  6. You shall not murder.
  7. You shall not commit adultery.
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
  10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house, wife, or property.

When you  strive to live as close to the Ten Commandments as you are  able , there will be less chance for murder, adultery, immorality, perversion and evil, etc. to be in our world.

God protect and bless America and all God’s people on this earth!

(Yes, I am aware that I am able to transmit this message to many quickly because of technology – that is one good thing about it.)

Censorship – curtailing freedom of speech and the right of free expression…

   Christian, heterosexual, white Conservatives  are continually being censored while progressives – libs –  dems – terrorists – shooters – muslims – people of color – perverts – etc. are allowed to post and say whatever they want to  –  including threats – even to our President.  This is especially true in the entertainment arena, the main stream propaganda media and on FB.

I was put in FB jail for 30 days for the following blog article:

It’s only opinion commentary about what I think about those who march wearing pink hats and vaginas on their heads – nothing to be put in FB jail for- but I was.  No threats – nothing but my opinion and that of many others and I am put in FB jail for 30 days for it. At the same time, I am in FB jail, I am being sent emails from FB asking me if I would like to boost this same blog article it is getting so many hits.  The duplicity and unfairness of FB is deplorable.  They are pro-their agenda and against anyone who doesn’t go along with  it – which is completely un-American and against freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

FB is as bad as the fake lying media and something should be done about their unfairness – their censorship – their  focus on ‘their’ agenda – their allowing terrorists and those who hate America to promote their lowly agenda while they censor those who are Christian, conservative and love America.

Anxiety – depression – mental illness – addictions in our world today…

I have been noticing even more lately than ever before the level of anxiety and mental illness in people. It might be that some are addicted to drugs or alcohol and this is why they behave off balance – I don’t know? But so many appear and act depressed – bipolar – anxiety ridden – narcissistic – lost – hateful – like they don’t give a da-m about themselves or anyone else.

Some have been  diagnosed with ADHD and ADD –  children and adults – lots of hyperactivity – little to no attention span – little to no ability to focus – attachment disorders and avoidant personality traits. All this was not occurring often when I was growing up or in earlier times.  Depression – it seems to be everywhere.  Continual ads about what drug to take if you are depressed, even as they admit the drugs, they are promoting may not work and may even make a person more depressed even suicidal. Perhaps, too many are taking too many drugs of all sorts in the first place! How can bodies process all the junk that some are putting into theirs? It’s certainly not natural to the body,  just as too much alcohol – recreational drugs and other addictions are not natural to be ingested into our bodies or partaken in. Our bodies are natural miracles – perfectly engineered working machines created and orchestrated by God.

Is it because of the nutritionally lacking food with all the chemical additives nowadays? Is it the chemicals in the air? Of course, many who over-indulge in alcohol and who do drugs are trying to self- medicate to alleviate their pain, anxiety, depression, etc.

Is it that many families today do not have a mother and father – so our youth have little grounding? Children have a need to enter this world and to grow up in a place of dependability and safety – this way they can grow and mature mentally, emotionally and physically easily and more naturally. Is it that parents are trying to be ‘friends’ with their children instead of authority figures who guide and set boundaries? Many people who should never have children are having them at rapid rate. They seem to think their children will make them feel loved and successful – give them an identity, when it’s they who should be caring for their children – it’s all gotten turned around in distortion.

It appears so many people – adults and otherwise are stuck somewhere between toddler and teenager… ME ME ME – I want –  I want – I want. I am rebelling – rebelling – rebelling! Where can I find my next high – my stimulus – my rush – my excitement?

Where  has maturity, responsibility, respect, honor, respect for self – respect for others, manners, morals, kindness, thoughtfulness, intelligence, common sense –  gone? It’s not being displayed by more and more adults. Therefore children are mirroring many things negative to self and others with little to no awareness or ability of the positive and good. Some children these days appear not to know or understand right living. 

Is is technology? Everything is faster and faster and that everything is expected to happen quickly – happen NOW – or much frustration occurs. It is the messages in the media and in the entertainment field of perversion,  some people who don’t even know what gender they are, some who are even marrying their animals or a tree in some forest? So many seem to be pushing the envelope to a kind of bizarre distortion even into insanity – where there is no truth, peace, honor, integrity, morality, grounding or belief in the honoring of God.

