NWO under rule of UN or keep America’s sovereignty as a free country?

Hillary+Clinton+caricature+webTrump or Clinton… ? Agenda 2030 or America’s freedom?
Enslavement to NWO under rule of UN or America’s sovereignty? Trump and Melania 2
“Today, evidence came to light with regard to unbelievable elements of the immunity deals between the FBI and Hillary Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson. Two elements stand out immediately.
(1) Both Mills and Samuelson’s lawyer negotiated the destruction of laptop computers for both  aides, thus destroying ANY chance of procuring possible information  detrimental to Hillary with regard to her no infamous email server.
(2) The FBI agreed to search NO information after Jan. 31, 2015, thus eroding  ANY possibility of securing information that may reveal attempts by the  former Sec. of State to obstruct justice.

Unbelievable doesn’t begin to describe the way this smells. It appears  that the more one digs into Hillary’s practices while head of the State  Department, the more one is overwhelmed by the indescribable stench. “To  high heaven” is how offensive the smell is!!!

Of course, the question that begs to be addressed and answered is “Why  would the FBI agrees to such glaringly inappropriate, highly questionable, traitorous, potentially campaign ending terms? The ONLY answer that I can  come up with is that the FBI is a complicit agency with her completely  illegal activities.
So, the absolute necessity of insuring that she is NEVER elected to the  highest office in the land is once again underscored. The corruption that  already exists, and that will be escalated exponentially, if she gains the  White House, is beyond belief.

Couple these most recent revelations with the phenomenal town hall that  Donald Trump did in Herndon, VA today (a question and answer session with  retired, and concerned, decorated generals, admirals, colonels, etc.), and  the answers to your voting questions should be abundantly clear. The blatant, arrogant, incessantly deceptive, diabolical, lifestyle that  is Hillary (and Bill) Clinton defies one’s ability to comprehend. These  two people are beyond conscienceless! The have to meet the Biblical
characteristic of having consciences “seared with a hot iron.” They FEEL  nothing traditionally. They SEE nothing normally. They DO nothing from a  standpoint of having core values.

No, these people have deeply rooted issues the depths of which cannot be  plummeted by the normal, questioning individual. “Pure evil” is the phrase  that my brother uses to describe them.
So, with 36 days to go till “Election Day,” it is imperative that you do
your homework, diligently seeking the mind of God, and asking, Which of  these two candidates will allow me to live my values, without working  tirelessly to undo my First Amendment rights? Which of these candidates  will communicate honestly with me and not sell my nation to the highest  bidder? Which of these candidates even remotely cares about the nation and  it’s people? Which candidate will support our greatest ally, Israel, and
not work to throw them under the Islamic bus? Which candidate speaks with  great affection about defending Christian’s rights to be involved in the  electoral process–even repeatedly stating that he wants to remove the  notorious “Johnson Amendment” of the IRS tax code? Which candidate  endorses the Biblical concept of “nationalism” rather than the anti-Christ  concept of “globalism?”

The answer to these questions (and a host of other that could be asked)  should clearly lead you to a definitive conclusion. And, for what it’s  worth, a non-vote IS a vote–one that will, without doubt, allow for the  election of a completely desensitized, gratingly unattractive, deceptively  evil, and possibly murderous individual.”
Dave Kistler
President, HOPE Ministries International/HOPE To The Hill
President, North Carolina Pastors Network (NCPN)

TrumpTrump is America’s only chance to keep her sovereignty and not be sold out to the globalists, inserted into the NWO under the rule of the UN.

Negative People….

negative5Remaining positive in a tough situation can be difficult, but the outlook you choose can affect every aspect of life. Positive and negative people have very different attitudes, thoughts and ways of dealing with their circumstances.

To keep negative energy out of your life, be aware of these common traits of negative people… not all negative people will have all these traits but they will have many of them.  You will see a trend in their way of looking at and dealing with the world.

Negative people kill the souls of others, destroy the happiness in life, and definitely ruin fun times. Destroyers of  hope and joy… they are full of fear, insecurity  and become defensive when called out on their behavior. They will tend to project it back onto the one calling them out. They dodge responsibility. They have been damaged in their past and refuse either out of denial, fear or ignorance to look at themselves, their mind set, and from where it derives.

Block their negativity from your life. Block their trying to kill your happiness and joy. Some of these people seep into your life unnoticed, under the guise of ‘caring’ and ‘friendship’ … but what their motives are is to suck off your life energy for as long as you will allow them to… then when you need some energy from them, they either give it half-baked, while even making you feel worse in their subtle way of negativity, are not there for you at all or you will end up feeling worse than you would have were they not there at all.

If allowed they can and will bring you into  the abynegative4ss of their negativity.  Misery loves company. They are not genuinely happy so they can’t be supportive or genuinely happy for others. They may utter supportive words, at times, but if you listen with your gut, instead of your ears, their words will not feel sincere.  Even the words ‘ I love you’ will feel empty and some can utter that phrase as easily as saying thank you… which is a sure sign of insincerity.

Negative People are Afraid of Change –  Negative people tend to fear change. Even if they aren’t happy with their current circumstances, instead of thinking “things could get better,” they believe that change is always for the worst. They are too afraid of losing what they have to let it go so that they can gain more. So they may stay in stagnant or  bad situations because they are afraid of change while they complain all the time about their situation.

A positive person welcomes change and is always open to new experiences.

Negative People Aren’t Grateful – Negative people are so focused on the negative that they are blinded to the positive things that surround them. They don’t show gratitude toward their friends or family members, and they take their blessings —  like their job, home and health — for granted.

Positive people recognize their blessings and show gratitude for what they have.

Negative People Don’t Sincerely or Genuinely Care About Others – Negative people aren’t concerned with hurting anyone’s feelings. They are too focused on themselves to worry about someone else, even the people that care about them. If the conversation isn’t focused on them, there’s no real interest. negative

A positive person is always open to making new friends, and they enjoy making others happy.

