Tag Archives: destruction

Globalists- NWO – UN – many in our Government ….

and media around the world  who are aligned with this manipulative, corrupt, evil, ‘destroy America’ movement  are the biggest racists that exist. They  want to rule over the  world with all others beneath them in servitude; as in Al Gore, Soros, Clintons, Buffet, Obamas, Gates, Zuckerberg, Pelosi, Rothchilds, some of the Bushes, etc. – to name a very few. Their goals are to control all the world’s resources and assets, including all property rights. They want to weaken America  and take us down to insert us into the NWO under the rule of the UN. Under this rule, the masses will have no freedom.  It will be an illusion of ‘being taken care of’. All will be ‘considered equal’ according to the edit of the few who rule over the masses. So what better way to do this than to flood America with illegals, refugees and others that don’t want to assimilate, but instead want to drain, destroy, change, rule over and conquer the USA.  

President Trump is trying to expose and to  bust this up. This group of  self- anointed  elitists are greatly threatened and in fear of him and what he is doing as it goes against their destructive evil agenda for America.  While they appear that they wanted ‘equality’ for all – this is only a facade – what they want is control. That is why they are after Trump so intensely. He is exposing them and will continue to do so. He sees right through them and has for years. If you listen to his interviews, from decades ago, he even says so then and that he knows their agenda.

Only the ignorant are buying into the chaos and division that ‘they’ are instigating, triggering and promoting concerning race, etc. Tearing down statues and monuments is destroying our history. History is ‘what it is’ – it can’t be changed and it is to be learned from. To tear down, destroy, hide  or try to recreate history is control for agenda and of evil.

‘They’ own most the media. So ‘they’ imprint in the minds of fools that which they want them to believe. They know most of the populous will believe what they are told because they don’t/won’t/can’t think for themselves and are easily brainwashed to believe that these manipulative elitists care about them and their miserable lives. ‘They’ think as advertisers do – repeat the promo – the lie – promote – repeat – promote –  continuously repeat –  and  the masses will believe what they are told to believe and buy what they are told to buy.

They want the American people weak and fighting one another. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

They want the government to replace God…. they want the world broken, fractured, fragmented, perverted, confused and under their Satanic-based control.

Cut to the chase – we are on the planet of dualities – good versus evil.

Evil hates the good, just for their being the good . Therefore, Leviathan fog is spread over all communication and  used for manipulation, control and corruption.

Their weakness is their arrogance – that no one can see what they are doing and that they ‘think’ in their distortion that  ‘they’ are all powerful. Just like Satan thought he was better and more powerful than God.  So God – ‘good’ – threw evil out of Heaven and  down to earth.

Evil is not more powerful than good.

God is freewill. Evil is about control…

Gender confusion… ?

???????????????????????????????If this offends anyone, sorry… as this is my opinion.

God created man and  woman to complement one another and their respective physical bodies display this clearly… to reproduce, comfort one another, have companionship and family.

Why all this gender confusion? Is it hormones in the food, drugs, big pharma, and, or recreational drugs, psychological or sexual abuse, or what?  Because it is not natural to the nature of our bodies. The children of the hippie generation seem to be the most confused and it’s just gotten worse since then. Did the recreational drugs their parents took cross over  the placenta and affect their hormonal make-up and genetics? Because it’s become bizarre like some freak show on earth.

I have interacted with homosexuals in my life because I was a ballet dancer and in the interior design fields for years. Those I knew blended in and didn’t choose to make a spectacle of themselves.  Those that I talked to in depth all revealed they had been sexually abused as children by those of the same or opposite sex,  had psychological or physical abuse from one or both parents and on a deep level had both disdain and envy for heterosexuals. It is known that when a child is over sexualized or sexualized in a perverted way it can affect them their whole life as to choices and self-esteem as their fragile boundaries are crossed when they are still in formation and an imprint is made on their mind, body and spirit. Open a door to evil and it walks right in. That is why we need to protect our children from perverted imprints being placed on them  from any level.. movies, TV, politically, in society, and in the home.

