Category Archives: EXPLOSIONS

Hypocritical, Despicable Main Stream Media…

???????????????????????????????Hey Media! Stop forcing your propagandized agenda down our throats and just report the facts…

I have been writing about this for ages… but in the Republican debate it ricochet off the rector scale. It was so great how Newt nailed the media… And he is dead on correct…

The MSM attack and vilify Conservatives repeatedly, on all levels, and viciously, while protecting their liberal/progressive agenda. And definitely protecting, even covering up for their ‘precious’ Obama.

Obama gets away with all sorts of gaffs, mistakes, radical associations, immoral behaviors, accusations, threats and withholding information from his past (male lovers, attending a hate America church, being a member of a gay men’s club in Chicago, lies, changing stories and agendas on and on) and this is all played down even ignored by the MSM.

Why doesn’t the MSM interview the three men, maybe more, who claim to have had affairs with Obama? (But I think most of them are dead… murdered?) Why hasn’t Obama released his school records? Did he get a scholarship as a foreign student? Why are most all of Obama’s friends and associates radicals or criminals? How did Obama finance his house in Chicago, with whom and why? Obama’s connection with Acorn, voter fraud, and the Black Panthers? Obama’s many social security numbers?  Fast and Furious… can you imagine if a Conservative administration had this kind of a situation? The MSM would be all over it… but they give the Obama Regime a pass….

Michelle Obama’s ‘unusal’ placements on hospital boards in Chicago? Why don’t they interview Bill Ayers? Why don’t they interview Soros and question him extensively concerning his interaction with Obama and Clinton? How come it is that, Soros, a man who destroys economies and is actually a
‘war criminal’ associates so closely with Clinton and Obama? Who are Frank Pearl and James Johnson as related to Soros?

Here’s a lead for some reporter: Soros has been identified as a front man of the Anglo-French Rothschild banking group. Understandably neither he nor the Rothschilds want this important fact to be public, so the tight links to his friends in the London “City”, in the British foreign ministry, in the state of Israel and to his mighty friends in the American establishment stay concealed.

What about interviewing Obama’s drug dealers? How about interviewing Obama’s girlfriends before Michelle….were there any? Then, we go to the birth certificate debacle? The expensive trips that the Obamas take when our economy is bad…How about the foreigners that back Obama? Why did a Saudi pay for his schooling? How did a broke, druggy, street kid get into Harvard? How did he afford to travel internationally? It goes on and on and the MSM gives Obama a pass. They even try to convince us that Michelle Obama is attractive and stylish… Ha!

The MSM sells the agenda that they want to, or were given orders to do… as they annihilate Conservatives …

The MSM promotes an anti-Christ agenda. They are religious bigots. They ignore Obama’s Muslim roots… Obama’s statements about standing with the Muslims. Obama’s connection to Odingo, his cousin, who kills Christians… Obama campaigned for him in Kenya…

Obama was born of Marxists; mentored by a communist writer and activist during his formative years; spent his college days hanging around Marxist professors and activists; worked as a radical community organizer, using the radical tactics of the communist, Alinsky; attended a radical church; was introduced to Chicago politics by a communist in the home of two communists; and now lends his political skill to the international goals of radical activists. He had radicals on his campaign, and has them in his administration. The simple fact is, since the age of 12, the people closest to Obama have been active, radical Marxists, and dues-paying members of the Communist Party USA….

But, the MSM is more concerned about Newt’s ex-wife of over a decade ago…. Pretty lame!….huh?

Hey MSM…here is a good story idea…

Or how about this: Obama would rather America be beholden to Moslem oil, have higher energy prices and fewer American Jobs than to do what’s right about The Keystone Pipeline! Obama kills around 300,000 jobs with the stroke of his Marxist pen!

Or how about:

Didn’t he swear an oath on the Bible that he has never used an alias or had another name??? It’s pretty bad when foreigners have to provide the information that we have a potential fraud in office before our courts will take it seriously. They’ve been intimidated….by what??? He was asked time and again as a candidate the first time, to make full disclosure so the people could cast informed votes without reservation……..yet, he’s spending over $1 Million yearly with several law firms to keep all his records locked up and out of reach. If this was about a GOP candidate, the blogs would be buzzing at a deafening level. would think anyone of these subjects would make a great story for an investigative reporter…  a ‘good’ reporter who investigates and reveals the truth about Obama should win a Pulitzer… but no, they cover it up, ignore it… and instead, attack Conservatives…

It is clear that the media has been given their marching orders and those orders are to protect and to push forward the liberal/progressive agenda. and to protect the Obama Regime, no matter what they say or do. This is an un-American agenda, a tear down America agenda. The MSM is un-American. They are propaganda pushing socialists…and worst…

Our media is corrupted. Too much of it is owned by those with a liberal/progressive agenda and by foreigners (Saudi Arabians, Soros, etc.) and this is disastrous for our country.

