Tag Archives: perversion

Orchestrated opposition…

Created opposition for agenda with purpose of confusion to implement ultimate control – when behind the scenes both sides have ‘similar, even the same’ agenda. Creating an opposition serves the ability to guide and implement a deeper, fuller, all encompassing control of all and everyone.

As in Devil’s advocate – some may not even realize or be aware of how they have been sucked in – until they do. Some may be blackmailed, threatened, hooked in by their ego. Insecure – ego-driven, power  hungry men are the easiest to suck in and control because they are all about self – about their weak, insecure fragile self-ego, as they try to create value and importance, trying to negate, prop-up, do anything rather than deal with their internal insecurity – thinking that control over others on earth, and or, having wealth will give them power almost equal to God and for all to see. Everything they do is fear-based, fear-driven. As in Satan desires to enslave humanity in any and every way possible with the endgame being to takeover & steal souls. Fear is Satan’s biggest and most favored tool.

Orchestrated opposition creates cognitive dissonance in those held captive by it. ‘They’ do not/cannot believe that it’s true – that ‘the one’, they believe/believed was telling the ‘truth’  – ‘the one’ who is/was for them – fighting for freedom, was actually all the time part of the plan to implement control and enslavement. And was only coming from the opposing angle in order to capture more followers – and those not as easily led – being of two minds coming together for agenda.

It’s the internal moral adjuster in any human being that ultimately decides their proclivity and limit for engaging and doing evil. This internal adjuster decides when they must cease, in order to regain their internal moral balance.  And of course, some men have little to no internal moral adjuster. They are the ones without conscience – those without healthy ego-balance along with the ability to do any and everything to attain for the sole purpose to sooth their weak, insecure selves, which fuels their self-serving agenda.  Some men seduce and lie, but will not rape. Some men will steal, but will draw the line at murder. It all depends on their internal moral adjuster and level of internal desperation and need to feel powerful – to have the ability to overpower those whom they deem weaker or less than, even if it’s only for a moment.

Wasn’t it foretold that God’s most special/beautiful angel – didn’t have a secure enough internal moral adjuster to be satisfied with self – even while being God’s most special, he still felt less than and desired more – so he  desired to be equal to and have the same power as God? He therefore, had to defy and challenge God’s power – so that, he was able to ‘feel/ believe’ that he was equal to, or even more powerful than God, in order to satiate his envy and ego-driven insecurity.

Is perhaps, Satan versus God, the ultimate and most final orchestrated opposition?  This challenge for power over God’s greatest creation – ‘made in his image’ – that of the human being.

For Satan’s disobedience and challenging of God, God threw him out of  the heavenly realms down to earth to crawl on his belly for all of eternity. Oh, and how these snakes do crawl…

If you gain the whole world, but lose your soul – what do you actually gain?  All you have is the ‘temporary’ power of Satan. And for those not able to know God/Christ that is all that they ‘think’ there is.

Men-of-morality – men-of-God know intuitively, instinctively and internally that there is more – that they have a God-given soul – that magnificent spark that ignited their flesh to come alive. And that they take off their garment of flesh when they leave earth but that spark lives on.

Men-of-the-world – men of things – men of worldly power – men of money – men who are followers of Satan – followers of evil – of the ‘any-ends-justifies-the means’ – to which the end is always ego-driven, self-serving-biased – greed and envy, without empathy to, or for their fellowman. Unless, it is the ‘facade’ they use, behind which lies their ego-driven agenda of evil – of rule, dominate and control.

Evil is ego-driven, ‘pleasure & power-hungry by any and all means’.  It’s their arrogance which will do them in. In that, ‘they think’ they are so above all others – above all of God’s human beings’ & belief in goodness.  Evil ‘thinks’ it’s wiser, higher and more cunning than all.  When it’s driven by their feelings of deep-seated insecurity which results in envy – envy of God.

