Men need women to be women…the psychology of cheating…

Blackwhite29Women need men to be men…

Clearly there’s a level of psychology ‘driving’ cheating that needs some deep understanding.

As far as the men who can’t stay faithful… There are many reasons. There are the men who never ‘got’ women when they were young, then built up a complex, almost ‘hating’ women for the ‘power’ they have over them because they could never have them. These types of men are emotional and often have an ‘active fantasy life’, and because those early fantasies never came to be, they ‘resent’ women. Then they grow up and become a bit more confident, or attractive, accomplished, or successful with lots of money and they have no problem getting women, but their resentment and youthful insecurity about women is still there. These ‘creative fantasy types’ can’t stay faithful because, deep down, they can’t stand that women still control them and they ‘resent’ that they even have such a strong ‘desire’ for women. They hate what they ‘love’ and ‘desire’.So, they cheat, lie, get with lots of women, and often try to control or manipulate them.
Then there are men who simply love sex with lots of women, can’t get enough, have active libidos. This comes from hormones raging in their bodies, an urge to procreate. They ‘think’ it is their right and they exhibit no control.  And usually these types of men go for women who are easy to get and want ‘uncomplicated’ relationships, too. They don’t want to deal with emotions as they haven’t the emotional intellect to do so.  Males have been given this sense of entitlement that this kind of behavior is due them…
As for the women who cheat… I think some are tired of being used by men and have decided to use them back. They are tired of the ‘entitlement of men’, in this regard, so … are taking that entitlement for themselves. Some women have been damaged, can’t love and commit, so are going for the ‘excitement’ and ‘temporary escape’ like many emotionally damaged men do. This seems the better choice rather than sitting there being the one cheated on. So, these women have flipped the game.

Also, I have noticed that many men these days, maybe, always were, are so needy. Many are looking for a ‘mother’, instead of being a grown man. This kind of a man exhausts and continually leans on a woman and she will soon start looking away from and past him. A woman and certainly an emotionally healthy one, requires emotional fulfillment and a boy/man can’t provide this, as he is too needy himself.

Whiny, baby men are nauseating to be around and whiny, needy men seem to be around more and more these days. Is this the effect of mothers being career women, with children left in need of mothering? Little boys aren’t feeling nurtured as children, so they grow up looking for it in every woman that they meet.

Women, even though some these days are behaving like men, still have the innate desire that a man be a man.

There are Internet sites that promote cheating and that put down marriage and commitment in their advertising…They promote that it’s only the “whimps” who get married and, or commit.

When it’s actually the opposite… It takes a secure individual to commit and stay committed. It’s the insecure, lost and searching who go from one conquest to another and who can’t commit to anyone including themselves. They are so lost and insecure that they ‘think’ there is always someone else who will make them feel better about themselves just around the corner. It is always about ‘them’ and how they ‘feel’ in the moment and not the other person. Therefore, no one is really ‘satisfied’ for long.

It’s in a committed relationship, where we really learn who we are in relation to another. We learn to put someone else first and to care about their happiness and welfare, instead of always focusing on ourselves. In any relationship, there is excitement and happiness in the beginning. It’s when ‘reality’ appears that we learn who we are. This helps create and define our character… But when reality sets in and the excitement diminishes, is when the lost, insecure and searching, exit, and are off to find the next excitement that will take them out of themselves… and into fantasy and escape.

For men, women very well may be the ‘magic elixir’ that makes his life worth living, but not if he cheats on her… because any self-respecting woman will shut down and close off her magic. If a woman is emotionally healthy, her sexuality is a deep part of her core… and this is what men are after… if a woman diminishes, or compromises her sexuality … she diminishes the essence of herself to herself.

What is going on in our society that love and commitment are getting such a beating? Why are so many lost, searching and addicted to the pursuit, instead of the reality of love, stability, intimacy, emotional growth and enduring love?