So many seem to be searching – searching – searching for what?  And trying to escape – escape what? Anywhere you go – there you will still be. Money – things – notoriety – celebrity – searching for something outside themselves to help them feel ‘better’ or ‘okay’ – as if they belong to something – even if it’s something bizarre, perverted, and inane. Such as a herd of woman wearing vagina costumes – that they think will make them  feel better or even just ‘okay’ as they attach to this goofy group of nothingness.

People who are hurting  and lost inside are the ones who do the most hurt and harm to others and damage and evil in our world.  They try to attach to anyone and anything to find some kind of meaning in their life. They try to harm even destroy others because of their internal pain – searching for continual stimulation, a place to suck off of, something to heighten their feelings or to numb them.

There also seems to be also a new level of ignorance – actually stupidity – little to no common sense – many brain-dead people – who do not listen or think, but instead are spinning in their brain about what they will say next – how they will try and top someone else – even if they are lying about what they are saying or bragging about. It’s all about me – me – me – no matter how distorted. While they ‘pretend’ to care about others – the world – animals – the earth – people in other countries somewhere across the world. When they are lost, searching, empty in their soul and living a life of distortion, denial and addictions. Some appear to be locked into a brain cloud of fogginess.

Peace and happiness begin and end in self and nothing else really matters. Unless you have this,  nothing can make you happy and content for long.

It begins and ends with awareness, self-reflection,  evaluation, introspection, honesty about self and to do and be this, takes recognizing what you are feeling and why are are feeling it. Then processing through those feelings and emotions in awareness, understanding, acceptance and forgiveness. Armed with the ability and tools to do this, you will arrive at a place where you are able to fill yourself with peace, happiness, love and joy!  You will be kind to yourself and therefore kinder to others. Then everything else on earth will be an extra plus to be enjoyed.

Purchase through my website…


A book to assist you  in becoming aware – to find out why you are feeling what you do and to release limiting imprints and negative beliefs.


fem·i·nism – noun – advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.
I agree concerning equal rights – in that, women should receive equal pay for equal work and that women should be treated with respect in the work place and not subjugated or overpowered by unwanted or unwarranted sexual advances and innuendoes  by some needy, insecure penis in the workplace, business world or anywhere else.
Other than that – what I see and hear that these radical men hating, vagina hat wearing foul-mouthed women are doing by their marches and protests is about as unfeminine and not woman-like as anything could be.  These women who are modeling for their daughters and youth that to dress and act like an idiot is womanly. It’s sad and disgusting. Imagine what these women hating men are doing to their sons as they raised them and model their sick not womanly behavior.
I am a feminine woman –  I like myself. I like men and I enjoy being admired as a woman and flirted with as appropriate to time and place. I am a strong secure woman.
The women donning these idiot costumes with their vile stoopid signs concerning their private parts are not strong, secure, intelligent or wise.  They are displaying neediness, insecurity , negative self-image and more. And their doing this has less to do with men and more to do with their internal lack of self-worth. It’s about them and no one else. They project their insecurity and hate of self into the world because they can’t stand who they are.
WASHINGTON, DC- JAN 21- Groups gather for the Women's March on Washington on Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017 in Washington, D.C. (For the Washington Post: Amanda Voisard)These women may think they are free thinkers but they are so brainwashed and controlled that they actually have no individual thoughts. They are following a group twisted in distortion, insecurity and fear. They are actually imprisoned.  They are easily manipulated by those who want to use them for their purposes – which is that of destroying their femininity and making them a  sick distortion of themselves. Insecure people like to connect with a group in order to help or make them feel validated to bolster their insecurity and cover-up for their lack of self-worth. Few of them could/can stand alone . They are a gang or a herd of loser/bullies feeding off one another’s frenzied energy.  Women who hate being women – hate men –  are lost and full of self-loathing. They are lowly and not women in my eyes with their foul words, idiotic hats and costumes.
It’s unfortunate that some men these days who are turning into ‘p—ies’. God made men and women differently for reasons. Men are to protect women.
Women such as these  are turning men into vaginas while they are acting like dicks. They are destroying the natural flow of things. they are losing their femininity while gaining  nothing but the right to act the fool – like some kind of jester to the world in a vagina hat.
As a woman,  I can match intelligence with most men, but it’s nothing I feel I have to prove. I just  want and need to be my wonderful feminine womanly self – be who I am. But you need to know who you are  in order to be who you are. That’s all any of us need… because when we do that – we are secure in self, can stand up for self and are equal to all.
I have been sexually harassed in the work environment. I exited,  addressed it immediately, sued and he settled.  And doing this, did not make me feel  less than a woman and that I needed to wear a vagina costume to prove I was a woman.
When you feel less than, you can flip into trying to feel better than and you do this because you don’t feel equal to.
A book for awareness and healing…
DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR…. on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.