Another God-created opposition is that of emotions & intellect which drives the human experience.  Stuck in emotions, and intellect will be hampered – possibly dulled. Stuck in intellect, and feelings/emotions can be stunted, even done away with into complete blockage. When both flow in balanced opposition – there is wisdom.  Therefore, the opposition of emotions and intellect give the opportunity to further define the human being into a deeper awareness and understanding of their own humanity, of others, and their soul’s purpose.  Times of perfect balance – is to think through your heart.  Male traits being primarily of the head/intellect and female of the heart/emotions  – gives even more interest to the opposition/connection/attraction – as in God created male and female as the perfect complement.

Is this perhaps, from where the orchestrated opposition idea and theory arose? The battle – the opposition between good and evil – between emotions/heart, male/female, intellect/head orchestrated perfectly by God.

We all ultimately have a choice driven by our God-given, earthly defined internal-moral-adjuster, guided at each turn by our emotions and intellect into the choice between that of good and/or evil. 

God grants us choice. Satan/evil grants us nothing –  with evil there is no choice.  God/good is freedom. Evil/Satan is control. Evil/Satan captures souls. God/good sets souls free.

The friction created by and in the opposition might very well be what keeps this place rockin’ and rolling – what keeps human beings striving and evolving  – what keeps the earth revolving/evolving.

It’s up to each of us on the physical, mental, emotional and soul level to discern, use critical thinking, gut instinct and soul level discernment to become….  

The dark defines the light. Lucifer’s definition is ‘bringer of the light’.

Do you believe what they are ‘selling’ …

or yourself?
Snake oil salesman, influencers – so-called entertainment ‘stars’ – media – advertisers – advertising – advertising – advertising – repeat – repeat – repeat – make them like you – make them ‘think’ you know more than they do – that you have some kind of cure – some kind of secret miracle – that you know more than what their instincts tell them – make them ‘think’  that ‘it’, some product, diet, cream, serum, medicine – be it medical or homeopathic – some shampoo or something else – and then get paid for promoting and marketing it.

Get ‘them’ – the ‘masses’ to ‘like’ and trust you – so they will follow you, buy and do as you direct. You will lead them where you want them to go and have them buying what you tell them to – you will have them eating out of your hands – you will be an influencer and get paid for being so.

Teenagers are usually the quickest to follow their pack or peers – they are searching to rebel against any authority over them and to break away, try new things and this, of course can be positive and worthwhile, but it can also lead them on a journey to into hell. They ‘think’ they are  being rebelliously unique as they are being manipulated to become as a brainwashed flock and to gravitate to the same things.

Some things are tried and true – others not so much. They are only a whim or the latest fad – but influencers model, that if it works for them, or even some, it will work for others.  The slogan, “If I can do it, you can do it, too.” – is their call to arms. The  so-called’ influencers are ‘used’ to promote products, lifestyle choices, perfumes, clothing lines, diets – what to eat – how to live – what to buy – what not to eat and more.  Just take the product of Coke and the ‘so-deemed’ energy drinks – these things literally destroy your body, but people buy them en masse only because of false and repetitive promotion, to be/feel cool and ‘to be like all the rest’.  the call to be like all the rest – to be like others – to think if you are different or don’t have, or do what others have – is a powerful motivator for those who can’t think or choose for themselves.

As a young ballet dancer, even at the age of 12 – as that is when I auditioned and was selected as the youngest at that time to be chosen to dance in the corps d’ ballet of a professional company.  I  became obsessed with my weight – along with my energy level. I was going through puberty, so my body was changing and my fluid retention would shift as my hormones fluctuated – a normal and healthy part of maturation.

I write about this time, in my book DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR –  in the memory – “You’re too fat – No, You’re too Skinny!”  It was my quest to have the perfect body, even at the age of 12 years-old when I was still growing and changing.

