Women! The man you are with needs to know…

 ???????????????????????????????… that you will not tolerate bad behavior, garbage, mistreatment, usuary, neglect, or any form of abuse, or disconnection.

Too many women put up with things that they should not… Remember, you teach someone how to treat you…

At the first sign of disrespect, mistreatment, discounting, lying, or abuse, address it immediately. Don’t let it slide… thinking that he didn’t mean it, or that you are being too ‘sensitive,’ or ‘demanding’, or that it will get ‘better’, or ‘change’, once you are committed, or married, or if you do ‘this’, or ‘that’ to make him happy. Thinking this way is delusional….

When someone shows you who they are, believe them…

Many men want you to ‘think’ that it is ‘you’ being too sensitive, demanding, or picky. That’s part of their gig… to get away with being lazy, abusive, disrespectful or slovenly…

There is many an abuser who will say…”Look at what ‘you’ made me do!” And that’s only their BS propaganda!

Some men level the title of ‘high maintenance’ on a woman… I say HA! Why would any self-respecting man want a woman who isn’t high maintenance? The answer is that they don’t… only the men, not worth having, do…

Address abusive behaviors upfront and immediately… and if they lose interest, because you have self-respect and that you will call them out on their issues, misbehavior and BS… they aren’t for you and it’s better that you find out upfront rather than years later…

Difficult, abusive, distancing, neglectful men can become, seem, or be like a ‘job’ to women who put up with it. A relationship should be fun, happy, fulfilling even joyful ‘most’ of the time. Love feels good and if you aren’t feeling good most of the time… then ‘something’ is wrong, off, and just not right…

Sure, we all have difficulties, adjustments and issues to deal with and to be discussed. That is part of relationship. But someone not willing to discuss, communicate and look at themselves is not worth your time.

Men who can’t or won’t connect are damaged goods and why would any woman want them…?

They are tedious children and not worth the effort, they need to grow up, get over themselves, be responsible or be without you…

Many women have lowered their standards and it is hurting all of society…

If more women held to high standards for themselves… more men would become better men….Agree or not?

Look to the left and click to follow…

How an Obama follower thinks…

???????????????????????????????That is, if they have the ability to think…This is a conversation that actually occurred word for word…Talking to a black woman, recently, I stated that I would rather die than be dependent on the Government (I enjoy talking and taunting to find out what’s in people’s heads).

HER: “There is enough wealth in America and ‘rich’ people that no one in America should go without. Some people have ‘too much’ money. So, they should give it to those without. I have been homeless before. (With attitude) Do you think if I knocked on one of those ‘rich’ people’s homes in Highland Park (she says with a face and tone of voice that shows complete disdain for the rich), or where ‘that’ President Bush lives, anyone would ‘hep’ me? I am a poor black woman and those are ‘rich’ people that live in those mansions and they don’t care about me.”

ME: “Why should they assist any person, or care about ‘you’ in particular? Would you help them, if you had money and they didn’t?”

Surprised by my question. Her eyes got big.

HER: “But some people have too much money and some have none. It’s not fair.”

ME: “Who’s to say what’s too much? And who says it’s not fair?

HER: Obama and me. I do! Obama’s gonna hep the poor blacks.

ME: If someone has earned it, it’s theirs. It’s about individual circumstances. You have your circumstances to live and they have theirs. But really, you don’t know anyone’s actual circumstances, what they have been through, what they did, or how hard they worked to get where they are, what they have, or who they help. People with resources usually help others. If a woman makes the choice to have many children with no resources to take care of them, it is not my responsibility to support her choices that I do not believe in.”

She stares at me.

ME: If you had made a lot of money, would you want to have it taken away and be ‘forced’ to give it to others, or would you rather have the choice to help your family and keep it in your family?

HER: I would ‘hep my own’ family.

ME: So, you answered my question. You wouldn’t want someone to take your money, if you had it would you? So, why do you think others should be forced to help you?

HER: But some people have too much.

ME: And when you die, would you want to leave your money to your family, or have the government tax it again, before you can leave it to your family? People lose their farms, their family businesses because the government taxes and takes to give it to the themselves.

HER: What? Why would they tax it again?

ME: Because that is what the government does, takes from the private sector.

ME: Do you pay taxes?

She stares at me then looks down.

HER: I am poor and rich people have too much money, ‘specially’ Republicans.

ME: “Really, like Nancy Pelosi?”

Her face is blank.

ME: “Do you know who that is?”

She shakes her head.

ME: “She was the Speaker of the House under Obama. She is a Democrat. She lives in a twelve million dollar house and has made millions from her connections to the government. Do you think, if you knocked on her door, she would help you? That is, if you could even get to her door? She is using the poor, the uneducated, the illegals and the ignorant to keep her and those like her in office, while they rape our country and live extravagantly off the taxpayer’s dime. All they want is for everyone to pay more taxes, so that they can use the money and if you think you will receive any of that money. You are wrong. Have you been helped under the Obama administration?”

She stares at me and shakes her head.