 Negative People Blame Others for Their Mistakes – A negative person doesn’t like to admit when they’re wrong. Even when it’s clear that they’ve made a mistake, a negative person will blame others for something that is really their fault. They will not apologize, or if they do it will feel insincere. Some cry at the drop of a hat to get them out of responsibility or to make others feel sorry for them. Negative people enjoy playing the martyr.

A positive person takes responsibility for mistakes and failures.

negative3Negative People Believe the World Revolves Around Them – A negative person believes that the world owes them something. They think that if they’re having a bad day, which is more often than not, everyone else should cater to them. They let their negative feelings and poor attitude drive them on a daily basis. They are self-absorbed.

A positive person is able to put the needs of others before his or her own.

 Negative People Don’t Apologize – “I’m sorry” is a phrase that negative people avoid even dread. They see apologizing as a weakness. It means admitting that they were wrong. While a positive person is quick to apologize for hurting others, a negative person will do almost anything to avoid an apology even cry to illicit pity for themselves… oh poor pitiful them.

A positive person is able to admit when they’re wrong and apologize sincerely.

 Negative People Focus on Personal Gain – Negative people are willing to step on everyone around them if it boosts their success. They are concerned with their own personal gain and will do anything that benefits them, despite who it hurts in the process.

A positive person would never put someone else down in order to get ahead.

Negative People Enjoy Seeing Others Fail – Negative people don’t root for anyone, even if it’s a family member or a friend. When someone else experiences success, a negative person becomes jealous and bitter. They may give lip service to another’s good but they really don’t feel it… what they feel is envy.

A positive person is sincerely happy to see others succeed.

Negative People Can’t Accept Constructive Criticism – Constructive criticism can be hard to take, but it’s often necessary in order to learn and grow. A negative person hates to be criticized. Even if someone is trying to help them, they become closed off and they see criticism as a threat.

A positive person welcomes constructive criticism, seeing it as a learning opportunity.

Negative People Think They Know Everything – A negative person sees learning something new as a sign of weakness. They like to act like they are already an expert in every subject, instead of taking the time to truly expand their knowledge.

A positive person always strives to learn something new.

negative2Negative People Aren’t Compassionate – A negative person will never be a shoulder to cry on. If friends or family members ask for help, a negative person won’t be able to cheer them up. They’ll likely point out even more negatives in a situation or start talking about their own sorry life and issues.  A negative person will never be a soft place to fall.

A positive person is able and willing to cheer someone up when they’re feeling down.

Negative People Aren’t Willing to Work for Change – Negative people aren’t happy with their situation, but they also aren’t willing to work to change anything. A positive person knows they have to work for what they want, while a negative person would rather sit around and mope than put in any effort.

A positive person sets goals and works hard to achieve them.

Negative people are usually immature and insecure.

I have a ‘friend’ that would often comment to me that just being around me makes them feel happier and that I calm them.  That they like my energy.  They would also say that they don’t have any friends.  I usually felt drained and stressed after being around them. I tried to be a good friend… I would invite them to dinner, cook a nice meal because according to them they have such a stressful busy life with job and family. They whined all the time about all the stress in their life.

Then it was my time to need some extra attention. And when it was, they were an hour late, came in stressed and dithered. I immediately felt the usual stress energy around and coming from them  and it made me feel worse and this was when I needed to feel nurtured and calm. They talked about themselves, how stressed and  hurried they were to get to my house. They drank almost a whole bottle of wine while yammering on and did things I did not want nor ask them to do.  What they decided to do what more important than what I needed. Their concern was that they take a bath… while I was feeling neglected and that they were being put upon. I detested being around them so I came into myself and calmed myself down that night.

negative6The next day, I addressed how their behaviors made me feel… and they whined that they went out of their way for me even saying that I made them cry. It was a pathetic display… but showed me clearly what needed to be revealed.

My eyes were opened. This person is too negative and consumed with self to  clearly see me, help, me, genuinely care for me, be a shoulder for me,  because when I asked for and  needed nurturing and solid energy, they had none to give… they made it all about their self.

I, therefore, honored myself and my ability to stay centered and to calm and nurture myself… with God’s grace and help. I pulled forever away from this person,  keeping them at arm’s length as an acquaintance, never to have expectations of reciprocation…  nor need of it… as they have not the ability.  Lesson learned…

There are positive and negative energies on this planet. It’s what keeps it afloat, rocking and rolling along… all of us will have negative people, things and experiences in our lifetime. It’s how we address them that either brings us back to center and to be mostly positive or keeps us captured in the evil throes of negativity.  It’s our choice which energy that drives us. I choose the positive … the positive light of God. I choose joy!

“In optimism there is magic. In pessimism there is nothing.”
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Spirit is what creates life in our body…

ann-smile5Just like fabric doesn’t become an article of clothing until is it designed and created as such. An article of clothing doesn’t become alive until a body enters it. A dress lying on a bed is a dead  piece of fabric until it’s put on a body then it becomes animated. A body makes the article of clothing come alive. Every article of clothing will fit  and look differently as it adorns each body. Some bodies won’t even be able to fit into it while it fits others like a glove. But there are many other articles, styles and fit of clothing for the body to choose.  An article of clothing while perfect for one body will be wrong for another.  There are dresses to wear to Galas and dresses to wear to work.  It’s all about choosing the garment that suits the occasion and the body.  The appropriate garment, but some bodies don’t know how to select what is appropriate for occasion or for their body style, so they walk around being off the mark,  out of sorts  and not appropriate. They don’t fit their clothing and their clothing doesn’t fit them.

Similarly, it is the spirit that makes a body come alive.  A body that is dead with no spirit in it, can’t move, can’t talk, can’t create, can’t move…has no life.

A dead body is just that, it is dead and without spirit to animate it.

When the body dies, the spirit exits. Therefore, the body has no life with the spirit gone. At death, the energy of the spirit exits the body.

