Category Archives: Sex

Female Objectification and Oppression…

???????????????????????????????are the same side of the coin. Trying to put the feminine into a box, in order, that she be contained and controlled… is the need of weak, insecure, needy men and a weak, insecure society.

Respect, love, commitment and honor cannot and do not exist in this climate…

Nor do emotional fulfillment, contentment, security, or any kind of self-actualization in either the male or the female.

As both create a distancing of the female from the heart and emotions of the male and from herself.

Playboys go from woman to woman to ‘avoid’ an emotional connection… they may ‘think’ that they are so ‘cool’, but they are ‘fearful’ of anything real, so they ‘use’ a woman for what they ‘think’ they need, or can ‘get’, then off they go…. they objectify a woman. Sure, they may ‘think’ that they treat a woman ‘nice’ … but if they can’t go to the level of emotions, they are ‘using’ her and actually denying themselves true fulfillment…

This is what any man is doing that objectifies a woman… for her beauty, her sexuality or just the pride of having her on his arm, if that is what it is really all about, in that, he ‘thinks’ having her ‘makes’ him ‘appear’, or temporarily ‘feel’ like a ‘man’… HA!

Ogling a woman in a nude photo is just a objectifying as forcing her to cover-up every aspect of her identity and physicality.

Islam both objectifies and oppresses women. The males have been taught that a woman is their property and if she doesn’t do as he wishes, that he can beat, stone, maim and even kill her. This is vile beyond belief… as the feminine is the keeper of the heart of any society.

Imagine how loveless these arranged marriages are and what the children observe…
The man has no comfort and neither does the woman. Forcing a woman to submit to you… will not bring about love or contentment… Imagine the sexual horrors and abuse that are inflicted. Children living in and observing this will grow up full of hate and frustration… as we see in all Muslim countries….no wonder they hate, kill and commit terror. It’s taught in the home. A male observing what is done to Muslim women hasn’t a chance of knowing a fulfilling love… you might say that love in this kind of a society is destroyed at birth.

In todays, ‘progressive’ Iran, they don’t stone anymore (well, maybe, only in the small villages and maybe just a little bit). They are now more humane and only hang women.  If you are a ‘misbehaved’ woman, please be prepared to be hung. Islamic Republic of Iran, the regime which Barack Hussein Obama and Liberal Democrats want to negotiate with. I wonder what will they negotiate about? Which of the US cities Ahmadinejad must avoid to nuke and which women, the Islamic judicial system should avoid to hang? Liberalism is Islamism’s best friend. US Democratic Party is Islamists’ party of choice.

In this environment, the male never gets the full comfort of the woman nor the woman the man… love does not exist in fear and without respect… it’s impossible. Also the mutilation of a woman’s genitalia is to make sure that she does not enjoy sex… just how sick is this… What sick male would want to have sex with a woman who doesn’t enjoy it? A rapist, a sadistic, evil, sick and twisted one… and Islam creates and promotes this kind of a man…

According to figures in an Oxfam report in October, 87 percent of Afghan women report having experienced physical, sexual, or psychological violence or forced marriage.

Of course, there is abuse in some relationships in all countries, but a woman has a right to protect herself.. In Islam, she does not… it’s Sharia Law….and they are wanting to implement this in America.. and this is everything American women are not.

In my opinion, any American woman who marries into this practice is asking for a living hell.

When the male respects, honors, and nurtures the female, he creates a place for the female/male balance to occur and this is the only way to create a healthy world of peace, contentment and love.

Objectify and oppress the feminine out of the fear of their desire for her, makes and creates men who are cold, evil, heartless, needy, self-gratifying, immoral, hate-filled, rapid savages. Instead of men who learn how to submit to love, emotions and caring…
which ultimately makes them stronger…

They can drive around in a flashy sports car, or hang out in bars, ‘thinking’, they are so cool… or they can walk the desert with a sword, but they are the same desperate animals… lowly, un-evolved needy babies.

Have you ever wondered who stones women in the Muslim world?
Have you ever wondered what type of people are capable of this action?
Have you ever wondered what type of mindset would do such despicable acts?
Well, here are your answers! The men in the photo on the right… don’t you want to just give them hugs? HA!… Can you even imagine being forced to have sex with one of these angry animals?!