HER: Not yet. But if he gets in four ‘mo’ years, he will ‘hep’ me. If some have so much, I should too! I should have some a what they have!

ME: Why do you think like that? You are not them and they are not you. You aren’t from their family, or circumstances. You are who you are and you have your own challenges.

HER: We’s all the same to God.

ME: We are, but we aren’t. We are all born into different circumstances, with different genetics and with different abilities. We all have different talents, skills, intellect and reasons for being. How could we all be the ‘same’? It’s an impossibility. We have the right to pursue our dreams. And Obama is trying to take our rights away, our right to pursue our dreams and to keep what we earn. He wants the government to control everything. He wants the government to control the money and all resources.

HER: We should all have equal money and Obama is gonna see to it that we’s do. It’s Congress, those Republicans that are ‘stoppin’ him. Republicans want all the money for themselves. They don’t care about poor people. They only care about the rich.

ME: That is not true. But consider this, some are born with talents and some not. Can, or should we take away talents, special skills, beauty, or anything else from someone who has it and you don’t? If you are born with no legs, should we cut off everyone else’s to make everyone equal?

HER: Maybe. People should all be the same.

With that, I couldn’t continue talking to her. It was fruitless…

Obamanuts, those brainwashed by this Obama con, to vilify the rich, but only the ‘Conservatives’ who are rich, they are bitter, jealous, angry, unhappy, envious and want to take what others have. They have no idea about politics, or who people are in the government, or what is really going on. They don’t understand the government. They are full of greed, envy, jealousy, anger and hate for people and things that they know nothing much about…  And Obama is preying on their ignorance and their negative emotions and self-image.

They have no acceptance of self, of who they are, why God created and placed them where they are in this world… they blame others and are bitter that they don’t have what they ‘think’ everyone else has.

This woman was so opinionated about disliking the wealthy in Dallas, but she had ho idea who Pelosi is and how wealthy she is… she was only concerned about President Bush living in a mansion.

It’s pathetic the amount of no information and mis-information these people have and spew. It’s amazing the amount of brainwashing and ignorance… and how the ‘uninformed’ just pick up on ‘certain’ things that they ‘think’ sound ‘right’ based on their ‘limited’ perspective. They really think that Obama is going to give them money.

When Obama is going to confiscate and keep the money for a bigger government and will disperse it only to the endeavors of his ‘friends’.

This woman ‘claims’ to be a Christian…and has no idea about Islam and the anti-Christ movement in this country under Obama…She is basically ignorant and can’t think past her ignorance and these are the people Obama preys on…

They just want ‘some a dat’…

It’s disgusting what is going on in our country. This vilification of those with success. This class warfare that Obama is creating…

Obama has created more division than any President ever has…

Also, this woman is overweight and has health issues and she whined when she talked. You could see her jealousy of thin people, white people, or anyone who has anything. If an attractive, thin, white woman walked by, she would look her up and down. And this woman was a ‘know it all’….

She ‘knew’ that all she needed was some ‘rich’ people’s money and she ‘knew’ Obama was gonna ‘git’ her some.

When really she knows next to nothing…

Obama and his regime are the worst things that have ever happen to America… and playing the Race Card is despicable. Playing the Class Warfare game is how dictators operate…

And this is not about ‘blacks’, per say, but many blacks think exactly like this woman and personally, I am disgusted hearing about the race issues and class warfare.

This woman works in a place with mostly whites. I have noticed since Obama got to where he is, the intense attitude and hate coming from some blacks. I was observing her and the way that she looked at people. She wore entitlement, hate and disdain like a mantle. So, I wanted to hear her thoughts and it was even worse than I imagined.

How low can Pelosi go?…

“Newt will never be the Republican nominee. I know ‘something’ about him and it will destroy his chances. The Republicans may choose him, but he will not win.” this woman says with a ‘glint’ in her eye…

Oh really, Miss Nancy!? How about spitting it out then… Newt challenged you to do so… ‘Put up or shut up’… or something to that effect.

Now really, isn’t this woman’s ‘threat’ more like that of a child? “Nanny nanny boo boo, I know a secret!”

Kind of like pass the healthcare bill to find out what’s in it….

What kind of idiocracy is this?  New word IDIOCRACY… not DEMOCRACY… We are under an IDIOCRACY under OBAMA…

Are they so threatened by Newt that this woman pulls these things out of her witches hat? Do they want Romney to be the candidate so badly. So that, Obama can play his ‘class warfare’, using Romney as a punching bag because Romney is wealthy… and reported paying capitol gains taxes on money, he had already paid ordinary income taxes on… no one tells the full tax story.. only a part of it for their propaganda, ‘raise taxes on the wealthy’, agenda…

The Obama propaganda always ‘conveniently’ misses points, facts, truth and everything else. Gee! I wonder why?

Pelosi didn’t properly vet Obama and I wonder why again? HA! She wanted her ‘precious’ puppet to push through all those bills that she had waiting, such as the healthcare bill…that Bush refused to do…

Oh but, she is so ready to give us the goods on Newt. So come on Pelosi…spill the info. Or are you going to ‘wait’, until he ‘is’ the Republican nominee then tell us?

