Category Archives: EXPLOSIONS

Unless you are my granny, don’t call me sweetie, darlin’, or honey, etc…

???????????????????????????????Endearments are only appropiate when intimacy, familiarity, time and experience have developed, otherwise they are insulting, condesending and rude! When people who have never even met me in person, or barely know me  call me “Sweetie”, “Honey”, “Sugar”, “Darlin”, or variations of my name as in, “Annie”, it makes me want to explode! It’s so condescending, rude, presumptuous, over-familiar and crosses personal and respectable boundaries. 

A man who does this to a woman is trying to take control as in you are less than me, I am in control, you “little sweetie”, so do as I wish, like me, love me, have sex with me, go to dinner with me… just plain you are such a “sweetie” that I am going to over power you and get you to do as I want and as I deem.  Many men who do this have insecurity  and control issues and by calling a woman endearments prematurely makes them feel powerful and in control when actually they are weakened, rude and fools.  It shows a lack of respect to refer to someone out of their name that you barely know. It’s way too familiar and crosses personal boundaries.

If a woman calls another woman she doesn’t know well or if they are the same age,  something like ‘sweetie’, it’s nothing but pulling rank as in claiming she is higher up, more important, in charge or knows more.

When I hear premature, unwarranted and unwanted endearments it makes me think of a drunk sitting in a bar referring to female servers  as “sweetie.”  Or some vile, overweight, drunken man sliming around somewhere like Vegas referring to women, he has just met, as “honey, lover, baby, sugar lump”.  Makes me want to gag!

My Mother was from the South where people tend to greet others in this manner… but never someone that you don’t know at all. And men who use these endearments to ‘try’ and be ‘familiar’, in order, to create a false sense of intimacy to ‘get there’, before ‘getting there’ is even on the radar are just plain clueless dummies.  And it’s the biggest turn off. So get a clue, it’s an insult to call people endearments, unless, you are in a real relationship, or you are 20, or more years older than the person … darlin’!

A granny or grandpa calling a little child “sweetie” is endearing… otherwise save all endearments and pet names until a time when it’s acceptable as in, you are in a real relationship with the person and have had the time and experience for endearments and pet names to be developed naturally because then and only then are they acceptable, meaningful and worthy.

So, unless you are my granny, don’t call me sweetie!

Gender confusion… ?

???????????????????????????????If this offends anyone, sorry… as this is my opinion.

God created man and  woman to complement one another and their respective physical bodies display this clearly… to reproduce, comfort one another, have companionship and family.

Why all this gender confusion? Is it hormones in the food, drugs, big pharma, and, or recreational drugs, psychological or sexual abuse, or what?  Because it is not natural to the nature of our bodies. The children of the hippie generation seem to be the most confused and it’s just gotten worse since then. Did the recreational drugs their parents took cross over  the placenta and affect their hormonal make-up and genetics? Because it’s become bizarre like some freak show on earth.

I have interacted with homosexuals in my life because I was a ballet dancer and in the interior design fields for years. Those I knew blended in and didn’t choose to make a spectacle of themselves.  Those that I talked to in depth all revealed they had been sexually abused as children by those of the same or opposite sex,  had psychological or physical abuse from one or both parents and on a deep level had both disdain and envy for heterosexuals. It is known that when a child is over sexualized or sexualized in a perverted way it can affect them their whole life as to choices and self-esteem as their fragile boundaries are crossed when they are still in formation and an imprint is made on their mind, body and spirit. Open a door to evil and it walks right in. That is why we need to protect our children from perverted imprints being placed on them  from any level.. movies, TV, politically, in society, and in the home.

Children have a special place in God’s heart and anyone who harms a child is inviting God’s wrath upon himself.
Sexual abuse or molestation is particularly devastating and is soundly condemned in Scripture. Warnings against sexual sin abound in Scripture. To force sexual acts upon a child is a horrible, evil offense. In addition to committing a sexual sin, the perpetrator is also attacking the innocence of one of the world’s most vulnerable persons. Sexual abuse violates everything about a person from his or her understanding of self to physical boundaries to their spiritual connection with God. Perhaps, that is why evil is attacking human beings so intensely on this level  and at this time.  In a child, boundaries are barely established so that they are altered for life, and without appropriate help may not ever heal.
Psychological and emotional abuse are also forbidden in Scripture. Ephesians 6:4 warns fathers not to “exasperate” or provoke their children, but to bring them up in the “training and instruction of the Lord.” Harsh, unloving verbal discipline, emotional manipulation, or volatile environments alienate children’s minds from their parents and render their instruction and correction useless. Parents can provoke and exasperate their children by placing unreasonable requirements on them, belittling them, or constantly finding fault, thereby producing wounds that can be as bad as or worse than any physical beating can inflict.