Wise men know that a woman’s love and her heart are what give him the ultimate strength….so they treasure the feminine and treat her with respect for the wisdom of her heart and the refinement in her being. So, to either toy with her emotions, in order, to enter her body, or to rape and kill her destroying her emotions and her body are similar in intent…  Think about it long and hard…

Women who allow men to objectify and abuse them are fools….

The balance of the male/female is the yin/yang that creates this world… the feminine gives birth to life.. all men pass though a woman’s body… the utmost respect and honor should be given to her…

Morality is Sexy…

???????????????????????????????Sexual corruption, exploitation and promiscuity are rampant today and about as un-sexy and un-sensual as anything can be.

What’s sexy is responsibility, commitment, selectivity and people who know who they are enough to be able to appreciate the sharing of another human being’s body as being a precious gift…

If a person doesn’t respect their body, expressed clearly in how they behave sexually, including the way they take care of themselves, then why or, how would they be able to respect anothers?

Why would anyone allow another to touch their body intimately, heaven forbid to enter it, to invade their personal space and boundaries, if they didn’t have a caring, a commitment, a love, a connection… something meaningful occurring…?

Today sexual corruption is being encouraged on all levels… on TV, movies, by examples in the media, Hollywood, and now, in our educational system. This sexual exploitation is one way that allows for the breaking down of morality, values and standards of an individual that translates into the breaking down of the foundation of a society.

Evil knows that to infiltrate through the sexuality and sensualness of an individual, makes it possible to control and corrupt them for life. Sexual addiction and choices can be groomed and developed. And self-hate and self-devaluation can and will occur relating to the extent and degree of the corruption and what was experienced can and will impact their whole life and everything in it…in most cases, weakening their spirit, skewing their boundaries and making them more easily influenced and to be led.

Human sexuality is what creates life. It is the highest form of creation that there is… another human being with a soul can be created through this act as this is its divine intention… not its only intention, but the outcome and primary reason for it…. Sex is a ‘drive’ and it feels good, so that human race will continue.

Sex is also the closest that two people can get in the physical and is one path of expression of affection towards another. That you care for and love someone with your heart and mind and that expression becomes physical through sexuality.

That a male woos a woman, is attracted, goes after her attention and affection. She observes him, to see if he is worthy of her attention and if he will make a worthy partner for her and if she should grant him her affections that might result in the creation of a life. Will he be a good provider and protector of their young, their home and of herself?  And herself most importantly, includes her emotions, her physicality and the ‘totality’ of her well-being. So that she will be able to glow and to bloom. When these requirements are met… the traditional family can be created with the opportunity for fulfillment on many levels.

Morality offers a solid base that creates the basis for a solid society. It is the strength of a society… solid morals, values and standards and a place for the youth to grow-up in a safe and secure environment. It displays the role of the male and the female…the balance to be played out and demonstrated and it is sensual and sexy … there is nothing else like it, all that it is in the height of its standards and values…

Men and women are different… that difference is to be valued and cherished, not exploited, or made the same…

It’s in its imbalance that works hard to find itself and creates such strength in its quest. And when that balance is found, even if momentarily, is that which makes it so precious and valuable… and today that balance is being continually distorted and diminished…

There is a wonderful movie, FIREPROOF produced and acted in by Kirk Cameron…  it shows a wonderful example and message of what man is in relation to woman and to God…it is a Christian depiction.

A woman is a rose and if she is not treated right, she will either wilt or never bloom….therefore, the male will never experience all the gifts and glory of the feminine.

The ‘Muslim practice’… ‘claims’ to ‘protect’ women… when in actuality it objectifies and oppresses women in both its fear and desire of her feminine allure and power…men’s desire and behaviors are blamed on the women… therefore, the men have no responsibility for their actions or behaviors. This is a fear-based practice, practiced by weak men and a weak corrupted people and one that annihilates the feminine. They look to diminish and to even destroy that which they desire so greatly. And look at how violent and cruel they are….When the allure and power of the feminine is objectified, or oppressed out of fear…it creates an over sexuality as we are experiencing now, or an oppressive backwards one as in Islam. Both are out of balance.

An individual who is balanced in their morality is sexy and wholesome as is a society that achieves this balance…

A sexually needy, graspy, oppressive, objectifying person or society is neither sexy or sexual. It’s a blight unto themselves and a blight on society.

