Overly sensitive, fragile, whiny, easily offended, weak…

Whitesummer5bullies. Why is it, if you mention fat, or obese, then overweight people come out to call you a hater or that you are judging them? If you talk about races, or cultures being different, or that you prefer one over another, or don’t like one at all, then someone comes out to point out that you are a racist, a hater, a bigot, judgmental, or unfair?

If a white person dislikes ‘any’ black person, by ‘some’ they are deemed a racist…

Years ago, I was on a first date with a man who told me that he was only attracted to tall blonds and that even though he thought I was pretty that he wasn’t attracted. I shrugged it off. I am a petite brunette and I like who I am. So if he wasn’t attracted to me, so what?!

Should I have called him a brunette hater, or perhaps, a petite person hater? Should I have been offended and tell him that he was ‘judging’ me based on my hair color? HAHA!

Of course not. He was entitled to like what he liked and to state it.  It didn’t bother me at all. There are others that are attracted to petite brunettes…

I have been called all sorts of names in my life… I have been called old, fat, snobby,  a hag, a skinny white bitch, so on and so forth and have been made fun of and have been hated by the very people who call everyone haters..the love love love liberals…HAHA!

So, get my point? Why is it today that we can’t state what we like, or don’t like without being called a hater, or that we are judgmental… and the list goes on…bigot, racist…Blah Blah! Whine! Whine!  Why are we expected to like everyone… even those that we don’t?…

Some white people I like, some I don’t… some black people I like and others not so much…some people I find attractive and others not so much and on and on…. AND SO WHAT?

What has turned so many into easily offended, whine babies…so insecure in themselves and who they are that they can’t handle anything that doesn’t agree with them, or who they are?

It’s almost as if we can’t talk, state our thoughts, have opinions, even have our individual likes, or dislikes around some… and these ‘some’ are ‘usually’ liberals…America’s professional victims

But Obama the liberal, progressive, marxist, socialist, communist, Muslim, bully-in-chief, bullies the rich and anyone who doesn’t agree with his warped ideas. He puts America, our whole country, down in the blink of an eye, or his radical, socialist ideology… then if someone doesn’t like this traitorous man… they are often called racist. Obama is American’s first victim president. What a loser he is. What an obvious manipulative, double-talking, circle-talking slime…

And do you ‘really think’ this lying, traitor to America cares what I call him? Nope! He is too busy with his agenda of destroying America…and turning everyone into whiny victims like he is. This is the only way this loser knows how to be a ‘success’. Although all he really is, is a puppet to those who know how to pull his strings… they manipulate this victim/bully of a man teaching and encouraging him to manipulate the masses for their gain…

The very ones who claim some as bullies and who they call names are actually the ones doing most of the bullying and name calling…they are pulling the strings of America… and it is time for it to stop!

It is a manipulative,  victim tool… and I am sick of it! SICK OF IT!

Grow up and accept who you are and stop being so easily offended… you fat, black, tall, Mexican, short, whiny, obese, foreign, overly thin, illegal, blond, brunette, retard, blond, creepy, stupid, rich, poor, ugly, beautiful, immature, uneducated, old, too young, snobby, red-headed, druggie, alcoholic, bald, fag, hairy, stupid, ignorant, etc. bully people…

And if you are offended by this article. It’s your issue and problem. Get over yourself! Make peace with yourself and who you are. See who you are, accept who you are, or change who you are and when you do, you won’t be offended by what others like, or don’t like. Stop using this weak manipulative tool…

STOP blaming others for who you are or who you aren’t … you weak, sniveling, whiny baby!

All this politically correct BS is being used to control and to manipulate everyone and it’s the weak who are falling for it.

Like who you are or SHUT UP about it!!! Because no one likes everyone … and not everyone likes you, or me…GET IT! And so what!!!

(and I am not advocating bullying, but some of it is just a part of life, some of it just makes you stronger and some of it should just roll off your back)
Also, to take the N word out of classic literature, that is a part of our history… is just plain ignorant…

Okay now, call me what you want for writing this….

When everyone wins, everyone loses…

???????????????????????????????We are not all ‘equal’ and we can’t all be the same and we can’t all win… this is a complete fallacy… a LIE!