The  spirit entering the body is what creates life.  Our body is the tool of our spirit. How our spirit expresses in our body is up to our spirit…

The eyes reveal the soul. The quality of the spirit shines through either the  light or the darkness in the eyes.  A spirit of evil will be revealed in the eyes and a spirit of good the same. 

We can either work with our spirit or against it as our spirit is expressed through our heart and mind into our body in every single choice that we make…. what we eat, if and how we move, if , when and what we say, what we choose to put on our body. What we choose to do, what we create, whom we love or if we do. If we choose bad or if we choose good, if we sin or not, if we choose evil or if we choose God. What we see and how we see it.  The spirit will  choose the body that will be able to express what it needs.  The desires of the flesh and the corruption of the mind can over take goodness. It’s choice.  The spirit will choose the appropriate body, heart and mind for the what it needs to experience on this earth and when the mission is accomplished the spirit will exit the body or when the body wears out, the spirit will exit.

It’s our spirit that gives our body life and our spirit comes and enters from God. Which spirit animating which body is God’s  decision. Which spirit that enters which body that will have the circumstances, choices, trials, joys, challenges, happiness, sadness, pain or pleasures is a union between spirit and God.  If the body, mind, heart and circumstances don’t seem to fit the needs of the spirit after trying to do so,  then it’s time to turn to God in prayer and guidance for asking and understanding.  The message of the spirit may need to become clearer or the body, mind and heart need to shift and change to match the guidance of the spirit.

It’s the spirit that fills the flesh of the body with life.

When the body dies, after living life with all its experiences and  imprints on earth, the spirit goes back to God… or to hell based on choices made while on earth. The body remains here on earth, as an empty shell of matter just like a dress taken off, tossed on the floor, it is lifeless.

Does your spirit fit your body? Does your body honor your spirit?

Body, mind and heart are the tools of the spirit… full of God given choice in each and every moment.

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Kiss a Momma’s boy and you’re kissing a frog, the biggest ugliest one…

Oct10Stop9in the group of designated men not to date and certainly not to marry. Because this kind of disorder rarely corrects.There are many disordered men to avoid : men with addictions, men who lie, cheat, etc. But the mother controlled man is lethal, “mother-controlled monsters” is what I call them and they should be avoided at all costs. Don’t expect him to change, they rarely if ever do… and few if any really ever fully commit. Because they are committed and owned by their mother and, or other female members of their family. Many of these men have never been married.


If a son becomes his mother’s partner emotionally, if a mother is weak and too dependent on her son, so that he feels responsible for her well-being, he may be unable to lovingly commit himself to another woman – Consequences of Mother – Son Triangulation… he will be his mother’s boy until she dies or even longer.

If in a relationship, and the woman has normal needs for nurturing and attention, he will not be able to fulfill her needs because he will feel trapped and smothered like he felt with his mother. So, he will shut down, get depressed, escape in anyway possible and, or criticize the woman for having normal needs. Men like this use escape as a way to live, fast cars, out in bars, extreme sports, toys, being reclusive, etc. They have an innate and deep fear of being trapped again by a woman, like they were or felt that they were by Momma.

Typical effects on the son of an overbearing, smothering, needy mother are homosexuality, Don Juanism, inability to commit, going from one woman to another, as he always finds something wrong with each woman. He’s searching for perfection in the woman and complete freedom for himself which does not exist in any woman or any relationship. He has an idealized image of a relationship that cannot be achieved and if achieved it would be all for his benefit and nothing for his partner. Sometimes, these men suffer with impotence [though here the father complex also plays a part]. In homosexuality, the son’s entire heterosexuality is tied to the mother in an unconscious form; in Don Juanism, he unconsciously seeks his mother in every woman he meets and in his mind no woman can match the love that he feels from his mother and if he does feel it, then he feels smothered and must escape. These men are always trying to escape their mother while they need/crave female love intensely. They are seeking the approval of Momma but when or if they get it, they sabotage, or run from it. And why they go from woman to woman searching, from one shiny thing to the next. Even if they found perfection, ‘ the perfect match or woman for them’ they would not recognize it as such and would, perhaps, even feel more smothered than ever, because they would have a more difficult time finding their excuse, justification and reason to escape.

Many of these men are severely disordered with multiple afflictions such as narcissist, (inability to feel love or joy), avoidant,  borderline, depression, hypochondriacs, sexual issues, addictions, perversions (as depicted in Shades of Grey) may escape into porn, overeating, are full of illusions and delusions about women, delusions of grandeur, emotionally and, or physically abusive and that may include withholding sexual expression.They don’t live in reality as it relates to the man woman connection. They don’t understand it because their perception is that of mother and child not man and woman. A man protects.A child needs protection.
No woman will be good enough for the little prince as deemed by Momma and in his subconscious  mind no woman will love him as well as his Momma did. So if a woman finds herself in a relationship with a man  with this disorder, RUN! Because no matter how hard you try, no matter how great you are, you will never be enough. He will forever run back into the arms of Momma avoiding and negating the responsibilities, comfort, pleasure of the love of a real woman in a genuine healthy relationship choosing his needy Momma’s hold on him.  His need is to remain a child with little to no responsibility. A man with all the man genes wants the responsibility of the woman he loves. He considers it an honor to provide and protect her. The man/child runs from it. Again a man protects. A child needs protection.

A study of the romantic history of 58 adults aged 22-28 found that those who avoid committed romantic relationships are likely a product of unresponsive or over-intrusive parenting, says Dr. Sharon Dekel, a psychologist and researcher at the Bob Shapell School of Social Work.

Dr. Dekel and her fellow researcher, Prof. Barry Farber of Columbia University, found that 22.4 percent of study participants could be categorized as “avoidant” when it came to their relationships, demonstrating anxiety about intimacy, reluctance to commit to or share with their partner, or a belief that their partner was “clingy,” for one example. Overall, they reported less personal satisfaction in their relationships than participants who were determined to be secure in their relationships.