Only isn’t she violating some kind of ethics with her snide little threats?

Except, the Obama Regime doesn’t play by ethics, only Mafia Rules abound in this group…

So, Nancy baby! Spill your secret about Newt…

Now, if we had a real media, some journalists… who would get to the bottom of Nancy’s threats, they would hound her and pursue her, until she told them. But we have no longer have journalists, or a real media… we mostly have the Obama Regime Propaganda Machine…

That’s why this mouthy airhead can spout off like she does… so stupidly…
because no one calls her on her BS….

So, I challenge some network, or journalists to really confront this threat from Botox Brain Pelosi… any takers???

What a despicable woman…beyond vile, beyond gross and beyond the help of plastic surgery, filler, or botox…. Hey Nancy! You appear very desperate…. VERY!

Hypocritical, Despicable Main Stream Media…

???????????????????????????????Hey Media! Stop forcing your propagandized agenda down our throats and just report the facts…

I have been writing about this for ages… but in the Republican debate it ricochet off the rector scale. It was so great how Newt nailed the media… And he is dead on correct…

The MSM attack and vilify Conservatives repeatedly, on all levels, and viciously, while protecting their liberal/progressive agenda. And definitely protecting, even covering up for their ‘precious’ Obama.

Obama gets away with all sorts of gaffs, mistakes, radical associations, immoral behaviors, accusations, threats and withholding information from his past (male lovers, attending a hate America church, being a member of a gay men’s club in Chicago, lies, changing stories and agendas on and on) and this is all played down even ignored by the MSM.

Why doesn’t the MSM interview the three men, maybe more, who claim to have had affairs with Obama? (But I think most of them are dead… murdered?) Why hasn’t Obama released his school records? Did he get a scholarship as a foreign student? Why are most all of Obama’s friends and associates radicals or criminals? How did Obama finance his house in Chicago, with whom and why? Obama’s connection with Acorn, voter fraud, and the Black Panthers? Obama’s many social security numbers?  Fast and Furious… can you imagine if a Conservative administration had this kind of a situation? The MSM would be all over it… but they give the Obama Regime a pass….

Michelle Obama’s ‘unusal’ placements on hospital boards in Chicago? Why don’t they interview Bill Ayers? Why don’t they interview Soros and question him extensively concerning his interaction with Obama and Clinton? How come it is that, Soros, a man who destroys economies and is actually a
‘war criminal’ associates so closely with Clinton and Obama? Who are Frank Pearl and James Johnson as related to Soros?

Here’s a lead for some reporter: Soros has been identified as a front man of the Anglo-French Rothschild banking group. Understandably neither he nor the Rothschilds want this important fact to be public, so the tight links to his friends in the London “City”, in the British foreign ministry, in the state of Israel and to his mighty friends in the American establishment stay concealed.

What about interviewing Obama’s drug dealers? How about interviewing Obama’s girlfriends before Michelle….were there any? Then, we go to the birth certificate debacle? The expensive trips that the Obamas take when our economy is bad…How about the foreigners that back Obama? Why did a Saudi pay for his schooling? How did a broke, druggy, street kid get into Harvard? How did he afford to travel internationally? It goes on and on and the MSM gives Obama a pass. They even try to convince us that Michelle Obama is attractive and stylish… Ha!

The MSM sells the agenda that they want to, or were given orders to do… as they annihilate Conservatives …

The MSM promotes an anti-Christ agenda. They are religious bigots. They ignore Obama’s Muslim roots… Obama’s statements about standing with the Muslims. Obama’s connection to Odingo, his cousin, who kills Christians… Obama campaigned for him in Kenya…

Obama was born of Marxists; mentored by a communist writer and activist during his formative years; spent his college days hanging around Marxist professors and activists; worked as a radical community organizer, using the radical tactics of the communist, Alinsky; attended a radical church; was introduced to Chicago politics by a communist in the home of two communists; and now lends his political skill to the international goals of radical activists. He had radicals on his campaign, and has them in his administration. The simple fact is, since the age of 12, the people closest to Obama have been active, radical Marxists, and dues-paying members of the Communist Party USA….

But, the MSM is more concerned about Newt’s ex-wife of over a decade ago…. Pretty lame!….huh?

Hey MSM…here is a good story idea…

Or how about this: Obama would rather America be beholden to Moslem oil, have higher energy prices and fewer American Jobs than to do what’s right about The Keystone Pipeline! Obama kills around 300,000 jobs with the stroke of his Marxist pen!

