Tag Archives: Media

Do you believe what they are ‘selling’ …

or yourself?
Snake oil salesman, influencers – so-called entertainment ‘stars’ – media – advertisers – advertising – advertising – advertising – repeat – repeat – repeat – make them like you – make them ‘think’ you know more than they do – that you have some kind of cure – some kind of secret miracle – that you know more than what their instincts tell them – make them ‘think’  that ‘it’, some product, diet, cream, serum, medicine – be it medical or homeopathic – some shampoo or something else – and then get paid for promoting and marketing it.

Get ‘them’ – the ‘masses’ to ‘like’ and trust you – so they will follow you, buy and do as you direct. You will lead them where you want them to go and have them buying what you tell them to – you will have them eating out of your hands – you will be an influencer and get paid for being so.

Teenagers are usually the quickest to follow their pack or peers – they are searching to rebel against any authority over them and to break away, try new things and this, of course can be positive and worthwhile, but it can also lead them on a journey to into hell. They ‘think’ they are  being rebelliously unique as they are being manipulated to become as a brainwashed flock and to gravitate to the same things.

Some things are tried and true – others not so much. They are only a whim or the latest fad – but influencers model, that if it works for them, or even some, it will work for others.  The slogan, “If I can do it, you can do it, too.” – is their call to arms. The  so-called’ influencers are ‘used’ to promote products, lifestyle choices, perfumes, clothing lines, diets – what to eat – how to live – what to buy – what not to eat and more.  Just take the product of Coke and the ‘so-deemed’ energy drinks – these things literally destroy your body, but people buy them en masse only because of false and repetitive promotion, to be/feel cool and ‘to be like all the rest’.  the call to be like all the rest – to be like others – to think if you are different or don’t have, or do what others have – is a powerful motivator for those who can’t think or choose for themselves.

As a young ballet dancer, even at the age of 12 – as that is when I auditioned and was selected as the youngest at that time to be chosen to dance in the corps d’ ballet of a professional company.  I  became obsessed with my weight – along with my energy level. I was going through puberty, so my body was changing and my fluid retention would shift as my hormones fluctuated – a normal and healthy part of maturation.

I write about this time, in my book DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR –  in the memory – “You’re too fat – No, You’re too Skinny!”  It was my quest to have the perfect body, even at the age of 12 years-old when I was still growing and changing.

I read everything I could find on nutrition – vitamins, etc. I didn’t realize it then, but I was using my body as a laboratory. I would eat only protein and get very lean, but had little energy. A times, I would starve myself. I would eat Fritos dipped in peanut butter – then eat only grilled cheese sandwiches. I observed how my body reacted as I tried different combinations. As a professionally trained dancer,  I was fortunate to be be given the gift and choice of complete body awareness.  A ballet dancer’s core is from where her strength and movement derive. So, I became ahead of the fitness game, even as a child – and way before most of the world was into it.  I knew the feeling of being completely physically integrated and knew how great it felt. I was into fitness, nutrition, health, etc. before most the rest of the world  had even thought about it. When I was growing up, I never saw a fat person – perhaps, a pudgy child, but compared to what I see today, they would be considered thin.  Food stuffs were filled with less chemicals, hormones, etc. Everything was more natural – even so-called ‘junk food’ tasted like real food as compared to now – as now, it tastes plastic, chemical & fake – not like food at all.

My mother prepared most of our meals  – which were most always a balance of meat, vegetables and a starch. We rarely, if ever had desserts or bread, as in dinner rolls, etc. We only had desserts as in a homemade pie or cake on birthdays or holidays. Sure, we had homemade cookies on occasion and popcorn and very occasionally potato chips. When as a family, we went out to dinner, it was to very nice restaurants – individually owned and, oftentimes we knew the owners – the food was fresh.

People weren’t sick. No one that I knew was was sick – except for an occasional cold, but hardly even that. I knew no sick children and none who took medications for learning, behavior disorders or anything else. We were are pretty much well-behaved.  No one that I knew took anything more than an occasional aspirin – if that.

As fast food came upon the horizon – as in pizza, etc. We tried it and liked it. Only the pizza then was freshly made with fresh ingredients.

