Don’t judge me!…

???????????????????????????????…is telling you to not have your own opinion. A judgement  about something or someone is only an opinion and we all have them and we all have our right to have them…that is if we still live in a free country.

Political correctness is censorship. It’s to shut people up and to make them complicit to that which they don’t want to be, or to like what they don’t, or is a kind of a force of encouragment to ‘pretend’ to like, or to go along with things that they really don’t want to, or approve of.  It’s rank manipulation and done for control of societies’ expression and thought processes.

We are all being judged all the time. We all make ‘judgements’ about others either internally or externally and so what?!  We either like someone or we don’t.. it’s an individual judgment call.
There was this woman that some friends knew.. she was just out of a marriage and was screwing every guy that crossed her path then the guys would stop dating her, she would whine and complain. She drank like a fish and it was uncomfortable even gross to be around her. When people would see her coming, they would hide to avoid her. Trying to be helpful, some gave her their opinions and advice, but instead of listening and taking it in, she would defensively exclaim. “Don’t judge me!”…  then she would pout and whine… She was a mess!
Hey, truth is, she was acting like a skank, and her behavior and lack of morality were stupid and not getting her what she wanted, but she didn’t want to be told this and certainly not ‘judged’, or to hear the truth, even as she knew what she was, she didn’t want to own it in herself… hence her cry, ‘don’t judge me!’
This is the cry of people who don’t want to be called out for what truth and reality is, because when they are, they ‘will need/have/be forced’, to look at their behavior and who they really are instead of who they are ‘pretending’ to be.
The “don’t judge me” crowd are the weak losers.. the whiny, lack of character, morality and standards slime who just do any and everything that they want to without wanting any accountablity for their actions or behaviors…

“Don’t ‘judge’ me is the cry of those of the ‘political correct’ BS! The brainwashed sheeple who follow the lead and the chant of the non-thinking.
I have never told anyone to not judge me and never would or will. People who cry this out are not people I will be around. I have found actually, ‘judged’,  them weak in character and it has never failed to be correct how I ‘judged’ them to be.
Some will state that in the Bible it says, ‘don’t judge others lest ye be judged’. And only God can judge… Yes, it does say that.. but it has been taken out of context and used by many who don’t even believe in the Bible or God… then twisted to suit in their defense, which is to to live like trash.
“Don’t judge me” is the cry of the liberal/progressive losers. This is my opinion and I have a right to have it and to express it!
If you say “Don’t judge me” around me… you will not be around me for long.
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If I don’t like Obama, I am a racist?…

???????????????????????????????According to who? The real racists!
The race card game … it’s time for it to end. It’s overdone and done for manipulation and is the only reason an unqualified traitorous man like Obama is where he is. He’s the first affirmative action, victim president and his administration and its ideas and decisions have proven to be a disaster for America. Obama lies continually, misleads the American people, covers up and spins like some snake oil salesman…. But all that aside, if you don’t like him, you are called a racist. It’s insanity… a kind of manipulative dementia…
Obama must’ve been told by his handlers that all he need do is be a puppet, spew lies, implement evil agenda and continually play the race card to destroy America and our freedoms and thus doing, he would be set for life in the lap of luxury like some king or ‘dictator’.
Obama and his minions hate America. They hate freedom, the private sector and promote government control of everything. Dislike of him and his hideous agenda have nothing to do with racism, except theirs with their use of con and spin using the absurdity of political correctness to implement their horrors on our great country. 

“I dunno?!”…

Obama-Lies-SCsays president Obama. HA!…

He knows nothing! Nothin’ about Bengasi ..the IRS.. Fast and Furious… He’s the “I know nothin’!”  ‘president’…
And concerning healthcare, Obama said. “If you like your insurance, you can keep it. Better healthcare for less money.”  Of course, this is impossible! But Obama said it and the sheeple fools believed his Leviathan lies, spin and con…
Obama lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies…
What does this bit o’ black, Arab, half-a-white man, half-a-man, puppet of evil, crime and propaganda do all day… play golf, entertain rappers and the likes, and lie?
What do you think, does Obama ever tell the truth?
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Change for the worse…

???????????????????????????????Ever loved a product or food then go to purchase it again and it’s changed, or even off the market? Or go to a restaurant you like, only to find the menu has changed, or the meal that you enjoy is no longer available.

A friend and I were discussing this lately and proclaimed that most the change we experience is usually for the worse.

Technology is continually changing and is it always for the better? NO! It’s just to get people to buy new products. It’s ‘change’ for ‘marketing’ and not much more..

Recently, I upgraded my I-Phone and I really don’t like the changes made… not at all. But I had no choice, I kept getting the continual upgrade notices. Just as this is continually happening on my computer… upgrade… upgrade.. change… change… you must do it even if you don’t want to.

What if I don’t want the upgrade or the change?