Or how about:  http://www.coachisright.com/will-jan-26th-be-%e2%80%9cthe-night-the-lights-went-out-in-georgia%e2%80%9d-for-obama-and-his-27-socsec-numbers/

Didn’t he swear an oath on the Bible that he has never used an alias or had another name??? It’s pretty bad when foreigners have to provide the information that we have a potential fraud in office before our courts will take it seriously. They’ve been intimidated….by what??? He was asked time and again as a candidate the first time, to make full disclosure so the people could cast informed votes without reservation……..yet, he’s spending over $1 Million yearly with several law firms to keep all his records locked up and out of reach. If this was about a GOP candidate, the blogs would be buzzing at a deafening level.

http://www.exposeobama.com/2012/01/22/video-obama-summoned-to-appear-in-georgia-court/I would think anyone of these subjects would make a great story for an investigative reporter…  a ‘good’ reporter who investigates and reveals the truth about Obama should win a Pulitzer… but no, they cover it up, ignore it… and instead, attack Conservatives…

It is clear that the media has been given their marching orders and those orders are to protect and to push forward the liberal/progressive agenda. and to protect the Obama Regime, no matter what they say or do. This is an un-American agenda, a tear down America agenda. The MSM is un-American. They are propaganda pushing socialists…and worst…

Our media is corrupted. Too much of it is owned by those with a liberal/progressive agenda and by foreigners (Saudi Arabians, Soros, etc.) and this is disastrous for our country.

We have no journalism. A journalist reports facts, truth, instead of slanted propaganda. All the MSM does now is to push their personal agenda, the Obama regime, or that of their ‘owners’…

When we have more agenda-filled propaganda, than real factual news, we are in a dictatorship. ‘They’ know that to control the information stream that they can control the minds of the ignorant masses.

They are ‘trying’ to ‘tell’ the masses what to think, how to think, what is good for them, and what isn’t. The MSM treats the masses like they are children as does Obama. Obama talks down to (actually repeatedly lies) to the American people, like they are children in kindergarten, or even younger, or are idiots with the need to be told what to do. Obama acts like he knows what is good for us and we don’t.

Who is this ‘community organizer’, really…? He’s a nobody, do nothing, ‘former’ druggy, marxist… a bought and paid for puppet who is a bit black, mostly Arab and white who plays the ‘race card’ continually for effect and agenda…

As we get out from under the Obama regime, we need to also over-throw the propaganda media.

These ‘talking heads’ with their bought and paid for agenda are despicable and vicious and need to be taken down. And they all protect one another… what is this BS? Are there none who can REPORT AND REVEAL THE TRUTH??? Are there any who are ‘real’ Americans?…

How did this character, Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama, get to where he is?… With the help of Oprah, the MSM, and his radical backers who wish to do America harm and the harm that is done, we will hold them responsible for…The media has become America’s enemy…The media is responsible for Obama…

We need to bring back, ‘demand’, real journalism… real reporters… real fact and truth seekers.

The talking heads kissing the butt of the liberal/progressive agenda, especially the Obama Regime, need to be discarded.
They do more ignoring and covering up then investigating and any real reporting…

Thank goodness for Newt’s ability and courage to do what any and everyone with a brain was thinking and wanting to do…Bravo Newt!!!
Drop Dead MSM…. either become professional and without agenda or go away!

Men who complain their wife, or girlfriend, isn’t into sex…

 ???????????????????????????????I hear this lots… as I wonder, if these men are even sexy. In fact, the men that I observe complaining and whining about the lack of sex aren’t sexy, sensual, attractive, or even interesting, or fun…

Soooo… no wonder their wife or girlfriend isn’t interested in sex….

Men! Just having a penis, or an erection doesn’t make you desirable…Just being a male, doesn’t make you desirable….

Many men who ‘talk’ about sex, aren’t that good at doing it… is what so many women tell me…

Men who jump from sexual partner to sexual partner looking for that ‘sexual high’ aren’t sexy, or sensual… they are immature and irresponsible. Immaturity and irresponsible are not sexy…

Commitment, responsiblity, maturity and an emotional connection are what is sexy and sensual…

If you had it once, that sexual chemistry, that connection with your lady and it’s gone… then maybe, ‘you’, the man did something wrong… ever think of that, ‘your maleness’…? Ever think that it is about ‘you’ and not her??? So, how about blaming yourself and looking at yourself, instead of her…?

Women thrive on attention, communication, knowing that she is appreciated, cared for and protected. Women thrive on romance…

Now, I understand that some women are cold, or can grow cold for other reasons than what a man may, or may not do… but…Lovers

Men… there are excellent videos that you can get, to learn how to really make love to a woman… so that you can satisfy her. (I am not talking porn, I am talking about instructional videos… but they are also sexy. Porn can be a good thing, or a bad… depending…)

The more a woman is satisfied and fulfilled, the more sex she will want. It’s not all about you, ‘men’. Women have told me that they ‘fake’ orgasms just to get it over with and to make the man ‘feel’ good about ‘his’ performance. And the women finally get tired of faking it… and want no more of it…

There is a great movie called, FIREPROOF, that I recommend… it shows how turned off a man can make his wife without realizing what he is doing. That a male being so obsessed with self will turn the best, most committed woman off…

Guys, if you want great sex…. realize it is about the woman… put her first…
and forget about your ego and your penis needs…

If the sexual chemistry is there in the beginning.. it will always be there, if it is nurtured and developed… learn together about each others’ bodies. Women have a more complex sexual make-up than men.