Children have a special place in God’s heart and anyone who harms a child is inviting God’s wrath upon himself.
Sexual abuse or molestation is particularly devastating and is soundly condemned in Scripture. Warnings against sexual sin abound in Scripture. To force sexual acts upon a child is a horrible, evil offense. In addition to committing a sexual sin, the perpetrator is also attacking the innocence of one of the world’s most vulnerable persons. Sexual abuse violates everything about a person from his or her understanding of self to physical boundaries to their spiritual connection with God. Perhaps, that is why evil is attacking human beings so intensely on this level  and at this time.  In a child, boundaries are barely established so that they are altered for life, and without appropriate help may not ever heal.
Psychological and emotional abuse are also forbidden in Scripture. Ephesians 6:4 warns fathers not to “exasperate” or provoke their children, but to bring them up in the “training and instruction of the Lord.” Harsh, unloving verbal discipline, emotional manipulation, or volatile environments alienate children’s minds from their parents and render their instruction and correction useless. Parents can provoke and exasperate their children by placing unreasonable requirements on them, belittling them, or constantly finding fault, thereby producing wounds that can be as bad as or worse than any physical beating can inflict.

Today, many gays are like side shows in the way they dress and act. It’s circus-like in its distortion. Many years ago, I was in Key West and witnessed for the first time women with women, and men with men openly flaunting their choice, bizarre behavior and dress. I found it humorously amusing  while it also made me feel like I needed to take a long shower to wash off grime after viewing their perverted depravity.

In the days of the caveman, were there men who wanted to be women and women who wanted to be men? Without the injecting of hormones, plastic surgeries, cosmetics, and clothing this change is not possible.

As a child, I was a Tomboy. I climbed trees, wore dungarees, ran around the neighborhood barefoot and dirty, at that time, the dirt didn’t bother me. I even climbed to the roofs of houses that were under construction, more daring and risk ready than many of the little boys in our group,  but when I went to Sunday school I wore a dress and never once did I wish or want to be a  boy. Then as I began to mature, I became more feminine, concerned about my dress, and cleanliness, no spots on my dresses,  pretty and well-groomed became my desire, even though I was still into sports, and, of course, ballet.

About a decade or more ago, I was out to dinner with many girlfriends. one friend had invited her decorator and she brought along her ‘girlfriend’. The decorator looked butch with a short hair-cut along with a manly attitude and mannerisms and it intrigued the rest of us. We started talking about homosexuality. The butch-girl said she could tell just by looking at someone, if they were gay or bi. She would look around the room and point those out she ‘deemed’ as such. We found her bizarre,  really off, but entertaining in a sordid way. Then she turned to me and my friend and said we had the possiblity to be if we were open. We both laughed, as this woman proceeded with her manipulative BS. It was as if she wanted to make everyone like her. We clearly had no interest and while it was humorous in its way, it was also demeaning and insulting that this dyke was trying to turn two very feminine women into her prey. She was crossing our boundaries with her manipulative, self-serving verbiage. She was a homosexual predator.  I wonder, how many of those with weak boundaries who have curiosity or confusion fall for this kind of manipulation and try something that they are not and have no interest in?

What has happened to our society that so many are confused about their gender? If you have a penis you are a man, if you have a vagina you are a woman. Nuff said!

“Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” Luke 17:28-30 (KJV)
Leviathan spins the web of fog to blind peope to the truth.  Good is seen as bad,  bad is seen as good, truth is seen as lie,  lie is seen as truth, because that is the way and agenda of Satan’s destruction.

What inspires you to love?

TreeAnn6Is it beauty, fun, kindness? Is it sex, liking the samethings, or experiences shared? Is it commonalities, differences, or the energy you feel when you are with the person? Is it their actions, words, or that their words and actions match? Is it consistancy, compatiblity, tension or comfort?

Is it inconsistancy, uncertainty, excitement, thrill,  or danger?

Different things attract  the inspiration to love. Some of the attractions are healthy and some not. Sometimes, it’s a mixture of the good and the bad? Some people think they love someone when they feel like they felt with their parents or caregivers. They attract to the familiarity of whatever they experienced then, so it ‘feels’ like love, ‘like home’, when perhaps, it isn’t. It’s just familiar, like a habit, but  it’s what ‘feels’ comfortable, like an old shoe and so they think it’s love.

If the past was healthy and nurturing that is great, but if it was one of discord, addictions or dyfunction, not so great. Those imprinted patterns are difficult to break and they can guide either to goodness or destruction.

So, ponder what inspires you to love and attracts you to someone as it’s the basis of the relationship, its journey, its joys, its pain, its success, its harm, or failure.