We have no journalism. A journalist reports facts, truth, instead of slanted propaganda. All the MSM does now is to push their personal agenda, the Obama regime, or that of their ‘owners’…

When we have more agenda-filled propaganda, than real factual news, we are in a dictatorship. ‘They’ know that to control the information stream that they can control the minds of the ignorant masses.

They are ‘trying’ to ‘tell’ the masses what to think, how to think, what is good for them, and what isn’t. The MSM treats the masses like they are children as does Obama. Obama talks down to (actually repeatedly lies) to the American people, like they are children in kindergarten, or even younger, or are idiots with the need to be told what to do. Obama acts like he knows what is good for us and we don’t.

Who is this ‘community organizer’, really…? He’s a nobody, do nothing, ‘former’ druggy, marxist… a bought and paid for puppet who is a bit black, mostly Arab and white who plays the ‘race card’ continually for effect and agenda…

As we get out from under the Obama regime, we need to also over-throw the propaganda media.

These ‘talking heads’ with their bought and paid for agenda are despicable and vicious and need to be taken down. And they all protect one another… what is this BS? Are there none who can REPORT AND REVEAL THE TRUTH??? Are there any who are ‘real’ Americans?…

How did this character, Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama, get to where he is?… With the help of Oprah, the MSM, and his radical backers who wish to do America harm and the harm that is done, we will hold them responsible for…The media has become America’s enemy…The media is responsible for Obama…

We need to bring back, ‘demand’, real journalism… real reporters… real fact and truth seekers.

The talking heads kissing the butt of the liberal/progressive agenda, especially the Obama Regime, need to be discarded.
They do more ignoring and covering up then investigating and any real reporting…

Thank goodness for Newt’s ability and courage to do what any and everyone with a brain was thinking and wanting to do…Bravo Newt!!!
Drop Dead MSM…. either become professional and without agenda or go away!

What are we living in, when…

???????????????????????????????It’s ‘sex and the city’…greed, greed… anti-Christian deeds… child-age girls giving blow jobs to little boys, as if it’s nothing. Gays demanding marriage and women have children out of wedlock as if marriage was just an after thought…the sanctity of marriage and family are thrown by the wayside…

Women dress like hookers… ‘hooker heels’ are all the rage…and men treat them as such… as more and more women seem to strive for this…

Many women don’t like men and many men don’t like women… Some men are behaving like women and some are women behaving like men…so respect is exiting fast…

‘Stuff’ is more valuable than morals, values, standards, and honor…
or people… as many claw over each other to buy ‘things’….

Truth is lie and lie is truth… Right is wrong and wrong is right…

Patriots are deemed terrorists and terrorists deemed disgruntled employees, or I guess as just having a bad day…

Corruption in government is rampant … our President leading the way as, ‘liar-in chief’, as his I-I-I shows his love of self beyond all else….

Wealth is vilified, while most all lust after it…

Some people are famous for doing little to nothing, but self-promotion…

Muslims are entering our country in droves and we are adapting our schools, etc. to their Sharia law…setting aside prayer rooms for them, etc.

While young boys that emulate a true Christian are expelled…
and Christians and their religious holidays are laughed at and mocked…

Every move Obama makes is to help create a Muslim Caliphate…as he apologizes for Americans and calls us lazy and talks down to us as if we are stupid children….

The race card is played continually…while politically correct BS is forced upon us for agenda…

Our economy is bad, but our ‘president’ spends millions on a ‘December holiday’…

Slander and rumor run rampant… the press will annihilate a person at their whim… while protecting their Obama ‘god’…

False religions and ‘gods’ are idolized and followed… Oprah as one example…’Obama the messiah’ another…New Age BS….

People are on their gadgets more than they are interacting in person with one another…

Obesity and laziness have reached new highs… the over-indulged bulge is seen everywhere…

People listen to talking heads and the world more than to themselves… many not able to discern what is real and true and what is Leviathan spin…
and now-a-days most all of it is Leviathan-spin…

Information spreads quickly and most of it is slanted propaganda as in the MSM’s ”yellow journalism…

What most of us found abhorrent, we are now having to endure as the ‘norm’…

To me, America doesn’t feel safe, doesn’t look the same, or feel the same… it feels strange and off… really off…

It’s ‘Happy Holidays’ if you want to be PC… instead of Merry Christmas….


