Category Archives: Inspirational/Spiritual

Our individual moral adjuster…there will not be a ‘perfect’ candidate…

???????????????????????????????no one is perfect. We all have our flaws… but most of us have an internal moral adjuster. That center in each one of us that lets us know when we have done something ‘wrong’… our conscience.  This, of course, varies in each person, what we deem as wrong, immoral, or corrupt. And some are able to ‘justify’ doing just about anything… Their ends justifiy their means….
Perhaps, they are born without conscience or have been ‘conditioned’ to ignore it…

Others have a moral adjuster that is clear and precise concerning what is moral, ‘right from wrong’, and what is not and what is evil and bad…  and if they veer too far from their innate moral adjuster, they feel horrible inside… and it shows in their eyes, their mannerisms and their voice as their light becomes dimmer…

Some are able to lie, con, kill, rape and corrupt, etc. They may be even proud of their ability to con. Others use them for their ability to do these dirty deeds. They are sociopaths, or psychopaths set on an agenda and they can and will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. They are able to fool many, but not the wise… not the ones in tune with their internal moral adjuster…

Those with a corrupted moral adjuster will use manipulation, fear, repetition, coercion, any and everything that they are able to, or think that they can get away with…

Some people have no conscience at all. It’s my personal opinion that Obama and others like him, do not. These people are so warped that they have the ability to say and do anything to achieve their goals. They have a total disconnect from their internal moral adjuster. Or perhaps, they were born without one… born of evil… some are you know…

Many as they age, experience, and live realize what they may have done ‘wrong’ and wish to make amends and atonement. As some get closer to death, they may want atonement… because nothing you gain in this world will matter, if it was gained by ill-will, lies, con and harm to others. Nothing on earth matters as much as what you have in your soul… as you guard it, ‘if you are wise and listen’, to your internal moral adjuster…

Many as they grow, mature, age and gain wisdom wish to clear their conscience, so that they may have peace in their soul. They want to live by the Golden Rule… ‘do unto to others as you would have them do unto you…’

This Golden Rule is what makes America what it is. And make no apologies America is great! Is it a great place to live. It is a country of compassion, strength and goodwill towards man… and we are being taken advantage of by those with a corrupted moral adjuster. 

Our next President ‘hopefully’ will live by the standard of the Golden Rule…rather than the Mafia Edict, “I reward my friends and punish my enemies” as the Obama Regime does…

Using your instincts when observing a candidate can tell you much, if you are in touch with your internal moral adjuster… If you are in touch with yours, you will be able to more clearly see theirs…

Observe not only their words, but their eyes, their voice tone, their mannerisms, along with that ‘undefinable’ something that reveals their true nature and character… not what they are ‘trying’ to be, or to ‘sell’, but who they really are. Do they have a light in their spirit? Are they true to their moral adjuster, or are they a con unto themselves and therefore to all others?

An individual in tune with their moral adjuster will work hard to do right by mankind in honesty and truth. It is not about rewarding friends and punishing enemies as the Obama Regime spews. It is not about their personal power … to rule, dominate and control others…

It’s is my opinion that Bill and  Hillary Clinton  have no conscience.

It’s about the internal moral adjuster as it relates to the Golden Rule…

God guide us and help us to select an honorable person to lead and people who surround them with a strong internal moral adjuster…God Bless and Protect America!

Reality is becoming an illusion…or is illusion becoming….

???????????????????????????????reality…Whichever it is we are being played for fools. By polls, which are being used to ‘try’ and ‘sway’ people to vote for who and what ‘they’ deem are the popular and right choices… whether they are, or not. The polls that we hear about almost everyday are used as a tool to sway and influence the populous…

We are being played for fools…by the media… all they do is present agenda-filled propaganda. It’s all orchestrated… ‘they’ are trying to ‘create’ our reality.. they are trying to create what you think… who you vote for, how you live, what you buy and what you do in every moment.

It’s all Leviathan spin and lies… In the last days, Leviathan will rise up from the ocean to create a fog, an illusion, a confusion, where no one will be able to discern what is true and what is not….