Why are there so many emotional whimps? Even after all the relationship, self-help books, the psychologist, ‘expert’  talk show onslaught …that men must get in touch with their emotional side and that women can take care of and support herself… that no one ‘should’ have any needs and that as a woman to desire to be taken care of and nurtured and as a man to be the provider of these things is not good. That we have gotten further away from love, intimacy, commitment and now are taking it all down to having ‘sex’…which is shallow, lacking, empty and worth nothing, but momentary release…So in essence women are becoming men and men are becoming women and it is worst than it ever was… Gender confusion all around…

Many women are getting tired of ‘being men’. Many men aren’t men any longer…. and men are complaining that they want a feminine woman… because so many women have lost the art of being a real woman….

It’s the nature of a male to be the provider, the protector and the leader.. and it’s the nature of the female to be the emotional, intuitor, the nester, the anchor in the relationship.. A male provides the space for the female to blossom.. this is the recipe for fulfillment… in this, there is balance…

So, what as a society have we done to ourselves? Male/female seems to be more confused than ever, less happy and less content with many left longing …

Because, we have and are creating an unnatural imbalance….

The sexes are different for a reason… if we try to make them the same… what we are getting is dissatisfaction in everyone and this is creating more cheating…the looking and yearning for what is found only in relationship with knowing self and ultimately that with the opposite sex.. 
Men need women to be women and women need men to be men….

What are your thoughts?…

Blown away by the way ‘some’ men…

Blackwhite24talk to a woman…
Okay… what would you think and do if a man solicited your attention repeatedly to offer his services in a business interaction. And finally, you respond because you ‘think’ that you ‘might’ have an interest in his service. It’s what he is offering you, you did not contact him. He sends you his resume and some samples of his work which appear fine.  

The first conversation with him is informative and interesting. But in the next phone conversation, he makes continual references to your body as being voluptuous. It could ‘sort of’ be excused, in that, you are talking about a character in a book. But he says your body is ‘voluptuous’ about six times and he asks personal questions. (red flags) And then in the next email, he writes that for his ‘pay’, he asks only that you marry him and never leave him… he also writes that you are beautiful and have a certain glow about you…

He also writes in an email that he showed your photo to a kid that lives above him and this kid said that you are ‘hot’.

You write back that this is sweet, but you are only interested in the  business project…besides, why would he show your photo to

His reply. “Dear, don’t nag.”

Your reply. “Excuse me?”

His reply. “Excuse you? Why, did you burp?”

Having experienced quite enough, you write back that you are not interested in any association with him and that you don’t appreciate him continually referring to your body.

Indignant, defensive and patronizingly, he replies that he was only being friendly. That you are being arrogant and you need to get over yourself because you are not all that attractive… and that ‘you’ need to apologize to ‘him’…because he was only sharing a ‘story’ about the kid, and that you are being too sensitive. And that you shouldn’t kick a ‘gift horse’ in the mouth.

HA!… soooo…Whew!  Yes… this happened to me and this from a man who has commented repeatedly for months that he enjoys my writing, agrees with me and my site. So, he ‘should’ know what I am about, or he ‘thought’ he did, or he doesn’t know how to conduct business, or he is a stupid oaf, because, if this had occurred in an actual place of business, his words would be considered sexual harassment.

So, over the Internet in a ‘business’ interaction this man disrespects me, comes onto me and when I call him out on it, instead of apologizing… he ‘tries’ to point the finger at me, put me down and patronize me. And he was the one continually talking about my appearance not me…

Also, when he first talked about my body, of course, I was offended, but I let it slide to gather more info, since I am becoming more aware everyday that ‘many’ men are ‘completely ignorant’ about how to talk and interact with a woman. Some seem to think that saying things like this man said to me are ‘compliments’. But what it does is to make a woman feel objectified and this is insulting on every level. Was that his intention? To pull some kind of ‘male dominance.’

