Category Archives: Media

Corrupted media and entertainment industry…

The media is being used to encourage and foster psychopathic behavior in otherwise normal people. They are manipulating otherwise decent people to emulate psychopathic traits and to view these traits as the norm. The entertainment industry is filled with this message. Lady GaGa parades around in a dress made of animal flesh that sends out a message to millions of young impressionable minds that they are just a hunk of meat. This is not by accident. This is not ‘art.’ Look at the vileness of Miley Cyrus and her sexual degradation and exploitation. 

It’s become all about the money and power over others’ lives and reality… propaganda, perversion and brainwashing..

  Psychopathic individuals behind the scenes in music and entertainment are slowly altering  psychology in order to dehumanize, so that the day comes to replace freewill,  human spirit and your soul with a microchip, you’ll accept it, as you will have been conditioned to view your humanity as just soulless meat. And your sexuality contains no boundaries and as meaningless. Perversion and crossing sexual boundaries separates people from their humanity and their soul.

 Look at the fashion industry, pornography, etc. The aim of the trans-humanist movement is to remove consciousness from the Earth except for a ‘privileged’ few. That is if they even know what ‘consciousness’ is  as they seem  to be steeped in evil and Satanic vibes. Morality as in truth, honor, kindness, humanity is going out the window replaced by lies, propaganda, perversion and greed. People mean nothing. Greed and the false power wielded on earth are everything. Sinful behaviors are being promoted as good. While morality is looked down upon and laughed at.

A vital stage of their agenda is to create a bond between machines and humans. Technology distances you from your humanity. The people behind this agenda are evil. They want to take away choice, freedom, and Godliness and rule over Earth and all its inhabitants. 

I was in a hair salon recently and no one talked to anyone, even the stylist. Everyone was on their phone or computer. I sat there observing … it gave me a sick and eerie feeling in my gut. If you would ask the stylist a question, she would answer. But when you entered no one greeted anyone, no one smiled, there was no small talk. There was no human interaction. There was no happiness.  There was nothing. It was clear the stylist was not interested in her clients personally and was all about the money exchange coming to her. When it was time for the client to pay, the stylist gave attention. Watching her made me feel sick to my stomach… like I was watching manipulative evil extortion in action. The decor was stark white and minimal – attractive but cold.  It was bizarre and felt like being on another planet and not earth.

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”Brock Adams – director of UN Health Organization.

Why does Hillary always have that smug smile plastered on her face…

hillary-smiling-2like she knows a secret or that she has already won the election? Because the corrupted progressive bought and paid for whore of the NWO media is protecting her with agenda-filled-propaganda to brainwash the masses.

They think if the say  something often enough that it will be believed. This is not journalism because most are completely biased and all they do is push the progressive agenda which is communism. They do not report facts. They put opinion, agenda and emotion into their words and this is not journalism.  It’s bought and paid for talking heads with agenda.

They repeat the same things until it’s obscene while leaving out real news. It’s slanted and done to imprint what they want on the minds of what they deem are the ignorant masses. But the deal is many of us see right though their agenda, turn it off, and demand that it stop.

Journalism is supposed to be without bias and agenda. Journalism is supposed to be our first line of defense against a corrupted government. Today Journalism is dead. It is of the corruption and something to fear, turn off and not to believe.

As well as most of the polls which are orchestrated, false and hyped to sway those that they can and  manipulate to think and to vote like the majority. Follow the group kind of mentality… sheep led to slaughter or…

You know about that nice NBC/WSJ “poll” that shows that Hillary is up 11, right?

Well, CTH deconstructed it.  It wasn’t very hard to do, and it showed the usual media bias in the sample, which is a problem standing alone.  But then we get into why the bias existed, and it’s not so simple as it first appears.

What CTH managed to find is that the organization that ran the poll is an organization run by a man who currently is a SuperPAC operator for PrioritiesUSA in support of Hillary Clinton, and was involved in a similar one for President Obama.