America was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs… not Muslim…

People who come to America need to adapt to us, become citizens, or leave. We have freedom of religion, but it’s not to make/force us adapt to theirs. It’s not freedom of other’s speech and not, ours, as Americans…

I don’t feel like I belong on here on earth…I don’t fit in. My morals, values and standards are not like what I see … and I don’t want to lower who I am to the standards of most in this corrupted world.

Does anyone else feel as I do?
So, what are we living in?…

Brainwashed Liberals, OWS, MSM, Obama followers…

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:
The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay $1. The sixth would pay $3. The seventh would pay $7. The eighth would pay $12. The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.
So, that’s what they decided to do. The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. “Since you are all such good customers”, he said, “I’m going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20”. Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.
The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. But what about the other six men – the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his “fair share?”
They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody’s share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man’s bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.
And so:
The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).
Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings. “I only got a dollar out of the $20,” declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man, “but he got $10!” “Yeah, that’s right,” exclaimed the fifth man. “I only saved a dollar, too. It’s unfair that he got ten times more than I!” “That’s true!” shouted the seventh man. “Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!” “Wait a minute,” yelled the first four men in unison. “We didn’t get anything at al!. The system exploits the poor!” The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.
The next night the tenth man didn’t show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn’t have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!

Anyone who falls for this is STUPID!…
Because this, boys and girls, MSM, Liberals, OWS, Obamanuts, and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

The obvious ‘should’ be obvious.. but the stupid and brainwashed can’t see or get it… this is how countries are taken down and destroyed…

“The trouble with socialism is you run out of other people’s money.” Margaret Thatcher
And soon no one is drinking beer or having any fun at all! Except the Dictator and his ilk. So ‘occupiers’ you are being played for fools…
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends. – Japanese Proverb (or those he chooses to give positions in his cabinet, or appoint as czars.)

Do You know Truth When You Hear It?

 ???????????????????????????????Leviathan is a three-headed devil deriving from the ocean and rules over twisting the meanings of words, so that nothing can be clearly understood in order to create fog and confusion in the world.

 Do you know truth when you hear it? With all the spin going on in our world today, it is making it more and more difficult to discern the truth. Twisting and spinning in the media, changing meaning, slanting outcomes, not reporting what actually occurs, but instead reporting what furthers ‘their’ agenda, seems to be the action of most in today’s world. It hits us from all sides, the TV, computer, radio and the Internet. Daily, we are bombarded with the fog of continual spin.

Obama and his administration are even trying to tell us how to speak, ‘changing’ the meaning of words, as in, what means what… as he tries to ‘change’ how we refer to, for example: ‘terrorists’.  Who are the ‘terrorists’? Obama and his administration are trying to rename patriots as ‘terrorists’ … Anyone that doesn’t buy, or is against the Obama spin is deemed a ‘terrorist’, instead of the ‘real terrorists’ being deemed as such. Obama and his administration are proving by actions and words to be the real terrorists.


We are being told not to refer to things as they really are and to not hear and see what we really see hear, or feel. We’re to believe what ‘they’ tell us to believe, instead of, what we know to be true. Just forget what’s true and believe ‘them’ instead. But they can tell you anything, and until you believe it, it’s not true.

Obama used the word ‘hope’ when he campaigned to get where he is. Hope?! Obama is taking away hope and in its place he is putting control over every aspect of your life.
It’s like a playboy trying to seduce his prey. He will compliment and tell her any and everything to get her, even “I love you.”
But once seduced by his spin, she is screwed, and he is on his way. That’s what is being done to America. We are being seduced and spinned. So, we can be screwed.Bill Clinton


Speaking of playboys…Clinton for example: Remember the Monica Lewinsky scandal? And Clinton pointing his finger at us through the TV screen as he said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” When obviously, he did. And most all of us knew that he did and knew that he was lying. But lied, he did, and he lied as easily as he opened his mouth. Then impeachment hearings were started and that’s when Clinton stated. “It depends on what the word ‘is’ means?” A Leviathan master at work.

Now, Clinton is caught up in another scandal. That he told a man to step out of a political race to let another win in order to suit ‘their’ agenda. Clinton, of course, ‘denies’ doing this. And others deny it to protect themselves from the light of the truth. Liars always deny. How can anyone ever believe Clinton? He has  proven to be a blatant liar. Yet, he is still supporting candidates and blabbing spin in the media. It’s Leviathan at its finest.

 Look at Obama and Pelosi… they contradict themselves even in the same speech. Truth seems not to matter to these people and they must think that the masses can’t see through their lies, Leviathan spin, and self-serving agenda.


