Category Archives: EXPLOSIONS
Audacity of Deceit…
Bring back shame and humiliation…
It seems any and everything are being accepted as fine and ‘okay’.
Everything has become so wishy-washy… no morals, standards, values, manners, class, appropriateness of dress, behaviors, etc..and our world shows it more as each day passes…
Morals, standards, guidelines, tradition, and appropriateness give a society boundaries to follow and boundaries are good. Sure, it’s interesting and fun to step a bit outside them, at times, but when all sense of decorum is lost and all boundaries are pushed and accepted, society falls into a kind of random insanity and chaos … where nothing has any real value or meaning…
Good becomes bad, bad becomes good, lie becomes truth and truth is deemed lie then confusion, chaos, immorality, lack of decorum in what’s appropriate as in dress and everything else, manners, personal dignity are lost and a society becomes savage-like…
When those with morals become the ‘outcasts’ and those of immorality become the standard … we have fallen into hell… a kind of Sodom and Gomorrah…
A moral minority exists now… that’s what I am feeling in the world. Little to nothing worthwhile to watch on TV.. so much focused on crime, sex, exploitation and sin in general…a continual pushing of the envelope until there is nothing left… but the abyss of hell…
Our leaders blatantly lie, con and spin for agenda as the media holds little accountable and contribute to the downfall of society.
Not much value is given to morality or healthy emotional standards. Our society has become lost and devoid of standards, values and goodness on almost all levels…
The over emphasis on sex and lack of control in many has become rampant. The sanctity of a human being is being destroyed. Human life means nothing to many and the lack of physical and emotional health are becoming the norm instead of the oddity.
It once was rare to see a fat person and fat at that time, was actually just a bit pudgy and these people were ashamed and shamed. Perhaps, shame should be brought back …
Only a few got pregnant out of wedlock or ‘before’ they got married and they were ashamed and shamed… People are having children today who have no idea how to even care for themselves.
Shame those who have children out of wedlock, shame those who have affairs and cheat. Shame those who are obese because of gluttony. Shame those who dress inappropriately. Shame those who don’t groom themselves healthfully and properly.
We are now accepting and tolerating things that we have not previously, in order, that no one feels bad about themselves. Perhaps, people need to feel bad and be ashamed and shamed, in order, that society rise to higher acceptable behaviors and appropriateness, instead of to lower.
The cries being now, “Don’t judge me. Don’t be a bully. Don’t be a ‘hater’…” PC rules the world and it is destructive to everything of value that of good. These mantras are destroying society… allowing for the idiocy and slovenliness of immorality, crassness, abuses to self and others, rudeness, etc. to flourish…
Many have lost self-pride, self-awareness and the ability to discern. This is what happens when a society has no standards, boundaries, or set standards and morality to live by. All that’s left is tolerance… to tolerate that which is intolerable…
Society has been lowered to the ‘acceptance’ of any and everything… same-sex marriage, pedophilia, sexual deviates, perversion, inappropriateness of dress, cheating, lying, no manners, no standards, no guidelines, no family standards, twisted thinking, actually, more abusive behaviors to self and others are being accepted than ever before.
I say shame and humiliation needs to be brought back…
‘Political correctness’ and tolerance are lowering our standards to non-existent.
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Exploding concerning…Foreign Aid!!!
Someone please tell me what the hell’s wrong with the people who run our country?! Both Democrats and Republicans say, “We’re broke!” And can’t help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless, etc.,?
But, over the last several years ‘THEY’ have provided direct cash aid to:
Hamas – $351 M, Libya $1.45 B, Egypt – $397 M, Mexico – $622 M, Russia – $380 M, Haiti – $1.4 B, Jordan – $463 M, Kenya – $816 M, Sudan – $870 M, Nigeria – $456 M, Uganda – $451 M, Congo – $359 M, Ethiopia – $981 M, Pakistan – $2 B, South Africa – $566 M, Senegal – $698 M, Mozambique – $404 M, Zambia – $331 M, Kazakhstan – $304 M, Iraq – $1.08 B, Tanzania – $554 M, … literally billions of Dollars and they still hate us!