In other words the so-called “media poll” wasn’t actually run by NBC and the WSJ, it was run by a SuperPAC dedicated to Hillary’s election.

The reason for the intentional bias in the poll’s sample is now obvious — and ought to have been reason enough for both NBC and the Wall Street Journal to refuse to run it at all.

But it gets better — Hillary’s campaign paid this organization over $200,000 in September alone!

If you watched the second presidential debate, you witnessed Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper and their blatant attempts at skewing hard questions, avoiding policy discussions, and their flat out contempt for Donald Trump.

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell immediately took the screen on Fox Business Network’s Varney and Company (V&Co.) to expose the moderator’s slant as a recurring, predictable tactic of these so-called “journalists,” describing the debate as similar to “the vice presidential debate where the Republican was consistently challenged on his position while the Democrat was given a free pass.”

Moderators should never show bias.   Our media is corrupted.

clintonsClinton had an affair with an intern, fathered a baby (possibly more than one), abandoned him, accused of rape by more than one woman. Link about Clinton’s illegitimate son:

Had multiple affairs while married to Killery. Hillary defended a child rapist, harassed and slandered the women that Bill raped sexually harassed, and had affairs with, had people killed in Benghazi, deleted 33k emails on her private server,  created a vacuum for ISIS to  be created, armed ISIS, 6 billion dollars unaccounted for as Sec of State, runs a corrupt Clinton Foundation, stole money from Haiti. ( Bush Sr and Bill Clinton did the Haiti charity fund raising together, millions turns up missing) Calls law enforcement racist. Accepts money from countries with no rights for women and this is only the tip of it.

Trump said something 11 years ago in a private conversation (leaked by a relative of the Bush family) and  the media goes crazy.  Media hypocrisy is astounding!

“Without the media Hillary Clinton couldn’t be elected dog catcher”–Donald J. Trump

Obama-Lies-SCThe only way Obama was elected is because the bought and paid for progressive media whores created a rock star out of this inexperienced, without quality, teleprompter reader, traitor to America, community organizer who couldn’t run an ice cream stand and the dumbed-down- entertainment-tonight masses bought into it hook line and sinker. hillary-and-barackObama is a NWO puppet of the globalists just as Hillary is, along with all progressives and much of the media. If Hillary goes down so does Obama… so they are thick as thieves.  All in it together as they threaten, pay off, bribe or even kill anyone who gets in their way.

Their agenda is to lower the standard of living in the US as they use America as an income stream to the UN. Flood America with immigrants and refugees, have no borders, create chaos in US, then reorganize under the guise of ‘good’. But nothing about this is good for the US or any of her citizens.  It’s blatantly evil. Alinksy’s, Rules for Radicals, dedicated to Satan… 

hillary-smiling-3Their agenda is to  get rid
of borders as
Hillary stated very clearly in a leaked tape from one of her Wall Street speeches. She says one thing in private and quite another in public to get elected. Her public persona is false and her agenda is to lead America into the NWO under the rule of the UN.

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” Brock Adams – director of UN Health Organization…

Clinton’s plan for the future revolves around maintaining political power while working to create an “unaware” and “compliant” citizenry.

The same as Obama, Soros, Buffet, etc. and the  progressive propaganda media  are whores of this agenda.  Control the media, control their minds.

Low information voters, uneducated, ignorant. those dependant on the government are who the progressives/Clintons are after and appeal to, or those who want to make the world and all it’s resources its slave… those of the Satanic godless, immoral people.  It’s the educated those with higher IQ and independant, believers in God that stand with Trump.
Our media is a bought and paid  whore of the elite globalists that think they know better than us what is good for our lives. They want to control all of earth’s resources and only allow us what they deem necessary while they live large on what we produce.

In both the Democratic and Republican parties, all  progressive/communists are in on this. Progressive equals communism.|main5|dl3|sec1_lnk3&pLid=-1805529810_htmlws-main-bb 

Trump2This is why they are so against Trump and why progressives in the Republican party are also against him. He is not one of them and they know he will come in, expose them and tear their plans apart, putting them and their agenda out on the street.  He will strengthen our military so we won’t have to use it and pull wealth and jobs back into our country.