Most women are very sexual beings and as they get older most get even more so…

I have a beautiful friend married for years to a great looking guy and she lies in bed and has sex with herself with him asleep beside her… so hey… what is this saying….?

Men you need to wake up… stop complaining and talking about sex and learn how to do it and how to really please your lady outside of the bedroom…cuddle with her, hold her hand, buy her gifts, flowers, etc… whatever she enjoys… start all over with the romance, every so often… make it fun and exciting… to break-up the pattern of everyday life…

It’s not about your car, football, fishing, your job, how much money you make or anything else. It is about how she feels when she is around you… it’s about how ‘you’ make her feel when she interacts with you… if she feels cared for, appreciated seen and heard….

There is so much written about how to please a man and it all centers on his ego. Men’s ego needs can weigh heavily on a woman.. a man’s ego and keeping him feeling ‘good’ as a man can exhaust a woman…
feeding that ‘fragile male ego’ can be a real turn off….

Women get tired of catering to a man’s ego…. so they shut down….
and men, if she doesn’t want you… she is shut down to you… she is turned off by and to you…. and it very well may be your fault….

Men.. are you still in shape? Do you take care of your personal hygiene? Do you watch sports all day ignoring your lady, then expect her to ‘want’ you… well, good frigging luck…

It’s really not about ‘sex’ It’s about communication. It’s about the connection.

Men forget about your needs, your penis, your ego, yourself and focus on your lady…it just may get you all that you could ever desire. Can you even handle it?

A woman’s glow…

???????????????????????????????Years ago, I was very much in love with a man who had two sons, one 13 and one 11….
I was very close to these boys. The 13-year-old was just getting interested in girls and would talk about them and ask his Dad and I questions…

Before his first dance, I taught him how to hold a girl, while slow dancing. He was a kind sensitive, kind-of-a football playing young man…and the girls loved him…

Then he met a ‘special’ girl… He excitedly told his Dad, as his face lit up,  “When she looks at me Dad, she glows. Her eyes glow! Her whole face glows! The look in her eyes is so great. And Dad, it makes me feel so good inside. There’s nothing else like it as when a girl looks at you with that light in her eyes, is it?

It’s like Ann looks at you, Dad. Wow! I
don’t want to ever do anything to stop her from having that look in her eyes when she looks at me. I love that glow.”

Pure wisdom, out of the mouth of a young man experiencing his first love…

So men, if you are fortunate enough to have a woman look at you with the glow of love…admiration, respect and all that encompasses it…it’d be wise not to mess it up…

It may not come again and it is a very precious thing to be cherished nurtured and valued…

A woman enhances, teaches, offers and gives a man the ability to become more than he ever thought he could be. Her magic, ‘her glow’, can draw out the best in him, if he is open to it. If he destroys her glow, out of abuse, disregard, betrayal, or his own insecurity… he will destroy his chance of having real love…and experiencing the full magical essence of the feminine.
And the more he destructs the feminine, the more he destroys himself, and his chance at peace, happiness, and contentment,even magic…in love…
So guys, if you are fortunate enough to have the feminine glow directed at you… flame the fires… it’s a big part of what the male/female attraction is all about…Think about it…

Angels and Whores…

 ???????????????????????????????The evening with the Saudi Princes pretty much disgusted me. Observing their behavior, learning how they live and treat their wives offended my very being. The Saudi experience occurred in the Fall of that year and by that Summer… I found out that my husband had an illegitimate child with his secretary.

Our marriage had been weighted full of ‘his’ problems…

I married him out of college and soon discovered as he got into the world that he was an alcoholic and a gambler. He had us deeply in debt. As I saved money, he gambled it away. Now, in a horror scenario, not unlike Maria Shriver’s situation… I found he had been living two lives…  https://blog.womenexplode.com/2011/05/17/i-have-been-where-you-are-maria.aspx

He had his life with me. I was a housewife and taught ballet. He worked for ‘my’ father’s company… I wore myself out trying to make him ‘appear’ good and okay… like our life really was what it ‘appeared’ to be on the outside, but it wasn’t. I was married to a baby, who wore a suit to work, played golf at a country club where ‘I’ was the member…

His other life was that of a drinking, gambling womanizer… hanging with the kind of women that he would never marry…

He was using them, and he was using me and he was loyal to no one, including himself…Geez! kinda like a Saudi Prince… Ha!

I recall him telling me towards the end of our marriage that he really liked going places with me because when I entered a room everyone’s head turned.  I inquired. “What are you talking about?” He explained further, “Like at the ballet, when we are shown to our seats, all eyes are on you. I feel noticed and important when I am with you.”

Just about explains it all, huh?

Soo… he liked what being with me made ‘him’ feel like. And the other women? He was with them because they made ‘him’ feel another way… I was out there and seen to enhance ‘his image’ of himself and they were in the shadows hidden. But the bottom line is that it was all about ‘him’… not anyone else, but him and how someone ‘made him feel’ about himself.

Of course, it was devastating to me to have all this revealed. Once, I found out about his secretary, I discovered that he had been having affairs ever since we were engaged.