Morality is Sexy…

Naked Sex…or…

Years ???????????????????????????????ago, I was in a relationship with a man who asked. “You don’t look at me when I am naked, do you find my body attractive?”

My reply. “I didn’t realize that I didn’t.” As I pondered, since, I hadn’t even thought about it, until he asked, ‘But now, that I think about it, I find your body not so attractive.’ I realized that I was probably unconsiously averting my eyes because physically he wasn’t attractive to me.

My being with this man wasn’t because of his looks and certainly wasn’t his body. We had fun ‘as a couple’. But after he asked me this question along with displaying other insecurities. Then when I did look at his nude body in the light of day with no sexual passion, as he exited the room, I felt a kind of repulsion. Mostly, I felt repulsion at his insecurity. The way that he carried himself was insecure. His walk was insecure. His question was insecure. It wasn’t his body. Because for most women, the way a man treats her, his character, his intelligence, his kindness and thoughtfulness, his humor, his confidence, among other things are what makes him attractive or not….

I have been with movie star handsome men and by the end of the evening… because of their behavior, I felt I was with a gargoyle.
I have been with not so attractive men and they were so fun, kind and attentive… that they became more attractive…So, physical appearance isn’t everything… sexy and sensual is innate… and in a person’s being or it isn’t…

annstairsbSooo.. as I ponder this with all of you…Just before, during and after sex, we can be in varying degrees of undress, or completely nude…depends on the mood…nightgown, tee shirt, robe, camisole…. right? Sometimes, I can be completely nude, tan and worked out and feel like a goddess, a woman amongst women. At other times, after eating, or just feeling a bit off… I’d rather be in ‘varying’ degrees of dress… but either way, I am still me, like me and feel good in my body.

Nude or covered a sexy person is a sexy, sensual person.

Sometimes, partial coverage is desirable and sexy…even more sensual and sexy then complete nudity…

I have never asked a man, why don’t you look at my body… because men always look, right? Men like to look… it’s what a man does… look…

But sure at times… we all feel insecure walking to the bathroom nude, as Meryl Streep did in the movie, ‘It’s Complicated’? But Alec Baldwin as big and out of shape as he was, stripped and pranced about… that’s how most men are… those I have known… but not the one I wrote about in the beginning of this…  that lack of confidence, whiny, not sexy man…

We all feel more attractive at one time or another. But to be close enough to have sex and to feel so insecure as this man did…was such a turn off…

Anyway, it’s the woman’s ‘right’ to ask… Do I look like I’ve gained weight? Are my hips getting big?, etc….” And the man’s place to comfort and compliment…

When a man acts like a woman, whiny and whimpering… ‘do you like my body.’ To me, it’s a real turn off… A REAL TURN OFF!

But if he says.. “Hey, look at me, I’ve lost a few and been working out”… now that’s fine… or if he should say…”I’m not looking so good, think I’ll lose some weight”… that’s fine also… it shows he is self-aware not a whine boy.

The way something is expressed verbally shows an innate confidence or not…

I like a man to be a man… Preferably one that takes care of his body to some extent and feels good in it…confidence is sexy…don’t you agree?

So, do you like to strut your stuff…? Make love in the nude with the lights on? Or in the dark under the covers, or a bit of everything depending on your mood…?

Let’s talk…

A Lesbian Experience…

???????????????????????????????When I was around 13, a girlfriend invited me for a sleep over. I had known her for a couple of years at school and she lived in the same neighborhood, a few streets over, in a lovely house with everything a family could want and more. We talked about school, boys, clothes and hair… the usual topics for girls of our age in that day. We munched on pizza, popcorn and drank soda pop.

We got ready for bed and snuggled in together in one bed (there were two full size beds in the large room) and read teen magazines, Seventeen, Cosmo, and movie star rags….

We turned off the lights and watched TV…scary movies. It was fun being in the same bed and snuggling in watching horror movies. My sisters and I did this often and slept together as I had with other girlfriends. But she kept getting closer and closer and I began to feel uncomfortable. I would move away, but she would move close again. After we turned the TV off to go to sleep, she put her arms around me and tried to move her hands over my body. I wiggled away and told her to stop it. She stopped, but then tried again. “Let’s pretend, I am the boy and you are the girl?”, she suggested.