What these corrupted progressives are doing is trying to keep their cushy government positions and world-wide  investments while telling the public what to think and do, putting regulations and taxes on individuals and businesses so they themselves can gain more power and wealth. They think of the masses as their slaves. It’s Agenda 2030… their goal is to have it all in place by then.

Trump’s goal is to make America strong, solid and great again and this goes against their plans for our weakening and ultimately our destruction.

With Trump we can hold onto our American Sovereignty. With Hillary America will be sold to the highest bidder and enslaved to the NWO under the rule of the UN.

Along with the corrupted media we, also have voter fraud…. the only way lying puppet cons like Obama and Hillary can win…

As Leviathan spins the web of fog to blind  people to the truth   Good is seen as bad,  bad is seen as good, truth is seen as lie,  lie is seen as truth, because that is the way and agenda of Satan’s destruction.

Look to the left and click to follow…

Progressive = communism, Political Correctness = censorship…

???????????????????????????????Truth is lie. Lie is Truth. You are being told what and how to think. You are being advertised to, brainwashed and bullied continually  by the media, the government, politicians and social media, all for their agenda to control your life, what you think, what you buy and how you live. Our children are being brainwashed in schools instead of being taught how to think for themselves. They are being manipulated for the agenda of rule, dominate and control.
FB is an arm of the Obama regime and the progressive movement with agenda to weaken the US, insert us into the NWO under the rule of the UN.. and first thing they do is to flood our country with immigrants refugees, illegals that have no allegiance to our country and to shut all others up, if and when they protest, call them racists, haters, bigots. It’s all an agenda-filled con of progressive/communism. 
BarackObama betrays Americans…
 FB outsources monitoring to Tunisia. So we are being monitored, banned and ‘punished’ by Muslims for stating our opinions, as they curtail freedom of speech and punish those who do not go along with their agenda. Islam is communism with a so called  ‘god’ that rules, dominates and controls every aspect of lives  Islam is a political ideology not a religion. Communism and Islam are the same.
 FB makes revenue off advertising to Americans who made them the money they have and are worth, just like politicians pandering to Americans, pandering for money, sucking private sector money, living off private sector money while they create and build nothing then tell the private sector what to do as they try to take away more and more of our American freedoms, bastardizing our Constitution, letting Sharia Law seep in, ignoring terrorist growth, trying to tamper with our gun laws, censoring us with politically correct propaganda and it’s time for it to stop!
I am blocked from facebook for 30 days for posting that Sharia Law is not compatible with our Constitution.

Clever technique used by a particularly dangerous Islamic supremacist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. They call it “civilization jihad,” a term that describes how the Brotherhood is aiming at, in their words, “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within.”

Here are some of the ways the civilization jihadist leaders are stealthily trying to take us down: Islam5