Anyone with a brain knows that we can’t give better healthcare to everyone at a lesser cost. It’s impossible. It’s a lie. It’s Leviathan. It’s twisted logic. It’s twisting words to lead astray. This bill is to enslave the people to the government and it is of pure evil.

Oh, it’s a lovely idea and hooks fools into ‘believing’  that’s it possible, but it can’t be done and it won’t be done. It’s only a ruse to take more of your rights and freedoms away and to give more control to the government.

Anyone with a brain knows that you don’t pass bills and sign them without reading them. Anyone with a brain knows that you don’t continue going into more and more debt to balance the budget. Anyone with a brain knows that what works is a smaller government that serves the people not the other way around.

 Leviathan seems to be getting stronger and stronger. This word spin devil causes confusion, twisting, spinning words and meanings, so that little truth is heard, and confusion abounds. The more confusion, the easier it is for people to be led to distraction then destruction. Many politicians and much of the media are in collusion with the devil Leviathan. 

Especially this current administration is counting on the inability of the people to discern truth as their Leviathanian tactics get stronger and stronger. ‘They’ think that if they say it often enough, spin it enough that the people will believe it. 
This exact statement has come out of Leviathan-controlled Obama’s mouth.

Obama denies that he knew what was being preached at Rev. Wright’s church and those caught in the Leviathan spin spell, believe him.


There are liars everywhere these days. Truth is the rarity. And when the truth is spoken, or revealed the Leviathan spinners come out to try and make the truth appear the lie. It’s spin, twist, deny and confuse.


We must get back to the truth of the constitution. Our founding fathers created checks and balances to curtail a take-over by liars. The founding principles are sound and have made America and its people the finest and greatest in the world.

One of the most important issues is that we be governed by natural born citizens. There sure is alot of smoke about this issue, even more than around the Clinton-Lewinsky cover-up. Where there is smoke, there is fire. So, ummm… is Leviathan spinning or what?

We are being led astray by many in the international field that want to weaken America for ‘their’ benefit and Obama’s backers are leading the way to the biggest push ever to this goal.

 America is founded on Judeo-Christian principles and there is a reason for this and this is the reason that America is what it is. THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE BRAVE!


The Seven Deadly Sins are running rampant in our country and it is time to reveal them to the light of  TRUTH!  Instead of the Leviathan spin, that it’s okay to live this way.We’ve been led astray by the  evil Leviathan spin to believe that morals, standards, truth and honor don’t matter, when they are all that really does matter.


How do you discern the truth from all the lies? I say listen through the words, watch the actions and agenda, and how it feels to you deep down in your spirit.  If your spirit is true and you are true to your spirit, you will be able to discern theTRUTH!

And when someone shows you what a Leviathan they are BELIEVE THEM as in CLINTON!

Come back to your innate God given instinct of discernment.  We must hear through the evil of the Leviathan twist and spin to bring our country back to the truth.

‘They’ are afraid that we will see the truth. That is why they twist, churn and spin.

Wake up people! Hear through the spin and lies!  Hear the TRUTH!

Traits of Dictators…

and dictatorships are similar. First, their leaders are all dicks. Ha!HA!

Some like the color gold and many dress costume-like. 

They shout! They scowl. They raise their arms around and in the air allot.

They make outrageous and impossible promises to the masses. They promise change and a new wonderful world of prosperity. But their change is and brings destruction. And dictators keep the money and prosperity for themselves, their friends and family.

They vilify and create wars even amongst their own people. Religious, race and ethnic cleansings are usually part of their favorite activities.

They enjoy instigating, harming even killing their own country men.

They take from the ‘have’s’ and redistribute to the ‘have nots’ making sure to keep the bulk of it for themselves, their supporters and friends.

Redistribute is one of their key words… along with ‘hope’…

But the truth is that they take control of all resources and businesses for their benefit and use.

They dress garishly… and spend much on their apparel. They live lavishly and travel much. They have everything first class, while the masses do without, or starve.

They steal, lie, con, and divide to conquer. They imprison, torture, maim, and ravage a country and its people.

They grow the government and create an army that is ‘theirs with allegiance to them instead of the country or the people’. They build ‘infastructure’… prisons, bridges, train tracks, etc. They have the masses even building their own prisons and digging their own graves.

They destroy the private sector and take all wealth from the people. They convince that everything is better run in government bureaucracies … and in their hands.

They treat the people like children.

They are all Narcissists and sociopaths…

They punish their enemies and reward their friends….