Empty People…

trying to fill themselves up – do much damage to self and others. To them the grass is always greener – because they have little to no ability to appreciate where they are, what they have and to water their own grass – they are always looking over the fence to another yard or to attain another shiny object.

They exploit others using sexuality – they lie – they cheat – trying to make themselves feel good about who they are and  to stave off and deny their internal self-lack. They are void of self worth continually trying  to fill themselves up.  Sex is one way, but there are many ways that the empty-vessel-people try to fulfill their desperate need to feel worthy and fulfilled.

They may gorge themselves on food. All those huge swollen bodies in this world stuffed themselves overly full to become that way. Sure, there are a few people with physical disorders that keep them heavy, but for most it’s because they stuff themselves to overly full – way too often. We all may do this occasionally, but it’s not what is done occasionally that does the harm. It’s what is done daily as a habit or obsession that creates the dysfunction of destruction. Then most sit on their butts in front of the TV or computer escaping into whatever it is  they can find.  Escape – escape-  escape is their goal – trying to escape themselves and their self loathing and fear, along with refusal to face self in any solid self-reflection.

Some use drugs or alcohol to escape their self-lack and emptiness.  They will do any and everything to avoid facing self and their core issues. They are empty to the core and they will do whatever it takes to make themselves feel full – except to face self and to genuinely heal. They continually are trying to cover their internal wound with one band aid after another, when emotional surgery is what is needed. They have little or no regard for others because they have little to no regard for self.

Some buy or collect things. Some become hoarders – if one is good ten is better mentality. They may collect cars or other objects. But once one object has been purchased and owned – their intense internal lack leads them to immediately desire another. They are never satisfied as they roam about on the hunt for their next momentary high only to have it crash to the ground which stimulates  and forces them to search and acquire their next rush. They can’t be genuinely happy or feel fulfilled for long because they do not have the internal means to do so. Some where in their lives they have been fractured – and it’s seemingly easier for them to look  outward to things, objects, money, sex, drugs – any addiction rather than to stop and face  self – their demons – their inner issues.  The grass is always greener in their distorted mind’s view. Something around the next corner or curve they think may be their answer.  They may have a beautiful wife, kids and success but they have little to no ability to have appreciation or gratitude  for what they have. Their inner empty vessel  always desires more – better – younger -newer – the next best shiny thing.  If they have a brunette wife, they desire a blond mistress, etc.

They have little ability to be in the moment of thanks and gratitude. They have a restless soul – they are an empty vessel always looking – searching to be filled-up in some way or form. I am not referring to healthy ambition. I am talking a destructive, internal empty vessel self of nothingness that will eventually lead to destruction in some form or another.

It also  has to do with spirituality and a connection to God – when there is little to none – destruction of self and others doesn’t matter – because no real ability to feel love – contentment – goodness or joy exists in the individual at the deeper soul level. God – goodness values human life. Evil – satanic has no value for human life, but to capture and destroy… hence its attraction to addictions of all varieties.

The key to having a solid core is to face self straight on and in deep self-reflection.  Avoiding self will always lead to  a life with broken fragments – ultimately shards of nothingness.

My book – out now … has a process to assist with this kind of intense and inner self-reflection.

Only lost souls – those with fractured self-identities…

are overly enamored or obsessed with actors, actresses, rock stars, reality stars, artists, politicians, athletes, sports, religious types, those of extreme wealth or any kind of ‘guru’ etc. – and I will also include in this group those who are obsessed with ‘things and objects’.

People in the public eye are showing  for the most part an ‘orchestrated persona’. It is not – many times anything close to who and what they actually are. And some, who are shockingly crass and gross are doing so to garner fame,  attention and your money to purchase what they are offering. Many are talented in the areas of acting, music or athletics and it’s to be enjoyed or admired for what it is. But because they can play tennis or golf well, does not mean their whole life is in order – that they are wise about much anything else – or that their life is that which to emulate – Tiger Woods comes to mind. – but there are so-so many others.

They make money and fame off all their followers. Why follow anyone – how about lead your own life? Only a person with little to no self-identity will overly attach themselves to a person, place or thing. 

When you put those in the public eye on a pedestal and admire them, emulate them – follow them – worship them – thinking that what you see is really accurate or all that there is – and that they have no motive other than that which is self-serving or that they have nothing negative, perhaps even vile that is  being hidden from view – then you are bound to be disappointed.