  • Islamists are placing Muslim Brothers into positions as advisors to and, in some cases as employees of, our government – placements that facilitate their insidious influence operations.
  • Islamists seek to prevent our free speech – particularly the kind that might allow us to understand and effectively counteract their secretive assaults on our country and its institutions.
  • Islamists are trying to use the “Common Core” curriculum – our children’s textbooks – to promote Islamic supremacism in our academic institutions.
  • Islamists are working to insinuate Shariah into U.S. courts and establish their own parallel “Islamic tribunals” to subvert our rule of law and Constitution.
  • Islamists are using our immigration system – especially our refugee resettlement program – to engage in what the Islamic supremacists call the hijra, a Muslim colonization of America.
  • Islamists enlist leaders of other faiths through so-called “interfaith dialogue” to obscure and enable what is fundamentally a subversive political, not a legitimate religious, agenda. And,
  • Islamists use what is known as “Shariah-Compliant Finance” to penetrate our capitalist system.
 Our government, media, social media are complicit in this destruction of America as they all are vying for their place in the NWO.
The government works for us. The agenda-filled propaganda media makes money when we watch them with their goal to brainwash the masses to think as they are told to think.  It’s time to turn them off.
The government is trying to control us with and by our own  money.  We, the American people,  pay their salaries and benefits. So how about we turn it around on them and demand that they work for us. All their salaries need to be cut and most all fired. They need to be turned loose in the private sector to do what they are telling others to do. They need to get real jobs and get off the government gravy train. Let them live under the oppressive rules they are trying to create.
We are being led into Communism. The lying conning leaders of evil have just changed the names of things to create confusion and to make it appear more palatable.. like ‘fair’… like they will take care of everyone… like they will take care of the world. .. and this is all con  and lies to keep ‘them’ in control and on the gravy train of wealth and power paid for by the American people.
Perfect example: ‘Climate change’ … the climate always changes. These con artists, lying, manipulating, government thieves and I include the UN, have come up with the idea to tax, create regulations, and authoritative rule over the people for acts of nature. It’s the con of the century. The climate always changes and nothing can control it.
Human beings are being taxed for living, but only those in civilized countries. Those who work to attain,  according to the corrupted government, are  supposed to take care of all others, but only if it’s funded through them to create for them  organizations and bureaucracies in and from which they hide and launder money as they suck off of  donations and resources,  creating wealth and benefits for themselves.  A little bit of good and a whole lot of something else.  They create for themselves wealth, power and authority  for no reason other than for telling us what to do.  This is called Communism. They are calling it progressivism but it’s COMMUNISM and this corruption does not work, never has and never will.
Hillary+Clinton+caricature+webTwo clear examples: 1. The Clintons, they live in wealth attained from the government by telling others how to think and how to vote.  They have done nothing but take from others. They say they have given but what have they given? Bill Clinton served in public office while screwing everything that walked by, while he attained power, influence and wealth doing his backers bidding. then they create foundations to suck more money into their coffers. It’s the crime of communism, lying and conning the people for their gain. 2. The Obama’s are worse. Obama is a puppet who has never done anything but talk. He’s a snake oil salesman of the highest order with agenda to rule the world. The Obama snake is shooting now to be Secretary of the UN.
So put it together, flood the US with immigrants, illegals, refugees, destroy allegiance to America, insert us into the NWO under the rule of the UN.  Then we have the likes of the Obamas, the Clintons, etc. ruling over the world.
We must stop this corruption NOW! We must have a government that adheres to the Constitution, does everything to protect the US, to build strong the US and that means getting out of our private lives, our businesses, our healthcare, etc. Creating a strong military so we will not have to use it. That the world fears the wrath of America, instead of their intimidating us and forcing us out of our benevolence to destroy ourselves for their benefit.  We must force the media to report the truth instead of opinion and agenda. Journalism is ‘supposed’ to be our first line of defense against a corrupted government. At this time, we have no journalism,only bought and paid for whores of progressivism.
Obama-Lies-SCWe must bust this corruption open, boycott those who stand with progressivism/communism, censorship, gun control, etc. And support those who stand with our Constitution and if they lie about this to gain office, they need to be arrested and removed. 
My explosion for today!… Look to the left and click to follow…

To take over a country control the media. Control the media, you control their minds.

Pullinghair2Bought and paid for media whores…
 We have a corrupted media. Journalism is supposed to be our first line of defense against a corrupted government instead we have a corrupted bought and paid for media of whores covering up the corruption and spewing agenda-filled propaganda.
To take over a country control the media. Control the media, you control their minds.

The media, a bunch of sensationalists, bullies, gossip mongers, racists, liars, biased, agenda-filled, self-promoting puppets bought and paid for by those who want the public to believe as ‘they’ tell them to. So, they repeat, repeat and repeat just like the dictator Obama does  who actually said, “Say it often enough and they will believe it.” Obama is a bully… so ‘his media’ follows his lead.

That’s how Obama got to where he is with this lying, liberal/progressive media cover-up and onslaught. 