“No. You are a girl and so am I. I don’t want to pretend. I want to go to sleep.” I answered. (my instincts were on alert and I wanted to go home. At that age, I think I had been kissed ‘once’ by a boy, in a game of spin the bottle. Her pressing her body to mine felt sickening and not right.) I scooted away, but she came closer. Finally, I sat up and said. “I am sleepy. Go to the other bed, or I will call my Dad to come get me.”

“Oh alright.”, she grumbled as she went to the other bed.

The next day, we played at her house for a bit, but I never felt she was my friend again. I looked at her differently. I didn’t stay at her house again and would avoid being around her at school. I knew what she was did was wrong because all my instincts told me so. I never told anyone about what happened. I thought it too weird to talk about.

Later in high school, I heard this girl was ‘wild as a buck’ (as my mother would say) She drank allot and did drugs and no one else I knew did the things that I heard that she was doing. I heard that she got pregnant as a teenager and had the child. Then I never heard anything more about this girl again.

cringe when I think back to that night…. that night this girl tried to infringe upon my boundaries and tried to entice me to do something that was not me.

I don’t think I even knew what a Lesbian was at that time … these kind of things weren’t discussed and much was not known about this kind of behavior in my world in those days and I am glad. It felt wrong, was wrong and when I look back it still gives me the creeps. I was an innocent young girl and the exposure to that was disgustingly gross.

Today the sexualization of our children and all that they are exposed to and is displayed before them and discussed makes me wonder. How many try and experience things just to do so because they ‘think’ it’s the thing to try, or to do, because it’s shown in such abundance and in an ‘okay’ light? How many try this ‘stuff’, when it is not in their true nature? How many get messed up in their heads and emotions because of what is shown to them and what they might try because of this, then have their sexual expression distorted because so much is exposed and talked about so openly.

Is there over exposure of alternate sexual lifestyles? Are we over sexualizing our children and our society? Are the media, movies, TV shows, talk shows, ‘movie stars’, etc. assisting in messing up our kids up in this area?

Are our young people being encouraged to try things that they never would try if they had not been exposed to these possibilities?

Friends with ‘Benefits’…

The definition of benefit – An advantage or profit gained from something.

So ‘benefits’… huh? Are they referring to sex? Sex is an expression of caring and love…it’s not a ‘benefit’…or a sport…
Sex is a commitment and requires responsibility trust, and respect. It requires caring, love, intimacy and sharing in order that it be sustained and worthwhile…

Sex is an expression of love…

This diminishing of sex as a ‘benefit’ is taking it down to the level of nothing…

Is this, perhaps, why we have so many needy-unfilled, obnoxious men walking around looking for a place to stick it? They ‘think’ it’s some kind of a ‘benefit’ that they get from just being friends with a woman…
And is this why we have so many women who behave like sluts and use their bodies as if it is an ash tray, where men ‘put out’ their neediness? Then the women are unfulfilled, alone and unhappy… as well as the men…

Is this why we have so many people that change partners on a whim, can’t commit and don’t know what love is? Because all they ‘need’, or ‘think’ that they need and are looking for are ‘benefits’…

If you use sex as a ‘benefit’, you lose who you are…you  might even lose your ability to really connect in love, much like a prostitute, playboy, gigolo, or hooker, you eventually become disconnected from yourself. You may ‘think’ that you don’t, but you do…body, mind and spirit are one…

Emotions and an emotional attachment are what sex is about… take them out of the equation… that is if you can, and what do you have? Not much… that is for any thinking, caring, connected to body, mind and spirit person.

I don’t want to be with a man who thinks, or uses any woman’s body as a ‘benefit’. I’d rather not talk to him, have him in my life, or interact with him … as his attitude that women are a ‘sex object’ comes through all he is and all he does. He is detached, a loser, disconnected, a needy penis… and nothing about him is attractive or desirable… Oh, of course,  I have spoken to these types, interacted with then and had them after me … they are a dime a dozen… pathetic, sex-crazed, needy, little dweebs… talking about sex, referring to sex every chance they can get… looking to get their ‘benefit’… they appear like stupid idiots to me.

I bet most are lousy lovers, inept, and creepy… people who are easy to bed usually are… as they are disconnected from their body, mind and spirit. They may not ‘think’ that they are, because they don’t know who they are, or what they are missing. If they are settling for ‘benefits’ and dregs then that’s what they become. If you think you are a benefit, or expect others to be, you have lost yourself.