The goal of the study, published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, was to address the widespread research debate on “avoidant attachment” — whether such behavior is due to innate personality traits, such as being more of a loner, or is a delayed reaction to unmet childhood needs. Dr. Dekel and Prof. Farber found that while both secure and avoidant individuals expressed a desire for intimacy in relationships, avoidant individuals are conflicted about this need due to the complicated parent-child dynamics they experienced when young.

Taking lessons from childhood – the premise of their study, says Dr. Dekel, is based on attachment theory, which posits that during times of stress, infants seek proximity to their caregivers for emotional support. However, if the parent is unresponsive or overly intrusive, the child learns to avoid their caregiver.

The researchers believe that adult relationships reflect these earlier experiences. When infantile needs are met in childhood, that person approaches adult relationships with more security, seeking intimacy, sharing, caring, and fun, says Dr. Dekel. The researchers labelled these relationships “two-adult” models, in which participants equally share desires with their partner. Avoidant individuals, however, are more likely to adopt an “infant-mother” intimacy model. Men who never grow up, who remain eternally a boy or son, not capable of becoming a man, a husband responsible for and to his wife.

When they enter relationships, there is an attempt to satisfy their unmet childhood needs, Dr. Dekel explains. “Avoidant individuals are looking for somebody to validate them, accept them as they are, can consistently meet their needs and remain calm — give them unconditional love, including not making a fuss about anything or getting caught up in their own personal issues.” While what they give in return is criticism, escape and aloofness. So what they are after is a mother/son interaction, not a man/woman interaction. 

Hope for the commitment-phobic? It’s important to study this group further because beyond their severely diminished ability to conduct satisfying romantic relationships, they are also less happy in their lives and are more likely to suffer illnesses, depression, etc, than their secure counterparts, notes Dr. Dekel. Psychologists need a better understanding of what these insecure individuals need, perhaps through more sophisticated neurological studies, she suggests.

There is also the question of whether or not these attachment styles are permanent. Dr. Dekel believes that there are some experiences which can help people develop more secure relationship styles. Sometimes, a life trauma can shift these men out of their commitment disorder.

A boy learns about relationship with women primarily through his relationship with his mother and through observing his parent’s relationship. If there was conflict or emotional distance in his parents; relationship his emotional bond with his father may have  suffered. The boy may have emotionally bonded with his mother in a way that shut down his feeling capacity, which now continues to affect his masculine identity and sense of separate self. Or he observed his mother’s neediness controlling the father. The father may be weak and not able to stand strong, so the boy’s image of a man is that a woman can control a man and suffocate him. So he tries to ‘avoid’ that his whole life. Because he sees that image as being unmanly, while his reality is, he never comes into his full manhood. He remains an eternal child.

If the mother was emotionally unsupported by the father she may
have unwittingly used her son to get her emotional needs met as a substitute for her partner. The disappointment she felt in the father back then was felt by the son . In response the son aspired to be her perfect “little man” that would not let her down like his father did. The son’s heart is open at an early age and it’s natural for him to want to be the apple of his mother’s eye and fill her up with his love. He learned how to please his mother at the cost of his own needs being ignored.

He suffered from not being emotionally close to his father and yet part of him enjoyed his special relationship with his mother in his absence. It comes at a cost. The boy was unaware that he had been setup for an impossible job that he inevitably failed at. It was too much for a little boy to fulfill the emotional needs of his mother. She needed an adult man. The boy was in an emotional bind. He couldn’t be himself and be what (he imagined) his mother  wanted him to be. He unconsciously chose at a young age to fit in with her needs at the cost of his own.

The father was remiss in not providing a healthy parental relationship alongside the mother to allow the son to develop a healthy male identity. The boy cut off from his male power to fit in. A weak, distant or closed hearted father, an emotionally needy mother combined with the cultural images of masculinity encouraged the boy as he grew up to close his heart and disconnect from his feelings.

Relationship Attitudes from “Rape of the Heart”

In later life, the boy as a grown man may develop the following kind of attitudes:

  • He doesn’t feel he is enough. Deep down he feels he wasn’t enough for his mother, so as an adult man he doesn’t feel he is enough for his partner. He is sensitive to criticism as it challenges his male identity . He feels he needs to be perfect and it’s hard for him to admit when he makes a mistake in his relationship.
  • He is fearful of women getting upset. He can’t bear it when his partner is upset, partly because he feels he is responsible for his partner’s happiness. As a boy he felt he was the cause of his mother’s unhappiness. As a child he believed he was responsible and in control of his mother’s feelings through pleasing her.
  • He pleases women to avoid conflict. The man  learned to please women at the cost of his own needs. Women pick up straightaway when a man is pleasing them to avoid conflict. It feels inauthentic. The woman feels shut out from the man as his true feelings are hidden. She can’t feel his authentic male energy which frustrates her. She feels rejected and abandoned as she hears from him the message ,’You are too much’ .This is often how she felt as a child.
  • He feels overwhelmed by her needs. He feels burdened by having to meet his partner’s needs. He is unable to express his own needs as he unconsciously learned not to listen to his needs in order to meet his mother’s needs. Outwardly, it may seem like he has very few needs as he has repressed them.
  • He resents his partner’s needs. The man has an unconscious rage and resentment towards meeting his mother’s needs and he sees all women as his mother on some level.. He believes he is working hard in the relationship to do the right thing, yet he finds no matter what he does, he slips up. He forgets to tell his partner important things, or finds a way to rubbish his partner or the relationship in someway. If he is asked why he ignored her he probably isn’t in touch with his resentment.
  • He feels guilty. The man feels ambivalent about the relationship because of the unresolved feelings he had about loving his mother and feeling smothered.
  • He has repressed the hate which also represses his loving feelings. He may feel unworthy of his partner’s love and want to leave her in order to protect her from his dark feelings.
  • His life Energy is blocked. He represses his feelings and energy or he directs all his energy into work. Men push their feelings down yet keep going in a particular kind of hidden depression.
  •  Healing Process for ‘Rape of the Heart’… best possible outcome for a mother controlled commitment phobic, but this rarely occurs….