Soon other fast-food choices made their entry onto the eating horizon – fried chicken, hamburgers, tacos. I would indulge in this fare – say once a week or less – just kinda going along with my group of friends. I was always into vitamins and took them when others thought they were nonsense. And after all my research, I knew this fast-food-thing with their little buildings popping up with their drive through windows all over the place – could not be good for the human body.

Now, what I see appalls me.  I see overly fat people everywhere. People who have little to no body awareness and certainly don’t feel or operate from their core. And we are not supposed to even notice they are fat, but to accept them as such, so as to not hurt their feelings.

Everything has become an orchestrated distortion. Less fitness over-all, while it’s being pushed and marketed. Less nutrition, while we have more so-deemed nutritional products and services. Many diets saying even taunting us to eat this and not that –  pay us money and you will lose weight – all these specialized foods that taste like yuck! Less activity, while it’s being lauded – more fat  and unfit people, but we are not supposed to shame or even notice them.

And then the sexual confusion being promoted to confuse our youth is off the charts perversion.  Sexualization of our children is of evil and perverse.  With some promoting little boys become girls and little girls become boys – naming them opposite sex names and dressing them as such.  So that, they begin their lives in sexual confusion. It’s vile and repugnant.  Only by these so-deemed influencers, we as a society are being led to accept that which we once found abhorrent as the norm. It’s promoted as leading edge — ‘design your child’s sex’.

So the questions are –  ‘Do you follow others or yourself? Do you follow your God-given instincts and what is moral and psychologically sound, or do you believe and make choices because, or based on something some entertainer does, says, or tells you to do, or to think, buy or live as, and that includes some self-serving ‘religious-type’, making millions off spewing their interpretation of the Bible?

Your connection to God – to yourself – to your body – to your psychological well-being – your moral and emotional health is personal between you and God – it’s not between you and anyone else and it costs nothing, but your time in reading, prayer, awareness and self-reflection.

Eating a pear cost less than eating a Big Mac with fries and is abundantly better for you. Natural and pure is better – less is more. Sex is between those committed in love.

Freedom and choice is of God/good.  Control, no choice, being in bondage to ‘addictions, chemicals, government/entertainers, media, sexual perversions’ are evil/Satanic.
We are in the world, not of it – therefore, be discerning, instead of in bondage to any person, thing or earthly/material belief.

0-7 are the most impressionable & formative years for a human being – so what a child sees, hears and feels at this time are very important to its well-being or not – creating their view of self and of the world. We must shield/protect our children from overt sexuality, violence, & pathology, along with rank so-called entertainment as well as we are able to.
Just as you can inherit your appearance and health, be it good or bad from your ancestors and lineage, you can be imprinted by their beliefs, either negative or positive that will guide your choices and ultimately your life. You will be imprinted and influenced by your parents, caretakers. societal imprints and beliefs and the world that you grow up in, until you become aware. You can change and better your appearance, learn skills, educate yourself, change your health factors by self-care, and you can also change your limiting imprints and negative beliefs entangled in your memories by becoming aware. A tool to assist DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR – memoir/self-help available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, etc. and by contacting me.

God/good is freedom Satan/evil is control….

Ever think that Biden respects no one’s boundaries because in addition to his perverted behavior of over-stepping personal boundaries is that in the NWO progressive globalist’s agenda everyone is considered their prey? And also part of the indoctrination into the NWO is that your personal boundaries are crossed making you prone to addictions – sexual perversion and more easily led into more and further perversion. The whole deal is to blur boundaries between you, them and others.  Biden’s behavior reveals how he’s been imprinted. People always behave as they have been imprinted – until they become aware and heal. Biden was/is a blatant alcoholic. There are videos of him during the Obama campaign so drunk that he could barely speak or stand
When something feels and appears creepy – that is usually what it is. Don’t be brainwashed into thinking it’s not. You aren’t crazy for seeing the truth of what something really is and what is really going on. The manipulating, narcissistic sociopaths just want you to feel wrong and crazy – so they can control you.

The NWO considers people their resource to manipulate and do with as they desire – brainwash, control, use – you name it. Just as they want to have control over all land and resources on earth for their exclusive benefit and use. Crossing individual boundaries – sex-trafficking – corruption and perversion of our innocent and helpless youth is just part of their indoctrination into the acceptance of  being manipulated and controlled.  Step by step little by little until, there are no boundaries left – just a blur of the masses into one lump.