Media control is the tool of dictators and Obama along with Oprah, Soros, Muslim owners, etc. and other’s help are going at it strong to promote their self-serving agenda.

I have grown to detest the media. There is no journalism. It is opinion and agenda-filled propaganda. I have no respect for them. They are about ratings, not truth… about agenda, not truth, while promoting and selling their books. They are all corrupted…

If we allow the corrupted media to choose our next President, we are done for as a free society…

If we follow and buy into the bought and paid for ignorance of the media, we are brainwashed fools. The current media is an enemy to all Americans… and needs to be removed and replaced with real reporting… real journalism, and brave, honorable people unafraid to tell the truth  with the integrity not to be bought off. This is what news programs should be… the search for truth, not the vilifying of some and the covering-up for others.

Then the incessant repetition on all channels of the same story repeated ad nauseam.

What we have now is a bunch of talking heads like on some continual idiotic lame talkshow… some try to be cute and funny, some try to show conflicting ideas to be ‘fair and balanced’ and I find it mostly to be ignorant entertainment pandering to fools.  It’s an Oprah, ‘The View’  trend of idiocy. It worked for them so they all follow suit.

Obama is taking apart America one freedom at a time. Progressive equals communism. Read about Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, NWO under the rule of the UN. 1st thing they are using is the con of global warming, the EPA is being used to implement rules, regulations, and taxes to put all resources under the rule of the UN and the NWO. This is the big news. So why isn’t the media talking about it continually?  It effects everyone of us and will lead to America’s destruction, to insert us into the NWO under the rule of the UN.  They are using the US as an income stream to fund this con.. Why isn’t every news program in America reporting this?

The media  people are working for Obama and the progressive agenda, not the American people. It’s all slanted for the agenda of the progressives as they attack real Americans on all fronts.

Oh, but when Obama starts to fall down  some will swing and shift to protect themselves, but will always be for their hidden, but not so hidden-agenda…

The media is sick, distorted and appears terminal.

All the talking heads giving their opinions…blah! blah! blah!  Telling Americans what they ‘should’ think and why. How insulting and hateful these media bullies are I know, I am insulted.  Who are these people really? Who put them where they are and why? None of them impress me. In fact, they bore me, irritate me and strike me as hollow, scripted puppets..

Their slanted BS polls used to try and get the sheeple to think that everyone feels one way or another, so they will want to be like the rest or turn against others. It’s all orchestrated talking points. They report a poll that deems those who like Trump are uneducated. What a lie, agenda-filled propaganda. Who takes these polls. Who creates them and who do they poll?

Actually those who support Trump are the most educated, and successful in their lives and don’t want or need government hand outs and freebies. They are the energetic people who control their lives and don’t what others to dictate to them.

 Polls, media sound bites, who they attack, what they attack, what they repeat, is all done for their agenda to brainwash to get the masses to do as they direct, think as they tell them to and believe what they say.

It is up to us to hold the media accountablebecause of their cover-up and protection of Obama, we have the worst, most corrupt, traitor to America, now in the position of President.

 If we allow the corrupted media to choose our next President, we are done for as a free society…

Look to the left and click to follow…

Are we going to let the media choose our next President…

Pullinghair2like they did the last one?  Influence, agenda. corruption resulting in damage… the media has gotten way too influential and opinionated
.  Instead, of informative and factual, they are promoters of agenda and propaganda…. some have become an arm of the government…
an arm of the Obama/dem/lib/progressive/communist regime…

When listening to any of them, be very aware of why they are presenting what they are and what it does for them. Is it true, or slanted? Who owns them? Who advertises on their networks? Example: GE owns NBC and GE is in bed with Obama. So, of course, everything on NBC will be pro-Obama, pro-progressive . What does Soros own? His agenda is progressive/communism. NWO under rule of the UN with the global elites enslaving the masses. 