    A woman attracted to this kind of man needs to become aware of why she has been unconsciously attracted to a man with a closed heart and what she needs to heal from her past family experience.

    It’s great if both partners can work on this together as in what was there needing to be brought out in one another to themselves. We find that working with the relationship dynamic with both partners together is much more effective than individual counselling alone.

    Behavior Patterns Were Learned In The Past

    mother complexAttraction between partners in part comes from an unconscious fit of “unfinished business’ from each person’s early family. It’s sobering to realize that both partners have re-created their early family situation in the current relationship. Realizing this can give a major shift in perspective as he sees that relationships are an unconscious union that is providing  him now with the opportunity to work things through in order to become emotionally whole.

    Rather than blaming his partner for not being ,’his perfect parent’, he begins to see how he experiences what is going on now, through the eyes and feelings from the past. The recognition of the connection between how he experiences his relationship now and how he felt in his early family makes the unconscious conscious. This stops him being controlled by the past.

    For many men it can be difficult to even conceive that there is a connection between his partner and his mother. It can just seem like “psychobabble”. There can be an investment in protecting the image he has of his parents. He needs to balance that his parents did the best they could and their lack of relationship had an impact on him. It’s  worth looking at how the early  past pattern  affects how he relates with his partner now.

    He Manages His Fear

    He learns how to manage his fear of being emotionally overwhelmed. He discovers his partner is much more emotionally robust that he imagines. As an adult he doesn’t need to placate her for his survival . He may wish to contribute to her happiness yet he realizes that when she is upset it doesn’t mean that he has failed or that he needs to be over responsible. He is not responsible for her happiness.

    He Receives His Partner’s Emotional Flow

    He learns listen to her emotional flow without taking what she says too personally. He is able to discern what he needs to take responsibility for and what belongs to her past. He discovers how to hear what she is saying on a feeling level rather than get caught in rationality disconnected from feeling.

    He Makes Adjustments To His Attitudes And Behavior

    He realizes that his partner isn’t really wanting to criticize  or undermine him. What she is seeking is for her feelings to be received . She feels what needs attention in the relationship and needs him to make an adjustment/ – walk his talk rather than saying “sorry” and repeating the pattern.

    He Strengthens His Male Identity

    He learns that his partner can’t make or break him or take away his masculinity. From this realization he can be present and receive her when she is upset. He doesn’t need defend his male identity as it’s not under threat. He gets the support of other men to strengthen his male identity and reconnect to his masculinity.

    He Reconnects To His Feelings

    He discovers how to express his feelings and needs. He notices when he disconnects from his partner and learns how to manage his emotions intelligently so he can take a time-out without abandoning his partner.

    He Integrates His Dark Side

    What is emotionally repressed controls him. He includes his male wildness/ dark side constructively in ways that brings life energy and passion into the relationship. He expresses more range of feeling so there is room for love and for hate. He learns how to manage his vulnerability. He reconnects to feelings and opens his heart. In effect he chooses to be in relationship and comes from his core in his actions rather than acting in reaction to his mother.


    It takes time and work to work on deep patterns. It’s a process rather than a quick fix. Relationship counselling provides a safe place to gain insights and explore what is going on in the relationship. It’s a powerful process of recognizing patterns learnt from the past, detoxifying resentments and gaining a new perspective on what the relationship is about. The felt experience of attending sessions and working things through in the sessions and between sessions leads to the couple feeling more connected to each other and better able to work things through together.

    I would like to acknowledge Nick Duffell and Helena Løvendal Sørensen at Creative Couplework for sharing some of the ideas expressed in this article. By

    Directly from the Bible – An unhealthy soul tie often develops when a young adult or older adult becomes solely dependent upon his or her parents.

    The problem is that many people are still bound by generational curses.  These are curses that have been passed down from one generational to the next.  The umbilical cord is still attached.  They are bound by their birth and early childhood experiences.  It is like that they are dragging a ball and chain around with them wherever they go.

    The umbilical card in this passage may also be a picture of unhealthy and ungodly soul ties.  Such ties are destructive to individuals.  These unhealthy attachments lead to anger, depression, and even at times to attempts of suicide or homicide

    ……Very few men with these issues ever get past them. It takes lots of courage and a willingness to dig really deep and become vulnerable. They must step out of their denial and most can’t achieve this. So to women who find themselves dealing with this disorder in a man, I say exit and learn about yourself as to why you were there in the first place. Then reconsider very carefully if you want to deal with a man with this kind of deep seated emotional disorder. If he is not willing to be committed to you  and to do the work needed, including being in counseling together, I say chances are, you will end up feeling like a door mat to his emotional dysfunction and inability to become a fully grown man. You will forever play the role of Momma and he will forever be a rebelling, escaping, run away, petulant boy. These men have no ability to love a woman because they are owned and controlled by their mother or her memory.  Always a son, never a man… a mother-controlled monster. They lack the self-confidence that most men develop in order to head a household, love their wife and exist on earth with a mostly positive  outlook. Their mother instilled insecurity in them, arrogance or both that conflict with their ability to become a whole integrated man.

    I once was in a relationship with a man, who had severe mother issues. I knew it when I first met him and I distanced myself from him for years. He had never been married. Then he re-entered my life, after his mother died, and I pondered, perhaps he had grown up.  He seemed different, ‘appeared’ like a grown, mature man, the first few months as he professed his undying love for me and we began planning a future. But he soon crumbled into the immature son of his mother. He will never be anything more. He drives his mother’s car and lives in her house in an isolated area.  He sits in a rocking chair looking at the view that his father created. He is assuming his mother’s life. His man facade crumbled  and he became like a negative, fearful, depressed, needy, pessimistic old woman. After telling me he will love me forever and was after me for years. He then tells me he will never marry and prefers being alone because he has had depression all his life, (signs of a chemical imbalance were strong.) He said he doesn’t like being around people for long and doesn’t think he could live with anyone. He is always the same and will never change. So he chooses to live alone in a house built by his mother and father, assuming their life as always  being a son,, never separating his identify and creating his own life.  Because of what occurred between his father, mother and him, along with other members in his family, he will be forever a son and never a man or husband. He will never know or experience the full love and life with a woman because he is too fearful to become a man and  he trashes every woman and relationship he has been in.