While on the other hand, our retired seniors, living on a ‘fixed income,’ receive NO aid! Nor do they get any breaks, while our government and religious organizations will pour hundreds of billions Of $$$$$$’s and tons of food to foreign countries!
Someone needs to explain that charity begins AT HOME!!!
And another atrocity – We have hundreds of adoptable American Children who are shoved aside to make room for the adoption of foreign orphans.
AMERICA – A country where we have countless homeless without shelter, Children going to bed hungry, Elderly going without needed medication and the mentally ill without treatment — etc.
YET………. ‘They’ will have a ‘Benefit’ Show for the people of Haiti, on 12 TV Stations; Ships and planes lining up with food, water, tents clothes, bedding, doctors and medical supplies. Now Just Imagine if our own *GOVERNMENT* Gave ‘US’ the same support they give to foreign countries.
It’s as if ‘they’ want Americans to suffer and America to Fail….
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Exploding about…Entertainment, Entertainers, Escape…
Entertainment is for amusement, escape and ‘occasionally’ education. It is fun and healthy to be amused, to laugh, to explore creativity and to enjoy the talents of others…
But entertainment does not stand on its own as something good in itself. It is only a means, a means to a higher end and purpose. Recreation and exercise as a means to better health? Great. Vacations and sports as a means of relaxation? Fine. Movies and the performing arts taken in for pleasure… excellent.
But as soon as entertainment goes beyond that, as soon as it becomes an end in itself, as soon as sports, games and hobbies, etc. consume us, then we abuse God’s gifts and our lives are not lives of balance and moderation, but rather of excess and imbalance. Most of the emphasis in our society these days seems is about having a good time and being entertained. It used to be that after work was completed then there was a time to relax and to be entertained.
Today, each child receives an award just for participating, not for achievement. It used to be awards were given for actual achieving and it gave a child something to strive for and a sense of pride in the actual accomplishment. But today it seems to be all about the feel good of the award instead of what it takes to do something.
Fun and pleasure are great to experience…. it’s a wonderful part of living, but when…
everyone ‘needs’ to have fun most all of the time and to always feel good rather than achieve, stretch to meet goals and accomplishments then forgotten is the truth that God has put man on earth to achieve in order to grow and sometimes that means sacrifice, discipline, doing without and hardship. Now it seems man works as little as possible in order that he play. Life is viewed as a playground rather than a place to achieve. And today the younger generation is all about being entertained and playing and not only the children but many adults. It’s party – party…escape and party as much as you can into food, video games, TV, the Internet, drugs, sex, alcohol, etc. and this creates a lazy, fat, slothful, slovenly, promiscuous, non-thinking, lack of common sense and decency society. Just look around. What do you see but mostly fat, slovenly, sloppy, promiscuous examples, both in life and as displayed in the areas of entertainment and the public.
Sex is not entertainment. It is for expressing affection and love between committed individuals.. sure it is pleasurable and fun, but it is a private expression. Hugh Hefner was one of those who turned sex into an accepted form of entrainment and made it ‘look’ cool to do so… and nothing about him is ‘cool’… it’s lowly and and skanky… but some people model his lifestyle and choices…
Paul writes in II Timothy 3, “Men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,” and so on. And, “They shall be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.” The Christian is a lover of God. The unbeliever is a hater of God and a lover of pleasure. And as that love of pleasure develops into pleasure-madness all around us, this constitutes a peril. These are perilous times for you, me and our children.
Hedonism is the moral philosophy that pleasure and happiness are the chief goal of human life. Look at the example of the Obama’s with their parties and vacations. The Obama’s hang with ‘rappers’ and entertainers, vacation continually on America’s dime and time. The Obama’s are hedonistic. And put on the political scene by an ‘entertainer’, ‘a living in sin ‘talk-show yakker’, Oprah, who attended, along with Obama, a ‘church’ promoting hate and it’s been said a place that matches up gay men with ‘acceptable wives to create a front of respectability… what is this mess of sin exactly?