Today, many gays are like side shows in the way they dress and act. It’s circus-like in its distortion. Many years ago, I was in Key West and witnessed for the first time women with women, and men with men openly flaunting their choice, bizarre behavior and dress. I found it humorously amusing  while it also made me feel like I needed to take a long shower to wash off grime after viewing their perverted depravity.

In the days of the caveman, were there men who wanted to be women and women who wanted to be men? Without the injecting of hormones, plastic surgeries, cosmetics, and clothing this change is not possible.

As a child, I was a Tomboy. I climbed trees, wore dungarees, ran around the neighborhood barefoot and dirty, at that time, the dirt didn’t bother me. I even climbed to the roofs of houses that were under construction, more daring and risk ready than many of the little boys in our group,  but when I went to Sunday school I wore a dress and never once did I wish or want to be a  boy. Then as I began to mature, I became more feminine, concerned about my dress, and cleanliness, no spots on my dresses,  pretty and well-groomed became my desire, even though I was still into sports, and, of course, ballet.

About a decade or more ago, I was out to dinner with many girlfriends. one friend had invited her decorator and she brought along her ‘girlfriend’. The decorator looked butch with a short hair-cut along with a manly attitude and mannerisms and it intrigued the rest of us. We started talking about homosexuality. The butch-girl said she could tell just by looking at someone, if they were gay or bi. She would look around the room and point those out she ‘deemed’ as such. We found her bizarre,  really off, but entertaining in a sordid way. Then she turned to me and my friend and said we had the possiblity to be if we were open. We both laughed, as this woman proceeded with her manipulative BS. It was as if she wanted to make everyone like her. We clearly had no interest and while it was humorous in its way, it was also demeaning and insulting that this dyke was trying to turn two very feminine women into her prey. She was crossing our boundaries with her manipulative, self-serving verbiage. She was a homosexual predator.  I wonder, how many of those with weak boundaries who have curiosity or confusion fall for this kind of manipulation and try something that they are not and have no interest in?

What has happened to our society that so many are confused about their gender? If you have a penis you are a man, if you have a vagina you are a woman. Nuff said!

“Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” Luke 17:28-30 (KJV)
Leviathan spins the web of fog to blind peope to the truth.  Good is seen as bad,  bad is seen as good, truth is seen as lie,  lie is seen as truth, because that is the way and agenda of Satan’s destruction.

Satan, the first ‘community organizer’. Hatred of the good for being the good.

???????????????????????????????Anti-American strategist Saul Alinsky, leftist activist, mentor of Obama and Hillary Clinton, and author of Rules for Radicals. a book dedicated to Lucifer, the first community organizer, sets forth the strategy used against the U.S.

Hatred of the good for being the good.

PostAmericaD’Souza points out that Alinsky, as an atheist, did not believe in God but drew inspiration from Satan, who led the first revolt against the existing order. D’Souza talked to Stanley Fish, an expert on John Milton’s Paradise Lost, who explained Satan’s campaign against God. D’Souza pointed out that Satan’s revolt in Heaven and the leftist’s revolt against American society use the same tactics.

This strategy has four points.

One -Polarization; Satan has reached a point where he is deeply alienated from God. He doesn’t seek reconciliation, compromise, understanding, or a God-to-angel heavenly conversation. He wants war. “As Milton’s Satan puts it,” War, then, war open or understood, must be resolved.” (p.84)

Two- Demonization: demonization makes God a “tyrant, the symbol of the establishment. This makes Satan into a champion of resistance, of counterculture.” This revolutionary angel is combating “the tyranny of heaven.”  ( Recall God being booed at the Democratic convention?)