    I exited and what the final prompt was, when I wasn’t feeling well, and his comments to me were: “What’s your problem, you don’t have cancer.” ( his mother died of cancer) then he stated “You’re a grown woman and can take care of your own life.”   The clearest statement ever that he wanted no responsibility for a woman on  any level because he is a child and at the time was spending time working on his Momma’s house that he was now living in after her death. After I broke up with him and asked for the things I had left at his house. He left them at my front door with a note that said he didn’t want confrontation. Showing that he is a coward on top of it all. He doesn’t want to be held accountable for his actions and the harm that he does to others because of his immaturity and disorder.

    I am a strong woman and highly independent and that is why he attracted to me in the first place. But we all have needs and need extra caring at times… and this man could not be consistent in this area of relationship interaction. He became resentful to have to put another’s needs before his own infantile ones. And infantile is the perfect adjective for these men. Selfish, narcissistic and childlike are some of the traits of a Momma’s boy.

    I then began learning how I could have  been attracted to him or thought he might change.

    Now, I get it. He was a challenge, He could be kind, loving and sweet then would turn critical and  cold. And when he became cold and depressed, it ripped at my heart, so I tried to help him and be more attentive when actually his behavior repulsed me, as does his over connection to his mother and also his sister. He would become like a whiny toddler, negative, depressed, pouting, complaining and criticizing of me, even paranoid and full of fear about the world and everyone and everything in his life or things even not in his life. When I would observe him sitting on my sofa, all that was missing was a pacifier.

    Momma’s boys are internal and eternal children, will never be men with full emotional capacity and do not know how to fully love a woman… they only love Momma, she owns him.

    Being with this child/man triggered my insecurity that I must be perfect and strong to be loved that had been imprinted on me from my Dad’s high expectations. This Momma’s boy  is a narcissist and I am an empath… so I was falling into codependency. But I am a ‘Daddy’s girl’ and my Dad was a strong, capable provider and protector. This man didn’t have these traits and wasn’t going to develop them,  or couldn’t pretend that he had them for long. He is a whiny, depressed Momma’s boy and thinks trucks, manly toys, climbing some mountain make him a man or temporarily feel like one, when he has no ability to be a man with a woman and this ability is what defines manhood.

    So why was I attracted? He, at first ‘appeared’ manly and he is a large man (false appearance)… and when he fell into being a boy… it triggered my male side imprinted on me by my Dad to carry on and fix things… and that is not the main roll I want in a relationship. I want to be the woman, not the man. I am a feminine womanly/woman and while I am strong and capable, I need and want a man who is manly and takes that role with vigor and pride, that of provider and protector. A man with all his  male genes intact knows that he provides a place for his woman to feel safe and to glow, she can then bestow on him all her caring, joy, nurturing and love…  and he values her place in his life above all others. If a man doesn’t value what you are giving to him, exit ladies. He isn’t worth your time. Any other way and it really does not work… as this was the way God intended it to be.

    After breaking up with him, I went into counseling and healed myself. I had hoped this man and I could heal together, but he refused to go to counseling together.  I don’t want to always have to be the strong one  and my strength is what attracted him, so he could rarely handle any weakness in me.  while I had to continually handle his. In fact, he vomited his neediness, insecurity , depression and lack onto me daily at the end of our relationship and the weight of his disorder made me feel ill physically and emotionally ill.

    I don’t need to be perfect to be loved and being codependent ravages the soul. I don’t want to be some man/child’s mother. GAG!  Talk about a sexual turn off. I deserve a man who can handle my weak side, that I can lean on when needed and is my soft place to fall and is there for me, or I would rather be alone… so, ta da!..  I am out of this Mommy boy dance … and sadly but  gladly said, ba bye!I had begun to pity and feel sorry for this emotionally stunted boy/man and that destroys love, respect and, of course, sex.

    I was a Daddy’s girl and my Dad was strong and capable and that is the only kind of man I will be with. This was my first and last ‘mother-controlled monster’… while I have had other men in my life with their fatal flaws and issues, they were all men and not ‘momma’s boys’.

    A ‘mother controlled monster’ should not be mistaken for a man who has an emotionally healthy respect and love for his mother and she him. This kind of man knows how to treat women, wants, is even honored to be a provider and protector to and for the woman he loves and is consistent in these actions and behaviors. He wants the honor of having a wife, puts her first in his life and defers to her, instead of his mother, sisters or any other female in his family. An emotionally stable mother wants to create emotionally independent children and wants her son to have a wife and to experience the joys of relationship.

    “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. ”

    Genesis 2:24

In romantic relationship, is the closest you can get to the mother, father bond and it takes strength of emotions, and self integrity to walk through the healing and if your partner can’t do it then get out , heal and save yourself.

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Obama committed obvious and clear treason….

Yes.. it was ransom … Obama-Lies-SCHillary and Obama are in it together… covering up for one another as they lie, liHillary+Clinton+caricature+webe, lie, sell America out and commit treasonous acts for their progressive/communist agenda to insert American into the NWO under the rule of the UN.  Hillary will continue the Obama destruction. She will put the nails in America’s coffin as she gains more power and wealth for her family. They are all lying, murdering, anti-America criminals of the highest order.  Obama and Hillary should both be in Prison. They are operating as if America is a dictatorship.


       Obama scoffed at the notion that the $400 million dollars in small unmarked foreign bills was a ransom payment. Scolding the American people in front of the cameras, he practically wagged his finger and defiantly stated “We Do Not Pay Ransom.” Hogwash. Obama seems to be the only one who holds that opinion.