I read everything I could find on nutrition – vitamins, etc. I didn’t realize it then, but I was using my body as a laboratory. I would eat only protein and get very lean, but had little energy. A times, I would starve myself. I would eat Fritos dipped in peanut butter – then eat only grilled cheese sandwiches. I observed how my body reacted as I tried different combinations. As a professionally trained dancer,  I was fortunate to be be given the gift and choice of complete body awareness.  A ballet dancer’s core is from where her strength and movement derive. So, I became ahead of the fitness game, even as a child – and way before most of the world was into it.  I knew the feeling of being completely physically integrated and knew how great it felt. I was into fitness, nutrition, health, etc. before most the rest of the world  had even thought about it. When I was growing up, I never saw a fat person – perhaps, a pudgy child, but compared to what I see today, they would be considered thin.  Food stuffs were filled with less chemicals, hormones, etc. Everything was more natural – even so-called ‘junk food’ tasted like real food as compared to now – as now, it tastes plastic, chemical & fake – not like food at all.

My mother prepared most of our meals  – which were most always a balance of meat, vegetables and a starch. We rarely, if ever had desserts or bread, as in dinner rolls, etc. We only had desserts as in a homemade pie or cake on birthdays or holidays. Sure, we had homemade cookies on occasion and popcorn and very occasionally potato chips. When as a family, we went out to dinner, it was to very nice restaurants – individually owned and, oftentimes we knew the owners – the food was fresh.

People weren’t sick. No one that I knew was was sick – except for an occasional cold, but hardly even that. I knew no sick children and none who took medications for learning, behavior disorders or anything else. We were are pretty much well-behaved.  No one that I knew took anything more than an occasional aspirin – if that.

As fast food came upon the horizon – as in pizza, etc. We tried it and liked it. Only the pizza then was freshly made with fresh ingredients.

Soon other fast-food choices made their entry onto the eating horizon – fried chicken, hamburgers, tacos. I would indulge in this fare – say once a week or less – just kinda going along with my group of friends. I was always into vitamins and took them when others thought they were nonsense. And after all my research, I knew this fast-food-thing with their little buildings popping up with their drive through windows all over the place – could not be good for the human body.

Now, what I see appalls me.  I see overly fat people everywhere. People who have little to no body awareness and certainly don’t feel or operate from their core. And we are not supposed to even notice they are fat, but to accept them as such, so as to not hurt their feelings.

Everything has become an orchestrated distortion. Less fitness over-all, while it’s being pushed and marketed. Less nutrition, while we have more so-deemed nutritional products and services. Many diets saying even taunting us to eat this and not that –  pay us money and you will lose weight – all these specialized foods that taste like yuck! Less activity, while it’s being lauded – more fat  and unfit people, but we are not supposed to shame or even notice them.

And then the sexual confusion being promoted to confuse our youth is off the charts perversion.  Sexualization of our children is of evil and perverse.  With some promoting little boys become girls and little girls become boys – naming them opposite sex names and dressing them as such.  So that, they begin their lives in sexual confusion. It’s vile and repugnant.  Only by these so-deemed influencers, we as a society are being led to accept that which we once found abhorrent as the norm. It’s promoted as leading edge — ‘design your child’s sex’.

So the questions are –  ‘Do you follow others or yourself? Do you follow your God-given instincts and what is moral and psychologically sound, or do you believe and make choices because, or based on something some entertainer does, says, or tells you to do, or to think, buy or live as, and that includes some self-serving ‘religious-type’, making millions off spewing their interpretation of the Bible?

Your connection to God – to yourself – to your body – to your psychological well-being – your moral and emotional health is personal between you and God – it’s not between you and anyone else and it costs nothing, but your time in reading, prayer, awareness and self-reflection.

Eating a pear cost less than eating a Big Mac with fries and is abundantly better for you. Natural and pure is better – less is more. Sex is between those committed in love.

Freedom and choice is of God/good.  Control, no choice, being in bondage to ‘addictions, chemicals, government/entertainers, media, sexual perversions’ are evil/Satanic.
We are in the world, not of it – therefore, be discerning, instead of in bondage to any person, thing or earthly/material belief.