Three – Organization.  Organization the basis being envy. The heavenly ‘community organizer’ seeks to exploit envy among dissident angels, and urges rebellion. For Satan, envy is a great motivating tactic, and he excels at building coalitions from these marginalized angels. (Like Satan, the Obama regime focuses on and uses  ENVY. Blacks envy whites. Poor envy wealthy.)

Do not be envious of evil men,
Nor desire to be with them. Prov.24:1

Obama-Lies-SCFour – Deception. The clincher is deception or “covert guile”. Satan knows he cannot defeat God in open battle; he relies on “deceit and cunning.” Since Satan cannot strike at God directly, he directs his attention (and his malice) toward his creations, Adam and Eve. When he approaches Eve, he disguises his person and his intentions, by making Eve think he is concerned about her, although what he seeks is her destruction. He also seeks to encourage dissatisfaction with the existing order. And does he feel any scruples toward deceiving an innocent? No, because he “has already rejected God’s moral order; consequently, he isn’t bound by moral rules.”

And, when one is not bound by rules, what freedom! Alinsky “wrote that morality and ethics were fine for those who didn’t seek to improve the world for the better. But for those who do, the ends always justify the means.” D’Souza then explains that Alinsky doesn’t reject appeals to morality or conscience; he just uses them when it’s useful to do so. (To implement the all powerful feeling of guilt as in continual use of the race card.)

“True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within.”
Saul Alinsky

Hatred of the good for being the good.

???????????????????????????????Alinsky’s book dedication to Lucifer is more than just shock tactics. As D’Souza points out, Alinsky was serious about his choice. One hopes that Americans will be serious about theirs.

The choice is good or evil, God or Satan, morality or immorality.

And as Leviathan spins the web of fog to blind the weak and immoral people to the truth who have no ability to discern.  Good is seen as bad,  bad is seen as good, truth is seen as lie,  lie is seen as truth, because that is the way and agenda of Satan’s destruction.

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What really died in Auschwitz?…

??????????????????????????????? The following is a copy of an article published in a Spanish newspaper on Jan. 15 2011.

It doesn’t take much imagination to extrapolate the message to the rest of Europe – and possibly to the rest of the world.


“I walked down the street in Barcelona and suddenly discovered a terrible truth – Europe died in Auschwitz … We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world.

The contribution of this people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world. These are the people we burned.

And under the pretense of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty, due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride.

They have blown up our trains and turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime. Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts.

And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition. We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs.

What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe .

A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they imagine America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves. Recently, the UK debated whether to remove The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it ‘offends’ the Muslim population which claims it never occurred. It is not removed as yet. However, this is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving in to it.

It is now more than sixty years after the Second World War in Europe ended. In memory of the six million Jews, twenty million Russians, ten million Christians, and nineteen-hundred Catholic priests who were ‘murdered, raped, burned, starved, beaten, experimented on and humiliated.’ Now, more than ever, with Iran, among others, claiming the Holocaust to be ‘a myth,’ it is imperative to make sure the world never forgets.

BarackHow many years will it be before the attack on the ‘World Trade Center’ ‘NEVER HAPPENED’ because it offends some Muslim in the United States ? If our Judeo-Christian heritage is offensive to Muslims, they should pack up and move to Iran, Iraq or some other Muslim country.

ATT00001This covering represents oppression and deception.
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch and do nothing” – Albert Einstein

Communism is Islam without a god. Islam is communism with a god.
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Curtailing freedom of speech, thought and expression…

Bushsfault1Censoring for agenda has tarnished the FB reputation as a free speech zone and many are talking about this and getting off. l am hearing from younger people, (the studious, sharp, thinking kids) that FB is lame.
Facebook appears, by their censorship and actions taken, to be a propaganda arm of the ISIS and the Baracko Regime. It’s all out war by the Left (Democratic/Progressive/Communist/NWO Party) and they are using every means necessary to eliminate anyone who opposes them and that includes using private records obtained through the IRS , Google, Facebook. 

Their war machine is in full swing. We’re living in the days of Hitler’s Third Reich. Anyone who speaks against the Marxist Baracko Regime will be persecuted.   Barakio stated. “The future does not belong to those who insult Islam.”  And  clearly, ‘Mr. let me be clear’, is so sensitve that he can’t take anyone disagreeing with him or mocking him. Apparently, freedom of opinion and free speech are curtailed on FB as they stand by this by punishing and banning those who state dislike for Muslims, ISIS, etc.. . Yet, they allow hate America pages, hate Israel pages and even pages that call for killing of people.