One of the Iranian captive, a Christian pastor by the name of Saeed Abedini tells a very different story.

As recounted by Gary Bauer: “Pastor Abedini says on the night of their release the hostages were taken to the airport and told they would soon be free. But hours passed with nothing happening. Abedini asked one of their guards what was causing the delay. The guard told him, ‘we are waiting for another plane,’ and only then are we ‘going to let you go.'”

Empathy and Compassion…

Ennis6We are all individual and each of us have our individual burdens and trials in life. And no one really knows what another is going through. One suffers cancer, one depression, another loss of love, one betrayal, one money issues, another self-esteem issues, then another something else and these things are usually not seen. Much is hidden behind the image that a person creates or that other’s perceive. Some hide behind a smile, others wear a frown with their anger and hurt on their sleeve. And differing human coping mechanisms can be in the same person, but at varying times.  Human beings are complex.
And really and actually, no one knows why humans have their specific to them individual burdens and trials, but God.
Think back to what Robin Williams’ death shows … a suicide of a tortured soul. He had the talent to entertain and to make others laugh and to feel enjoyment, but he was so tortured  internally that he left behind three children, a wife and what appeared like a happy and fulfilling life. We don’t know why and never really will why he took his own life, we can only surmise.  Only he and God know.
But then there are things called empathy and compassion for your fellowman that are in held in the hearts of those who believe and love God. Those without compassion and empathy in their heart can sink into evil able to do horrible things to self and others…such as addictions, lying, manipulating, cheating, maiming, killing, etc..
We are witnessing this with the cult of Islam. They show no compassion or empathy for others, not even to self.  We are witnessing this on all levels everywhere. It’s in the energy of our world today.
We each have our life to live.. and hopefully we are able to have compassion and empathy for others who are living theirs along with having it for ourselves. That is what we do as children of God.
The energy on the planet is intense right now and many can’t take it. Can’t you feel it, see  it, even hear it?  It surrounds us and hangs thick in the air, on the airwaves, etc.  permeating the world.  Therefore,  we have a choice, we can  turn and succumb to evil as evil wants us to do, or rise and lift ourselves out of it turning to God and fill ourselves up with empathy and compassion for self and others. I don’t mean have tolerance for seductive evil, such as libs/ Dems progressives/ communists have and do and  that evil promotes doing…a  bit of good upfront to promote their convoluted agenda with much evil going on, under, around and hidden.
One definition of evil is, to have no compassion towards your fellowman with the ability to act on it. And this may be accomplished in and behind the facade of doing good as that is Satan’s perfect way of expressing and promoting evil… seduction. 
Compassion begins with self… sound values and thoughts, morality, virtues, health mentally and physically,  goodness –  but not fake goodness that evil  and insecurity hide in, but genuine goodness  with empathy towards yourself and your humanity. You can’t give to others what you don’t have for yourself.
We are living in the time of anti-Christ. .. anti-goodness, anti-real compassion, anti real empathy… being replaced with fake compassion, empathy and goodness wrapped up in evil for Satan’s agenda, for the  purpose to rule, dominate and control every aspect of lives.  Satan and hell are controlled restriction and oppression. God and heaven are freedom.
It’s going to get rough… then rougher…  
Protect your soul because Satan wants it.
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Why Trump and not Hillary, Muslim infiltration…

CULTURE CRISIS 2016 by William Been August 8th, 2016.



Under the protective umbrella provided by the Democrat Party, the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical Islamist groups have been allowed to quietly infiltrate and operate openly within America while those responsible for national security have offered no significant resistance. Donald Trump has ripped the mask of silence away as he has stood alone warning the American people of the threats associated with the mass migration of Syrian Muslims into many American cities.

Hillary+Clinton+caricature+webIn addition, when Hillary Clinton and the Democrats shamelessly used the death 12 years ago of a Muslim as a self-serving political attack on Mr. Trump, the secrecy surrounding the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration was finally revealed to millions of Americans. Numerous reports followed the Khzir Kahn statements revealing his links to Sharia Law and the philosophic beliefs of the Muslim Brotherhood. In addition, the family of Hillary Clinton’s confidante and assistant Huma Abedin was once again shown to be a significant part of the highest levels of the Brotherhood.

Islam5The American people now have visibility of the Muslim Brotherhood and their stated intent to rule the world either by infiltration or by force. By taking his stand concerning the threat of Radical Islamist Terrorists, Mr. Trump has given the American people one last chance to save America from the disastrous cultural attacks being experienced throughout Europe. Four more years of Clinton-Obama will be irreversible.

GodAllahMany of us have been greatly concerned about Radical Islamic Terrorism and the destruction of cultures and countries throughout Europe and Africa. However, with both political parties pretending Islam is the religion of peace and the Obama Administration actively advocating for Open Borders and increased migration from Islamic countries, there has been nothing but ridicule for any Americans who have voiced concern.

Many will not believe and will ignore what is presented in the balance of this article. It is a long article but, hopefully, it will be worth your time.

Trump2The election of Donald Trump is not only the most important of our lifetime but also the last opportunity to stop the continuing destruction of American greatness by anti-American Progressivism.

In the past few days, we have witnessed the most decadent behavior on the part of the Democrat Party, Hillary Clinton, and her Mainstream Media allies. These anti-Americans who readily support the culture war described by the Clintons and led by Barack Obama during the past seven years will literally do anything to codify their transformational culture in any fashion possible. Effectively, their culture war strategy follows the Alinsky tactics that both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have studied and adopted.

MuslimsUnder the protective umbrella of Barack Obama, the Muslim Brotherhood has made tremendous progress following Muslim aggression tactics including immigration, migration, and refugee policy. In addition, the election of Barack Obama has allowed the infiltration of Muslim Brotherhood supporters into the highest levels of United States government.

It is now clear that the Clinton culture war and the Obama transformation are the same with both facilitating and sympathizing with the objectives of the Muslim Brotherhood.