“But does he who loves someone on account of beauty really love that person? No; for the small-pox, which will kill beauty without killing the person, will cause him to love her no more.

And if one loves me for my judgment, memory, he does not love me, for I can lose these qualities without losing myself. Where, then, is this Ego, if it be neither in the body nor in the soul? And how love the body or the soul, except for these qualities which do not constitute me, since they are perishable? … We never, then, love a person, but only qualities.”  Blaise Pascal’s “Pensees”

The above is an example of shallow love…

We all lose our ‘qualities’ eventually  and when we do, is when we will know if we are loved and if we love.

The awareness, blessing and grace to love without the distraction of qualities and traits is  a genuine gift and if we love sincerely love  will  eventually evolve into this.

What attracts you to love someone? Ever really thought about it deeply, beyond the face, figure, abs, smile, etc?

“Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.”

Oscar Wilde

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Lords of Wars…

 ???????????????????????????????Years ago, I believe it was 2003,  I saw a movie titled the, ‘Lord of War’… starring Nicholas Cage. It made an impact on me then. I saw it again recently and the impact seered into my soul on a level of awareness such that I recommend everyone see this movie now. It is based on actual events and shows clearly that governments and dictators around the world  fund wars for their monetary gain in the buying and selling of weapons of war and they may even fund both sides of a conflict with little concern who wins except that they make a profit. 

This is difficult to comprehend for those of the good, those of God who believe that our government does things for the good. America is the best country on the planet founded and created on individual freedoms and rights,  under God and In God We Trust, but  as the years have passed, we have been inflitrated by evil. Evil always seeks to destroy good as it’s their nature to do so. Cain killed Abel because he was good. Cain was envious of Abel’s goodness. Obama and other evil leaders promote envy to achieve their agenda of chaos, destruction and rule, dominate and control.  America is under the leadership of evil at this time… Bengasi, Fast and Furious, trading terrorists for a deserter, pulling out of war too soon allowing for evil to grow as in ISIS, slaughering Christians around the world, not standing with Israel, the rapid infiltration of Islam which is a practice of killing, opression and rule, dominate and control over every aspect of life, assisting in civil chaos for their agenda of control of the non-seeing ignorant, booing God at the Democratic convention, the list goes on… 

Those who are deceiving and destroying in the name of evil while trying to make themselves out to be of good. Truth is lie. Lie is Truth. Good is bad. Bad is Good…

Evil easily plays both sides of the fence… it can flip, deflect, blame, spin and justify its actions at a moments notice… as in Hillary Clinton campaigning against Obama and bad-mouthing him, then working in his administration, supporting him,  then now campaigning again and  bad-mouthing him again. She can easily and without conscience claim Obama right or wrong depending on her agenda, just like Obama can claim something right or wrong for his. Evil is duplicitous. 

Each man has an internal moral adjuster that which defines who he is, what he does and what he will do or is capable of… his conscience.  

At times, good must stand up and not only  expose, but  fight evil or good will be destroyed and eradicated from the Earth as is the goal of Satan. Satan captures souls. God saves and frees them. Satan wants to rule over God’s people and take salvation away. We are in a time of Anti-Christ… a time when the Seven Deadly Sins are taking over… 

God gives life and loves human beings. Satan loves death and hates God’s human beings. Satan loves things of this earth and puts earth before humans. God decreed humans to have domain over Earth. Satan seeks to destroy all things of good, to destroy and capture souls into the evil of depravity. Satan wants rule, dominate and control over everything and everyone. God/Christ gives life and life everlasting. God is Freedom. Christ saves souls.

2 Timothy 3 New International Version (NIV)

3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents,ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. 6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires,7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.
A Final Charge to Timothy
10 You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, 11 persecutions, sufferings—what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, the persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescuedme from all of them. 12 In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13 while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
This link below is a a letter I found years ago when I was doing research for a script I was writing… everyone should read it as this tells it clearly as it is… 


We are in the war between Good and Evil… look into the eyes of others with your God given clarity to see which side their heart resides.

Evil flourishes when good men do nothing..  