I have written about this many times before and will continue to do so…

Because the fog is getting thicker by the day. ‘They’ think that if they say it, repeat it, then say it again, that ‘it’, their agenda, will be believed. If you repeat a lie often enough, it will eventually be believed… all cons know this trick…

The devil is the master of illusion…it comes like a thief in the night..

Evil’s goal is to corrupt and to lead astray because its agenda is only that… Its agenda is to corrupt the good, the whole, the blessed… and in order, to do this, it first needs to confuse because in that confusion… many can and will be taken advantage of and led astray…

A man with an evil-agenda walks into a park with a cute puppy. He approaches an innocent little girl who is playing and asks. “Do you want to pet my puppy?” In her innocence and compassion, she is attracted to the puppy. She only sees through the eyes of her innocence, she can’t see the man’s agenda hidden behind his use of the puppy… the puppy creates the agenda confusion. So, she pets the puppy.

The man begins to walk away as he engages her in banter about the puppy. Then before the little girl realizes it, she is far from the park, far from her safe world and all that she knows. The man grabs her and throws her into the back of his ‘perfectly placed’ car. She has been led off her path and captured by evil under the illusion of good. And off evil drives on its way to the reality of ‘her hell’ and its success.

What appears like a nice man with cute puppy is really, torture, rape and death… the disastrous destruction of harm and evil…

In this simple scenario is clearly how evil always works… it may create the illusion of good, cute, entertaining, caring, an offering of something as a whore to its mark… as it pulls on desires and emotions then leads away from the safe path of goodness, until it can grab and you find yourself captured in the reality of its spell, then before you know it, you, or your soul are diminished, or even destroyed.

This is what is happening continually in almost every minute in today’s world…by the corrupted media, by cons, by marketeers, by fake polls, etc. they try to appear  ‘good’,  and truth when in reality, they are total and pure lies, manipulation, con and evil.

What are we living in, when…

???????????????????????????????It’s ‘sex and the city’…greed, greed… anti-Christian deeds… child-age girls giving blow jobs to little boys, as if it’s nothing. Gays demanding marriage and women have children out of wedlock as if marriage was just an after thought…the sanctity of marriage and family are thrown by the wayside…

Women dress like hookers… ‘hooker heels’ are all the rage…and men treat them as such… as more and more women seem to strive for this…

Many women don’t like men and many men don’t like women… Some men are behaving like women and some are women behaving like men…so respect is exiting fast…

‘Stuff’ is more valuable than morals, values, standards, and honor…
or people… as many claw over each other to buy ‘things’….

Truth is lie and lie is truth… Right is wrong and wrong is right…

Patriots are deemed terrorists and terrorists deemed disgruntled employees, or I guess as just having a bad day…

Corruption in government is rampant … our President leading the way as, ‘liar-in chief’, as his I-I-I shows his love of self beyond all else….

Wealth is vilified, while most all lust after it…

Some people are famous for doing little to nothing, but self-promotion…

Muslims are entering our country in droves and we are adapting our schools, etc. to their Sharia law…setting aside prayer rooms for them, etc.

While young boys that emulate a true Christian are expelled…
and Christians and their religious holidays are laughed at and mocked…

Every move Obama makes is to help create a Muslim Caliphate…as he apologizes for Americans and calls us lazy and talks down to us as if we are stupid children….

The race card is played continually…while politically correct BS is forced upon us for agenda…

Our economy is bad, but our ‘president’ spends millions on a ‘December holiday’…

Slander and rumor run rampant… the press will annihilate a person at their whim… while protecting their Obama ‘god’…

False religions and ‘gods’ are idolized and followed… Oprah as one example…’Obama the messiah’ another…New Age BS….

People are on their gadgets more than they are interacting in person with one another…

Obesity and laziness have reached new highs… the over-indulged bulge is seen everywhere…

People listen to talking heads and the world more than to themselves… many not able to discern what is real and true and what is Leviathan spin…
and now-a-days most all of it is Leviathan-spin…

Information spreads quickly and most of it is slanted propaganda as in the MSM’s ”yellow journalism…

What most of us found abhorrent, we are now having to endure as the ‘norm’…

To me, America doesn’t feel safe, doesn’t look the same, or feel the same… it feels strange and off… really off…

It’s ‘Happy Holidays’ if you want to be PC… instead of Merry Christmas….