A lie that is being sold to the masses and unfortunately, they are buying it. And it is destroying natural competitive instincts and turning people into lazy, jealous, envious losers and drones… “I want me some a dat.” “Give me some a dat.”  “If you have it, I want it, too.” are some of the worst comments, I have ever heard…

Some people think that they can do nothing, strive for nothing, have no standards of behavior, have no accountability, morals, values, or responsibility along with no self-awareness. Competition is within yourself. It’s to see how you can grow, refine, work on, strive to be, the best ‘you’, that you can be. Some think that the end results are what’s important. That the end justifies the means, instead of the striving, the quest, the challenges, the sacrifice, and the character that it takes to get there. You may, or may not win, but it’s worth the effort because the effort creates who you are.  The effort is what creates character… and character is what really matters…

If everyone gets a trophy … why try…?

When I was a young Girl Scout, selling cookies, a prize of a Teddy Bear was set for the one who sold the most boxes. I decided that I wanted to be that one. So, I took my little red wagon near and far and worked hard, really hard, selling cookies, in order, to achieve that goal and to win the prize. Now, I didn’t really want, or need another Teddy Bear. I had many. But the achievement of being the top seller in my Troop and being designated as such, then called up and handed the award of a Teddy Bear, gave me the motivation to work hard and to try and be the winner. And when I was the winner I was full of pride and it showed me that if I worked at something, I could succeed. I could be first… a winner!

Now, if everyone received a Teddy Bear just for trying, or the not trying… I wouldn’t have put as much effort into the selling. And our Troop wouldn’t have made as much money, or been as successful. If everyone got a Teddy Bear, just for showing up, fewer cookies would have been sold and the Troop goals would not have been met.

If everyone got a Teddy Bear… the motivation to achieve would be diminished, if not eradicated.  And if the Troop leader had told me to give my award to someone who didn’t work as hard, or work at all, I would’ve been upset, frustrated, broken-hearted and angry and certainly de-motivated.©Everett Collection

Remember the movie, THE BAD SEED? The little girl killed one of her classmates who was awarded a penmanship medal, because she ‘thought’ that she ‘deserved’ it and not the little boy who ‘won’ it. This is what, we as a country are turning into, a bunch of bad seeds…spoiled, envious, bratty bad seeds. 

I want it because I want it, not because I deserve it, or worked for it…but because I just want it!

It takes those who work, those with the talent, with the focus, the trying, the persistence, and the effort to raise up and achieve and they are not ‘equal’ with those who don’t try, don’t have the talent and can’t succeed. Those who don’t, or can’t rise to the occasion and win, should not receive a trophy. And if you try and don’t win then let it serve to motivate you to try again and to strive and to work harder.

To think that everyone should win a prize, creates de-motivation and is destructive for everyone. It is socialism, communism… and the only ‘winners’ are the ones who ‘temporarily’ rule over the dummies who are buying into it. As this kind of practice never lasts. It is a system that falls in on itself… always has and always will…

Socialism and Communism destroy motivation and destroys a country…
Why can’t everyone get and see this? Why are so many following something that will lead to mediocre living, if not worse?

Everyone can’t win. Everyone isn’t a winner. We are individual, unique in our talents, our abilities and our individual circumstances and they are ours to maneuver, develop and to learn from. We are all different and our ‘equality’ is the ‘opportunity’ to try… and in the trying is where the winning occurs…

When morals and standards, efforts, striving, competition, and pursuing achievement and excellence go, we all lose…

Whatever your focus, it is what’s bothering you…

???????????????????????????????If something is weighing on your mind, you can’t stop thinking about it and it rears its head in your focus…it’s what you need to look at, fix, repair, take care of, do, or learn about, or from… in order, for it to not be your focus…

If something doesn’t bother you, it’s not on your radar …and probably is pretty much working in your life just fine…

Example: If you have a pain in your neck, all you do is think of the pain and your neck…When the pain is gone, your neck doesn’t even cross your mind…

So, think about where, and what your focus is on…because that’s your issue or focus…. look at it, examine it, analyze it, if need be, and try your best to work on it, or to correct it..

HAHAHA!… then you can be open to go onto another issue that is bothering you… That’s life! Huh?

Example: My closet was bugging me. Each time, I walked in it… I thought, I need to clean it and clean it out. I need to. I need to get this done. Finally, yesterday, I spent hours doing just that…  and I felt so good having done it. But now, my drawers are bothering me and are on my mind… I need to clean them all out…

Make sense or not?… Ever felt this way, or had this happen?

So think about it, where’s your focus? What do you need to do, take care of, correct, work on… fix, etc?… Do it … so you can be open for more, to going on, going forward…

What makes some women…

not care and others care so much? What makes one woman put effort into her health and appearance and another let herself go?