Hedonism is the ‘religion’ according to which most people live to today. The rightness or wrongness of some activity is determined by whether it results in pleasure or in pain. If you get pleasure from something, do it; it’s a good thing. If it causes you pain, or discomfort, avoid it. Do you see the peril of being surrounded by people of that philosophy and outlook? Of living in the midst of such a perverse generation? It creates liars, deflectors, blamers and those of no character or morality.
And many today get their news, morality, standards and life views from ‘so-called’ entertainers. Public figures are ‘famous’ for doing nothing as in the Kardashians… and their lives are that of immorality… children without marriage, children with one man while still married to another, sex tapes… excessive flaunting and pleasure with no regard to the the example they are setting. Why would any thinking moral human being want to model their life after that used for entertainment… as this example is destroying the morality of our youth and therefore our society.
Politics has become ‘entertainment’. Look at the example of Anthony Wierner.. despicable behavior and this lowly perverted man, married to a Muslim who works for Clinton is running for Mayor of NY…
Many people appear to think they are living in some movie or on some reality show of nothingness. It’s all about escape and primarily escaping anything real, any real emotion, or feeling, any real responsibility, accountability, commitment or morality. It’s all about the fun and escape and what you can get away with. And if it doesn’t feel good enough then off to another ‘something’ to make the high – higher… then more is needed for the next high.
Entertainment and entertainers are most times very poor examples of how to live life. And what a person chooses for entertainment speaks volumes about who they are.
It used to be that society knew the difference in what was real life and reality, and what was for only for entertainment, but now it appears more and more that they are one and the same and this is destroying many from having a wholesome, moral and productive life.
There must be a balance in life… work, pleasure, joy and pain, striving and relaxing based in morality and standards.. too much of anything is not a good thing.
Adults in kindergarten brainwashing school…
learn to speak, to think and to comply with the standards of the Obama regime… FB’s agenda and goal.
Toddlers and children who say ‘naughty’ words are, often times, put in ‘time out’. Conservatives and Christians who say anything Facebook doesn’t approve of are put in a FB timeout… put in FB jail …
It’s Conservatives, not Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, Muslims, Terrorists or anyone else… it’s mostly Conservatives and Christians. Libs apparently can post what they like… as in calling Palin a whore or promoting a ‘Kill Zimmerman’ page, and it’s fine with FB. But let a Conservative list words and wham.. it’s ‘time out’ and you are given ‘punishment’ for the ‘so-called crime’ from the regime.
It appears, FB is a ‘brain washing training ground’ of sorts for Conservatives, Christians, Libertarians or anyone else who disagrees with the Obama agenda, to learn not to say anything that FB, an arm of the Obama regime, does not approve of. It’s Obama’s brainwashing and behavior modification school. Obama met with Zuckerberg, remember?
Is this, perhaps, what is happening at all media outlets and why we aren’t getting real news, but canned propaganda? Are real journalists being threaten with ‘time outs’, being fired and worse, while the liberal/progressive talking heads spew regime agenda and are on continually?
I listed all the slang names for races, and sexual preferences, I could think of… I wasn’t calling anyone these things. They were just words, one after another. I was just listing them and FB notified me that I was banned for 12 hours because of doing so. Where I posted these words was on the ‘Facebook Blackout page that is set for August 25 to stand for free speech and equality for Conservatives on FB.
Apparently, FB is patrolling and sending trolls to this page to catch anyone for saying anything for which ‘they think’ should be given a time out to try and slow down this project for freedom of speech. Because clearly FB only thinks free speech is for those who say what they want and believe as they want…. just like the Obama regime…
Persecuted for telling the truth.. and persecuted for saying ‘certain words’… that the Liberal/Progressives can say..
