Tag Archives: rule

If you gain the world, but lose your soul…

what have you really gained and more importantly what have you lost?…

???????????????????????????????Is the quest for money  and power for there own sake, or is there, perhaps, a higher purpose intertwined?

Maybe, its truest intent and purpose is to draw us together by forcing us to interact with one another.

Because, in these financial/business relationships, we have our own and others’ character reflected back to us. Giving us the choice to learn, grow, change, or adapt for the purpose of reflecting our true nature and spirit to reveal and become more of our authentic self.

Nothing seems to show the true nature of individuals as clearly as how they interact in the acquisition of  money. In this quest, we make choices about how we’ll live our lives, treat ourselves and others and that expression is multiplied out into the world. Every exchange we have with another is a reflection of who we are, whether it be at work or play.

When it comes to the attainment of money, why is it that some of us seem to be able to explain away cheating, hurting and lying? Some of us excused Clinton of his lying, cheating, and harming of others as long as the economy was running smoothly. As long as money is flowing towards them, some seem to be able to excuse anything.

If a person has money, material goods, a ‘successful’ job, or some financially rewarding talent, some are able to excuse all sorts of negative behaviors that they may have that are harmful to society, such as affairs, sexual harassment, lying, conning, abuse, alcoholism, drugs, even murder, etc.

Why do some of us value ‘our money’ more than ‘our integrity’ to self and to other human beings?

Isn’t this getting everything turned upside down?

Sometimes, it doesn’t appear the ‘strong’ are surviving. It appears the ‘weak of character’ are. The biggest con-artists are many times the monetary survivors, and, or the ones with the slickest attorneys. If these are the monetary winners, who are they surviving for and why? 
And are they really winning, or are they really losing?

Look at Charlie Sheen and his recent use of the word WINNING… he used this word, while he was LOSING big time! But so many were captivated by his ‘winning’ BS… as if the word made them feel like it was they who were ‘winning’.

Is anything positive really being gained, or attained for anyone? Those who are being driven by their egos for a false sense of ego using the ‘power’ of money are, most of the time, the ones who are doing harm to many. Look at our government and their need to control the people by taxes, scare tactics, debt and lies….

What has happened to our standards as a society? If judges can be bought, people swayed by financially stuffed personalities, a President who so obviously and blatantly rewards and pays off his backers,(rewards his friends and punishes his enemies) and crime is seen as entertainment, what is our society really?  My gosh, we have a bully for a President! What is our world coming to?

Haven’t we, or aren’t we learning anything by what is being mirrored back? Aren’t we as a society able to use intellect, emotions, and our higher self to create a higher standard of existence? In many cases, we’re still operating out of the lowest existence of ego, greed, and ignorance, instead of what’s really valuable.

What’s it worth if a person has ‘money’ and ‘power’, but loses their soul in the process? Does the end justify the means? The desperate quest for power in and by the acquisition of money will never replace the peace in the power of honor in one’s soul.

Money and material goods are necessary and even fun. But when they’re used and coveted by the ego as false power, when morals are excused for the attainment of these things, and persons are admired not for how they live, but for how much money and power they have, (as in Hollywood, politics, etc) it’s destructive to the individual and to our society.

Is it our belief system that as a society there must be some type of corruption existing to attain money and power? And in this belief, that’s why when we’re shown lies, corruption, and harm again and again, we ignore it, keep finding excuses, or allow cover-ups to continue, in our government, court systems, and in businesses.

We have a President that blatantly lies to us almost daily as he tries to wield his ‘power’ over us and  sway us to his agenda as he and others manipulate the monetary system…

Money and morals can go together. We created our systems, our government, and our businesses, we can change them by our beliefs about what we value. It’s about balance and this is something that the greed and desire for control and power in this current administration has no use for….

Without people there’d be no need for money. People are the only reason for services, products and money…

And without the private sector, THE PEOPLE, there would be no need for government….