???????????????????????????????This is not the America I used to know!
FB allows pages that call for the destruction of America, yet I am banned for calling a Moooselm, I saw on Hannity, a freak and evil who was saying that Sharia Law will be coming to a town near you and would not answer Hannity’s direction questions. He was threatening America and her people and I can’t post the below about him on FB. Because I did and I am banned from FB for three days. So Muslims can threaten Americans, behead Americans, kill Christians  and If I comment that one is a freak and evil I am banned from FB.  
I was blocked from FB for three days for posting this.. apparently you cant have an opinion.. and freedom of speech is being curtailed on FB
“Geez.. this Muslim freak on Hannity.. his voice is like evil and he never answers a question directly.. just deflects.. like Odumpo…”
While FB lets through their gates the ability for those in any and every country to make email contact for solicitation of Lord knows what.. with the demand that you contact them privately because they have ‘something’ to tell you. Yeah right! We are being solicited for money and our info taken to be used in scams. We are not even protected on FB as we are being censored, punished and harrassed.
“Obama subsidizes Hamas, freed countless al-Qaida from Gitmo, &rolls out red carpet for Islamist funders.”
We are in a war between good and evil…
AllahdollarThese dollar bills are beginning to show  up all around our country! Muslims are defacing our money. If anyone tries to give you one of these  dollar bills as change, please refuse it and ask them to give you a dollar bill that has not been defaced.

Freedom of speech in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and by many state constitutions and state and federal laws. The freedom of speech is not absolute; the Supreme Court of the United States has recognized several categories of speech that are excluded from the freedom, and it has recognized that governments may enact reasonable time, place, or manner restrictions on speech.Criticism of the government and advocacy of unpopular ideas that people may find distasteful or against public policy are almost always permitted. There are exceptions to these general protections, including the Miller test for obscenity, child pornography laws, speech that incites imminent lawless action, and regulation of commercial speech such as advertising. Within these limited areas, other limitations on free speech balance rights to free speech and other rights, such as rights for authors over their works (copyright), protection from imminent or potential violence against particular persons (restrictions on fighting words), or the use of untruths to harm others (slander). Distinctions are often made between speech and other acts which may have symbolic significance. Despite the exceptions, the legal protections of the First Amendment are some of the broadest of any industrialized nation, and remain a critical, and occasionally controversial, component of American jurisprudence.

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The Real War on Women…

ATT00001 The Bible states the Anti-Christ will be without “natural affection for women,” always thought to be a “homosexual”. Well, could be, but some ministers now interpret that it very well could be everything THE KORAN has to say about UNNATURALLY abusing, degrading, punishing, torturing, and beheading of women—–UNNATURAL AFFECTION.  Turkey has purged itself of Christians and is 100% Islamic Muslim. Turkey is a Muslim country friend to Obama, Turkey is NOT a friend to the U.S. 

Muslims are beheading, torturing, enslaving and killing Christians around the world and Obama shows little if any concern.

Islam treats women like chattel lower than goats. Females undergo genitalia mutilation, so they will not be able to enjoy sex. Women are used as breeders. So, do you think Muslim women have any concern or choice over birth control that  Liberal women seem to have such concern over? Muslim women have no choice about anything.  Let this sink in, women are  lower than animals. They are considered chattel.  So not much compatibility for the women’s rights that Liberals, progressives and Democrats fight for… huh? 

What do you think would happen to a woman such as Mylie Cyrus under Sharia Law?