0-7 are the most impressionable & formative years for a human being – so what a child sees, hears and feels at this time are very important to its well-being or not – creating their view of self and of the world. We must shield/protect our children from overt sexuality, violence, & pathology, along with rank so-called entertainment as well as we are able to.
Just as you can inherit your appearance and health, be it good or bad from your ancestors and lineage, you can be imprinted by their beliefs, either negative or positive that will guide your choices and ultimately your life. You will be imprinted and influenced by your parents, caretakers. societal imprints and beliefs and the world that you grow up in, until you become aware. You can change and better your appearance, learn skills, educate yourself, change your health factors by self-care, and you can also change your limiting imprints and negative beliefs entangled in your memories by becoming aware. A tool to assist DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR – memoir/self-help available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, etc. and by contacting me.

Empty People…

trying to fill themselves up – do much damage to self and others. To them the grass is always greener – because they have little to no ability to appreciate where they are, what they have and to water their own grass – they are always looking over the fence to another yard or to attain another shiny object.

They exploit others using sexuality – they lie – they cheat – trying to make themselves feel good about who they are and  to stave off and deny their internal self-lack. They are void of self worth continually trying  to fill themselves up.  Sex is one way, but there are many ways that the empty-vessel-people try to fulfill their desperate need to feel worthy and fulfilled.

They may gorge themselves on food. All those huge swollen bodies in this world stuffed themselves overly full to become that way. Sure, there are a few people with physical disorders that keep them heavy, but for most it’s because they stuff themselves to overly full – way too often. We all may do this occasionally, but it’s not what is done occasionally that does the harm. It’s what is done daily as a habit or obsession that creates the dysfunction of destruction. Then most sit on their butts in front of the TV or computer escaping into whatever it is  they can find.  Escape – escape-  escape is their goal – trying to escape themselves and their self loathing and fear, along with refusal to face self in any solid self-reflection.

Some use drugs or alcohol to escape their self-lack and emptiness.  They will do any and everything to avoid facing self and their core issues. They are empty to the core and they will do whatever it takes to make themselves feel full – except to face self and to genuinely heal. They continually are trying to cover their internal wound with one band aid after another, when emotional surgery is what is needed. They have little or no regard for others because they have little to no regard for self.

Some buy or collect things. Some become hoarders – if one is good ten is better mentality. They may collect cars or other objects. But once one object has been purchased and owned – their intense internal lack leads them to immediately desire another. They are never satisfied as they roam about on the hunt for their next momentary high only to have it crash to the ground which stimulates  and forces them to search and acquire their next rush. They can’t be genuinely happy or feel fulfilled for long because they do not have the internal means to do so. Some where in their lives they have been fractured – and it’s seemingly easier for them to look  outward to things, objects, money, sex, drugs – any addiction rather than to stop and face  self – their demons – their inner issues.  The grass is always greener in their distorted mind’s view. Something around the next corner or curve they think may be their answer.  They may have a beautiful wife, kids and success but they have little to no ability to have appreciation or gratitude  for what they have. Their inner empty vessel  always desires more – better – younger -newer – the next best shiny thing.  If they have a brunette wife, they desire a blond mistress, etc.

They have little ability to be in the moment of thanks and gratitude. They have a restless soul – they are an empty vessel always looking – searching to be filled-up in some way or form. I am not referring to healthy ambition. I am talking a destructive, internal empty vessel self of nothingness that will eventually lead to destruction in some form or another.

It also  has to do with spirituality and a connection to God – when there is little to none – destruction of self and others doesn’t matter – because no real ability to feel love – contentment – goodness or joy exists in the individual at the deeper soul level. God – goodness values human life. Evil – satanic has no value for human life, but to capture and destroy… hence its attraction to addictions of all varieties.

The key to having a solid core is to face self straight on and in deep self-reflection.  Avoiding self will always lead to  a life with broken fragments – ultimately shards of nothingness.

My book – out now … has a process to assist with this kind of intense and inner self-reflection.

Butcher of Benghazi…

Hillary lies 2Hillary Clinton has made clear she intends to dramatically raise taxes on the American people if elected. She has proposed an income tax increase, a business tax increase, a death tax increase, a capital gains tax increase, a tax on stock trading, an “Exit Tax” and more (see below). Her planned net tax increase on the American people is at least $1 trillion over ten years, based on her campaign’s own figures.