In the media, anyone can be made to look good and anyone can be made to look bad. Almost any idea can be made to look good and almost any idea can be made to look bad. Some may wrap it up as being ‘fair and balanced’, but this may only serve as a tool to disarm and to sway… to make you ‘think’ that what they present and they way they present it, has no agenda.

‘Make you think their way’ is the goal of the media these days.They don’t present information as it really is, or the facts, they only present what, and how they want the public to ‘think’ and ‘perceive’.

Take Michelle Obama, for example, ‘they tried’ to promote her as a woman of style, class and grace, even comparing her to Jackie Kennedy, when Michelle Obama and Jackie Kennedy are opposites. Michelle Obama is a big-boned, classless, style-less black woman, not a refined, stylish, of French lineage debutante with impeccable manners and taste.  The media assisted in making Michelle Obama a laughing stock. Why would they even want to compare her to someone so opposite of her? Why would they want a black woman to be compared to a white woman? For the agenda of selling the package of someone who is nothing as they try to appear to be. All done for distraction and deflection…
But some clueless people, those with no brains, eyes to see, or ability to discern ‘bought’ this comparison as accurate.

Some fools believe whatever the media vomits forth. 

Michelle Obama is unattractive, radical and extreme…and comparing her to refinement does not change what she is and never will.

The media and those behind it are counting on the masses having no brains, no ability to think, and certainly no ability to discern lies and propaganda from what is true, accurate and reality. Anyone who can be brainwashed into thinking that there are any similarities between Michelle and Jackie will believe anything…

Dictators reward ‘their media’ in either money, or favors, in order, that they brainwash the masses. This is one of the first objectives of a dictatorship. They have the media tell the people what and how to think.  Many of the ‘media propaganda polls’ are lies also, as they try to make the masses’ think’ that a certain candidate is popular, that the ‘many’ are thinking one way. So, in order, to be ‘with it’, others should fall into line with the group. It’s a total con.

So, are we going to let the media choose our next president like was done with Obama? Obama is nothing, but a media creation and agenda-filled media propaganda put him where he is.

Had the truth about Obama been presented accurately, he never would be President. So, the lying media is responsible and complicit for this disastrous presidency…

It’s time to make the media less important, even irrelevant, in the election of our President because they are in it for their agenda not for the American people.

See and hear behind what the media presents. Why are they covering up what they do, and why are they promoting what they are? Unless, you are and want to be a brain dead media drone led around like some brainless slave.

This current election is going to get rough. But as this election gear-up continues, the liberal, lying, progressive media is going to get desperate and will try to vilify and spread untruths about any and all Conservatives, Republicans, and the Tea Party, while they promote their progressive, socialist, communist lying imbecile puppets, Clinton, Biden, Sanders, Warren…

Progressive equals communism.. 

We need to demand that the progressive liberal media stop their propaganda and vilifying of those that don’t fit their agenda, or just don’t watch them. We can force them to be truthful and responsible in their reporting and stories.
We are in control of whether we listen or watch. They are not in control of us…unless, we allow them to be… 

Media Circus…

Circus : Portrait of the mime with Royal FlushNothing! But a three ring circus..

Can anyone recall the days when a President would come on and make an announcement, then get off the TV? He was professional, to the point, and served the American people, not a media whore, not  a ‘personality,’ but a respected man, a leader… even if you didn’t agree with all he said, or did, he was respected. Not the ‘I’… ‘me’ …’my’ of Obama… the, ‘me’,’ that in his own, dictator-like, spoken words rewards his friends and punishes his enemies. The ‘I’ am the president as he keeps reminding us to make sure that we know that ‘he’ is the real ring leader… ‘wanna be’ leader of the world…

Agenda-filled politicians label groups and are the ‘racists’ etc.  They want to label and force people to be and do as they deem for their usage. PC is BS! — like Obama has done with many blacks. His administration caused, literally caused, the ignorant blacks to destroy their own town as they try to vilify people like West, Carson and Sheriff Clark who tell the truth.