Along with the murder of fetuses,  late term abortion and even murder of recently born infants – it all leads to the acceptance that human beings are nothing and should and can be perverted, used, manipulated and even murdered at whim with their organs harvested and bodily fluids used by the so-called self-deemed evil elite.

They are going about it – by their edicts such as  in – ‘The Green New Deal’ blurted out by their bought and paid for by Soros idiot-like scripted Manson-eyed – horse-mouth puppet Chihuahua AOC. She is being used to state it out loud – even in its absurdity – then it will be slowly or as quickly as they can implement by slight of hand – secretively or even blatantly just as fast or as quickly as the brainwashed masses will accept, until it’s forced upon all. As even in its absurdity including the destruction and harm it will create and cause – it’s their ultimate agenda.

The NWO globalist agenda – ‘once referred to as Agenda 21 – now called Agenda 2030’ – is complete control of the planet and all its inhabitants by 2030. Thus, the time frame given of 12 years.  NWO progressive globalists have no regard for human beings, unless it is for their benefit and use. The use of all and everything is meant for a limited few with the rest of humanity considered and treated as slaves of the NWO – which is founded and based in control, manipulation, evil and ultimately destruction – hidden in and behind their false facade  of caring for humanity and under the guise of ‘saving the planet’. This whole agenda will be implemented and coated in the evil intent of control of everything. They are imprinting upon the masses to look to them as the complete authority.
When actually, it’s God who is in control – not some group of self-serving humans on earth. But as the story goes. even from the very beginning – Satan ‘thinks’ he is more important, in control and powerful than God. The dark has intent, goal and agenda to block then destroy the light. Satan/Evil is about control. God/Good is about freedom.

It’s the wise, aware, able to process, in control of their emotions which gives them the ability to discern truth behind the agenda-presented facade that will save this world from the evil agenda of the Satanic intent of the NWO globalists.

Look at how Christians are being murdered around the world. But America – the land of the free –  is ‘supposed’ to allow in and tolerate Islam, etc. which is the opposite of Christianity. Islam is a ‘political practice’ about control of every aspect of everyone’s life and if not adhered to – then there is extreme and inhumane punishment, execution and slaughter – just as the NWO globalists are looking to implement.  America has allowed those of this practice into our governmental systems and look at the nasty things coming out of their mouths concerning Jews, our President, etc. They are out to destroy the American way of life and put it under their control of perversion and evil.

The media is being used to encourage & foster psychopathic behavior in otherwise normal people. They are manipulating otherwise decent people to emulate psychopathic traits & view these traits as the norm. The entertainment industry is filled with this message. Example: Lady GaGa paraded around in a dress made of animal flesh that sends out a message to millions of young impressionable minds that they are just a hunk of meat. This is not by accident. This is not ‘art.’  Look at Miley Cyrus and her nudity and wrecking ball display – then Beyonce’s lyrics, costumes and gyrations – to name just a few of the display of perversion. Psychopathic individuals behind the scenes in music & entertainment are slowly altering psychology in order to dehumanize, so that the day comes to replace freewill,  human spirit &  your soul with a microchip, you’ll accept it, as you will have been conditioned to view your humanity as just soulless meat. Look at the fashion industry, pornography, etc. The aim of the trans-humanist movement is to remove consciousness from the Earth except from a ‘privileged’ few.

We are living in the age of Leviathan – the devil deriving from the ocean that puts a fog around the over-abundant – coming at you fast information – making it difficult to discern what is lie and what is truth.

A world where lie is deemed truth and truth is deemed lie is a world turned upside down and steeped in evil intent and destruction.

A vital stage of their agenda is to create a bond between machines & humans. Technology distances you from your humanity. The people behind this agenda want to take away choice & freedom –  in order, to rule over Earth and all its inhabitants.  Example Facebook: ‘supposedly’ created to bring people together for community – appears a noble endeavor and purpose – except that personal information and identification are being used for product advertisement. They implement infiltration and brainwashing by censorship for their political NWO progressive globalist agenda of control. When you are on FB – you are under their control and surveillance.

When you turn and accept others as your authority other than self – you will easily be manipulated and led astray.