Hillary has endorsed several tax increases on middle income Americans, despite her pledge not to raise taxes on any American making less than $250,000. She has said she would be fine with a payroll tax hike on all Americans, she has endorsed a steep soda tax, endorsed a 25% national gun tax, and most recently, her campaign manager John Podesta said she would be open to a carbon tax. It’s no wonder that when asked by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos if her pledge was a “rock-solid” promise, she slipped and said the pledge was merely a “goal.” In other words, she’s going to raise taxes on middle income Americans.

Hillary+Clinton+caricature+webHillary’s formally proposed $1 trillion net tax increase consists of the following:

Income Tax Increase – $350 Billion: Clinton has proposed a $350 billion income tax hike in the form of a 28 percent cap on itemized deductions.

Business Tax Increase — $275 Billion: Clinton has called for a tax hike of at least $275 billion through undefined business tax reform, as described in a Clinton campaign document.

“Fairness” Tax Increase — $400 Billion: According to her published plan, Clinton has called for a tax increase of “between $400 and $500 billion” by “restoring basic fairness to our tax code.” These proposals include a “fair share surcharge,” the taxing of carried interest capital gains as ordinary income, and a hike in the Death Tax.

But there are even more Clinton tax hike proposals not included in the tally above. Her campaign has failed to release specific details for many of her proposals. The true Clinton net tax hike figure is likely much higher than $1 trillion.

For instance:

Capital Gains Tax Increase — Clinton has proposed an increase in the capital gains tax to counter the “tyranny of today’s earnings report.” Her plan calls for a byzantine capital gains tax regime with six rates. Her campaign has not put a dollar amount on this tax increase.

Tax on Stock Trading — Clinton has proposed a new tax on stock trading. Costs associated with this new tax will be borne by millions of American families that hold 401(k)s, IRAs and other savings accounts. The tax increase would only further burden markets by discouraging trading and investment. Again, no dollar figure for this tax hike has been released by the Clinton campaign.

“Exit Tax” – Rather than reduce the extremely high, uncompetitive corporate tax rate, Clinton has proposed a series of measures aimed at inversions including an “exit tax” on income earned overseas. The term “exit tax” is used by the campaign itself. Her campaign document describing this proposal says it will raise $80 billion in tax revenue, but claims some of the $80 billion will be plowed into tax relief. How much? The campaign doesn’t say.

This proposal completely fails to address the underlying causes behind inversions: The U.S. 39% corporate tax rate (35% federal rate plus an average state rate of 4%) and our “worldwide” system of taxation, which imposes tax on all American earnings worldwide. The average corporate rate in the developed world is 25%. Thirty-one of thirty-four developed countries have cut their corporate tax rate since 2000. The U.S. has not. Hillary’s plan moves in the wrong direction.

ATR is tracking Clinton’s full tax record at its dedicated website, HighTaxHillary.com

See also: “Everyman” Tim Kaine Tried to Raise Taxes on Adult Beverages

Hillary Opens the Door to a Carbon Tax

Hillary’s Soda Tax Endorsement Violates Middle Class Tax Pledge

Video Shows Hillary’s 25% Gun Tax Endorsement

Democrat Platform Calls for Carbon Tax

Tim Kaine Pushed Income Tax Hikes on Working Families Making As Little as $17,000

 Anyone who votes Democratic/progressive/communist is voting against self, their quality of life, their family, the future of their children and freedom. They are voting for their demise and that of America.

Killary! A compilation of who this woman is….