And as you view these idiots, don’t you wonder how in the world they got into power and caused so much harm and destruction? They look like freak shows, so how did they accomplish what they did? By brainwashing, false promises, lies, cons, circle-talking, Leviathan spin, getting in front of the masses as much as possible, if not all day. Taking over the media, the education and minds of the children and youth, while making promises that they had/have no ability or intention of keeping.
And well, some, have really bad taste in clothing….
no matter how much money that they spend, they still look bad.

Wearing really bad prints and fabrics must be one of the traits of dictators. Can you think of others?…

Mostly About the Obamas and a Few Others…Exploding!…

Would you invite Obama to your house? I wouldn’t. I have nothing in common with a community organizer who associates with radicals and goes to a church that hates America. I would never cross paths with a person such as this, were he in my community, and if I did, I wouldn’t like him, how he lives, what he believes, or stands for.

Concerning Michelle Obama, she would not fit in my world. Most of my friends, be they MOwives, mothers, career women, volunteers, or socialites… have a certain refinement, and know how to dress appropriately.  And whether rich, poor, or in the middle, they know how to put themselves together for their body type and look better than Michelle Obama, even if they are just running about doing errands.

This is a ‘first lady’?…Not really?!

The media spin is continually trying to ‘sell’ us on how stylish and beautiful Michelle Obama is, But she just isn’t. Only who cares what a first lady looks like as long as she is refined and has character, but Michelle doesn’t have these things either…

Michelle and Barack Obama are no one to look up to, aspire to, or listen to and they should not be where they are in our country.

Barack is the product of a wayward woman who had sex with an African man back when ‘respectable’ women didn’t travel the world behaving in this manner. (not that this is an acceptable lifestyle now, or anytime.) There are even ‘sexual photos’ of Obama’s mother floating around. She was a slut, in my opinion. Barack’s father was a radical, whore-monger, alcoholic, and married to several women at the same time. And he barely saw his son, Barack, during his lifetime. Barack Jr. was probably born in Africa and indoctrinated to be Muslim. His higher education was on the government dime. (if he even is educated) He did drugs, hung out with radicals and those on the edge of society. He has many social security numbers, and men have come forth claiming to have had affairs with him. Where he got his money to travel about when he was younger is a mystery. Everything about his past is sordid and a mystery. This man is nothing, I would ever associate with, or have around me EVER!

Then he writes a book (was he really the author), is on ‘Oprah’, and is now, telling Americans what to do and ‘his view’ of what we need to be. ‘Change’ is the BS he espouses with no specifics, facts, or plan of his own…he signs bills that were put into place before he was ever elected, or even a candidate. He wants things passed quickly and uses threats and fear continually… he doesn’t let the people read the bills, until they are passed. He over rides the constitution and ignores the American people.

We can look to Oprah for this con to be where he is in America and this woman is the Queen of Con and ‘giveaways’. She conned Americans along as she became wealthy and now she is a part of those trying to ‘change’ the free enterprize rules, so she, Obama and their ilk rule over the rest. She and Obama both attended Wright’s church of hate America… never forget that…

How about this character Pelosi… would you want her at your house? She always talks like she just came back from a three martini lunch, like some wealthy, dimwitted, socialite dowager and this woman is in the Gov…? She has made a fortune for her family and her husband’s businesses by pandering to progressive/liberals as she grows the gov. to control the people and more of the revenue…

Then Harry Reid… looks like a nice guy, huh? Would you ever want him in your home? So, why is he in the government pushing to make laws that rule over our lives? The man is a freak show….he is pushing the liberal/socialist/progressive agenda, spend spend and grow the government. Just look at his face! Does he look like a Nazi or what? I would never associate with this dweeb and traitor to the freedom of the American people.

Michelle and Barack are nothing, but Walmart puppets of the ‘elite’ with a destroy America agenda, living off the taxpayers dole, putting on a show, wasting money, living the high life doing the agenda of radicals and America haters that want to take away our freedoms, rights and control us while they attain more power and wealth. Grow the government and spend spend spend….to indebt and enslave the American people…

Government only cares about sustaining itself and this is the reason that…

Our founding fathers stated clearly that only real Americans, natural born Americans should and can be President… they knew those with ‘different’ backgrounds and ideology would not understand what America is and they were correct. Our founders were wise. They knew foreigners and America haters, those jealous and envious of freedom, integrity,
prosperity, morals, standards, God-loving, believers in Christ, would not be able to lead our country in any positive, healthy way, or direction … And they were correct. We were warned and forewarned and all this was predicted…
Everything about Obama’s administration is anti-Christ and pro-Muslim. Everything about Obama’s administration is about the Government instead of, WE, the people. Obama is about ‘I’ will tell you what to do, how to live and how much the government will take from WE, the people. Our founders wrote in our constitution, and in the division of our governing branches, catches to protect the people of America and Obama is ignoring them all…

Obama clearly by his actions, words, and who he associates with, hates America. His campaign slogan ‘change’ and his statement that he will ‘fundamentally change’ America shows this without a doubt. 
I am appalled at what Obama says, the way that he talks down to Americans, his stupid ideas, his ignorant, circle-talking, full of lies, dictator-like speeches, his scripted Leviathan crap that spews continually out of his mouth as he reads a teleprompter.