Become aware and full of your humanity – feel all of your God-given emotions. They are your God- given guidance system and the key as to what is real and what is not – what is good and what is of the dark. Evil does not want us to see truth. Evil is the master of illusion. Narcissists/sociopaths/ psychopaths want us all under their control surrounded, manipulated and controlled by their facade of lies.

The way to the freedom of the light is to feel and process the negative emotions, in order to have the ability to allow in the light of peace, love and joy. The negative emotions of fear, insecurity, anger, hate, anxiety, etc. must be processed, so that you can arrive back at peace, love and joy!
It’s clear that many in the masses are stuck in pain, negative emotions, even being out of control in their emotions – leading to addictions and harmful behaviors to self, others and out into the world. This is what the NWO progressive globalist, narcissists want  and are counting on – that the masses will be imprinted by the media, the entertainment arenas, the corrupted educational systems, the agenda of the corrupted control of gov. to be stuck in neediness, fear, addictions, with inability to think or discern, full of perversion and self- destruction with their individual boundaries breached. This is the way to all levels of control – crossing boundaries  – that way people are easy to manipulate – creating a need to rely on and look to the government for guidance concerning everything in their lives – even to worshiping the government as their Lord and Savior instead of God. God and Christ are threats to the agenda of control and evil. Evil wants people to be in a distortion of their humanity and in fear. God wants people aware, whole and in joy!

They are flooding our borders with needy easy to manipulate foreigners with promises of stuff and some who are part of  their agenda of evil and destruction – for votes to further implement their  plan. They want America over run with world power, sovereignty, financial power, Constitution, rights and freedoms destroyed. They want God and Christ out of our country. They want to take away our position as the hope and light of the world because America is in their way of completing the NWO agenda which is the enslavement of every man, woman and child on earth.

Free thinking and aware people look to the God of light and choice for their guidance – they process emotions – have healthy boundaries, both physically and emotionally – know right from wrong – truth from lie – real from conning bullshit.  They live morally with standards and manners. They take care of their body, mind and spirit. 

A tool for healing:
DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR – memoir/self-help on Amazon, etc. come into awareness – process your negative, limiting imprints, emotions and beliefs – so you are able to see, process and think clearly – with body, mind and soul fully intact and connected. Live free!

Obama is a traitor. He stands with those who wish us dead.

Eggplantfall5Referring to the attacks on Paris Obama minimizes them calls them ‘setbacks’  but when referring to gun violence in US, he maximizes it in order to implement his gun control agenda. Everything Obama says, does and why he lies, is to harm the US, to escalate Muslim influx, to weaken America and to empower those who wish us destroyed. He wants Americans disarmed while he allows refugees, illegals, and immigrants into our country. Obama has indebted us more than any other president. Financial destruction is one way of Jihad.

Obama avoids calling out Muslim terrorists which is exactly what they are because he stands with them. ISIS was created because of Obama. He allows them to grow, become stronger and to infiltrate more of the world including America as he allows refugees to enter even after the attacks in Paris, when there is no way to vet these people. We are being set up for attack by Obama.

We have fought Muslims for centuries and will be fighting their evil cult of hate and death forever and under the Obama regime, this evil has been given more power than ever before.

Obama & Democratic/Progressive/Communist Party are doing the equivalent, of introducing an invasive species, Muslims -‘illegals – refugees, to an area of world where they do not exist. It’s the equivalent of the situation with the Asian carp in American rivers and streams, it has taken over it eats and consumes the eggs and babies of the natural species there, this is the type of warfare the American people are up against.

This is not some plan of a buffoon or idiot, this is strategic analytical and criminal attempt and effort to kill the American people and their children here in America. What was once the Democratic Party, is now a Progressive/Communist cancer to the American way of life.

If Congress does not immediately pass a bill, that states you must be a legal citizen of the United States of America for no less than 18 years to be eligible to vote and you must have a photo ID to vote, they are working against the best interest of the citizens of America creating a catalyst for Civil War. That is their intention, to create chaos, to destroy, kill and disrupt the lives of all Americans with the intention of the destruction of the American/Christian/Judeo way of life. To destroy our Constitution, insert America into the NWO under the rule of the UN to create a one world religion and government where there is no choice or freedom. This is exactly what our forefathers warned us about and why they created the three branches of government as checks and balances. Obama’s dictator rule with his pen and phone is not how our government works. Obama is a bought and paid for puppet placed for America’s destruction and any media outlet or others who cover up for this evil are complicit.