Hillary+Clinton+caricature+webThis pig hag stayed with a man who sexually abuses women, rapes them, has affairs, etc. and she attacks the women and covers up for her perverted husband their whole marriage and then claims to be for women’s rights. She is a complete fraud and manipulator. She is only for anything that benefits her and her agenda for control and profit. She is a killer, a liar and a fraud.
Wife of an impeached President. Failed Secretary of State. All around ornery drunken old lady who verbally abused the White House staff. Plus of course, a LIAR.
She was fired from her position in the House Judiciary Committee’s impeachment inquiry into
 Watergate for lying and unethical behavior. FAILED to pass the bar exam and then married Bill and moved to Arkansas.
Let’s not forget the “Whitewater”, “Travelgate”, “Filegate”, and “Chinagate”…. all scandals the Clinton’s masterminded that ruined people lives and even got some murdered.
I’ll skip over the Bill Clinton presidential years and his subsequent IMPEACHMENT and scandalous infidelities which any sane woman would have divorced him for. But let’s face it, Hillary married into power. In a nation with more than 150 million women, it ought to be possible to find a president who got there on her own merits and not owing everything you have to your husband.
Other than being an elderly drunken crone, Hillary really has no accomplishments as her time as a slacker senator in New York either. It only proved that her success was accomplished by just showing up.
And her infamous “we’re broke” claim. Okay, there are dozens of ridiculously-talented, hard-working people who’ll never set foot in a mansion… but Hillary buys two and weeps. Estimated between $25 and $50 million, all from speeches and ghostwritten books, her personal wealth is arguably her only accomplishment.
Before there was Brian Williams, there was Hillary. She infamously claimed in 2008 that she landed under “sniper fire” in Bosnia, which was refuted by video evidence of the incident. However, that is not the first time that she has been caught telling untruths. In 1995, she claimed that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach Mount Everest’s summit. However, he did not do so until 6 years after Clinton was born, making it unlikely that her mother would be familiar with him at the time.
“Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.” ~Hillary, June 2014
Hillary lies 2
But there is no bigger scandal than the one which occurred during Hillary’s time as Secretary of State. On September 11, 2012, Islamic radicals attacked the American embassy in Benghazi, Libya, killing Ambassador Christopher Stevens and Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith. Stevens was the first US Ambassador killed on duty since 1979. Hours later, a second assault killed two CIA contractors. Requests for more security had been made by the American representatives in Libya to the Clinton State Department for months prior, but they were ignored. “But what difference does it make now?”
This shows again why she is not fit to be President. If she has a place to fill, the more fitting venue would be a prison cell, lest we not remember who she really is.
IS SHE OR ISN’T SHE?: The nations’s largest lesbian power group has announced it’s full support for Candidate Clinton for 2016. This will only serve to revive the long-held speculation that Hillary is a closet lesbian. When Jenny McCarthy asked that same question on The View last year, she was fired. So, is she or isn’t she? ‪#‎Lesbians4Hillary‬ ‪#‎ReadyForHillary2016‬http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/blog/?p=32459
And in case you have forgotten all the other bodies this witch has left in her wake……Just a quick refresher course ‘lest we forget’ what has happened to many “friends” of the Clintons.
1- James McDougal – Clintons convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.
2 – Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown .. The murder happened just after she was togo public w:th her story of sexual harassment in the White House.
3 – Vince Foster – Former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.
4 – Ron Brown – Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later the air Traffic controller commited suicide.
5 – C. Victor Raiser, II – Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.
6 – Paul Tulley – Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotelroom in Little Rock , September 1992. Described by Clinton as a “dear friend and trusted advisor”.
7 – Ed Willey – Clinton fundraiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.
8 – Jerry Parks – Head of Clinton’s gubernatorial security team in Little Rock .. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock Park’s son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.
9 – James Bunch – Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a “Black Book” of people which contained names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas
10 – James Wilson – Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater..
11 – Kathy Ferguson – Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.
12 – Bill Shelton – Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancee.
13 – Gandy Baugh – Attorney for Clinton’s friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.
14 – Florence Martin – Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal, Mena, Arkansas, airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds.
15 – Suzanne Coleman – Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.
16 – Paula Grober – Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.
17 – Danny Casolaro – Investigative reporter. Investigating MenaAirport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation.
18 – Paul Wilcher – Attorney investigating corruption at MenaAirport with Casolaro and the 1980 “October Surprise” was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993, in his WashingtonDC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.
19 – Jon Parnell Walker – Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington , Virginia apartment balcony August 15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal.
20 – Barbara Wise – Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.
21 – Charles Meissner – Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.
22 – Dr. Stanley Heard – Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton ‘s advisory council personally treated Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother.
23 – Barry Seal – Drug running TWA pilot out of Mena Arkansas, death was no accident.
24 – Johnny Lawhorn, Jr. – Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.
25 – Stanley Huggins – Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a purported suicide and his report was never released.
26 – Hershell Friday – Attorney and Clinton fundraiser died March 1, 1994, when his plane exploded.
27 – Kevin Ives & Don Henry – Known as “The boys on the track” case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.THE FOLLOWING PERSONS HAD INFORMATION ON THE IVES/HENRY CASE:
28 – Keith Coney – Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck, 7/88.
29 – Keith McMaskle – Died, stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988
30 – Gregory Collins – Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.
31 – Jeff Rhodes – He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989.
32 – James Milan – Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death was due to natural causes”.
33 – Jordan Kettleson – Was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup truck in June 1990.
34 – Richard Winters – A suspect in the Ives/Henry deaths. He was killed in a set-up robbery July 1989.THE FOLLOWING CLINTON BODYGUARDS ARE DEAD
35 – Major William S. Barkley, Jr.
36 – Captain Scott J . Reynolds
37 – Sgt. Brian Hanley
38 – Sgt. Tim Sabel
39 – Major General William Robertson
40 – Col. William Densberger
41 – Col. Robert Kelly
42 – Spec. Gary Rhodes
43 – Steve Willis
44 – Robert Williams
45 – Conway LeBleu
46 – Todd McKeehan
Banned Hillary movie – edited…