A President and the first lady should be American people to look up to and that they lift and bring our country up not threaten and lie to us. What the Obama’s are doing is bringing down everything good and sacred about America, while they smile, preach, spend (waste) America’s money and make ‘changes’ that are detrimental to everything about and to America, what we stand for, and who we are. We do not need change … we need to get back to what our founders set forth.

Go to Walmart, walk around that dump and look at most of the people. This is what we have in our White House. We are lowering our American standards to that of a third world country, a ghetto of sloppy living off the gov. dole slobs… and that man in our White House and his wife, with no beauty, style, grace, or fashion sense, (regardless of what the corrupt media spews) and hate of America will take us to their level, if we allow them to….

We need to come back to the constitution and the vision that our founders had for us.

We need to kick American haters back to where they came from and that includes the Obamas. Obama is not America’s President, or an American President. He belongs and works for the NWO.

We need an American President.  A President that puts American first and the world second, not the other way around.
This race card, politically correct BS and the corrupted media is what got this unqualified, community organizer where he is. We, the people, must stop the brainwashing and destruction of our country backed by the greed and evil of those going against our constitution.

The Obama’s are not welcome in my home, or my country. (neither is big mouthed Oprah and certainly not loony Pelosi, or dweeby little Reid) Agree or not?

The Government Versus The Private Sector…

Where would you rather eat? A sole proprietor, ‘Mom and Pop’ restaurant, where food is made fresh daily, prepared in an on site kitchen, where the owner, even the cook (may be one and the same) comes to your table to see how you enjoy your meal… or at a large fast food chain where food is preserved with chemicals and mass produced?  Where there are so many people in and out daily that no one knows who you are, or even cares, if you come back because there are so many that you are just one of the crowd and the cooks and servers change as often as the customers.

Everyone knows the small owner-managed restaurant is the place to eat. The food is usually good and service usually great because, in order, for their business to survive, it must have quality and service… once it mass produces itself and grows bigger and bigger, it never fails that the quality and service goes down. 

The last time, I ate at a fast food restaurant, 20 or more years, ago, it tasted good while I ate it… but a few hours later, I got sick… and I vowed never again…

This is the difference in the quality of a free enterprize system with a strong private sector and a large government controlled country. America’s strength is its people, their individual efforts, work ethic, and creative ability. The larger our government becomes, the worse the taste in our mouths will be and eventually it will make us all ill.  And with government run healthcare, the odds are that we very well may not become well ever again.

Recall your last visit to the DMV? How pleasant was it? Terrible decor, long lines and employees that moved slowly… no need to be proficient, they will get their government paychecks no matter what, at least, as long as there is money in the coffers extracted from the people in the private sector.

And at the post office, I have waited and waited, while workers talked amongst themselves. They don’t care if you wait in line. They worry not about the profit margin.

Anything run by the government is of high cost and low quality. 

 It’s past time to shrink the Government and to grow the private sector…

Exploding concerning liberal/progressive media take over…

 and other things…includes the Internet and social media… Obama’s administration is trying to put more restrictions on the Internet…the ‘false front’ is that it’s for the protection of the public to protect from cyber-terrorists when, in my opinion, it’s really only to further the socialist/progressive agenda to silence, curtail and even block the free speech of those who don’t agree with the takeover and destruction of our country.

Just more restrictions to promote more propaganda and brainwashing…

Obama meets with the owner of FB… and conservatives are blocked, hassled even kicked off …

FOX is being infiltrated by more liberal/progressive commentators with their slanted progressive/liberal/Obama propaganda view point…fair and balanced reporting…okay. But many are noticing it’s swinging more liberal/progressive.

Obama is threatened by FOX, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck etc. anyone who challenges, or questions him and his backers’ agenda. So, he and his backers, will do whatever they can to silence them. They want the truth and anyone revealing their agenda silenced… 

On the MSM it’s all liberal/progressive propaganda…not fair and balanced at all. It’s like they are given a scripted agenda, just as scripted as Obama’s robotic speeches… it looks and feels false because it is. It’s a talking teleprompter.
People who speak from the heart and what’s true, may use notes, but don’t need a script. Look at the difference in the way John Boehner speaks. Look at Michelle Bachmann.. these people speak who they are. Obama is creating who he is for his agenda. Obama is a false front, an actor playing a part… It is corrupted.