Do men these days, because of movies and the way, in some cases, we see women being portrayed and disrespected and the way many women disrespect themselves, ‘think’ that they can interact in this manner?

I have never seen anything like what I am seeing today…sure there have always been the jerks and always will be. But the lack of manners, juvenile behavior, low respect level, and ignorance of ‘some’ men these days, goes beyond the pale… and it blows me away in shame for them. Are they so insecure and needy that they will take any and every opportunity to objectify, try to stick it to and take a woman down to their lowly level?

What do you think? Do you agree or not? And what would you have thought and what would you have done?

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Socialists cry “Power to the people”…

and raise their clenched fist as they say it. We all know what they ‘really’ mean—power over people, power to the State.”
Margaret Thatcher

Prime Minister Thatcher also said, “…and Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. Socialists always run out of other people’s money. It’s quite a characteristic of them.” 

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don’t need it and hell where they already have it.” — Ronald Reagan“Government’s first duty is to protect the people, not to run their lives.”Ronald Reagan

Quotes from two wise, common sense people…

Perfect quote for the Obama Regime…

BOAnd ‘some’ other politicians, media, public persona, used car salemen, cons, global warming advocates, actors, playboys, progessives and those trying to sell swamp land, etc….

“Sincerity is everything, once you learn to fake that, you have it made.”

Good one, huh? Can you think of other quotes that apply?

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What a man really craves…

???????????????????????????????is EMOTION. Emotion that he can’t find in himself. Emotion that will make him feel like a whole man… a fulfilled man…a complete man…

A man may talk about what he ‘thinks’ of as “drama” in a woman — but emotion is something completely and entirely different than drama.

Emotion, ‘expressing emotion’, is the missing piece for a man. And many tie this craving and need to sex… because sex ‘temporarily’ helps ‘some’ men to ‘feel’. It’s allows him to lose himself…And sure some emotionally dead/damaged men and women can have sex without feelings, emotions, or much anything else… other than temporary escape.

But what they are really looking for is to feelto feel emotion… to experience those intense feelings that fill you up with emotion…glorious emotion. But it isn’t sex that does it… it’s the feelings, the emotions connected to the heart through sex that ‘can’ do it… And when you are in love, it can be emotionally bonding, otherwise…not so much.

When a man exclaims, ‘I had the most incredible evening with a woman’. He is ‘usually’ talking about having what ‘he considers’ great sex… and, or that the woman ‘touched his emotions’ That place in him that feels… and transcends himself… that makes him feel like more of a manmore whole and complete and in touch with his heart and soul…

Sex is a part of it, can be a part … but it is ‘only’ a part…

Some men, think it’s all sex and so do some women, especially, these days, when ‘some’ women are ‘acting’ and ‘behaving’ like men…and it’s allowing for no one being really ‘connected’ to anyone…including a connection to themselves… so the emotional connection to self and others is being further diminished… and there are more lost and desperate people roaming around looking for a place to connect. Hence all the ‘sexual promiscuity’ and ridiculous emphasis on sex when it is premature to the nature of the relationship or interaction. The needy and emotionally stunted put sex first before any connection because they are unable to make a deep, real connection…They can’t connect through real emotion so they connect by sex.

Males are looking to get out of their heads, into their hearts, bodies and into the emotion that they crave…

Emotion is what connects… the sharing of emotion and most women have it innately, unless they ignore, deny it, or have been damaged in some way.

The emotional connection is what a man craves…

Do you agree?…

Explosion concerning scents, smells and perfumes…

Recently, I’ve exited several places because of someone’s perfumery…

In a full theater, we’re munching popcorn, enjoying ourselves and  just as the movie begins, a woman sits in front of us and as soon as she does her perfume permeates heavily in the air. Several people begin coughing and looking in her direction.