Change is not always for the better or a good thing. The grass is not better, or greener in the other yard. Change, many times, is disasterous. We are told to embrace change. That change is the only constant that we can depend on. Well sure, changes happen in life in a natural order, but when ‘change’ is forced and orchestrated that’s a whole different scenario.

The thought of ‘change’ can sometime ‘seem’ appealing, that is, until the change actually occurs. You can want a divorce and once you get it, it’s not what you thought. You can want a change from your current job, girlfriend or boyfriend then get it and it’s not better, but, perhaps, even worse. You can want a new car, but the new car is really not any better than the old one, it just appears that way and costs more. You can make a change in hair color, or cut and after it’s done not like it at all.

Some things changed can easily be changed back…others not so much.

The ‘change’ that the Obama regime has/is inflicting on America has been nothing but disruptive and negative. Nothing good has come from the Obama change. ‘Change’ was just used as Obama’s marketing tool to take freedoms from the American people, to make America worse, not better.

The changes in healthcare are making it worse not better. The website doesn’t even work. How’s that ‘change’ working for ya? It isn’t. It’s impossible to get better service for less money. People are losing their insurance. Doctors are retiring. The promise of ‘change’ was just a con. 

Improvements can always be made… but complete change many times is for the worse.

‘Change’ is used as a marketing tool to get the masses to spend more money on the new and better.. which is not always better. The offer of change is the tool of a salesman… a snake oil salesman. A salesman looking for more profits, or to trick those being marketed to. Change is a promise of something better and that is not always the case. Change can be for the worse… as in the promise of ‘change’ from the Obama lies…

America didn’t/doesn’t need changing. We need, perhaps, improvement in some areas. But America is the greatest country on earth with more freedom and opportunity than anywhere else. Why would anyone want to change America, but someone out to destroy freedom, and to change us into a something we aren’t, to take away our freedom and put us into a dictatorship. And this is what the Obama regime is doing. That is Obama’s change for America… spend, indebt, tax, control and destroy.

And those who bought into the Obama promise of change are getting nothing good or positive in the change. 

America, we have been sold a bill of goods with this ‘change’ mantra of the Obama propaganda… nothing about their ‘change’ is good for any of us.

And just ‘changing’ the meaning of a word… doesn’t change what it really is… as in the word and meaning of Cancer.. it is what it is…

A dictator is a dictator. What Obama has changed is we no longer have a Presidency. We have a regime runned by a ruthless, lying, no-conscience, Leviathan-spinning, con-artist dictator of change.

Obama’s change is for the worse. He stated that he wanted to fundamentally transform America..  that means to destroy our freedoms, our free enterprise system, our healthcare, our businesses, our blessings… and turn us into a controlled society of doom. 

What we need is to change America back from the destruction and corruption of the Obama regime…

Obama is the worse change that has ever happened in and to America.

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Defensive people…

???????????????????????????????are difficult, even scary and can be very destructive. They are usually immature, combatant, insecure and reactionary..

They behave like children and may have been abused emotionally, and, or physically… they usually come from a fractured, and, or disordered home. They have a low sense of self-worth… so they can’t handle criticism or disagreements about their performance. They are difficult to communicate with because they don’t listen with open ears, but with a closed mind as they ready their defensive stance. They use blame as one of their defense tactics because in their inability to look at self, they continually project and state it must be you, or someone else, not me, never me… as in, you caused me to do that for this to happen, not me, never me… not my fault.

They take no responsibility, unless it’s for something good or something that they are proud of and want to attach to their persona. They steal accolades and place blame. They are adept at side-stepping responsibility.

They are fractured individuals… and behave like children because they are frozen somewhere in the trauma of when they were a child. They are afraid of any kind of failure and can’t accept it… hence their defensive stance. They also use divide and conquer as apart of their defense. They are destructive, 
divisive and disruptive. They will do any and everything in defense of their fragile self. They are jealous and envious of others and wish to take them and take from them. They are a blight on society.

We have a perfect example in Obama…


Liberal idiots … why our country is so screwed up…

blueface1At a function the other evening, I had a conversation with a man that I didn’t realize was an ‘Obamanut’.  I did think him bizarre, but he started talking to me so I was polite.

He was a 60 year-old attorney and his story was that his ex-wife is mentally ill and he has custody of his four young children… all under the age of 10. Because, their mother tried to commit suicide under one of the children’s beds. Geez! I just listened as this man droned on with his sad tale of woe.

His story went that he had been married to this woman for 12 years ‘before’ they had children and in their first year of marriage she was diagnosed with a severe mental illness.  Of course, my question was. “Why did you have four children with a woman who is severely mentally ill?”

His response with a shrug and a no responsibility, clueless expression, “She seemed better at times.”

It was clear this man was looking for sympathy for his plight, while I was thinking, ‘what an idiot’, as I tried to disengaged from his pathetic droning.

Talking to this man was like being detained by a fool and his tale was one of a clueless idiot. The more I heard what came out of his mouth the sicker I felt. I moved away, but he followed.