The liberal/progressive agenda is to create brain dead drones to do and to think as the government and media tells them to do, as ‘they’ take more rights, freedom and income away, until ‘they’ have total control of the masses and every aspect of their lives…

Obama even insults us, while he does this, stating that we would rather watch ‘sexy’ TV, or ‘nonsense’ TV… and worry about our lives, then pay attention to the con that they are pulling on us… That ‘we’ don’t ‘understand’ things like a ‘professional politician’ does. HAHA! Well, that is what those with the Obama agenda are hoping for, but it’s not accurate…

The Obama government is continually trying to tell us who we are and what we think. When the Obama puppet speaks, he literally tells us what the American people want and how we think. These are the actions of a narcissist, a sociopath, and an abuser….

He doesn’t care what, we, as a people want… he only cares about agenda.

Obama is a puppet/dictator. Obama needs to stop campaigning. Obama, his family and friends need to stop flying around the world. America needs to stop sending money to other countries and keep our resources here. We need to completely close the borders and stop allowing aliens into our country period… until we balance our budget, take care of our country and our own people. You can’t invite your neighbor to dinner, if you can’t feed yourself.

We need to cut spending, keep the debt ceiling as is and cut the government!

Glenn Beck got out of the main stream media… moving to Texas and creating GBTV… where he will stream his shows. Hooray Beck will be in Texas!

Many are moving out of liberal stinking, sinking states like California and New York. Texas is free and most are conservative. We don’t want what was done to California done to Texas. Obama hates Texas as does Joy Behar. You are known by your enemies as well as your friends….so this pretty much says it all.

Does Texas even need the rest of the country? We could split off and with our resources, talents, expanse of space and since, we even have our own grid…we could have our own country… We just need to wall off the border from Mexico…and the government backed and government benefitted drug cartels. 

Our government has become a corrupt racket-mafia, and they are using all media outlets to further and achieve their goals…

Obama lies, threatens, cons, lies again, blames, circle talks, vilifies wealth, individual success and wants to rule over every aspect of our lives. His ‘change’ is to make America into a third world country. His ‘change’ is government rule over everything…

After his disgusting, arrogant, lame, blaming, insulting, repetitive, agenda-filled, lying, conning speech last night… Anybody else exploding?…

Riding a whale…

Explosion of sex, off-color, outrageous, mean girl, lunch talk…(my friends in this instance shall remain un-pictured and anonymous)

We all laughed and laughed when one of my friends made the off the cuff comment that making love to her husband was like riding a whale… HAHAHA!

I guSperm Whaleess, it’d be a sperm whale, huh? She loves him and they have been married for years, but he has obviously over the years gained weight. While she looks fabulous, works out almost everyday and turns heads… which I am sure, her husband enjoys. But, she isn’t having all that much fun in the sack anymore. 

When a man gets that belly on him, you know, where they look like they are about 8 months prego … then the woman many times, ends up on top, and doing all the work, and it’s exhausting.

I have had this kind of a relationship once, and it was not fun, or satisfying, and my friend described it perfectly… it was like riding a whale. Not only that, but a man like this, usually can’t hold himself up on his arms, so positions are limited and his sheer body weight and inability to be flexible sets a ‘sex stage’ that soon becomes redundant and limiting…

No one expects anyone’s body to be perfect and in a long term relationship bodies change with age and your love for them doesn’t change just because their body changes…

But guys get a clue… if you want your lady to look great and to stay in shape then you should, too. And before you men can say, ‘Women get fat also.’ Well, of course, they do…
Women working out at gym stock photographyI am communicating here about what my fit girlfriend said about her whale-like husband… and we laughed and laughed and laughed….

Then we discussed, how do two really fat people even make love? My friend commented, “If I was as hefty as he is, how would we even get together?”

So, how do really fat people do it, or do they even to it, or do they just sit around and eat to satiate themselves that way? But you see fat families walking in the mall… fat mom, fat dad with fat little kids all the time … so how’d they do it? Stop! I don’t even want to know!!!!

But men, if you don’t want your woman laughing about riding a whale with her girlfriends, and while with you going, “Oh baby, baby, you’re so good!”