Under Sharia law:
– There is no freedom of religion.
– There is no freedom of speech.
– There is no freedom of thought.
– There is no freedom of artistic expression.
– There is no freedom of press.
– There is no equality of peoples —  a non-Muslim, a Kafir, is never equal to a Muslim.
– There is no equal protection under Sharia for different classes of people.
Justice is dualistic, with one set of laws for Muslims males and different laws for women and non-Muslims.
– There are no equal rights for women.
– Women can be beaten.
– A non-Muslim cannot bear arms.
– There is no democracy. since democracy means that a non-Muslim is equal to a Muslim.
– Our Constitution is a man-made document of ignorance, jahiliyah, that must submit to Sharia.
– Non-Muslims are dhimmis, third-class citizens.
–  All governments must be ruled by Sharia law.
 whitesummer2Radical Muslims think women should not laugh in public, should cover themselves completely,  all but their eyes, are only used for breeding and should have no pleasure during sex and if they are raped, it is the woman’s fault.
Every  woman that you see with her hair covered in the ‘Muslim way’ is under Sharia Law. They are not free… they are under Sharia RULE! They are under the RULE of Muslim men.
Love is not experienced. Love is not there between a  man and woman. Children are not concieved in love but in pain and torture.  Men do not experience the love, compassion, nurturing and kindness that is innate to the feminine because they cut it out, beat it out, stone it out. Hate it out! This practice hates, actually fears the feminine and the joy in a woman and this is from where the aggression and hate derives in  these men and their acts of violence. They know not love or joy because they destroy it. Islam destroys the heart of a woman for their use and destruction of her soul.
They are fearful of women, their desire for her, her sexuality, her beauty, her feminine ways,  so they destroy all that she is… to keep what they ‘think’ is powerful and in charge…
This practice is infiltrating America at rapid rate  under the Obama regime. Mosques are sprouting up everywhere. Mosques are where they prepare for war.  
Islam the real war on women and it is the worse oppression and evil that is on this planet.

I am exploding because the real haters are…

Bushsfault1Obama recently said in one of his usual lame speeches in his fake Southern drawl accent, “Now, don’t you Republicans be a ‘hating’ let’s get some work done.” Then he left for another of his tax-funded expensive vacations.

Who but a teenager, a liberal or a progressive even uses the word ‘hater or ‘be a hating”?  It’s lame.  It’s immature.  What president ever has used such insulting, lame,  juvenile communication? It is laughable were it not so insultingly pathetic.  It’s a well-noted fact, the age when someone becomes addicted, their maturity stops, explains much concerning Obama, and, of course, many others.

Those who call others ‘haters’ are only ‘projecting’ because they are the real ‘haters’. Obama hates Conservatives, Americans, Christians, white ‘folk’.  Obama hates America. Obama stands with those who hate America, namely ‘terrorists’, and he lies, cons, deflects and spins to do so,  while he squanders America’s money on everything he can think of including himself and his indulgent family. Everything Obama does shows what a ‘hater’ he  is of America and her people.  It’s the same con as calling someone a ‘racist’, if they don’t like Obama.

Obama and his ilk play juvenile word games to try and enforce through their creation of what’s ‘politically correct’, or not,  control of American’s thought processes, while it’s they who are the racists and the haters. It’s called brainwashing propaganda. Shaming one group while praising another, when the one being praised is the one that should be shamed. Good is bad. Bad is good. Right is wrong and wrong is right. We are living in the time of Leviathan… the evil that wraps an over abundance of communication in a fog of confusion and deception in which dirty deeds are implemented.

Obama whines if someone is a clown at a rodeo using his persona.  He’s a whiny, thin-skinned dictator. Now that most people see through his lies and con, he calls people haters.  It’s all the perverted, juvenile , crass, deceiver Obama can do, call names like some school-aged child.  While he uses his dog and pony show to deflect and take eyes off of the incredible damage that he is doing to the United States of America and all its people.
For example:  This is overt action by Obama to put the UN in control of the US… It’s called Agenda 21.. NWO to be all under the rule of the UN…

This guy Laubenthal is going to be Chief of Staff (a secretary) to General Campbell,  not a commander of US troops. This about Campbell:

This from Army Times (no mention of Hussein):

Obama is weakening our military as fast as he can.

Oprah stated, “All the old white people marinated in racism need to die.” This statement is about as full of hate as any statement could be.

So who are the real haters? Obama and his ilk … all of them are trying to transform America into their image and that my friends is an ugly, ugly thing.  They are weakening, shaming, blaming, lying, deceiving every real America while they suck her resources for themselves or  give them away to our enemies, as they allow illegals, terrorists, and anti-Americans to enter and to govern us.