Their images are often times created to be as such to grab attention and admiration and nothing more – with the purpose of gaining income and popularity for self and their ‘handlers’. It’s mostly advertising and publicity. In essence, it’s a con and fraud to the public – an illusion.

Some teenagers  – the immature – those who remain stunted in their emotional and intellectual development may idolize these figures for awhile especially those with little self- identity. But hopefully  as they grow, find and develop who they are and will become – they will be able to self-actualize and not idolize others to prop up their identity. They will mature out of these illusions and delusions as they  discover themselves and their individual identity. It’s only the lost souls – the fractured, who stay captured by the facade of  images and things. Unfortunately, in this time frame, there seems to be so many with little to no maturity, wisdom and authenticity of self that they emulate, believe, even get plastic surgery to look like some public person.

Actors, musicians, etc. are to be appreciated for their talent and enjoyed as entertainment, but that is pretty much it – to give them more credit is to be immature, naive and under a kind of spell of brainwashing. They are not ‘stars’ . That phrase ‘movie star’ was coined to garner admiration and to create the illusion of being above all others. It’s all BS! They are not above all others. Because someone can read a script, fake emotions and actions means only that – that they can be fake. Just because someone can hit or run fast with a ball doesn’t mean that they know much about how to live correctly or have any emotional intelligence or any values or morals other than ‘bling’. So why would any thinking person ever think anything more or else of them?

They are flawed regular people with a particular talent – they entertain the masses and doing this pays well in the times we are living in – the times where so many, focus so overly on escape – trying to escape their lives – escape their self – to escape thinking for self – to attach their lacking self identify to that of another.

Today – we are seeing many ‘stars’ fall into the reality of who they actually are.  This is a good thing – we all need to live in reality to see and beware of  truth.

What some actress wears, who she sleeps with, when they marry, when they divorce have nothing to do with your life – and if you try to emulate someone whom you don’t really know and believe what they say and how they live – you are a fool.

Appreciate and enjoy their talent but realize who they actually are in their private lives may very well repulse you. I can read about this mess for a few seconds while waiting in the checkout line at the grocery store and have enough of the idiocy to last a lifetime… it’s a diversion into insanity – escape into a bizarre kind  of fun for a few minutes then BLAH!

Enjoy, appreciate, even learn from talent and entertainment, but be discerning and think for yourself. Don’t blindly believe or follow anyone.

Each person is here to develop who they are, not to try and become ‘like’ someone else or to become a puppet of repetition of thoughts, life styles or beliefs of some flipping actor, etc.

Stars  and ‘star makers’ are falling – crashing into the hard ground of reality these days – and thankfully so…

Idolizing a person is just as stupid, vile and banal as idolizing an object.

Explosion! Warning! Concerning race….This may offend some.

oprahThis is my opinion as I have studied, experienced and lived it. I think political correctness and denying the obvious is going to be the death of us. We are not all the same! We are created to be who we are and that includes our race.

How many races are there?

The world population can be divided into 4 major races, namely white/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black, and Australoid.

This is based on a racial classification made by Carleton S. Coon in 1962 (in common usage the ‘Capoid’ and ‘Congoid’ groups classified by Coon is merged under ‘Negroid’). There is no universally accepted classification for “race”, however, and its use has been under fire over the last few decades.

The United Nations, in a 1950 statement, opted to “drop the term ‘race’ altogether and speak of “ethnic groups”. In this case, there are more than 5,000 ethnic groups in the world, according to a 1998 study published in the Scientific American.

Why would anyone want to deny that there are different races? Races were created differently. They have different traits, physical, intellectual, emotional, regional, talents, temperament, to list a few. So, who is anyone to deny them? Why are some trying to mesh them all together, take away their individuality, their uniqueness and their reason for being and melt them all into one big bowl of mush?

Think of the different countries and the races that inhabit them… and how they express themselves, their accomplishments, or not. No matter how much assistance and money are given to some, they never prosper. Reveals much, huh?!
Races are not the same. They were not created the same and, perhaps, were not meant to live intermingled and closely together. Just maybe, that is why they are different and scattered in different parts of the world. The body types and characteristics in races are conducive to live in certain climates more than others.

This propaganda that we are being fed that all races and ethicalities can and should be able to live together is against nature and the natural order and it is creating everything bad. It’s creating a ‘forced climate’ of control over the God given natural order. ‘They’ are trying to politicalize people for benefit, pit ones against the other, or force amiability, when perhaps, they should have never been mixed, or intermingled so intensely in the first place.