You are being conned to diminish yourself, if you buy into this kind of BS…

This is my opinion. What’s yours?…

Riding a whale…

Explosion of sex, off-color, outrageous, mean girl, lunch talk…(my friends in this instance shall remain un-pictured and anonymous)

We all laughed and laughed when one of my friends made the off the cuff comment that making love to her husband was like riding a whale… HAHAHA!

I guSperm Whaleess, it’d be a sperm whale, huh? She loves him and they have been married for years, but he has obviously over the years gained weight. While she looks fabulous, works out almost everyday and turns heads… which I am sure, her husband enjoys. But, she isn’t having all that much fun in the sack anymore. 

When a man gets that belly on him, you know, where they look like they are about 8 months prego … then the woman many times, ends up on top, and doing all the work, and it’s exhausting.

I have had this kind of a relationship once, and it was not fun, or satisfying, and my friend described it perfectly… it was like riding a whale. Not only that, but a man like this, usually can’t hold himself up on his arms, so positions are limited and his sheer body weight and inability to be flexible sets a ‘sex stage’ that soon becomes redundant and limiting…

No one expects anyone’s body to be perfect and in a long term relationship bodies change with age and your love for them doesn’t change just because their body changes…

But guys get a clue… if you want your lady to look great and to stay in shape then you should, too. And before you men can say, ‘Women get fat also.’ Well, of course, they do…
Women working out at gym stock photographyI am communicating here about what my fit girlfriend said about her whale-like husband… and we laughed and laughed and laughed….

Then we discussed, how do two really fat people even make love? My friend commented, “If I was as hefty as he is, how would we even get together?”

So, how do really fat people do it, or do they even to it, or do they just sit around and eat to satiate themselves that way? But you see fat families walking in the mall… fat mom, fat dad with fat little kids all the time … so how’d they do it? Stop! I don’t even want to know!!!!

But men, if you don’t want your woman laughing about riding a whale with her girlfriends, and while with you going, “Oh baby, baby, you’re so good!”

Take the weight off and get in shape! Why should she be fit, if you aren’t?…

Vaginas… and other female sexual…


A man has a penis and testicles, but a woman has a vagina, clitoris, uterus, and breasts… and all are glorious. I know! I am a woman. I have the pleasure of them all.

They can produce intense pleasure and, at times, discomfort, even pain as in menstruation and child birth.

A woman’s  sexual and reproductive organs are more complex than a man’s. Perhaps, that is because a woman is more complex than a man.

Except for her clitoris and breasts, her sexual organs are internal. They are made up of flesh, muscle and nerves. Her breasts and vagina are soft and inviting. Her vagina is soft and moist and if she allows the wrong penis into it, she can contract diseases that can render her infertile, lead to cancer, and life long issues.

A woman allows a man into her body… into her inner sanctum and this privilege should not be entered into lightly by her, or her partner.  A woman gives a man a wonderful gift when she allows him to enter her. And she might want to be very selective concerning to whom she gives this privilege…

Since a man’s sexual organs are outside his body, perhaps, that is one reason that he can separate his emotions and feelings from the sexual act. An emotionally healthy woman will feel a connection to a man that she allows to enter her. It’s innate to her nature.

Some women and it seems more these days try to behave like men and have many sexual partners and behave promiscuously. They ‘ think’ that doing this gives them ‘equal rights’ and sexual freedom. I think it makes them stupid and distances them from their mind, body, heart connection.

Some women experience great sexual pleasure and can experience orgasms in their clitoris, vagina, uterus and also  their nipples. Some, when she feels totally relaxed, and safe with her lover, can achieve pleasure repeatedly in one session.

Life enters the world through a woman’s vagina… it is the sacred canal of birth.

So, sex, while pleasurable, loving, romantic and fun… also can create life. In this knowing, it should be taken with  caution, respect, and reverence as to why it was created and what it creates.

Sex is wonderful!  It is as close as a man and woman can get in the physical and it is an expression of love. It can even be a spiritual experience and a deep connection when shared between two people in love.

Shame on men that con with words and use manipulation to get a woman to open herself up to him for his pleasure with no regard for her feelings and emotions… Some men are so needy and desperate to enter a woman and to experience her inner power that they will lie, rape, manipulate and even pay for it.