I begin to feel as if I can’t breathe. I hope the smell will soon dissipate, but it doesn’t. My eyes begin to sting and I begin to feel dizzy. We get up and leave, as do several others, in close proximity to this overly-‘perfumed’ woman.  We toss our snacks into the trash. Get a pass from the theater to come back at a later date, then rush out to sit in the fresh air. It takes me almost an hour to get the pungent perfumery chemicals completely out of my system.

A few days earlier, we were in a restaurant enjoying our meal and a group enters, sits at the next table and the chemical perfumery overwhelms all those nearby. We leave as do others. 
What is wrong with people who douse themselves in these chemicals? Can’t they smell? Are they covering up ‘something’ and what is it? Body odor? Didn’t anyone teach them how to apply?  

Nothing smells better than a clean body… even a clean healthy perspiring body smells good and certainly better than acidity, pungent chemical odors. Have you ever worked out near someone who is wearing lots of cologne who begins to perspire? P-EEE-UU! Oh my gosh! Stinky to the max!

So, what is the deal with all these people who soak themselves in these gaggy chemical odors?   

Perfume reached its peak in England during the reigns of Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I. All public places were scented during Queen Elizabeth’s rule, since she could not tolerate bad smells. It was said that the sharpness of her nose was equaled only by the slyness of her tongue. Ladies of the day took great pride in creating delightful fragrances and they displayed their skill in mixing scents. In those days, there was stench to cover up. People didn’t bathe as we do now and there was stench in the streets.

Today we have soap and water and nothing smells better than a freshly bathed body. The French have a saying, ‘the body has a natural colette (I think I spelled it correctly.. I had years of French, but) that is sensual and enticing’. So, why douse chemicals all over it?

As with any industry, perfume under went a profound change in the19th century. Changing tastes and the development of modern chemistry laid the foundations of perfumery as we know it. Alchemy gave way to chemistry and new fragrances were created.

At one time, I enjoyed the classic fragrances such as Chanel… But to me, the fragrances seems to be getting worse and more intense, instead of better. 

And those plug in air fresheners, in my opinion, are vile.. and also have been proven to be carcinogenic. Also, scented candles can be toxic, cause allergies and aggravate asthma.

Sooo why do some people continually ‘over do’ on these fakey, stinky fragrances? What are people trying to cover up? Why don’t they want to smell like themselves? 

I can’t imagine anything worse than snuggling up to a body doused in chemicals.
After all, the scent of our loved ones is apart of the attraction and allure.. so why cover it up with chemical junk that is continually marketed to us…?

What’s your opinion concerning this smell, odor, perfume topic?

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Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness…

What ???????????????????????????????does this statement mean to you?

So often when a person is kind, many will ‘assume’ that they can be taken advantage of, or that they are a pushover… Why do you suppose that is?

I have had this happen to me many times in my life… and when I realize and see what their angle is … They soon realize that my kindness does not mean weakness, or that I am a pushover…

Predators, cons, shifty, playboy, playgirl, manipulator, social climber types… attract into kind people and try to play on their good hearts…. They see, or ‘even search out’ someone kind and ‘presume’ that they can manipulate and control them for their benefit… while often doing much harm to the person of kindness…

As we become more aware of this and as our world gets less kind… is this, perhaps, creating an environment where the truly kind-hearted hide their light to try and avoid the dark?

I know that I have become more cautious, less open, guarded,… I want to see who a person is, before I interact ‘too much’. I only want kind, moral, high-valued people in my inner circle who ‘value’ and ‘appreciate’ me for the kind person that I am and who realize that kindness is not weakness, but is a kind of true deep strength.

But there are some who feign ‘kindness’ only to suck people in…

What do you think?…

What is it that you do that is a bit decadently crazy weird?…

 ???????????????????????????????Me?… Well, when I have an iced, ‘glazed’ donut, or sweet roll craving which is rare, but when it does occur, it can be quite intense….