So I say Obama, Oprah, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of you are the haters
(I can’t believe I am even using this lame juvenile word but the ‘president’ does) who want to destroy America and make it like some form of a ‘hood’, turning us into a ravaged third world country How about getting out of America… you lying, stinkin’ America haters…

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Raise America’s standards…

???????????????????????????????.. so that America can get back to excellence. America has been lowering her standards for decades to make everyone ‘fit’ in and to ‘feel’ equal. Well, we are all equal in the eyes of God, but we are not individual in that opportunity. We are all born with different strengths and weaknessess.

Why should someone born with intelligence, talent, skills, or beauty be held down and back by those without these things? To do this is hindering, demeaning, and cruel to everyone concerned.
Affirmative action and ‘no child left behind’ have destroyed our public school system. Anyone who wants a good education must now attend a private school because of these programs. They are a set up for mediocrity and for lower level to be the norm. That mediocrity becomes the highest level and it is destroying our country.
Excellence and achievement deserve acknowledgment and reward and serve as an inspiration and challenge to others to achieve that place.  Otherwise, to give everyone an award just for showing up is demoralizing, demeaning and insulting to all involved… like why put out effort if you can win without doing so?
It’s like a fat, unkempt, unfit person looking at a fit, slim, well-kept person and saying, “I want to look like that!” Well, you need to work at it to attain that, you can’t just claim it as yours without the work. And the same goes for this so-called ‘redistribution of wealth’. That those who have resources need to share with those who don’t. Well, those who didn’t work for it, don’t appreciate, or care for it and will soon squander it.  But the actual truth and reality is that ‘redistribution’ is really a government grab of resources that no one, but the government will ever see. Only the dumbest, affirmative action types by into this government con.
Look at our youth… many are without values and positive goals. They are like whiny, directionless, without standards, bloated, ill-dressed, ill-groomed bullies, thugs, Hollywood-like, tatooed, pot-smoking, blank-faced, lowly slobs. And the reason for this is that we have such low standards for our society.
It once was, if a highschool girl got pregnant, she was shamed, hidden away and kicked out of the group of other kids that wanted more for their lives.  Moral behavior was once what was strived for. Now, few care. The govermment pays for the baby, or she can easily kill the new life by abortion and either way, it’s become no big deal.
When I grew up, no one got pregnant in highschool because to do so, showed the girl as immoral, stupid, her future gone and if she got an abortion that would be worse, like murder. And it was all hidden and something awful as it should have been because it was awful!
So, what has made us accepting of everything that we once considered wrong?
What has made us accepting of fat, bloated, ill-dressed, immoral, directionless, unmotivated, lowly educated, ignorant people with no pride in their appearance or concern for their health?
It’s because we have lowered standards, in order, to make those who made bad choices to not feel badly about themselves. And it’s stupid.  Everyone lives by some sort of standards and values. So why are we lowering them to the easy, slovenly way, instead of raising them up?  It’s done only so the government can step in and control the masses by doling out ‘goodies’ and so the sheeple will live by the standards that the government deems as such and this my fellow Americans is real slavery! 
Sure, people make mistakes, and make bad choices and they should be called out as such, so they can learn and choose differently. They should be showned the better way and not be allowed to continue down a life of squalor, immorality, obesity, ill-health and ignorance.
Now, it’s turned about, so the fit, moral, attractive, intelligent, industrious people are the miniority and ‘the others’ who are envious of them want to harm and take from them instead of to emmulate, be guided by and strive for their higher standard of existence. And this is happening because we have lowered the standards, instead of pushing everyone to higher standards and excellence in their lifestyle choices, but are forcing the ones of higher standards to accept that of the lower and this is a recipe for disaster on every level of society. Also making the masses easier to be controlled by evil and destructive elements, such as a corrupt government.
Physically and emotionally healthy, morally directed people will not fall for lies, corruption that will further destroy America. But this type of people are becoming fewer and fewer. So the standards are getting lower and lower.
Watching the examples in our government, our leaders, those on TV, in the entertainment areas has become appalling.
Affirmative action  is the premise of – ‘Hey, you don’t need to try and become better, or even be proficient, or able to do the job, you will just get and keep the job because of your skin color, or because you are a miniority.’
And now, we have an affirmative action president… unqualified and only there because he played the ‘race card’, repeatedly and still does. He is a bought and paid for puppet of those who wish to take America down to take over control of our people and resources.
Obama is a weak, whiny, affirmative action president who with every opportunity given him still whines and plays the victim card. This man has no backbone, no character, no leadership abilities, lies continually and is very possibly ‘gay’, while living the ‘facade’ of a family man. His past and who he really is has been hidden. That, we, as a country have elected this lowly character is shameful and is a clear reflection of what this article is about. We have lowered American standards to non-existant for a man like this to be elected. This man clearly hates America’s excellence in the world. Everything that comes out of his mouth shows his lowly self and his lowly ideas. 
America needs a President of excellence… one that takes pride in what our forefathers set forth, not some affirmative action community organizer, teleprompter talker spewing lies and con. 
We should encourage others to raise their standards, in order, that they ‘will feel’ better about themselves, instead of lowering our standards, so that they ‘might feel’ better about themselves. 
Look at the faces of the tatooed, pot smoking, fat and bloated, ill-dressed and ill-groomed… they have no light in their eyes and no pride in themselves and this is what happens with the lowering of standards. It diminishes the human spirit to a slovenly, direction-less nothing, only looking for escape. Then look at those who are fit, drug-free, with morals, standards, and direction, who dress well and are groomed…most walk with spirit and have clear eyes with a look of purpose in them.
What kind of society do we want? A Wal-Mart world of freaks or a Neiman’s world of sleek, successful and well-dressed? I am not talking about money, but success and having it should be strived for, as it’s a good thing and not negative as it’s now being propagandized. But a human being can be fit, well-dressed and live well with a minimum of money. An easy example is that of Michelle Obama. She has all the resources in the world and she dresses like a hooker, has the manners, class and refinement of a hog, and has a cold look in her face and eyes as evil.
What it’s about are choices, awareness, pride, honesty, integrity, honor, modesty, morality… The values shown to us by the Ten Commandments and the wisdom of healthy living, body, mind and spirit.
I have met many a person with little money, but with pride, honor, and wisdom and the look in their eyes and the way they carry and present themselves clearly shows excellence in a human being.
Children must be taught to strive for excellence. This will push the ordinary up and the weakest to strive higher… and those who are born with excellence to lead our world to outstanding things.
While acceptance of things lowly will only take us down lower.  Some may get left behind, but it will save the majority from a living hell.  And Americans have always cared for those less fortunate.. it’s in our nature. 
There have always been places for those who can’t or don’t fit in. But when we have the moral, the aware, the truth tellers, the attractive, the fit, the intelligent, those who love America, those who love freedom, believe in the free enterprise system, those who love God, believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and try to follow the Ten Commandments  becoming those that don’t fit in … Hell is where we are headed. A hell of no one has anything… everyone is ‘equal’ while the government of fools control everything. 
America and her ways have been the light of the world. For her to remain as such, we must rise again to excellence and not accept less than.
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Does Obama ‘care’?…