Democrats blocked Cruz’s bill to revoke citizenship from Americans who join ISIS.

The free world will be at war with Muslims forever as we have been for centuries and Obama and his vile regime has put America in danger like never before.
Mosques are where they prepare for war. There are no moderate Muslims. There are those who terrorize and those who stand by and watch. They are all in it together with agenda to kill the infidel, to destroy the Western way of life and once they do, they will kill one another. Islam is a cult of hatred and death.
One Muslim being truthful and stating their intent. “It’s our obligation to implement Sharia.”
Islam means submit and you will not be killed. It does not mean peace.
Muhammad sent letters to kings & leaders of surrounding countries & tribes, inviting them to surrender to his authority & believe in him as messenger of Allah. He always ended his letters with the following two words: “Aslim, Taslam!”. Although these two words are derived from same infinitive Salama which is the root of Salam, i.e. ‘Peace’, neither one of them implies‘peace. The sentence means ‘surrender & you will be safe’, or in other words, ‘surrender or face death’. So where is the meaning of ‘peace’ in such a religion that threatens to kill people if they don’t submit to it?
There is no practice on earth that is more Antichrist and will use force than Islam, they have never been a friend to the church and have killed and imprisoned the saints.

He will be duplicitous, and initially will appear as a man of peace.  The Antichrist will preach to the masses in the large sports stadia that were constructed in recent years.  During the 3 ½ years of the Tribulation, his true evil character will be revealed.  He will be the worst tyrant the world has ever known, specifically persecuting Christians. 

Hypocritical, Despicable Main Stream Media…

???????????????????????????????Hey Media! Stop forcing your propagandized agenda down our throats and just report the facts…

I have been writing about this for ages… but in the Republican debate it ricochet off the rector scale. It was so great how Newt nailed the media… And he is dead on correct…

The MSM attack and vilify Conservatives repeatedly, on all levels, and viciously, while protecting their liberal/progressive agenda. And definitely protecting, even covering up for their ‘precious’ Obama.

Obama gets away with all sorts of gaffs, mistakes, radical associations, immoral behaviors, accusations, threats and withholding information from his past (male lovers, attending a hate America church, being a member of a gay men’s club in Chicago, lies, changing stories and agendas on and on) and this is all played down even ignored by the MSM.

Why doesn’t the MSM interview the three men, maybe more, who claim to have had affairs with Obama? (But I think most of them are dead… murdered?) Why hasn’t Obama released his school records? Did he get a scholarship as a foreign student? Why are most all of Obama’s friends and associates radicals or criminals? How did Obama finance his house in Chicago, with whom and why? Obama’s connection with Acorn, voter fraud, and the Black Panthers? Obama’s many social security numbers?  Fast and Furious… can you imagine if a Conservative administration had this kind of a situation? The MSM would be all over it… but they give the Obama Regime a pass….

Michelle Obama’s ‘unusal’ placements on hospital boards in Chicago? Why don’t they interview Bill Ayers? Why don’t they interview Soros and question him extensively concerning his interaction with Obama and Clinton? How come it is that, Soros, a man who destroys economies and is actually a
‘war criminal’ associates so closely with Clinton and Obama? Who are Frank Pearl and James Johnson as related to Soros?

Here’s a lead for some reporter: Soros has been identified as a front man of the Anglo-French Rothschild banking group. Understandably neither he nor the Rothschilds want this important fact to be public, so the tight links to his friends in the London “City”, in the British foreign ministry, in the state of Israel and to his mighty friends in the American establishment stay concealed.

What about interviewing Obama’s drug dealers? How about interviewing Obama’s girlfriends before Michelle….were there any? Then, we go to the birth certificate debacle? The expensive trips that the Obamas take when our economy is bad…How about the foreigners that back Obama? Why did a Saudi pay for his schooling? How did a broke, druggy, street kid get into Harvard? How did he afford to travel internationally? It goes on and on and the MSM gives Obama a pass. They even try to convince us that Michelle Obama is attractive and stylish… Ha!