America was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs… not Muslim…

People who come to America need to adapt to us, become citizens, or leave. We have freedom of religion, but it’s not to make/force us adapt to theirs. It’s not freedom of other’s speech and not, ours, as Americans…

I don’t feel like I belong on here on earth…I don’t fit in. My morals, values and standards are not like what I see … and I don’t want to lower who I am to the standards of most in this corrupted world.

Does anyone else feel as I do?
So, what are we living in?…

When everyone wins, everyone loses…

???????????????????????????????We are not all ‘equal’ and we can’t all be the same and we can’t all win… this is a complete fallacy… a LIE!

A lie that is being sold to the masses and unfortunately, they are buying it. And it is destroying natural competitive instincts and turning people into lazy, jealous, envious losers and drones… “I want me some a dat.” “Give me some a dat.”  “If you have it, I want it, too.” are some of the worst comments, I have ever heard…

Some people think that they can do nothing, strive for nothing, have no standards of behavior, have no accountability, morals, values, or responsibility along with no self-awareness. Competition is within yourself. It’s to see how you can grow, refine, work on, strive to be, the best ‘you’, that you can be. Some think that the end results are what’s important. That the end justifies the means, instead of the striving, the quest, the challenges, the sacrifice, and the character that it takes to get there. You may, or may not win, but it’s worth the effort because the effort creates who you are.  The effort is what creates character… and character is what really matters…

If everyone gets a trophy … why try…?

When I was a young Girl Scout, selling cookies, a prize of a Teddy Bear was set for the one who sold the most boxes. I decided that I wanted to be that one. So, I took my little red wagon near and far and worked hard, really hard, selling cookies, in order, to achieve that goal and to win the prize. Now, I didn’t really want, or need another Teddy Bear. I had many. But the achievement of being the top seller in my Troop and being designated as such, then called up and handed the award of a Teddy Bear, gave me the motivation to work hard and to try and be the winner. And when I was the winner I was full of pride and it showed me that if I worked at something, I could succeed. I could be first… a winner!

Now, if everyone received a Teddy Bear just for trying, or the not trying… I wouldn’t have put as much effort into the selling. And our Troop wouldn’t have made as much money, or been as successful. If everyone got a Teddy Bear, just for showing up, fewer cookies would have been sold and the Troop goals would not have been met.

If everyone got a Teddy Bear… the motivation to achieve would be diminished, if not eradicated.  And if the Troop leader had told me to give my award to someone who didn’t work as hard, or work at all, I would’ve been upset, frustrated, broken-hearted and angry and certainly de-motivated.©Everett Collection

Remember the movie, THE BAD SEED? The little girl killed one of her classmates who was awarded a penmanship medal, because she ‘thought’ that she ‘deserved’ it and not the little boy who ‘won’ it. This is what, we as a country are turning into, a bunch of bad seeds…spoiled, envious, bratty bad seeds. 

I want it because I want it, not because I deserve it, or worked for it…but because I just want it!

It takes those who work, those with the talent, with the focus, the trying, the persistence, and the effort to raise up and achieve and they are not ‘equal’ with those who don’t try, don’t have the talent and can’t succeed. Those who don’t, or can’t rise to the occasion and win, should not receive a trophy. And if you try and don’t win then let it serve to motivate you to try again and to strive and to work harder.

To think that everyone should win a prize, creates de-motivation and is destructive for everyone. It is socialism, communism… and the only ‘winners’ are the ones who ‘temporarily’ rule over the dummies who are buying into it. As this kind of practice never lasts. It is a system that falls in on itself… always has and always will…

Socialism and Communism destroy motivation and destroys a country…
Why can’t everyone get and see this? Why are so many following something that will lead to mediocre living, if not worse?

Everyone can’t win. Everyone isn’t a winner. We are individual, unique in our talents, our abilities and our individual circumstances and they are ours to maneuver, develop and to learn from. We are all different and our ‘equality’ is the ‘opportunity’ to try… and in the trying is where the winning occurs…

When morals and standards, efforts, striving, competition, and pursuing achievement and excellence go, we all lose…

Charity begins at home, not with the government…

???????????????????????????????If your neighbor is in need, would you rather take them a meal, or give them some cash, or would you rather have it filtered though some government agency that takes most of the money for ‘managing’ their bureaucracy, leaving what actually is given to be less?

