Psychopaths believe in their own greatness (Obama, ‘the annointed one’)
Psychopaths display arrogance not confidence but arrogance ( Just listen to Obama talk and watch him walk then that cheesy grin)
Psychopaths promise but don’t deliver (Obama has done this his whole reign)
Psychopaths crave excitement and want to live in the fast lane (Obama’s continual vacations, association with Hollywood and rock/rap types, drugs, smoking, traveling to Saudi Arabia as a college kid with apparently no money)
Psychopaths get a thrill out of having their sex partners in close proximity, or even to meet, and even enjoy it if their sex partners fight.( There have been continual rumors of Obama’s sexual liasions, past and present with both sexes. Think of his public flirtations with the blond Danish woman while sitting next to his wife)
Psychopaths are interested in three things: Power, control and sex(Definitely describes Obama)
Psychopaths enjoy the thrill of dangerous sex(Bathhouse Barry)
Psychopaths try to make people feel sorry for them (Obama whining or targeting, when soneone makes fun, insults or disagrees with him)
Psychopaths can’t take criticism (Clearly Obama can’t. He whines and attacks anyone who stands against)
Psychopaths figure out what people want to hear and tell it to them (If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it)
Psychopaths shower their targets with attention(All his fundraisers and dinners)
Psychopaths talk about “destiny.” (‘Hope and change’ transformation of America)
Psychopaths buy affection (Obama phones, food stamps, etc than ever before, benefits to illegals)
Psychopaths co-opt the target’s support system (Obama’s take over of most the media)
Psychopaths isolate their targets(Obama bad mouthing conservatives instead of working with them)
Psychopaths divide to conquer (Playing the ‘race card’)
Psychopaths are bullies. They manipulate and threaten (Obama stated he rewards his friends and punishes his enemies, IRS scandal)
Psychopaths sponge off of other people (Tax paid for vacations, continual fundraising)
Psychopaths ingratiate themselves with others( kissing up to unions, businesses and anyone else Obama can utilize for votes, support for his agenda, and, or for donations)
Psychopaths are great listeners, in the beginning. They ‘pretend’ to care in the beginning, but can and often become cruel as it plays out
Psychopaths lie to deceive for agenda and lie even when there is no clear reason(All Obama does is lie)
Psychopaths prey on people’s trust. They manipulate people by their individual human need to trust, to love or have empathy for others(Think the poor illegal children flooding across the border)
Psychopaths feel entitled to do what they want and to have what they want when they want it (Expensive vacations and playing while the world is in chaos)
Psychopaths convince or may even extort and threaten other people to illicit their defense of them (Think Obama and the media and his lame SNL-like spokes persons. He threatened to take Greta’s job if she continued to talk about Bengasi)
Psychopaths are overly nice in the beginning. It’s not until they ‘think’ they have their prey that their true colors are revealed (Obama’s second term, it’s clear he doesn’t care. He is busy playing and fundraising while chaos reigns. Obama is enforcing his agenda as fast and ruthlessly as he can)
Use this list on others on the public stage along with those in your life to evaluate …
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