Is it energy, self-esteem, pride, habits, self-awareness, education, common sense, body-awareness, healthy narcissism, psychological make-up, genetics, mental health, a bit of it all, or what…?
Because you can have a woman with lovely features, physical health and bone structure, let herself go, and become a fat slob with no style, no muscle tone and rapidly declining health…
Then you can have an ordinary-looking woman, take good care of her appearance and she looks and feels great…and becomes almost like a ‘movie star’.
‘They’ say it’s genetics, until you are in your thirties and after that, it’s personal choice and lifestyle. I agree. Health and habits make such a difference in appearance especially as we age. 

Everyday, we make choices, about what we put into our bodies and our minds, whether we exercise, or don’t, what we wear, and if we maintain our hair, teeth, and skin health, etc.

So, what makes one woman want to look her best, while another lets herself go? What makes one woman get up off the sofa and workout and another sit there stuffing cheetoes into her mouth? When, if there is balance, you can do both.

It’s what you do everyday, not what you do once in awhile that creates who you are on most all levels. 

Is it her sexual energy, that almost ‘mystical feminine energy’ thatWH_fat_girls.jpg image by piernick manifests into enjoying being a woman and all it entails? Is it that she likes being a woman, or that she doesn’t? Because maintaining your appearance definitely has a feminine and sexual component to it…don’t you think?

I find that most women who care about themselves, their body and their appearance care about many things and also care about the well-being of others and their community…

Now, sure a person can go overboard about their appearance… because it is truly and ultimately the ‘inner essence’ that shines through .. but isn’t a ‘healthy inner essence’, one that will care well for their outer appearance?

After all, your hair is just a frame for your face, either complimentary or not…then there’s also the element of taste and style in all you do and put on and in your body. Some women destroy their looks with addictions, liquor, drugs, starving themselves, eating disorders, etc..
So, what makes that difference that one woman cares and does all she can to make the best of what she has and who she is, with the energy and common sense to put into it, while another does nothing, or even sabotages her health and appearance???…

To be a girlie-girl is…

fun, costly and time-consuming. My definition of a girlie-girl is a female who enjoys being a girl and all it entails. There’s workouts, make-up, hair and beauty treatments of all sorts and varieties…

One of my fav facials is Derma Culture… it was recently featured on the ‘Housewives of Beverly Hills’.  It’s steam, vacuum, special ionization fluid, then under the mask, hooked to electrodes… and all this stimulates and cleanses to give skin a healthy glow. I have gone to Peggy on Forest Lane in Dallas for about 20 years. Before that I went to Derma-Culture in another town for years… this system works and their products are fab! It’s great for healing breakouts to getting your glow on getting ready for a special event. I have a friend who was engaged to a pilot and on the days when he came home, she would have one of these facials to give a boost to her ‘in love glow’. They have been married now for years…Give Peggy a call, to give it a try…972-243-3901 and mention me if you do…

Next, we have hair, we color it, highlight it, trim, grow, perm and press it… Fannie Turner, stylist at Seven Salon, at Park and Preston in Plano…817.378.6729…
She will listen to your individual needs and desires, then execute them with care and expertise…I am picky, picky about my hair. So, you know, if I recommend her, she is worth a try. And on ‘black Friday’ the day after TG, she is offering services discounted at 50%. Can’t beat that! So, local ladies and gentlemen, shop, and then go be pampered. And if you say WomenExplode, Fannie will give you 10% off every visit for the next three months, that’s Nov 25 thru Feb 25th. Great idea for gift giving…

Then of course, women, like ‘us’, workout, watch what we eat (well, most of the time) because we want to look good, feel good and maintain our health and have our bodies running at optimum level… even when we don’t ‘feel’ like it, we push ourselves to stretch and to get our cardio up to keep our bodies running well. There are all sorts of workouts and I have done them all. I workout at least three times a week…Try Reanee Spratt’s yoga and stretch classes at Move Studio, Campbell and Preston in Dallas, 972.732.0206

And after your workout, or on a day that you want to relax and be pampered … try Jennifer Henderson at Stonebriar Spa… Legacy and 121 in Frisco..972.668.6108. I have been a guest for years and enjoy the deep tissue massage followed by a salt scrub. Afterwards, you will sleep like a baby and all girlie-girls know how important sleep is for our overall health and to keep us looking and feeling our best…..also makes for great gift certificates and stocking stuffers…  