The MSM sells the agenda that they want to, or were given orders to do… as they annihilate Conservatives …

The MSM promotes an anti-Christ agenda. They are religious bigots. They ignore Obama’s Muslim roots… Obama’s statements about standing with the Muslims. Obama’s connection to Odingo, his cousin, who kills Christians… Obama campaigned for him in Kenya…

Obama was born of Marxists; mentored by a communist writer and activist during his formative years; spent his college days hanging around Marxist professors and activists; worked as a radical community organizer, using the radical tactics of the communist, Alinsky; attended a radical church; was introduced to Chicago politics by a communist in the home of two communists; and now lends his political skill to the international goals of radical activists. He had radicals on his campaign, and has them in his administration. The simple fact is, since the age of 12, the people closest to Obama have been active, radical Marxists, and dues-paying members of the Communist Party USA….

But, the MSM is more concerned about Newt’s ex-wife of over a decade ago…. Pretty lame!….huh?

Hey MSM…here is a good story idea…

Or how about this: Obama would rather America be beholden to Moslem oil, have higher energy prices and fewer American Jobs than to do what’s right about The Keystone Pipeline! Obama kills around 300,000 jobs with the stroke of his Marxist pen!

Or how about:  http://www.coachisright.com/will-jan-26th-be-%e2%80%9cthe-night-the-lights-went-out-in-georgia%e2%80%9d-for-obama-and-his-27-socsec-numbers/

Didn’t he swear an oath on the Bible that he has never used an alias or had another name??? It’s pretty bad when foreigners have to provide the information that we have a potential fraud in office before our courts will take it seriously. They’ve been intimidated….by what??? He was asked time and again as a candidate the first time, to make full disclosure so the people could cast informed votes without reservation……..yet, he’s spending over $1 Million yearly with several law firms to keep all his records locked up and out of reach. If this was about a GOP candidate, the blogs would be buzzing at a deafening level.

http://www.exposeobama.com/2012/01/22/video-obama-summoned-to-appear-in-georgia-court/I would think anyone of these subjects would make a great story for an investigative reporter…  a ‘good’ reporter who investigates and reveals the truth about Obama should win a Pulitzer… but no, they cover it up, ignore it… and instead, attack Conservatives…

It is clear that the media has been given their marching orders and those orders are to protect and to push forward the liberal/progressive agenda. and to protect the Obama Regime, no matter what they say or do. This is an un-American agenda, a tear down America agenda. The MSM is un-American. They are propaganda pushing socialists…and worst…

Our media is corrupted. Too much of it is owned by those with a liberal/progressive agenda and by foreigners (Saudi Arabians, Soros, etc.) and this is disastrous for our country.

We have no journalism. A journalist reports facts, truth, instead of slanted propaganda. All the MSM does now is to push their personal agenda, the Obama regime, or that of their ‘owners’…

When we have more agenda-filled propaganda, than real factual news, we are in a dictatorship. ‘They’ know that to control the information stream that they can control the minds of the ignorant masses.

They are ‘trying’ to ‘tell’ the masses what to think, how to think, what is good for them, and what isn’t. The MSM treats the masses like they are children as does Obama. Obama talks down to (actually repeatedly lies) to the American people, like they are children in kindergarten, or even younger, or are idiots with the need to be told what to do. Obama acts like he knows what is good for us and we don’t.

Who is this ‘community organizer’, really…? He’s a nobody, do nothing, ‘former’ druggy, marxist… a bought and paid for puppet who is a bit black, mostly Arab and white who plays the ‘race card’ continually for effect and agenda…

As we get out from under the Obama regime, we need to also over-throw the propaganda media.

These ‘talking heads’ with their bought and paid for agenda are despicable and vicious and need to be taken down. And they all protect one another… what is this BS? Are there none who can REPORT AND REVEAL THE TRUTH??? Are there any who are ‘real’ Americans?…

How did this character, Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama, get to where he is?… With the help of Oprah, the MSM, and his radical backers who wish to do America harm and the harm that is done, we will hold them responsible for…The media has become America’s enemy…The media is responsible for Obama…

We need to bring back, ‘demand’, real journalism… real reporters… real fact and truth seekers.

The talking heads kissing the butt of the liberal/progressive agenda, especially the Obama Regime, need to be discarded.
They do more ignoring and covering up then investigating and any real reporting…

Thank goodness for Newt’s ability and courage to do what any and everyone with a brain was thinking and wanting to do…Bravo Newt!!!
Drop Dead MSM…. either become professional and without agenda or go away!