He thought Obama was doing a great job, especially with foreign policy. When I inquired why did he think this? His response, “He got Bin Laden, didn’t he?”

Then this man whose life appears a mess by his own choices, goes onto say that his main concern these days is about the suicide rate of young gay people because heterosexuals are haters… that gay kids commit suicide more than others.

I was talking to an idiot… a liberal.  Four kids under the age of 10 when he is 60. The mother of the kids is mentally ill. Do the math. When he is 70, the kids will not be grown.  He thinks Obama is great on foreign policy and his main worry is the suicide rate of gay kids.  Whew!

This is one example of why we have such a screwed up country. People’s heads are in the clouds. They live with no thought of what they are doing and they bring children into the world without thinking about the consequences. Then they are concerned about something not relevant to them. Unless some of his kids are gay, or he is gay or… I don’t know and I don’t care! It was a conversation that jumped around, made no sense and left me feeling like I had been held captive in the distortion of a fun house mirror reflecting a kind of bizarre insanity…just like when I hear Obama, Pelosi or Reid, etc. talk.

After this experience, I have decided  I will not talk to liberals. I will even be rude if need be, in order to disengage. As soon as he proclaimed his like of Obama, I understood why he had four kids with a severely mentally ill woman. He was a non-thinking fool.

I have never experienced such poor choices and ignorance that I see in the world today. And this ‘catch’ was eyeing the room for some woman to take on the task of his choices…. to help him rear his probably mentally, emotionally damaged, and who knows whatelse, kids.  I was repulsed! REPULSED!

Our society is in real trouble. Too many ignorant idiots who live without thinking then worry about these societal created ’causes’. The future will belong to these fools and what they are creating.

This gay issue is at the forefront and why? It’s a small percentage of the population. But the Obama administration has put emphasis on it…. this gay marriage thingy. We live in a distorted, sick and bizarre world.  And this man is an example of why…

After my short conversation with this screwed up liberal,  I felt sick to my stomach and like I needed to take a shower to wash off the stench of stupidity.

Class and refinement…

???????????????????????????????What is class? What is refinement and what defines it?

In my opinion.. it’s innate to a human being.. something that is either  there at birth or not then built upon throughout their lifetime. A person with class and refinement have it no matter where they are, what they are wearing, or what their circumstances…

They carry themselves with an air of control and purpose. They fit well into their body. Their behaviors, actions, and choices, for the most part, reflect thought and when they don’t, they learn from them, adjust and refine. They live  and express with an appropriateness of thought and action…

Class and refinement are shown and revealed in how a person speaks, the words they use, the clothes they wear, the place they live. Money can be in the equation, but doesn’t need to be. If they have a small house.. it is clean, orderly and appointed well. If they have only a few clothes, they are clean pressed, stylish, not faddish, and they are worn with the pride that reflects their class and refinement.  How a person respects and cares for themselves, others and their resources reveals class or not.

Class and refinement isn’t shiny nor does it glitter… but those with it do shine and stand out and apart. It isn’t something that can be ‘acted out’ or ‘faked’.. .as it’s innate and those who try to act like they have it or fake it when they don’t are made even more obvious that they do not have it.

Some people try all their life to attain it and never do. While others have it naturally and without effort. Actually class and refinement are effortless for those who have it. as it emanates from the soul of an individual and can be seen in their eyes.

It is solid, purposeful, deep and real… it’s innate to an individual… bred into them, then expressed into every area of their life. I think it comes from the quality of one’s soul and even possibly where that soul derives, then is expressed in physical attributes and characteristics… then into their worldly choices.

When you see someone with it, you know they have it… unless, one is too crude in their perceptions to even perceive it. It’s been said that those with class, refinement and innate style, oftentimes, pass unnoticed to the masses….those without the ability to perceive or to recognize it.  Class and refinement do not try to be noticed as it has no need to… it just is.

Style, dress, health, body awareness, carriage, expression, words, tone and quality of voice, gestures, manners, conduct, posture, actions, movement… refinement and proportion in features, body form and development… even when behaving silly and wild, class is still there with those who have it.

Persons of class, in my opinion.. Audrey Hepburn, Jackie Kennedy, Ronald and Nancy Reagan, Laura Bush, Ann Romney, Loretta Young, Mitt Romney, Dr. Ben Carson, Cary Grant….etc.

Are class and refinement being bred out of society? Look at the role models of today.. who has class? We have the Kardashians, Obamas, Oprah, Whoopi, Beyonce, Cher, Mylie Cyrus, etc…. the exact opposite, in my opinion, of class and refinement….And their life styles, mode of dress and behaviors are being emulated by the classless, ill-refined masses…

Have we lost class and refinement? Is it being bred out of society? Are those innately born with it becoming fewer and fewer as the world become more crass and the dignity of human beings is diminished… are class and refinement becoming things of the past?

Who can you think of in today’s world who have class and refinement?

Is it possible that we can revive class and refinement?

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