I will lick, or bite the glazed icing off  munching just the crusty cake part that is closest to the icing then toss the rest away…

There is something about the fried taste with the sweet sugary glaze that just calls my name about once a year…

And when it does, I do it over and over again… eat and lick, eat and lick… doing this ‘satisfies’ me without all that dough stuff filling me up …

Donut holes are my best choice, less dough, don’t you know…

So, what is it that you do? It doesn’t have to be about food…. just about ‘whatever’, or anything…

We all have strange, ‘weird’ even a bit ‘crazy’ little things that we do. That well, ‘maybe’, we don’t really want others to be ‘privy’ too… and we ‘certainly’ do them in private…

I certainly wouldn’t do this lick, munch and throw away donut thingy in front of anyone….

Soooo what’s yours? We won’t tell anyone. Really, we won’t!!!
And don’t tell anyone about my donut glazed icing fetish… Ok? Okay!!!

So tell us … Tell! Tell! Tell!… and you don’t have to use your ‘real’ name…

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‘He’ mocks the Bible, Jesus Christ and Christianity…

Oprah's Hawaiian CeremonyHe is where he is in part because Oprah had him on her show to ‘promote’ his book then ‘suggested’ that he ‘run for president’… because he was ‘the one’. ‘Her show’ that panders to, mocks, insults, talks down to and exploits America, Christianity, whites and everything American for her profit.

Obama and Oprah attended Rev.Wright’s church of ‘hate’ America (Wright matches up gays) and ‘hate the white race’, for years. Oprah ‘promotes’ that there are ‘many ways’ to Heaven (as if this woman knows, or is an authority on anything. Ha!) She holds herself out as a ‘new age guru’. She ‘promoted’ homosexuality on her show and had every ‘freak circumstance’ that exists to bring her audience and revenue to promote ‘her agenda’. She appeals to the lowest denominator and the common. She coined the phrase referring to ‘Obama as the one’. Ha! The one what? The most evil one that America has ever seen…the one to deceivethe great deceiver. Oprah helped create Obama’s media image and the NWO uses her for her influence on the common, easily brainwashed and led masses.

Obama tries to use and justify his misguided policy, by quoting Jesus in Luke 12:48: “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

You do not have to have a seminary degree to know and anyone who reads the Bible knows that Jesus is talking about individual stewardship in an individual’s relationship with God.

For it is God who gives each person different portions of gifts, talents, and treasure to manage according to His sovereign will. It is God who entrusts people with what they have, not the government. We are each born with our genetics, our personality, our intellect, our talents, our gifts, our lack and into our individual circumstances.

God is the One who will judge the faithfulness of each individual’s stewardship and blessing, or lack thereof. (not Obama/Oprah, or the government) In Luke 12:48, Jesus, God the Son, is exhorting individuals to be faithful and give generously without regret.

One has to wonder if Obama has replaced God with his administration… ‘the government’. He must believe that when he says, “much is given,” he refers to what is given by the government; and “much is demanded,” as that which is ‘demanded’ by the government. This is 180 degrees opposite to the truth.

We have had egotistical presidents before, from both political spectrums, but never have we had one who saw himself as replacing God, or one who views his administration as acting on God’s behalf, or instead of God.

Misquoting the Scripture is a practice by some politicians to advance their cause. But this abuse of the Scripture and viewing one’s administration as the judge and executioner — not for crimes, but for personal stewardship — has reached a new level of egotism.

Sharia Law is a political ideology with goals to take over America and the world. They ‘sanction lying’, taqiyya, to achieve their goals. They use tactics to infiltrate, propagandize, ‘elect Muslims to office’, and convert Americans to Islam, in order to establish Sharia law as the law of the land, and make the country an Islamic nation, ruled by a Sharia-compliant caliph.