The children of God are on this Earth but not of it. Earth is all Satan has in which to rule over… the more he confuses the people, the more control he has over Earth… 

This is a time to stay close to God, clear in your heart, mind, and spirit and to protect your soul… as the deception of Leviathan accelerates, protect your soul from the sins and corruption of evil. It’s a time of testing, clarification and defining…watch, look, listen and see clearly… 

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Islam is not a religion of peace…

???????????????????????????????It’s basis is Sharia Law…Dorrie O’Brien spoke recently at the Frisco Tea Party on Islam and Sharia Law (pictured between myself and Al Lee, candidate for Congress)

She became suspicious of people telling her that Islam was a religion of peace. So, she investigated and discovered…

Sharia Law is a political ideology disguised as a religion with goals to take over America and the world. They sanction lying, taqiyya, to achieve their goals. They use stealth jihad tactics (everything short of physically going to war) to infilitrate, propagandize, elect Muslims to office, and convert Americans to Islam, in order to establish Sharia law as the law of the land, and make the country an Islamic nation, ruled by a Sharia-compliant caliph.

Muslims think that they are superior to all others

Sharia means the way to the water well… the way of life… the way to live…(this is the way all Muslims must live)

Islamic Scholars Claim: Islamic law is perfect, universal and eternal. The laws of the United States are temporary, limited and will pass away. It is the duty of every Muslim to obey the laws  of Allah, the Sharia. US laws are man-made; while Sharia law is sacred and comes from the only legitimate god, Allah.

Islam is the grandfather of Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Progressivism and Liberalism… the ‘ism’s’ that want total control over all aspects of people’s lives.

Sharia is based on the principles found in the Koran and other Islamic religious/political texts. There are no common principles between American law and Sharia.
Under Sharia law:
– There is no freedom of religion.
– There is no freedom of speech.
– There is no freedom of thought.
– There is no freedom of artistic expression.
– There is no freedom of press.
– There is no equality of peoples —  a non-Muslim, a Kafir, is never equal to a Muslim.
– There is no equal protection under Sharia for different classes of people.
Justice is dualistic, with one set of laws for Muslims males and different laws for women and non-Muslims.
– There are no equal rights for women.
– Women can be beaten.
– A non-Muslim cannot bear arms.
– There is no democracy. since democracy means that a non-Muslim is equal to a Muslim.
– Our Constitution is a man-made document of ignorance, jahiliyah, that must submit to Sharia.
– Non-Muslims are dhimmis, third-class citizens.
–  All governments must be ruled by Sharia law.
– Unlike common law, Sharia is not interpretive, nor can it be changed.
– There is no ‘Golden Rule’. (do unto others as you would have them do unto you.)

Sharia is the basis for every demand that Muslims make on our society.
– When schools are asked to give up a room for Islamic prayer, that is asking us to implement Sharia law.
– When a Muslim wears a head scarf, that is in obedience to Sharia law.
– When our newspapers would not publish the Danish Mohammed cartoons, our newspapers were submitting to the demands of Sharia law.
– When demands are made for our hospitals to treat Muslim women in special ways, that is Sharia.
– When our textbooks have to be vetted by Muslims organizations before they are used in our schools, that is in accordance with Sharia law.

The attack on the World Trade Center was perpetrated in adherence to the rules of war, ‘jihad’, found in Sharia law. Sharia law is the basis for everything in the lives of all Muslims. Sharia law is being implemented more and more in America and yet there is no knowledge about what Sharia actually is, since public, private, or religious schools do not teach it.

Most mosques in America are built by Saudi Bankers. Muslims are instructed to build mosques where ever they go. Their mosques are their fortresses and their center of war. They infiltrate communities by getting seats on City Councils – Zoning – Planning – Police… American cities are being taken over by Muslims… as in Dearborn, Michigan. Muslims are moving forward in their agenda of Sharia law while denying what they are doing… remember taqiyya‘sanctioned lying’ to achieve their agenda.

Sharia law denies freedom and American rights. A Muslim thinks it’s their duty to kill non-Muslims.