Charity and giving begins at home, in the community, in the churches and in the goodness of person to person. We need no government ‘mandate’ to help others and no government agency to ‘manage’ it for us.

The government needs to butt out of our communities, our families and our lives.

Government agencies created to ‘give’, are ‘actually’ agencies created to ‘take’ money from the private sector for government use, to support itself, ‘government greed’, or to use as ‘they’ desire and to give to whom they want and choose.

Government agencies spend and waste more than they ‘actually give’.

Obama is trying to do away with charitable deductions. He wants to take one of the incentives away from private giving to have the government control everything.

Wouldn’t you like to choose who you give to and actually know who you give to and that they actually get it? The government takes away individual choice.

If a neighbor needs money for food, if you give the money, or food directly to them, you will know that they get it.

As far as the government goes, we know not where the money goes. It may very well go to Michelle Obama’s travels, or to some company that Obama is ‘gambling’ on like Solyndra or some other ‘green BS’.

Concerning American aid to foreign countries…many have dictators that for one example; build a palatial home, while the needy get nothing.

So, countries who are beneficaries of America’s money, have dictators that live extravagantly, while the needy starve.

And these dictators and rulers hide money in ‘foreign accounts’.

It’s a racket of dictator favors and dictators sucking and keeping benefits from the people for their extravagant lifestyles.

Consider all the American money given to Africa and it is still a third world country with wealthy dictators, intense crime, war, murder and poverty in the masses.

Government foundations and trusts of ‘charity’ and ‘giving’, are many times, just a way to take, funnel and filter money back to themselves and their causes…a little bit of good and a whole lot of something else.

Recall when Clinton and the elder Bush joined together to raise money for disaster relief? And oops! All the money was gone, no one could find it, who took it, or where it went… and this Ladies and Gentlemen, was giving prompted by two ex-presidents…

Money needs to stay in the private sector, so ‘we’ can choose who to give, or not give to, and to know that they ‘get’ what we are ‘giving’.

The more a government takes from the private sector in the ‘guise’ of giving and charity, the more corrupt the government becomes.

Inheritance taxes should be totally done away with. The money was taxed when it was earned, so to have it taxed again at death is double taxation. A person should be able to give their money, at their death, to whomever that they want, not have it taxed again by the government to distribute and use as they choose. It is
‘our’ money not the governments.

And America needs to pull out of the UN. It is going to implement taxes to take money from America to distribute to other countries as aid. Sounds nice… huh? Yeah right! Like that’s their real agenda…


Good vs Evil…

???????????????????????????????Evil is plotting, manipulating, figuring out angles in order to exploit, shifty, sneaky, lying, deception, delusional, deflecting, blaming, changing stories, side-stepping, covering-up, insidious, false, foggy, changes forms, cunning, conning, spinning, corrupt, sordid, hiding, morphing, plots to get the upper-hand, to take, taking advantage of, enticing, creates confusion, tears down, draining, entraps, seduces, sucks energy, wears many masks, seeks to be in control…

Good is what it is, honest, there, responsible, truthful, straight forward, free, open, pure, always the same, lifts up, solid, consistant, present, sincere, secure, fair, on center, up-front, clear, giving, constant, freedom, choice, reality, reliable, real…

The words evil and lie can be interchanged easily just as good and truth are interchangable.

Evil can ‘hide’ mind the ‘mask’ of good for awhile. In fact, the most insidious of evil hides behind good, until it can strike. Behind the words of ‘hope’ and ‘change’ can be the most insidious of evil that ever existed. The words ‘I love you’ from a person of evil intent are used to entice, seduce and entrap. ‘Hey little girl, come look at my puppy.’, from the mouth of a sexual predator is an evil disaster.

The Islam way, ‘Kiss your enemies’ feet, until you can slit their throat.’
is a statement of the most insidious evil.

Evil’s goal is to corrupt and collect as many souls as it can…

Evil’s arrogance will even allow it to fall in on itself in destruction… as destruction is its goal.

Lies can ‘appear’ to be the truth in a specific frame of time and reference.