I call it the Angel/Whore complex…The wife is the ‘good’ one… with the ‘Mrs.’ before her name and the others are insignificant playthings… But no one matters… it’s just different placements…to make the man feel a certain way and to give him what he wants…

I wonder does this kind of a man ever think about the women, their feelings, and their emotions? Or is it all only about him?

My ex-husband was a Baptist and strictly reared … no dancing and no drinking… Ha! Because he and his brothers were wild and were cheaters… Kinda like that Muslim practice, pushing their ‘morality’ when they are about as corrupt and immoral as anyone can be.

And my ex denied his child with his secretary in an ‘effort’ to try and get me to believe that it wasn’t his, and to ‘save’ our marriage, his facade. Our marriage was the facade that gave him ‘respectability’. He eventually paid her off and signed all rights to the child away.

While he was begging me to not divorce him, telling me that he loves me, always loved me … blah! blah! I find that he is having an affair with a ‘flight attendant’. How do I find this out? She sends a sex ridden card to ‘my’ house… about two days after I kicked my husband out.

After I divorced him, I never saw him again, but I have wondered, if he ever acknowledged his son. Amazing how cold, self-serving, selfish and immoral some men can be….

How and why do some men live one life that is presentable and respectable and another that is on the edge? Almost like they thrive on the duplicity of it all… the thrill of the hiding, the thrill of seeing how long they can get away with it…

Why do some men think it’s okay to live like this? We know Muslims have no respect for women, but why do some American men behave and live in this manner? Like they think, that ‘where’ their sexual organ has been doesn’t matter. But it does! To a woman like me it does… when I find a man has cheated… it’s over… And if I know a man cheats on anyone, I lose all respect for him.

There I was that evening, feeling sorry for Muslim women, hearing about how they are treated… and I was living a similar nightmare…

Is it some kind of a male entitlement that some men think they have? Is it that they ‘think’ what the ‘wife’ doesn’t know, won’t hurt her? Is it that the sanctity of marriage means nothing to some? Do some men ‘think’ all women are second class citizens and that they can treat them anyway that they desire?

Do they have an Angel/Whore complex… they marry the woman, ‘the Angel’, who gives them the facade of what they want to appear like…the respectable life, then play with the Whores?

An Angel will help a man see and know who he really is, assist and guide him along the way, helping him to be the best man that he can be and create a great life in ‘reality’… A Whore will ‘momentarily’ make him think he’s everything that he isn’t… it’s all delusions as she uses him and he uses her…they suck the life out of each other…it’s all comes down to destruction of life and souls… all for the male’s ego and ‘sex’… how lame can anything get?!

What is it with some men?…And don’t they realize, if they live like this, that in actuality, they are whores…just because they are men, gives them no escape from what they really are… They are man whores…

My sister ran into my ex lately at the grocery and reported that he is really fat and has some sort of severe health issues…well… ummm….And I heard that he went bankrupt several times… soo….

My Evening with Two Saudi Princes…

???????????????????????????????Many, many years ago, before I even actually knew what a Muslim was, or even thought about it (remember the good old days?)…

My husband and I were at a business dinner to entertain two Saudi Princes. My father was the owner of a construction and oil related company and in a joint venture.

There were eight other people besides myself and my husband then the Saudi Princes… One Prince, the older brother, sat at the end of the table, I sat to his left, with my husband to the left of me. The President of the company doing the joint venture was at the other end of the table and the younger Prince sat across the table.

This was an oxford-cloth-traditional group, except, for the Saudi Princes who wore multiple chains of gold around their necks, flashy bracelets and watches on their wrists, many rings on their fingers, silk shirts and shiny, slick suits…and, of course, with their dark skin and they both had mustaches, or some sort of facial hair… in other words, they looked like pimps…

It was the usual business dinner with a bit of personal conversation. It was obvious the Princes had no interest in talking with the wives.

But for some reason, the Prince sitting next to me, took an interest in me and asked what I like to do. I told him that I like to dance. His eyebrows raised. “I dance ballet.” From his reaction, I don’t think that he knew what ballet was, as I go on, “I am a ballet teacher. Ballet? France? The Bolshoi?”

He nodded acknowledgment then flashed a look at my husband and exclaimed. “You allow her to work!?”

“I like to work. Why wouldn’t I work?”

“A woman such as yourself should not work.”

“I like to teach and I have danced all my life.” I answer as I thought, what a jerk, ‘allow me’. Is he kidding or what?

I don’t recall the rest of the evening’s conversation, except, that the Prince  took a liking to me. Maybe, it was my dark hair and olive skin…and my speaking up and challenging him at every turn.

These gold encrusted Princes were on a tour of America and to do some business and when they returned to Saudi Arabia, they were both to be married. I found them to be boastful and arrogant, but the one sitting next to me, not entirely unpleasant. I found him interesting to observe.

At the end of the dinner, the President, at the other end of the table, was given the check and paid it. When the Prince next to me realized this, he stood up in an explosion, practically lifting up the table, shouting angrily, I guess in Arabic. The younger Prince stood up in preparation to leave.