The Islam happening in Europe is what we will see in America in 20 years…the actions in Europe are based on Sharia law and are being implemented in America.Moozies1

-There are times that traffic cannot move in London streets as Muslims command the streets to pray.
– Entire areas of Europe are no-go zones for non-Muslims, this includes the police. These are Islamic enclaves where only Muslims live. The ‘Muslim-only policy’ is based on Sharia.
– In England an Anglican bishop calls for the rule of Islamic law for Muslims. The bishop is obeying Sharia Law.
– In the schools only Islamic approved texts can be used: this is based on Sharia law.
– Christians may not speak to Muslims about Christianity nor may Christians hand out literature. This is a political result based on Sharia law enforced by British courts.
– Rape by Muslims is so prevalent in parts of Sweden that Sweden has forbidden the police from collecting any data in the rape investigation that would point to Islam. Rape is apart of the Islamic doctrine as applied to non-Muslim women.
– In London, mass demonstrations by Muslims call for the end of British law and Sharia law to rule all people, regardless of religion. This political action is based on Sharia.
– In some English hospitals, during Ramadan fast, non-Muslims cannot eat where a Muslim can see them. The submission of non-Muslims to Islamic preferences is based on Sharia law.
– At British hospitals, Muslim women are treated only as Sharia law demands.

Sharia law is creeping into America on every level. And it may take over if something isn’t done to stop it.

Wall of Shame – Americans working for the Muslim Brotherhood and aiding the spread of Sharia: BHO. At his “feet” is NJ Gov. Chris Christie: Nominated Sohail Mohammed for seat on NJ Superior Ct. SM is a member of the American Muslim Jurists Assembly, a MusBrotherhood ???????????????????????????????Christie knew it.
Top line: Denis McDonough: Dept Nat’l Security Advisor to BHO. Said to the Muslims in a mosque in DC that the leaders needn’t worry about the Peter King hearings, “we” weren’t going to take it seriously. #2. Hillary Rodham Clinton. She made the list for working with the OIC and the MusBro in Egypt, legitimizing both for the US. #3 Lee Baca. LA Cty Sheriff. Works with and helps CAIR achieve their goals. #4 Mike Downing. La Dep Police chief in charge of counterterrorism. Works with CAIR, MPAC, and Lee Baca.

2nd line: John Morton, Director, ICE. “Accidentally” put Israel on the list of terrorist countries. Below him is Eric Holder, USDOJAG. Complete fool.

The Box of 4: James Clapper, Dr. Nat’l Intel. Said MB is a loose conglomerate of largely secular, non-violent orgs, not a real threat to anybody, no connection to Al-Qaeda or any other nation. #2, Janet Napolitano, Director, DHS. Inept, to be kind. #3 Diane Sawyer. Media collaborator. #4. John Brennan DHS Chief of Counterterrorism, largely responsible for appointing 3 known MusBro anti-American Muslims to the DHS counterterrorism Advisory Board.

World and American Heroes – Those fighting the Muslim Brotherhood and creeping Sharia: Geert Wilders, member of Dutch Parliament. Freedom fighter extraordinaire. Brigitte??????????????????????????????? Gabriel, founder, ACT! For America. Pam Geller and Robert Spencer. Bob’s one of the world’s finest minds vis a vis the Islamic mind; writes jihadwatch for FrontPageMag.com. Pam Geller is a fearless defender against all Islamic incursions in the country; writes atlasshrugs.com.

2nd line: Paul Fields. Captain in Tulsa police dept. removed from his job when he refused to order his men to “voluntarily” attend Open Mosque Day for Sensitivity Training. Eric Stakelbeck, author of books on terrorist activity in the US and reporter for Christian Action Network with his show Stakelbeck on Terror. Steve Coughlin, considered the #1 expert on Islamic jihad; fired from his advisory position to the Joint Chiefs on the word of Hesham Islam, a Muslim close to Gordon England, the Dep Sec of Defense. US Rep Sue Myrick, R-NC, Chair of the House Anti-Terrorism Caucus.  US Rep Louie Gohmert, (R) from the 1st District in TX (Tyler).

Bottom line: Tommy Robinson, founder, English Defense League. Melanie Phillips, author Londonistan; fierce fighter against the Islamic takeover of Britain. Bill Warner, PoliticalIslam.com. Author 5 books on Sharia Law and the Koran. John Guandolo, former FBI agent. Quit the FBI to work with Steve Coughlin and formed the Strategic Engagement Group. The two of them spend their lives briefing members of Congress, police depts personnel, and other gov’t officials in all states about the MusBro. Frank Gaffney, president of ‘The Center for Security Policy’; heavily involved with making sure American Law for American Courts is made into law in all 50 states, among other things. US Rep Allen West, R-FL. Former military; straight-talker against Islam; I expect he’ll be VP, at least, one day. US Rep Peter King, R-LI. Holding hearings on the Islamization of America.

www.actforamerica.org – the only NGO national security organization in the world that specifically fights Islam.

www.politicalislam.com  – books by Bill Warner…

If you aren’t educated on this issue… read up and become aware.