Muslims think that they are superior to all others… and clearly Obama thinks he is ‘superior’ to all others

When Obama reads from and quotes the Bible it rings so false that it reeks of evil. Nothing about Obama is honest, true, or of the good… he is only about his agenda and he will do anything to achieve it. The Obama Regime indebts and sucks money from the American people and launders it to his causes and friends. It is Mafia-like nothing about it is Christ-like… Obama’s Regime is anti-Christ…

But Obama is doing, saying and will do whatever he needs to and can, to get four more years to further his agenda of the destruction of America. Should he succeed… God only knows what evil he and his backers will unleash. He, his backers and supporters are an example of total corruption and evil…

Obama is without boundaries, respect, conscience and is full of conceit, lies, arrogance and usury. It seems the man will stop at nothing to try and win a second term. He wrote in his book that he ‘promoted’ on Oprah’s show, should the winds shift that he will stand with the Muslims…and now, he quotes the Bible to further his evil agenda…It’s laughable were it not so sick, twisted, corrupt and evil.

He also stated in his 1st book,”My father’s dreams, are my dreams”. And his father was quoted as saying,”American people could be taxed 100% of their income and it would be legal.They then can receive all they need from the Government”…”

Obama stated that we ‘are not a Christian nation’ and now uses, ‘mis-uses’ the Bible as a tool to  ‘campaign’ his agenda which is to ultimately exploit and enslave America.

The Obama Regime is clearly anti-Christ and pro-Muslim. The duplicity and agenda of the Obama Regime is pure evil… Obama and Oprah have mocked America for their gain and agenda long enough. Deception, corruption, lies and evil are what they promote and stand for…It’s all Leviathan spin! These people are socialists, marxists, communists and worse and are against everything America is and stands for… Enough of them, their corruption and lies!!!

Devaluing Sexuality Equals Immorality…

???????????????????????????????Sexuality is precious. It is a gift. It is part of the essence of an individual. It is a magnificent connection. But today, by many, it is being taken down to the level of a hand shake, or a blow job. Immorality, regarding sexuality, is promoted almost everywhere.

If some woman will spread her legs, some man will stick it in. Not to be gross, but anyone doing this, in this casual manner, is gross. The women who are like this, as well, as the men, are lowly and disgusting and they are diminishing themselves along with society…

You can’t separate yourself, your body, mind, heart and spirit, from the sexual act… as you exchange bodily fluids and energy with another. If you think that you can, you are dead inside, or so cut off from yourself that you are a walking needy zombie, or possibly addicted.

Some think that when you exchange sexual energy with another that it makes an imprint on you that you carry in your energy…and this may very well be true.

Playboys, playgirls, those never married, or committed, but who have sex one after another, are nothing, but lost, promiscuous, searching and many are down and out immoral. Most have little to no connection to body, mind, heart, and spirit… They are only looking to ‘escape’ and to feel some ‘momentary’ pleasure that takes them out of their loneliness, torment, or lack in self. And if anything feels too real, in that, it’s time to commit, be responsible, or in tune with who they really are, being that, they ‘grow’, they are off to their next prey and escape. Their denial and escape of emotional growth pushes them along their sexually demented path.

If a person does this too often, they may very well lose all capability to love, if they even had it in the first place. They don’t love, or respect themselves as reflected in their behavior, so of course, don’t have the ability to love, respect and commit to another.

We are rearing a large part of society in this manner today and it is going to destroy our country. The family unit, the commitment, the responsibility are the foundation of a strong, healthy, moral and prosperous society.

Good and responsible men are often propelled to higher level of success as they are compelled to care and provide for their wife and children….

Married or committed people who cheat on their partner are breaking the integrity of the unit and betraying all concerned, even the children, who they ‘think’ don’t know… well, they do know. The cheater is breaking down the morality of all involved. A cheater carries their duplicity with them in all that they do until they admit and recognize their frailty and lack.