Hillary+Clinton+caricature+webNow Hillary, a real-life circus freak, trying to use women as the side-players in her circus show. Women I know don’t like or respect her on any level. Everyone I know thinks she and her husband are skanks. So why is anyone paying attention to them? It’s the bought and paid for media pushing the propaganda agenda trying to force the people to think like they want them to think. They vilify Trump for declaring business bankruptcy while the Clintons are raping every American as they spew lies and con taking in money from countries that hate US to line their pockets and create their lifestyle then telling everyone else they should give while all they have ever done is to take. What have the Clintons ever done but live off the people, lie, con, take and pervert? Slick Willy decreed that ‘oral sex’ isn’t sex. 

Recall, the ‘media event’ of the Obama circus the killing of Bin Laden? It is announced forty-five minutes early that ‘the president’ will make an important announcement late in the evening on a Sunday night. I watched as Geraldo… Geraldo! The talk show, Jerry Springer- Geraldo.. builds it up and builds it up. What could it be? What will Obama announce? Could it be this? Could it be that?  Ladies and gentleman, what scary thing will Obama, the ring leader of the circus, announce?

Then finally, Geraldo in ‘barker-like’ style states. “What if they got Bin Laden?” Then in the most unprofessional, unjournalistic way, he says, “This is just my opinion.” The ‘ trying to create anticipation’ look in his eye, takes me back to the dumb show where he opened some vault. Then after making this ‘off the cuff’ statement, Geraldo gets a notification that, indeed, Bin Laden has been killed.

This was a three ring circus set up and staged for effect, the jesters build up for the main performer… the pre-show warm-up orchestrated for Obama to come on and make ‘his’ announcement… and the circus ‘hoped’ this will keep him as the ring leader… the performance that makes sure the circus goes on… with the ability to get bigger tents and more rings kept full and continually spinning.

We are witnessing a set-up, an agenda-filled three ring media circus. This president with the clown-like name, Barack Obama, or Barry Soetero, whichever he chooses to go by, is a media creation, a clown, a puppet, a front man and right now, he is the ring leader of this three ring circus….

This media circus is running and ruining our country, its attitudes and its morality. It is total corruption. This media circus is government propaganda…continually blowing smoke up America’s ass.

While the stories spin and spin and change circus ring to circus ring. Look over here at this one! Now this one! No, now look here! Ladies and gentlemen look, there’s a show over here!

And pay no attention to the people behind the curtain… because they are doing some real underhanded magic, while you are busy viewing the spinning circus show out front…

The American people are being taken on a real roller coaster ride, a ride of, and for their life, by a three ring circus, orchestrated by dictators, puppets of the Illluminati, Bliderbergs, New World Order, anti-Christ, evil, agenda-filled, Soros, elite, bankers, world monetary managers, UN, global masters,…whatever you want to call it or them. And, unless, we leave the mindset of a dumb, mesmorized child, walk out of the circus and come back to adult sanity, we will never be America again!

We will have life long tummy aches from the cotton candy, continue to be mesmerized by the performers and living in a surreal circus-carnival like atmosphere forever.

Yes! Ladies and gentlemen, we are being manipulated by bought and paid for media clowns…ABC, NBC, CNN, FOX, CBS, etc. are involved in this circus performance and it plays daily and is on every minute to brainwash, and brainwash some more. Obama’s mantra, if you repeat it often enough, they will be convinced! Some shows and stations are just more lying, manipulative, intense and deceptive than others! Others are more fair and balanced or ‘pretend’ to be.

And it is quite a caravan of expense when the ring leader takes his show on the road squandering resources for his self-promotion and leisure.

A circus of illusion, not logic! Waste and bloat, with the fat lady in the circus becoming the government side show to the media circus… smoke and mirrors…a three ring circus expanding daily in Leviathan spin and juggling.

As the circus ‘polls’ spin the numbers to con the audience, the masses, and the fools…

I say listen to the candidates NOT the media interpretation. The media is bought and paid for scum.

We can not let this media circus of crap choose our next President like they did the lying  Muslim Obama…