So men, if you are ‘fortunate’ enough to have a lady who takes good care of herself, appreciate her efforts for doing so. You might want to tell her she is lovely, beautiful and the best thing that ever happened to your life, bring her flowers, take her to lunch, take her to dinner, if local, a good place is Cadot at Frankford and Preston 972.267.5700…and if you say WomenExplode and you will receive a complimentary glass of champagne and a tasty choice is to accompany it with a Grande Marnier souffle…

But just when a girlie-girl thinks she’s done, she decides that she needs more highlights…Check out, The Color Studio, at Preston and Campbell in Dallas for those ’emergency’ highlights…972.931.2220 along with many other services… 
I have been a client there for over 20 years and where I go for manicures and pedicures and have always felt pampered.
It may seem, at times, unrelenting and on going and it is..that quest for her ‘perfect girlie-girl look’..as she changes her mind… long or short, dark or lighter, layered, or blunt cut…

But men, count your blessings…because if you walk around a mall, or visit the ‘dreaded’ discount stores, you will view many, many women who must not give a care about how they look. Would you rather have that beside you, or a girlie-girl?

Think about it and if you are fortunate enough to have a girlie-girl, appreciate what you have on your arm… and the effort and energy ‘certain’ women put into looking and feeling great! 
Let’s hear it for the girlie-girls!…

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Brainwashed Liberals, OWS, MSM, Obama followers…

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:
The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay $1. The sixth would pay $3. The seventh would pay $7. The eighth would pay $12. The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.
So, that’s what they decided to do. The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. “Since you are all such good customers”, he said, “I’m going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20”. Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.
The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. But what about the other six men – the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his “fair share?”
They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody’s share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man’s bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.
And so:
The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).
Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings. “I only got a dollar out of the $20,” declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man, “but he got $10!” “Yeah, that’s right,” exclaimed the fifth man. “I only saved a dollar, too. It’s unfair that he got ten times more than I!” “That’s true!” shouted the seventh man. “Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!” “Wait a minute,” yelled the first four men in unison. “We didn’t get anything at al!. The system exploits the poor!” The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.
The next night the tenth man didn’t show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn’t have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!

Anyone who falls for this is STUPID!…
Because this, boys and girls, MSM, Liberals, OWS, Obamanuts, and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

The obvious ‘should’ be obvious.. but the stupid and brainwashed can’t see or get it… this is how countries are taken down and destroyed…

“The trouble with socialism is you run out of other people’s money.” Margaret Thatcher
And soon no one is drinking beer or having any fun at all! Except the Dictator and his ilk. So ‘occupiers’ you are being played for fools…
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends. – Japanese Proverb (or those he chooses to give positions in his cabinet, or appoint as czars.)

Not a Conspiracy — An Agenda!…

Al Lee — Texas Congressional Candidate…

I got to watch the movie, “Agenda”, yesterday. It was presented by the Frisco tea Party. I promised Ann, I would write my thoughts down and share. Here goes:

No horror film could be as scary as the real life story of what is happening in our world today. Communism is thought to be dead by many people because of the fall of the Soviet Union. Not so! It lives on and thrives. It does not usually call itself by that name any longer, it is called Environmentalism, Progressivism, or Liberalism. I wish every American would watch this 90-minute documentary. It is well-done, chock-full of relevant information, and very compelling.

Man! America needs to wake up. I know that millions of us have come awake in the past few years and have formed Tea Party or Grassroots or Patriots groups–but it is not enough. We need more people to wake up and those of us who are awake need to start acting effectively, not just chatting about the situation. We are at war with an enemy that is coming from within. It is a cancer that has spread throughout all our vital organs and we have very, very little time left to stop it from destroying us completely.

One chilling point they made in the movie is that when/if America falls, it does not just mean that our children and grandchildren will live in a miserable world, it will mean that their children for many, many generations will live like that because there is no opposing force on earth to undo the damage. America has always been that force that could provide a beacon of hope for oppressed people. America will be GONE!

At the end of the movie, Rafael Cruz, Ted’s father (Ted Cruz, Senatorial Candidate) and a new friend of mine because we meet at so many conservative functions and events, spoke of how what is happening in America mirrors what happened in his old country, Cuba. He told us how shocked he was at the speed at which Communism took over his country and at the misery and devastation it wrought. He pointed out that we have now got just five (5) months before the primary elections and that if we fail to elect real conservatives, not just republicans; but REAL CONSERVATIVES, we will have virtually no hope that America will stop the descent into Communism.

The fundamental strategy by which Communism plans to take down America is to undermine all of our traditions, values, and morality, thus weakening us spiritually so that we are unable to resist. Christianity and its values and morals are the main obstacle to Communism.