Dictators, socialists, communists, marxists, know that to destroy the morality of a society will break it down. Tear down the family unit and people will be more easily led and controlled. Selfish, single, non-attached people usually care little about the needs of others. They just wanna screw and screw themselves and others they do…

Marriage is being promoted and diminished as to be too bothersome to do. Children ar
e born out of wedlock and it is accepted as the norm. “Baby Daddy” is replacing “Father”… and this I find disgusting…

How did we sink so low and why?

It’s better that a child be brought into this world with a married Mother and Father. This gives the child the basis for strength and security, a unit, an identity to grow and to learn from. Now sure, not all parents are ‘great’… but, at least, a child born into a marriage has a foundation, a sense of security and belonging.

These kids with a ‘Baby Daddy’ and a Mother who have had several children by other ‘Baby Daddies’… well, what is this BS? How lost and convoluted will these children become? We can see the effects of this casual,  ill-responsible lifestyle in society, daily.

I am having men complain that women are promiscuous and it is turning them off. Then I have women complain that all men are interested in is sex and that men email and text them photos of their penises…  Now how insecure, needy and gross can some men get?

Rape can be also telling a woman you love her  just to have sex with her… it’s not by physical force alone and behind lying, manipulative words can be the same aggression and violence against women.

We are having a major male/female/sexual disconnect… I say be true to yourself, your morality and your body, mind, heart, spirit connection…or you will be lost. Listen to your connection to yourself, not society, others and certainly not the media and entertainment field… they have a stake and benefit in your corruption.

Some people show no respect for the sexual act, or what comes from it … So how will these children grow up to be secure and responsible to self and others when no one was, or is responsible to, or for them? Most will be worse off than their parents with little direction and few, if any morals… a burden on society… a burden to themselves… lost searching and easily led astray.

The break down of society can be based on the break down of the importance placed on the sexual act…whether it be held in value, or no different than relieving yourself. The respect that women are held in and the respect that women show and give to themselves is a reflection of the quality of a society.

The sex act is an act of creation and an expression of love and caring between two people. It’s isn’t just an orgasm, getting off, seduction, or notches on a belt.
Sure, it’s muscles and nerves being stimulated… but without the intellect, the emotional connection, it is nothing, but mutual masturbation.

You will find that the more exclusive and selective people are regarding sexual partners, the more sensual and sexual they are. Because they know and understand what ‘really great sex’ is, so they ‘value’ it…they have and understand the body, mind, heart, spiritual connection… Where a promiscuous person just screws…an ordinary, banal, common and empty act…

An emotionally healthy woman becomes attached to man when she has sex. Her hormones create this attachment. So, she should be VERY CAREFUL whom she has sex with. And men who toy and exploit these emotions with ill-intent are the lowest of the low.

Men who go around sticking their neediness in women are nothing, but NEEDY.
Not a man, but a lost little animal, who can’t connect past his penis.  He has no respect for himself, or the women. Women who allow themselves to be used in this manner
are ignorant fools who are betraying the very nature of their being.

We are creating an immoral society that values little. Sexuality is a person’s motor and someone who abuses their self, and others have little, if nothing to offer.

There are ‘basic rules’ that work to create a healthy society and a responsible, respectful sexuality is its basis…

I am certainly no prude as I have lived long enough to have made mistakes and to know what I share here is the truth of my living wisdom.

I have made the mistake of sex with someone I cared little for and it made me feel sick inside. I have had the deep connection with a man I loved dearly and never felt more fulfilled, or cared for.  I have had a ‘Hollywood star’, playboy type come onto me and and turned him down flat with no regret…

With experience, living, and age comes wisdom… and that wisdom leads us back to the basic truths that love and sex go together… Marriage first – children after marriage…playboys are lost boys and nothing is glamorous about them. 

As a society, we can strive to lift ourselves up to morality, love, commitment, respect, sexual exclusivity, or we can let Hollywood, the media, the rock and rappers, ‘popular’ opinion, etc. tear us down to promiscuity, perversions, anything goes, into a totally demented hell.

Immorality is just that…Immoral…

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