Good finds it more difficult, if not impossible, to hide in, or behind evil…for good to sink to the level of evil, in order, to match it in combat is more difficult then it is for evil to ‘pretend’ good, in order, to take down and to take over.

Ultimately, lies will be explosed. Truth is revealed. Evil is seen and good will prevail…

And that’s what bothers evil the most…

If you gain the world, but lose your soul…

what have you really gained and more importantly what have you lost?…

???????????????????????????????Is the quest for money  and power for there own sake, or is there, perhaps, a higher purpose intertwined?

Maybe, its truest intent and purpose is to draw us together by forcing us to interact with one another.

Because, in these financial/business relationships, we have our own and others’ character reflected back to us. Giving us the choice to learn, grow, change, or adapt for the purpose of reflecting our true nature and spirit to reveal and become more of our authentic self.

Nothing seems to show the true nature of individuals as clearly as how they interact in the acquisition of  money. In this quest, we make choices about how we’ll live our lives, treat ourselves and others and that expression is multiplied out into the world. Every exchange we have with another is a reflection of who we are, whether it be at work or play.

When it comes to the attainment of money, why is it that some of us seem to be able to explain away cheating, hurting and lying? Some of us excused Clinton of his lying, cheating, and harming of others as long as the economy was running smoothly. As long as money is flowing towards them, some seem to be able to excuse anything.

If a person has money, material goods, a ‘successful’ job, or some financially rewarding talent, some are able to excuse all sorts of negative behaviors that they may have that are harmful to society, such as affairs, sexual harassment, lying, conning, abuse, alcoholism, drugs, even murder, etc.

Why do some of us value ‘our money’ more than ‘our integrity’ to self and to other human beings?

Isn’t this getting everything turned upside down?

Sometimes, it doesn’t appear the ‘strong’ are surviving. It appears the ‘weak of character’ are. The biggest con-artists are many times the monetary survivors, and, or the ones with the slickest attorneys. If these are the monetary winners, who are they surviving for and why? 
And are they really winning, or are they really losing?

Look at Charlie Sheen and his recent use of the word WINNING… he used this word, while he was LOSING big time! But so many were captivated by his ‘winning’ BS… as if the word made them feel like it was they who were ‘winning’.

Is anything positive really being gained, or attained for anyone? Those who are being driven by their egos for a false sense of ego using the ‘power’ of money are, most of the time, the ones who are doing harm to many. Look at our government and their need to control the people by taxes, scare tactics, debt and lies….

What has happened to our standards as a society? If judges can be bought, people swayed by financially stuffed personalities, a President who so obviously and blatantly rewards and pays off his backers,(rewards his friends and punishes his enemies) and crime is seen as entertainment, what is our society really?  My gosh, we have a bully for a President! What is our world coming to?

Haven’t we, or aren’t we learning anything by what is being mirrored back? Aren’t we as a society able to use intellect, emotions, and our higher self to create a higher standard of existence? In many cases, we’re still operating out of the lowest existence of ego, greed, and ignorance, instead of what’s really valuable.

What’s it worth if a person has ‘money’ and ‘power’, but loses their soul in the process? Does the end justify the means? The desperate quest for power in and by the acquisition of money will never replace the peace in the power of honor in one’s soul.

Money and material goods are necessary and even fun. But when they’re used and coveted by the ego as false power, when morals are excused for the attainment of these things, and persons are admired not for how they live, but for how much money and power they have, (as in Hollywood, politics, etc) it’s destructive to the individual and to our society.

Is it our belief system that as a society there must be some type of corruption existing to attain money and power? And in this belief, that’s why when we’re shown lies, corruption, and harm again and again, we ignore it, keep finding excuses, or allow cover-ups to continue, in our government, court systems, and in businesses.

We have a President that blatantly lies to us almost daily as he tries to wield his ‘power’ over us and  sway us to his agenda as he and others manipulate the monetary system…

Money and morals can go together. We created our systems, our government, and our businesses, we can change them by our beliefs about what we value. It’s about balance and this is something that the greed and desire for control and power in this current administration has no use for….

Without people there’d be no need for money. People are the only reason for services, products and money…

And without the private sector, THE PEOPLE, there would be no need for government….