Hillary lies

A quote from Killary:

“My accomplishments as Secretary of State? Well, I’m glad you asked! My proudest accomplishment in Which I take the most pride, mostly because of the opposition it faced early on, you know… the remnants Of prior situations and mindsets that were too narrowly focused in a manner whereby they may have Overlooked the bigger picture and we didn’t do that and I’m proud of that. Very proud. I would say that’s A major accomplishment.” – Hillary Clinton – 11 March 2014

Killary is clearly a circle-talking, Leviathan spinning, deceptive self-promoting, self-serving, power hungry, stayed married to a womanizing, cheating, perverted, it depends what ‘is’, is Slick Willy. And while she ‘says’ that she stands for and promotes woman’s rights, she’s attacked, harassed and terrorized the women that her husband had affairs with, seduced and even raped.


Facts about Hillary from Dick Morris:
Thank you to all contributors…


Liars, cheaters, cons, fools, hate, perversion…

???????????????????????????????II Timothy 3:1-5,7  “But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

This passage was brought to my attention recently and one l have referred to in other articles… and I am seeing it more and more in the world today, are you?

Marriage counselors who have affairs with those they are counseling… Politicians who wouldn’t know the truth if it came up and bit them.  ‘Family’ men promoting that image who cheat on their wives.  Babies born without even knowing who their father is… born and used for government pay- outs. Sexual perversions promoted and encouraged. God taken out of  schools. Anti-Christ movement… those with the pretense of ‘Godly intentions’ using them for self-promotion and gain. Bastardizing of scripture to mean what ‘they’ want it to for ‘their’ agenda.

Sisters being hateful to sisters. Family members unable to even hug another as their heart is so cold and hardened.  Possessions more important than people. Hate, jealousy, envy, gluttony… look around you… look at what so many have become and how they are behaving… look at their bodies, their faces, their eyes…

People will turn from truth and only see what they crave for their pleasure…

Alcohol, drugs, entertainment, loud music with vile content (example: Lady GAGA), with escape more important than being and communicating with people. Parents who stare at the TV rather than talk to their children. Children on their hand-held gadgets not communicating with peers and family.  In the end of times, communication will be fast and abundant, but few will be able to hear the truth.