Take the weight off and get in shape! Why should she be fit, if you aren’t?…

The corrupted media…

It is clear to anyone with a brain to think, eyes to see, and ears to hear that most of the media has become corrupted and has become an extension of the Obama government’s liberal and progessive agenda which is to socialize even communize and demoralize America. To ‘change’ our free enterprize system into government regulations, rules, and heavy taxation and to grow the government at rapid rate, at the expense, and on the backs of Americans in the private sector, to take away freedom of thought, expression, and the right to expose, unless it meets with government agenda…to make the masses ‘equal’, at least, to fool the masses into ‘thinking’ that is what they are doing when really the government along with the media rules over them. HAHAHA! 

This is how dictators operate. They take over the media to have their self-serving propaganda spewed daily on all levels and repeatedly…repeat and repeat again. Obama stated many times that he only needs to tell the people more often and in different ways, until they ‘understand’.

Dictators and the corrupted media know that they can brainwash the people who are either too tired to think for themselves, don’t have the brain capacity, are too lazy, want dependence and, or want the government to control every aspect of their existence. This corrupted media continually makes statements, such as, “The American people think this or that.” They are putting words in your mouth and thoughts into your brain daily, like you don’t have the capability to do this for yourself.

Obama does this continually. His recent statement, “The people don’t know what to do, only the career politicians do.” This statement in itself should scare the hell out of all Americans. 

Many of the polls that the media promotes and creates are also propaganda. They know that many people, if they are told that others feel a certain way, will follow along… like sheep led to slaughter.  A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!  
People wake up and see, hear, and think clearly before everyone awakens to find that they are living with restrictions and limitations on most everything in their lives and when Obama and his backers destroy the dollar are forced to have a mark put on their body from the ‘Obama regime’, in order, that they be able to work, buy, or sell.

Obama is a dictator. He is a puppet of those wishing to take America down. They want to control the people, all resources, the land, the electricity, the commerce, even the air that you breathe and to do this they need to have and rely on a corrupted media.

They detest freedom. They detest the free enterprize system. They detest anything, or anyone that they can’t or don’t have control over…
They are afraid of freedom… They are afraid of choice… they want to choose for you…
 George Stephanopoulos, Diane Sawyer, Barbara Walters, Chris Matthews, Oprah Winfrey, Katie Couric, Anderson Cooper to name a few are Obama agenda-filled drones…they don’t report, they brainwash….
Anyone associated with Oprah needs to be boycotted, by anyone who believes in a free America. She and Obama attended the Rev. Wright ‘hate America’ church… and Oprah’s media creation of Obama is what put this dictator where he is today…

The corrupted media allows all Obama’s flubs, lies, corruption, deceit, crimes and distortion slide as they vilify anyone who isn’t caught up in and backs their agenda.They are terrified that they will be exposed for what they are…

Barbara Walters proved there is absolutely nothing the Democrats can do that would get the censure of the mainstream media…except, maybe become a conservative, when she defended Weiner by trying to slime Palin for traveling in a bus around America… umm…Walters had an affair with a married Senator in the ’70’s.
Could anything be anymore sordid, ignorant, agenda-filled and corrupt in the media…? NO!
So not only is the media corrupt, but they are also bullies. They mirror the corrupt Obama bully perfectly…

Some in the media going along with this corruption, either are, or will benefit in some form, or they are too stupid, as of yet, to see what is actually occurring, or they have been threatened and are in fear of not going along with agenda.  Obama’s own words. “We will reward our friends and punish our enemies.”

These are the words of a dictator, not an elected president. Certainly, many in the corrupted media have been promised benefits along with the government ruling class when agenda has been fulfilled.

Recall recently, the news person that called Obama a ‘dick’ and he was promptly fired. Well, his man spoke what he really felt. So many in the media are scripted and playing rolls, in order, to keep their jobs when in their truth, they see and know exactly who and what Obama is…

The MSM never gives the whole story. It is always slanted to benefit the Obama agenda of bigger government, the wealthy are bad, and we must level the playing field for everyone. But who is making the money, gaining power and dominance? The government, those that back Obama, as he rewards his friends in business, the corrupted media and some in the entertainment fields, as they continue their agenda to brainwash and control the masses.

FOX news at this time is the only fairly balanced network… to have Juan Willams (who in my opinion is brainwashed, or Obama brain dead) on Fox, clearly shows this…John Stossel recently revealed how stories were blocked at the network where he used to work.  Not that anyone with a brain didn’t already know this occurs and all the time.

We must not let the corrupted media corrupt our minds and our country.
Think for yourself. I assure you that this is the only way to remain a free person in body, mind and spirit, living in a free country full of opportunity, instead of Obama’s socialist corruption of hell.