And stupid is the woman that allows a man to enter her for reasons other than the affection of two people caring for one another..

Shameful also is a woman that uses the power of her womanhood for false and ill intent to beguile, mislead, and seduce for reasons other than sincere love and affection. And a woman that ‘sells’ her body, I have no kind words for…

It is fun to have pet names for private areas with your partner. But in my opinion, some words used today such a VayJJ and booty call are tacky and common and even disrespectful.

A woman’s body is curvy and mysterious, soft, round and angular! It is to be honored and respected for the work of art that it is…It is one of God’s  most mysterious and beautiful creations…

And having sex with the right man can be heaven on earth! I love being a woman!

What say you?…

A penis is only as good as the man connected to it…

???????????????????????????????And what a man does with his penis reveals the kind of man that he is and his innate character…

If a man allows his penis to control him, his actions, and his life, he will end up a loser with a life in destruction.  A man under the control of his penis is a man with no control over his life, who he is, where he is going, or what he becomes. And, of course, morality  is nowhere to be found.

He is being controlled by his sexual urge and he is out of control. How laughable does this make him? HAHAHAHAHA! Very! He is a joke on himself and on his very manhood! He brings shame to his family, children, and anyone that associates with him.

He is a sexual urge driven animal… He contracts diseases and spreads them around. Who would want him?

Just like a person that can’t control their eating urges becomes a fat, bloated, slob… so does the man who allows his penis to control his life.

His life becomes an out of control, urge-driven mess.

A penis is an organ of muscle, ligaments, and flesh… and it should be controlled by the man, if the man is a ‘real’ man. The other way around and he is an out of control ‘penis’. How attractive is a penis without a man to control it? It’s not! It’s pathetic!

A man of class, morals, with his urges under control, with the ability to love, in touch with his emotions, and who connects with a woman in respect and honor for the sexual experience… honors himself and whomever he interacts with and he is a blessing to others and also to himself.

A man running around controlled by his penis is a blight on his family, the world and ultimately himself. A real man is not controlled by his penis!

Any man that thinks his penis is his manhood is a fool. And any woman that engages with a needy penis is a fool, especially if she betrays another woman to do so…

It’s the brain and the heart where two people connect. A man that connects through his heart isn’t owned by his penis.

Sex is an expression of love in the physical and to diminish it to mere ‘sport’ where cheating, betrayal, dishonesty, disrespect, and the heart of others are players and pawns is the sport of fools.

What is happening with so many men these days? These out of control penis controlled slobs! Who would want one?!

Agree or not? Thoughts…

Look to the left and click to follow…

Trying to find himself through a woman’s body…

I had a conversation with sixty-year-old man, who after a divorce, has been in the dating world for over a decade.

With a confused look on his face and surprise in his tone, “After women have sex, if the relationship doesn’t work out, they really do get upset, don’t they? They get so emotional about it, even angry.Then with a clueless expression, “Sex is really important to women.”

Thinking, what an imbecile, I respond, “Of course, it is. And sex usually becomes, or should become important on an emotional level to men, as they get older, more emotionally mature, and are able to recognize how deep a connection sex actually is.”

He nods, but his face displays a puzzled expression. 

I continue, “How often do women get upset with you?”

Long pause, “Alot, right after my divorce alot. Now… women, well, women get attached easily don’t they?”

I question, “What do you do to cause this? Do you lead them on?”

He shrugs and with the same clueless expression. “After we have sex, I realize that we have nothing in common.

I inquire. “Why didn’t you, or don’t you get to know the women first, before you have sex with them?”

He shrugs.

Previous to this admission, he told me that he wants to find a real committed relationship and that he is so very tired of dating and wants to settle down even remarry, but for some reason he can’t seem to attain his goal…

What say you and what might you say to him?…

Look to the left and click to follow…

What makes you HOT???

Okay ladies and gentlemen…

What is that certain chemistry between two people that just creates HOT? 

What is it about that certain someone that just curls your toes?
That makes you want to just really get into it! That makes you want to drag them off to the bedroom…and ravish them from head to toe…

That you can’t keep your hands off of them… that you burn with desire just thinking about them… that the anticipation of seeing them creates passion that fills you up to overflowing…and that must be released…

What is it???