beigeIs the ‘affordable’ healthcare act really about health? Or is it more about gaining data and control over your life… even to expediting your death?
Obama’s ‘care’ is about government control of every area of everyone’s life…
And it’s just a piece of ‘their’ agenda… there’s gun control along with confiscating private sector wealth, as in retirement accounts being sucked into the government…


The take over of education, curtailing individual thinking to promoting brainwashing and changing the real historical facts into Obama’s dream and propaganda….
Control of the food sources as in Codex Alimentarius…
Spying on private citizens. Putting the IRS on those who disagree with the Obama agenda…
Quote Obama. ” I will have the most transparent administration in history.” When truth is, it’s the most hidden, corrupt and full of lying spin. The Obama regime controls the media like never before. They are the propaganda machine spewing lies, cover-ups and con. Truth is lie and lie is truth…
Obama promised. “If you like your doctor, you can keep your
doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. ‘Period,’ he said
‘Period.” That means no stinking conditions.

The Obama regime lies about everything.  Obama ‘care’ is only the tip of the iceberg that is melting America a free country into the hell of government control…
But does Obama ‘care’?…. NO! It’s his agenda to lie, con and screw over the American people to take over our country and insert us into the NWO… Agenda 21, in order to implement the death of  all freedoms… under the guise of fairness, equality and income distribution.
Lie and smile until you get close enough to slit their throats… 
Obama is slitting America’s throat… 
The death of America… that is what Obama’s ‘caring’ is…
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