‘They’ are not trying to give value, but to diminish it.

Some people of the same race get along better with others and some not at all. Some races get along with others and some do not mix well. Why are we being forced to mix and ‘like’ those that we do not? What results are ‘they’ really wanting?

Let people be who they are, like what they like, worship as they choose, and stay in their own countries. Why don’t and won’t people stay where their race thrives, where they belong, and where they fit? Why do so many want to be in America, while saying that they don’t like us? Instead of coming here, and trying to make us be and ‘accept’ how they are, how about staying where they are and ‘changing’ their own country?

Being a Caucasian, Christian woman born in America, I might like to visit other countries, learn about other religions and eat ethnic foods, on occasion, but I do not want to stay in that place. I am an American white woman and I want to live and be around those of my culture and race.

Heck! I don’t even like to visit people with messy houses, so why would I want to diffuse my boundaries to include extreme differences? Certain types of white women drive me insane… so why would I want to try and be in close proximity with all sorts of women of other races. I don’t! And I know many who feel exactly as I do, but will not state it out loudly, but will whisper it… and the only reason that they won’t and don’t shout it out… is to be ‘politically correct’.

When is this ‘politically correct’ BS going to explode in a very bad way? Because, it is being forced upon us.

Should I be in another country for a visit, I will adapt to their customs or go home. I would not expect them to adapt to mine.

So, why is America adapting to all sorts of people and customs? It’s a recipe for disaster…

I don’t want to hurt or harm anyone, but I don’t want to have anyone infringe their customs onto me. Just as I would not force my customs, likes or dislikes onto them. I don’t want to live around them, or be more than passing acquaintances with those of different races, customs and beliefs. Why? Because we REALLY aren’t compatible. We have little that is REALLY in common. And I don’t care to blur my boundaries, or muddle who I am for them. I like who I am. I like my race, my country, my religion and do not care to ‘change’.

If you choose to do so, do so… but those of us that don’t choose  to do this should not be forced into it.

We should not have to monitor our every word, or pretend to like what we don’t.

What your race is should not be denied, nor changed, nor mixed, nor negated. Those that are trying to mix the black with the white with the brown and make us into mud are destroying the world…not making it better…

‘They’ are trying to create a class of people in servitude.  An ‘under-class’ of melded people all mushed together, beaten-down, brain-washed, devalued and controllable. ‘They’ see people as commodity, as ‘something’ they can lead and control. ‘They’ want the masses to be a people that don’t know who they are, who identify with no one, are not individuals, and who deny who they are, and what they like, or feel, in order, to be ‘politically correct’ and this will make them slaves to those doing the rule making. What better way to do this then to take away race differences…? Think about it!

Some are playing the ‘race card’ against certain races that are more easily manipulated. Obama is where he is only because he played the race card and became a media creation. He is an affirmative action President and he is a disaster for America! He is so busy trying to stand for everything that he stands for nothing. He is weak and he wants to make America like he is … nothing! A mix up of nothingness!

We are not all the same. We are defined by our race, our blood lineage, our talents, our beliefs, our likes and dislikes, the place that we are born in and to and this is unique to us as individuals.

Whichever race you are, whatever your origins, whomever you are, be proud of it and behave accordingly, seek to better yourself as an individual. When you devalue, or over value another, you are playing into the hands of those that wish to control you.

And it is okay to like and prefer to be around those of your own race and ethnicity. In fact, its is a proven truth that we do… and it’s also been proven that to try and force those of differences to be together is a disaster.

What if we are all being sold a bill of goods?!?


Racist! Bigot!

???????????????????????????????have become today’s hot words.  I just heard on a news program that to be called a racist is the ‘worst’ thing that you can be called.  UMMMM…REALLY? And it appears the words ‘Bigot’ and ‘Racist’ are being used interchangeably.


‘RACIST’ – prejudice against people who belong to other races. ‘PREJUDICE’ – intolerance, discrimination, narrow-mindedness, injustice, bias, preconception.  ‘BIGOT’ – somebody with strong opinions, especially on politics, religion, or ethnicity, who refuses to accept different views.


Calling people these names has become common place in the political and media world. If someone disagrees with agenda, they are called a racist or bigot because it is such a ‘terrible’ label. I ask how is this any different than any other name calling? It isn’t!


In fact, how childlike is this behavior? 