Peace – means peace between the brothers in Islam, which is a lie.  It’s deception at its most evil.

Senior citizens, baby boomers, old fogies, old hags, or dinosaurs…

???????????????????????????????the Grey-Haired Brigade… the ‘older generation’…retired, or getting ready to retire. Some have been retired for some time. We might walk a little slower and our eyes and hearing may not be what they once were.

We have worked hard, raised our children, worshipped our God and grown old together. Yes, we are the ones some refer to as being over the hill, and that might be true. But before writing us off completely, there are a few things that need to be taken into consideration.

In school we studied English, history, math, and science which enabled us to lead America into the technological age, gave us the ability to think and to have common sense. And ‘thinking’ and ‘common sense’ aren’t that common any longer…

Some of us remember what outhouses were, many of us with firsthand experience. We remember the days of telephone party-lines, 25 cent gasoline, and milk and ice being delivered to our homes. For those of you who don’t know what an icebox is, today, they are electric and referred to as refrigerators. A few of us even remember when cars were started with a crank. Yes, we lived in those days.

We are probably considered old fashioned and out-dated by many. Our old fashioned values and morals seem to be looked down upon today by some. But there are a few things you need to remember before completely writing us off.

We won World War II, fought in Korea and Viet Nam . We can quote The Pledge of Allegiance, and know where to place our hand while doing so.

We wore the uniform of our country with pride and lost many friends on the battlefield. We didn’t fight for the Socialist States of America , we fought for the “Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.”  We wore different uniforms, but carried the same flag. We know the words to the Star Spangled Banner, America , and America the Beautiful by heart, and you may even see some tears running down our cheeks while we sing.

We know and appreciate what America stands for and what it took to make her and to keep her what she is.

We have lived what many of you have only read about in history books and we feel no obligation to apologize to anyone for America.

Yes, we might be older than you and some are very old and slow these days, but rest assured, we have at least one good fight left in us.

We have loved this country, fought for it, and died for it, and now we are going to save it.

It is our country and nobody is going to take it away from us. We took oaths to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that is an oath we plan to keep.

There are those who want to destroy this land, we love, but like our founders, there is no way we are going to remain silent.

It was the youth of this nation, who elected Obama and the Democratic Congress.  You fell for the “Hope and Change” which in reality was nothing, but “Hype and Lies.”  Now, you have tasted socialism and seen evil face to face, and have found you don’t like it after all. It will stifle your life, success, take away choices, and rule over everything that you do, or try to do. In essence, all hope will be gone. 

You make a lot of noise, but most are all too interested in careers, the newest gadget, fashion, reality TV, or “Climbing the Social Ladder” to be involved in such mundane things as patriotism and voting.

Many of those who fell for the “Great Lie”  in 2008 are now having buyer’s remorse. With all the education we gave you, you didn’t have sense enough to see through the lies, and instead, drank the ‘Cool-Aid.’ Now, you’re paying the price and complaining about it and will continue to do so. As nothing has changed… but for the worse.

No jobs, lost mortgages, higher taxes, and less freedom. This is what you voted for and this is what you got. We entrusted you with the Torch of Liberty and you traded it for a paycheck, a fancy house and empty promises.

Well, don’t worry youngsters, the Grey Haired Brigade is here, and in 2012 we are going to take back our nation. We may drive a little slower than you would like, because we know how devastating an accident can be, but we get where we’re going, and in 2012 we’re going to the polls by the millions.

This land does not belong to the man in the White House, nor to the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. It belongs to “We the People” and “We the People” plan to reclaim our land and our freedom.  We don’t need a President who lectures us when he can’t lead, doesn’t know what to do and is backed by those out to change and destroy the greatness of what America is. We need a President who knows how to lead, is a true American, understands our values and what makes us great.

We ‘hope’ this time you will do a better job of preserving it and passing it along to the next generations. So, the next time you have the chance to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Stand up, put your hand over your heart, honor our country, and thank God for the old geezers of the “Grey-Haired Brigade.”

~Author, unknown, a Grey-Haired Brigade Member… with a bit of editing by Ann…

God Bless and Protect America!!!