Fathers obsessed with sports and games ignoring their families and loved ones…escape… escape… escape…

Rule, dominate and control are what so many are obsessed with…

Sex without love…

Power and money on earth may equate to nothing on another level, or plane…it’s the soul the matters…

Look into the eyes of those you interact with… is there a soul in there?

Do their lips smile, but their eyes don’t? Are their eyes dead? Are they cold and hard to the touch with no ability to really express love and giving, even as they may ‘talk’ about it?  How a person hugs another can tell you much. And a warm hug, where you can feel the other’s energy, has the potential to heal a wounded heart…

People who think that they are ‘safe’ because of their so-called power, possessions, or money will find that they are not…

Frauds are everywhere… Cain did not kill Abel because he was evil, but because he was good…

The eradication  of good is becoming more and more… Evil can’t stand good…and evil is hiding more and more in the ‘pretense’ of good…

Be aware of whom you associate with and where you may find yourself in your town or city. Look around and be aware…

Guard your heart. Guard your soul. Do not be deceived… as deception becomes more intense… Stand clear and strong in the Lord.

A Lesbian Experience…

???????????????????????????????When I was around 13, a girlfriend invited me for a sleep over. I had known her for a couple of years at school and she lived in the same neighborhood, a few streets over, in a lovely house with everything a family could want and more. We talked about school, boys, clothes and hair… the usual topics for girls of our age in that day. We munched on pizza, popcorn and drank soda pop.

We got ready for bed and snuggled in together in one bed (there were two full size beds in the large room) and read teen magazines, Seventeen, Cosmo, and movie star rags….

We turned off the lights and watched TV…scary movies. It was fun being in the same bed and snuggling in watching horror movies. My sisters and I did this often and slept together as I had with other girlfriends. But she kept getting closer and closer and I began to feel uncomfortable. I would move away, but she would move close again. After we turned the TV off to go to sleep, she put her arms around me and tried to move her hands over my body. I wiggled away and told her to stop it. She stopped, but then tried again. “Let’s pretend, I am the boy and you are the girl?”, she suggested.

“No. You are a girl and so am I. I don’t want to pretend. I want to go to sleep.” I answered. (my instincts were on alert and I wanted to go home. At that age, I think I had been kissed ‘once’ by a boy, in a game of spin the bottle. Her pressing her body to mine felt sickening and not right.) I scooted away, but she came closer. Finally, I sat up and said. “I am sleepy. Go to the other bed, or I will call my Dad to come get me.”

“Oh alright.”, she grumbled as she went to the other bed.

The next day, we played at her house for a bit, but I never felt she was my friend again. I looked at her differently. I didn’t stay at her house again and would avoid being around her at school. I knew what she was did was wrong because all my instincts told me so. I never told anyone about what happened. I thought it too weird to talk about.

Later in high school, I heard this girl was ‘wild as a buck’ (as my mother would say) She drank allot and did drugs and no one else I knew did the things that I heard that she was doing. I heard that she got pregnant as a teenager and had the child. Then I never heard anything more about this girl again.

cringe when I think back to that night…. that night this girl tried to infringe upon my boundaries and tried to entice me to do something that was not me.

I don’t think I even knew what a Lesbian was at that time … these kind of things weren’t discussed and much was not known about this kind of behavior in my world in those days and I am glad. It felt wrong, was wrong and when I look back it still gives me the creeps. I was an innocent young girl and the exposure to that was disgustingly gross.

Today the sexualization of our children and all that they are exposed to and is displayed before them and discussed makes me wonder. How many try and experience things just to do so because they ‘think’ it’s the thing to try, or to do, because it’s shown in such abundance and in an ‘okay’ light? How many try this ‘stuff’, when it is not in their true nature? How many get messed up in their heads and emotions because of what is shown to them and what they might try because of this, then have their sexual expression distorted because so much is exposed and talked about so openly.

Is there over exposure of alternate sexual lifestyles? Are we over sexualizing our children and our society? Are the media, movies, TV shows, talk shows, ‘movie stars’, etc. assisting in messing up our kids up in this area?

Are our young people being encouraged to try things that they never would try if they had not been exposed to these possibilities?