When I was about ten years old, I was walking home from school with my girlfriend, Becky, and some ornery boys from our school began tormenting us. They were calling us names such as: dill pickle (making fun of my last name), riggy sniggy, (making fun of Becky’s last name) stupid girls, dummies, creeps and all sorts of things that hurt our little girl feelings. We ignored them, walking straight ahead with purpose. Until these boys got closer and closer then fear over took us and we ran fast towards my house that was a few yards away.


When we reached the front porch, our hearts were pounding. Becky was crying as we burst in the front door and my Mother appeared and asked, “What’s wrong?” As she comforted Becky. I sucked it up. I wasn’t going to let those boys make me cry. As quickly as we could, we told Mother how horrible these boys were and the terrible names that they were calling us. To our surprise, Mother chuckled as she turned to me, “Well, you aren’t a dill pickle, are you?” To which, I gave pause, then answered as I giggled, “No, I’m not! Of course, I’m not!”


Becky stopped crying as Mom continued, “Why are you letting what these boys say bother you? It’s not true. It’s plain silly. You know who you are.” She was looking at the papers in my notebook as she talked, “You just got an A on your history test, so you certainly aren’t stupid. When you know who you are, what someone calls you won’t bother you.”


Becky and I immediately understood Mother’s message and were soon laughing about how silly those boys were as we munched our after school snack. And with our awareness and our subsequent attitude shift, those boys never bothered us again.


In that simple clear lesson at the age of ten, I learned that someone can call me ‘whatever’ name and it does not affect me because it is about them and NOT ME.


So what in the freaking world is going on in the world today? Everyone is calling everyone names. If someone calls someone the ‘N’ word then they in quick retaliation are called a racist. If someone says that they don’t like certain people or groups or ideas or anything else that doesn’t agree with another, then they are called ‘bigots’.


It has become like an elementary school room. Many in politics and the media are using the immature tactics of little bullies. If someone says something that they don’t like then they are labeled the ‘terrible’ labels of the day ‘Racist!” Bigot!’ We are giving over our power to the childlike behavior of name calling by calling and labeling names in return.


Pretty soon racist will become the “R” word. We have the ‘N’ word – the ‘B’ word – ‘C’ word, so on and so forth…everyone knows what is meant. We are becoming a bunch FOOLS! That is the real “F” word.


How plain SILLY is all of this? And this silliness is being perpetuated daily in the media and by people who are just plain clueless OR ARE THEY?  Appears to me, that we may be being manipulate to ‘think’ and ‘talk’ like ‘they’ want us to – to be ‘Politically Correct’ by whose standards? It’s as if they thrive on the friction in the suppression. So, quick to point fingers at others caught saying the deemed horrible indiscretions.


Think back to the little boys tormenting Becky and me. It’s no different. We might have turned and called the boys names in return, but I was reared too mannerly to do so. And had we, what would it haveaccomplished? Only to make our behavior like our perpetrators?


In my opinion, there are worst things to be called than racist. How about murderer, rapist, pedophile, abuser, molester, cheater, etc???


The continual playing of Mel Gibson’s rant is an example of the perpetual attention to things such as this; with many coming out for a moment of spotlight to righteously exclaim their horror. How about stop playing the tapes? Stop calling Gibson a racist and shift the energy of it by NOT giving it any media time? Well, because, if they did that, they would miss out on exploiting the outrage of it all. Shows such as, THE VIEW, thrive on this kind of public display. Some of the women, such as Joy Behar have created their whole comedy ‘act’ on exploitation of  the problems of others; making her living as the sarcastic bully.

There is not a one of us that hasn’t called someone a name or even used ‘racist’ slang. Doing so, does not make us a ‘racist’, in the true sense of the word. There is not a one of us that doesn’t have a bit of bigot or racist in us and that is not always a bad thing. In fact, it can mean that we stand for something, so we won’t fall for everything. It can mean that we just have our differences and don’t like others. SO WHAT!! Everyone doesn’t need to like or agree with everyone else. And we SHOULD NOT be called a name for feeling this way, anymore than we should call others names for being different. But it happens all the time and it is no big deal, (just as my Mother advised) When you know who you are then what others call you won’t matter. In fact, I know a man that uses this kind of slang towards all kinds of people and he is one of the kindest people, helps many, and would harm no one.


This racist/bigot name calling is just a counter attack by bullies.Bullies bullying bullies! And what it reveals are immaturity and a lack of common sense.


If you take the focus off of something it diminishes.  What a concept!