One ‘Facebook Blackout’ page administrator was given a 12 hour ban for telling a Lib that they were on FB only for attention. Seems Libs can say what they want then report to have banned anyone they choose for anything and FB follows suit.
FB is being run like a Communist country..where people are monitored and reported on.
Comrade, there are certain words that just may not be said by anyone, but the ruling regime. It’s a ‘word game’ and must be played according to the regime…Some words are good and some are bad… The regime can call you names, but you may not call them the same names. They make the rules…. you must follow or be punished…
So as I toddler might say… poopoo, peepee, dog poo, ca ca to FB and their gestapo-like monitoring….
Why doesn’t FB just come out and say that they are a site for Liberals, Progressives, Muslims and Terrorists?
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Watch out men… I’m exploding! Women, can you relate?
Many men are tiresome, insecure and soooo needy these days. Actually, I have never met one lately that wasn’t on some level. Maintaining a man’s ego can be like a full time job on many levels and ways…
They need to be reassured sexually, work wise, job wise, achievement wise, weight wise, fitness wise…that they did a good job, that you are satisfied…. on and on and on.
Did they touch you like you like it in bed? Was is ‘good’ for you? That is a question it seems every man asks… and women, of course, sigh ‘yes’… even if it wasn’t and they needed to fake an orgasm to get it over with…
Many men it seems need to have continual affirmation that they are ‘manly’, ‘good’ guys and the best at whatever they do, or try… even when they are anything, but…
A man’s ego.. it’s either in their pocket, or their pants… money, ‘power’, or sex…
Now, this is not always a bad thing… in that, the ‘best’ of men are successful in their choice of profession, adept as lovers… and have a degree of power in the world, or ‘in their’ world… in that, they are in control of the direction their life and it’s not in control of them…
But as I observe men recently, I believe their egos are more fragile than a woman’s…
Was it always this way? I don’t recall that it was so intensely so, until the last couple of years.. maybe always so… but just not so intensely so….
A man’s wife cheats on him or he’s rejected and it cuts them to their core and some men seem never to recover…
While most women emote and can get past it…
Men, it seems are the weaker of the sexes and it seems to only be getting worse…
So many ‘talk’ about sex and it’s such a turn off.. it’s almost like they think that if they ‘talk’ about it that it will happen. Well, guys NO!… Only losers ‘talk’ about sex in this manner…
Sensual and sexy men do not disrespect a woman in this way.
And the dweebs who ask, “Are you a good kisser? Do you like sex? Do you have orgasms?” Hey dummies, this is not something you ask…
You get close enough to kiss and find out… You get close enough and in a committed relationship then find out if she likes sex, etc…
You don’t ask, you invest the time and energy to find out…
And that’s another gripe … how come so many men have so little energy these days? They whine about their diets while they sport large bellies… and expect a woman to be fit and voluptuous…
Instead of getting better… many men seem to be falling down the worm hole to nothingness… Why?… I would like to hear both from men and women…
I can think of few men I admire these days. One I admire is Romney… and some others in the older generations…
If a man shows disrespect to women, is promiscuous, arrogant, etc., I have no admiration… or need for them, even to see them, hear them, or to be around them. And the ones who talk about sex all the time, like some needy penis and make flip remarks… such as, Bill Maher, in my opinion are rodents…
Even that Anthony Weinie is still being considered for anything… shows the state of men and our society today. Most of them are dang Weinies!
That’s my explosion for today!
Hey men! How about getting a clue and becoming ‘real men’!
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“We the people are the rightful masters…
of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution – but to overthrow the men who would pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
“In the first place, it is to be remembered, that the general government is not to be charged with the whole power of making and administering laws. Its jurisdiction is limited to certain enumerated objects, which concern all the members of the republic, but which are not to be attained by the separate provisions of any.” –James Madison, Federalist Paper XIV, 1787
“Hence as a private man has a right to say what wages he will give in his private affairs, so has a Community to determine what they will give and grant of their substance for the Administration of public affairs.” –Samuel Adams, A State of the Rights of the Colonists, 1772
“Democracy is worth dying for, because it’s the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man”.