All of the above plus much more has occurred with rare resistance from the Republican Party. In fact, there has been no organized resistance with only sporadic efforts made by Congressman King from New York and Michele Bachmann. Both were attacked viciously as Islamophobes, bigots, and any other demeaning name by the leftist Democrats and, of even greater importance, by some of their Republican allies in congress. Both Bachmann and King were effectively ostracized by the Washington Establishment and the march toward an Islamic state continued.

Consider the following:

  •   Barack Obama objected to being called Barack Hussein Obama prior to 2008 election Barack
  •  Barack Obama said America not a Christian nation
  •   Barack Obama and Hillary promote overthrow of sectarian governments in Libya and Egypt
  • Barack Obama and Hillary instrumental in establishing Morsy, known Muslim Brotherhood
  •  Hillary assistant Abedin part of high level Muslim Brotherhood family
  •   Obama Administration staffed with Muslim Brotherhood supporters or members
  •   Barack Obama gives Iran path to nuclear weapons
  •   Barack Obama allows Iraq to fall into chaos with ISIS prevailing
  • Barack Obama erases his own red line allowing ISIS to flourish in Syria

When June of 2015 arrived, the American public was blissfully ignoring all of the above. The Republican congress was preoccupied with showing the American people that they can reach across the aisle. They reached across approving the national debt up to the $20 trillion level. They merely grumble about sanctuary cities. They accomplish nothing concerning immigration or border control. They ignore Fast & Furious. They do nothing about Benghazi. They do nothing about the fall of Iraq. They do nothing about Syria. They do nothing about the IRS scandal. And, of greatest importance, they do nothing and say nothing about the near total breakdown concerning the vetting of refugees, dominantly Muslim, from Syria and various other Muslim nations where the Rule of Law no longer prevails.

TrumpThen, one American arrived on the scene who had been watching the systematic destruction of the America that he loved. He was not a political hack. He was not bought by $15 million donors. He was not a politician. He was a businessman and an entertainer. He vowed to close the borders, to restore our national security, and to make America great again. He subsequently read the lyrics of a song named ‘The Snake’ which indicated clearly that he knew what the radical Muslims were doing. He then stood openly against the Obama Iran giveaway. He then stated that we should stop accepting Muslim refugees until we can find out what is going on. He was the only leader, the only Republican, and literally the only American that has the strength of character and courage to confront the most significant threat that the America homeland has faced in its short history.

Trump and MelaniaHis name is Donald Trump. He must be our next President or subsequent generations of America will most probably live under the heavy hand of Radical Islamists led by the Muslim Brotherhood who profess the following:

ATT00001“Commitment to the Quranic concept of Geography: The land belongs to Allah, his religion is Islam, and every country is already in the House of Islam—now in the present time—since they will be in the House of Islam by force in the future. The whole of humanity is a Muslim Nation: it is either ‘the religion of the nation’ which has embraced this religion [Islam], or a ‘proselyte nation’ we are obliged to conquer.”(Alwani, The Jurisprudence of Muslim Minority Affairs. No. 7, translated from Arabic by Shoebat.com)

CpV7ockVUAAQtk9All of the above seems so obvious and so ominous. It is difficult to understand how any patriotic America fails to stand in resistance to anything and everything that would further the Muslim Brotherhood agenda. Yet, the Democrat Party argues whether God should be part of their activities and blocks God from their platform and is actively harboring the Muslim Brotherhood. In addition, Muslim reformers are denied a voice in Washington by the Administration including Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump provides access to reformers who truly promote Islam as a peaceful religion as he has vowed to seek an understanding as to what is going on.

Moozies1Even worse, Hillary Clinton and the national Democrats are so deeply ingrained within the Muslim Brotherhood that traditional American values are totally missing from their politics and their actions. Honesty, like “Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness” has been totally abandoned by Hillary Clinton as is so visibly obvious in so many different respects including emails and Benghazi families. Of all values, honesty is the most basic and the most important in any relationship whether governmental or otherwise. Without honesty, confusion will reign and decision making will, by definition, be negatively impacted.

On July 27, Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party allowed someone named Khizr Kahn to represent the Muslim Brotherhood with what appeared to be an unprovoked attack on the compassion and character of Donald Trump. It is now clear that fears for Mr. Trump, or any other Republican who will stand courageously opposing further Muslim aggression, will be denigrated and attacked using any vulgar and disgusting approach at their disposal.

My father was KIA in Germany on March 7, 1945. The use of a deceased war hero from any religion or group for political purposes is the most disgusting and repulsive action imaginable. Equally repulsive and inappropriate is for surviving family members of a war hero to use the loss of that family member in a blatantly obvious political fashion. 4

???????????????????????????????After Mr. Kahn misrepresented the Constitution, it has also now surfaced that he may have had a self-serving profit motive derived from legal immigration involving wealthy or connected Muslims. With the Kahn linkages to the Muslim Brotherhood documented by Walid Shoebat, it is now clear that the Democrats, the Clintons, and the Muslim Brotherhood will now convert this election campaign into the Clintons’ Second Culture War. It appears that the Clintons and their allies are willing to sacrifice American heritage and traditions to establish a permanent Democrat government including or subservient to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Personally, I believe Mr. Trump knew that Kahn was acting in a self serving fashion to gain personal wealth and as a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer. Kahn’s success in both endeavors is directly dependent upon the election of Hillary Clinton. When Kahn’s Muslim Brotherhood ties and his business involvement seeking Muslim immigration became known, he quickly dismantled his website in an attempt to hide his pedigree. It became clear that he was not speaking to honor his son, but rather was there to use his son’s demise to further his own financial wealth which, by definition, is dependent upon Hillary Clinton being elected and Donald Trump being defeated in November.

Didyoukn8Donald Trump will close the borders. Donald Trump will stop Muslim immigration unless properly vetted and understood. Donald Trump will build that wall. Donald Trump will stand courageously supporting those American traditions and values that patriotic Americans hold dear, under God, and indivisible.

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