That President’s mis-step concerning ‘custom’ was about to blow up the whole deal…Quickly my womanly instincts took over. I reached up, patted the Prince’s arm, pulling him down to his seat and said. “How about the next time, we are in Saudi Arabia, you can pick up the check. Deal?” Then I smiled really big.

He chuckled. “You won’t come to Saudi Arabia.”

“Don’t be too sure about that.” I smiled.

The Prince paused in contemplation, (I could see the wheels turning in his head) as I continued. “We’ve had such a nice time. I have enjoyed talking with you so much. He didn’t mean to offend you. Now, why would he do that? He wanted to create a lovely evening for you and he did.”

With that, tension begin to leave the Prince.

“And we will be in Saudia Arabia to collect. Really, we will. You can count on it.”

The Prince chuckled, the tension was released, as he sat down and all was well…. (It was all about his ego.)

After dinner, we ended up at a Disco (remember those?) because the Princes wanted to party… My husband informed me on the drive over that the Princes wanted to meet some girls. “But I thought they were engaged to marry?” I inquired.

HIs reply. “Yes, and one reason they are in America is to party. Their wives ‘to be’ must be virgins, but the men sleep with everything in sight.  A non-Muslim woman is nothing to them. Saudi women cover themselves from head to toe, while in their own country, but when they go to France or England, they wear the finest designer clothing. Their women are meticulously groomed, in the Royal family, that is. I heard that they take their robes off as soon as they get on their jets and look like well-dressed socialites.”

I replied. “How disgusting and what hypocrites.”

At the Disco, we were dancing and having ‘fun’. I danced lots with the younger Prince who was a wiry little freak show unto himself. But, oh well! I was just getting through this business evening.

When I sat down at our table, I began to sneeze and the older Prince gave the waitress a hundred dollar bill to get me a box of kleenex. The hundred dollar bills were flying around as fast as the waitresses could pick them up.(and this was when $100 was $100, remember those days?)

After getting our car and as we were leaving, my husband pulled back around to the front of the Disco then got out. He walked over to the Prince’s Limo, as I noticed several waitresses walk out of the club. My husband spoke to the waitresses then they got into Princes’ Limo.

When my husband got back into the car, he said, “Don’t even ask.”

But of course, I did…

So, these ego-driven, arrogant, braggadocios Saudi Princes were going through America buying women such as these waitresses… then going back to marry their virgins.

I hadn’t thought about this experience in years… but the other night while out with some friends, we were talking about how Muslims treat women and I recalled it…

Later the President of the company doing the joint venture told my Dad that I had saved the day…by my calming down of the Prince.


“Women in our (Islamic) culture are nothing. They are equal to the goat or the rug. Her purpose is to be married to her husband to give him pleasure. When a husband marries a wife, he purchases her sexual organs,”
Kamal Saleem, When Allah Doesn’t Answer

“when I want a sex-slave, I go to the market and pick whichever female I desire and buy her
Abu Ishaq al-Huwaini from Raped and Ransacked in the Muslim World

I could not remain a Muslim because Islam hates women. I think I always knew this, but as I got older that knowledge became more acute, Islam wants women to cover themselves, to stay indoors, to obey men, however stupid those men are. Islam says that women are inferior in every way. Islam distorted my father’s feelings. He did not want us, his own daughters, to be happy or fulfilled. He only wanted us to be good Muslims and for daughters this means to be suffering Muslims. What sort of religion forces fathers to make their daughters suffer? What sort of father thinks that his daughter’s hair is shameful? What sort of father tells her she cannot sing and dance when she is happy? A Muslim father.

This is why I am not a Muslim. My children, boys and girls, will be able to feel the wind in their hair. They will not be ashamed. They can sing and dance as much as they like. Nothing they do will shame me, as long as it is done with life and joy. Islam has no joy. Islam is a cult of tears and death.
Testimony submitted to the web site of the Institute for the Secularization of Islamic Society

A man is never alone with a woman without Satan also being present.
Hadith Al-Albani, Sahih al-Jami, vol. 1, p. 234.]

A woman’s rape is frequently the last act that precedes her execution.
This is explained by the rule in Iranian political prisons that the
sentence of execution cannot be carried out if the woman is a virgin.
Since there is a theological belief that if a woman dies a virgin she will go to heaven, the politically active virgin is forced to “marry” before her execution and thus to insure she will go to hell.
She is forced to “marry” the hangman who will carry out her execution.
Le Nouvel Homme Islamiste: La Prison Politique en Iran
(The New Islamist Man: The Political Prison in Iran)
By Chahla Chafiq

…. And we are allowing ‘this’ into America and being told that we can’t talk badly about Muslims…because they are so peaceful.. blah blah, blah!

These Saudi Princes were beyond arrogant and it was apparent that they could easily snap to do real harm to someone… hot-tempered – ego-controlled and impressed with themselves and their wealth and they want  everyone to know it and to bow down.

It is interesting that, ‘I’, a ‘mere woman’, was able to soothe the situation…

Which goes to show, even as these men want total control over a woman that her attention and allure can ‘guide’ or ‘manipulate’ them. Is this their real fear?