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”
“How do you tell a communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”
“It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.”
“We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”
“We in government should learn to look at our country with the eyes of the entrepreneur, seeing possibilities where others see only problems.”
“The work of volunteer groups throughout our country represents the very heart and soul of America. They have helped make this the most compassionate, generous, and humane society that ever existed on the face of this earth.”
“The government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”
“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.'” Ronald ReaganObama thinks government control and intervention is the answer to everything.
Obama ignores the
Constitution and behaves as if he were King…
Obama left our men to die in Benghazi…
Obama lies, spins, blames and lies again.
Obama cover-ups…
Obama is a traitor to every American and to everything American.
“I have been to 57 states. I think I have one more to go.” Barrack Obama
This puppet man, Obama, running for President didn’t even know how many states are in America.
Actual quote from “Dreams from My Father” [pg. xv]: “When people who don’t know me well, black or white, discover my background (and it is usually a discovery, for I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of twelve or thirteen, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites), I see the split-second adjustments they have to make, the searching of my eyes for some telltale sign. They no longer know who I am. Privately, they guess at my troubled heart, I suppose – the mixed blood, the divided soul, the ghostly image of the tragic mulatto trapped between two worlds. And if I were to explain that no, the tragedy is not mine, or at least not mine alone, it is yours, sons and daughters of Plymouth Rock and Ellis Island, it is yours, children of Africa, it is the tragedy of both my wife’s six-year-old cousin and his white first grade classmates, so that you need not guess at what troubles me, it’s on the nightly news for all to see, and that if we could acknowledge at least that much then the tragic cycle begins to break down…well, I suspect that I sound incurably naive, wedded to lost hopes, like those Communists who peddle their newspapers on the fringes of various college towns. Or worse, I sound like I’m trying to hide from myself.?”
Obama is clearly a mixed-up man with mixed-up thinking who doesn’t know who he is. He associates with Radicals, Muslims and those who want to ‘change’ America from greatness to not much of anything.Obama can’t/doesn’t make a budget. He makes speeches and TV appearances, that is when he isn’t vacationing. He is a campaigner, a ‘community organizer’, a dictator. Obama is not an American President. Obama is not an American. He attended American schools on foreign scholarships.
Obama doesn’t have the character, background, education, experience, integrity, or mindset to be where he is. He’s never cut a paycheck, made a business profitable or fought in a war. He has lived off the government, has been supported or backed by those out to destroy our country for all of his life. How convoluted is it that he is now running our country… running it into the ground? Obama is not about America’s supremacy and that we lead the world. Obama is about America’s destruction.
What would our founding father’s have to say about Obama? They’d probably shout, Wake up America! This is what we warned you about and this is why we set up checks and balances in our govenmental system.
The Constitution was created to protect America from people like Obama. America is about freedom of choice. America is about ‘WE’ the people! America is not about governmental rule, dominate and control!
America we have a fox in the hen house. Obama is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
I have nothing to say today, but…
I see America going the way of all dictatorships…
And it sickens and disgusts me…
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Behind the mask …
People who cover their faces, aren’t they usually rapists, murders, thieves, and liars? Don’t they maim, threaten, rob, cause drama and trauma in the world of polite and peaceful people?
Don’t they oppress, suppress, repress, and restrict?
Don’t they take away freedom, implement control and harm?
Yes, that’s it!
A person wearing a mask, their message is loud and clear! Or why hide their face? There is no reason other than to hide their identity to better, fool, confuse, deceive and harm…
They are up to nothing good.
Why are we allowing this mask of evil into America? Why is it being allowed to spread its evil across the world and to infiltrate communities spreading their Halloween horror show of a perverted practice that does nothing but frighten, destroy, maim, torture, rape, and kill all that is good?