Communism has been implementing its strategy in America since at least the 1930’s–they are patient because they believe they will eventually win. Evidence shows that they will be right unless we can stop them NOW.

They intend to instill loyalty to the State to replace loyalty to God, parents, or family. The State consists of a ruling class that has absolute power over life and death of the subjects.

Regarding our speaking up and acting now, they quoted Abraham Lincoln as saying: “To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.”

Christianity is the ONLY religion that elevates the value of the individual. That is an obstacle to Communism which seeks to value The State above The Individual. That is why Liberals are opposed to religion–but only to one religion, Christianity. They do not object to Islam, Buddhism, or any other.

In some public schools already they are reciting the World Pledge instead of the Pledge of Allegiance to the America Flag.

The goal of Communism is not only to create a desire for a Communist State; but to create a dependency on The State. This is done by corrupting our education system as well as our churches and all other institutions that people could turn to.

There is more–so much more! I bought a copy of the movie and intend to show it, or at least portions of it (the movie is 90-minutes long) at campaign events in the near future. I will try to get a link to put on my campaign website so people can order the movie on DVD.
http://www.alleeforcongress.com )

To call all this a conspiracy would be an error. A conspiracy is done in secret. All of this was done in full view. They published books on their strategy to destroy America. They have an Agenda that they have followed for decades.

All I can say it that if all you are doing is forwarding emails, don’t stop doing that; but please find ways to do more. We are reaching the end game in this chess match with Communism and we can not afford to lose.

[email protected]
click here to go to website or contribute

Thank you, Al for sharing this important and urgent information.
For more info …

Being American!

???????????????????????????????Recently, I was in a conversation about illegals, immigration and what it means to be an American with a Russian lady who came to America about 20 years ago and a Hispanic man.

Anna: I am from Russia, but as soon as I could, after coming to America, I went through classes and became a citizen. I refer to myself as an American, not a Russian-American. I know where I came from and who I am, and I know where and who I am now and I am an American citizen.

Ann: You sound proud.

Anna: I am!

Jose: Me too. I am an American, not a Hispanic-American. I was born here. I don’t understand this African-American, Arab-American, Asian-American, and so on, all these hyphenated American identities. You are either an American or not.

Ann: I agree and it is so great to hear you saying this. Why do you think so many need to combine?

Anna: They don’t know who they are? And I think it’s stupid. And illegals make me sick. America needs to close their borders and send illegals back to where they came from.

Jose: I agree. Either you are here legally and you are an American, or you are something else and need to leave.

Anna: I am proud to call myself an American. It worries me to see what Obama is trying to do. It reminds me of Russia. It reminds me of what I left and believe me, America won’t like it, or be happy if it happens here.

Ann: I am English, Welsh, Scotch and Irish… I don’t call myself an English-American, or a Welsh-American. So, why do so many find that they need to do this and make such a big deal of it? Ummm…I wonder did it start with ‘Roots’, that book by Alex Haley that became a TV mini-series? It seems that after that TV show is the first, I recall such an emphasis on being called ‘African-American’. As if you didn’t refer to them in this manner, they became insulted.

Jose: Yes,could be and I remember that show. But it’s also liberal propaganda and individual insecurity and to try and feel different, when in the same breath, they are trying to say that we are all the same. Here they go and define themselves something other than, or trying to be more than, being an American. When being an American is the best thing that there is, or could ever be. If you live in America and are a citizen you are an American… period!

Ann: Great way to put it.

Anna: When you know your roots, you can become a real American and incorporate yourself into the best country that there is. You don’t need to lose your nationality, but become an American if you live here. We don’t want America to change.

Something to think about. When did this hyphenating American with other nationalities and countries start? I have always found it a bit offensive. How do you feel about it?

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A Woman’s Poem:

     ???????????????????????????????  Before I lay me down to sleep,

I pray for a man who’s not a creep,

One who’s handsome, smart and strong.

One who loves to listen long,

One who thinks before he speaks,

One who’ll call, not wait for weeks.

I pray he’s rich and self-employed,
And when I spend, won’t be annoyed.

Will pull out my chair and hold my hand.

Massage my feet and help me stand,

Oh, send a king to make me queen

A man who loves to cook and clean.

I pray this man will love no other.

And will relish visits with my mother.

A MAN’S POEM: I pray for a deaf-mute gymnast nymphomaniac with big tits who owns a bar on a golf course and loves to send me fishing and drinking. And if this doesn’t rhyme, I don’t give a shit.

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