Their culture has this angel/whore thing going on, as many men do, not just Muslim… but in the Muslim practice this ignorance plays out in the most extreme ways…

There are so many complex insights in and to this experience…

What are your thoughts…?

And stay tuned… there’s a second part to this story..

Female Objectification and Oppression…

???????????????????????????????are the same side of the coin. Trying to put the feminine into a box, in order, that she be contained and controlled… is the need of weak, insecure, needy men and a weak, insecure society.

Respect, love, commitment and honor cannot and do not exist in this climate…

Nor do emotional fulfillment, contentment, security, or any kind of self-actualization in either the male or the female.

As both create a distancing of the female from the heart and emotions of the male and from herself.

Playboys go from woman to woman to ‘avoid’ an emotional connection… they may ‘think’ that they are so ‘cool’, but they are ‘fearful’ of anything real, so they ‘use’ a woman for what they ‘think’ they need, or can ‘get’, then off they go…. they objectify a woman. Sure, they may ‘think’ that they treat a woman ‘nice’ … but if they can’t go to the level of emotions, they are ‘using’ her and actually denying themselves true fulfillment…

This is what any man is doing that objectifies a woman… for her beauty, her sexuality or just the pride of having her on his arm, if that is what it is really all about, in that, he ‘thinks’ having her ‘makes’ him ‘appear’, or temporarily ‘feel’ like a ‘man’… HA!

Ogling a woman in a nude photo is just a objectifying as forcing her to cover-up every aspect of her identity and physicality.

Islam both objectifies and oppresses women. The males have been taught that a woman is their property and if she doesn’t do as he wishes, that he can beat, stone, maim and even kill her. This is vile beyond belief… as the feminine is the keeper of the heart of any society.

Imagine how loveless these arranged marriages are and what the children observe…
The man has no comfort and neither does the woman. Forcing a woman to submit to you… will not bring about love or contentment… Imagine the sexual horrors and abuse that are inflicted. Children living in and observing this will grow up full of hate and frustration… as we see in all Muslim countries….no wonder they hate, kill and commit terror. It’s taught in the home. A male observing what is done to Muslim women hasn’t a chance of knowing a fulfilling love… you might say that love in this kind of a society is destroyed at birth.

In todays, ‘progressive’ Iran, they don’t stone anymore (well, maybe, only in the small villages and maybe just a little bit). They are now more humane and only hang women.  If you are a ‘misbehaved’ woman, please be prepared to be hung. Islamic Republic of Iran, the regime which Barack Hussein Obama and Liberal Democrats want to negotiate with. I wonder what will they negotiate about? Which of the US cities Ahmadinejad must avoid to nuke and which women, the Islamic judicial system should avoid to hang? Liberalism is Islamism’s best friend. US Democratic Party is Islamists’ party of choice.

In this environment, the male never gets the full comfort of the woman nor the woman the man… love does not exist in fear and without respect… it’s impossible. Also the mutilation of a woman’s genitalia is to make sure that she does not enjoy sex… just how sick is this… What sick male would want to have sex with a woman who doesn’t enjoy it? A rapist, a sadistic, evil, sick and twisted one… and Islam creates and promotes this kind of a man…

According to figures in an Oxfam report in October, 87 percent of Afghan women report having experienced physical, sexual, or psychological violence or forced marriage.

Of course, there is abuse in some relationships in all countries, but a woman has a right to protect herself.. In Islam, she does not… it’s Sharia Law….and they are wanting to implement this in America.. and this is everything American women are not.

In my opinion, any American woman who marries into this practice is asking for a living hell.

When the male respects, honors, and nurtures the female, he creates a place for the female/male balance to occur and this is the only way to create a healthy world of peace, contentment and love.

Objectify and oppress the feminine out of the fear of their desire for her, makes and creates men who are cold, evil, heartless, needy, self-gratifying, immoral, hate-filled, rapid savages. Instead of men who learn how to submit to love, emotions and caring…
which ultimately makes them stronger…

They can drive around in a flashy sports car, or hang out in bars, ‘thinking’, they are so cool… or they can walk the desert with a sword, but they are the same desperate animals… lowly, un-evolved needy babies.

Have you ever wondered who stones women in the Muslim world?
Have you ever wondered what type of people are capable of this action?
Have you ever wondered what type of mindset would do such despicable acts?
Well, here are your answers! The men in the photo on the right… don’t you want to just give them hugs? HA!… Can you even imagine being forced to have sex with one of these angry animals?!

Wise men know that a woman’s love and her heart are what give him the ultimate strength….so they treasure the feminine and treat her with respect for the wisdom of her heart and the refinement in her being. So, to either toy with her emotions, in order, to enter her body, or to rape and kill her destroying her emotions and her body are similar in intent…  Think about it long and hard…

Women who allow men to objectify and abuse them are fools….

The balance of the male/female is the yin/yang that creates this world… the feminine gives birth to life.. all men pass though a woman’s body… the utmost respect and honor should be given to her…

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