Does Obama ‘care’?…

beigeIs the ‘affordable’ healthcare act really about health? Or is it more about gaining data and control over your life… even to expediting your death?
Obama’s ‘care’ is about government control of every area of everyone’s life…
And it’s just a piece of ‘their’ agenda… there’s gun control along with confiscating private sector wealth, as in retirement accounts being sucked into the government…


The take over of education, curtailing individual thinking to promoting brainwashing and changing the real historical facts into Obama’s dream and propaganda….
Control of the food sources as in Codex Alimentarius…
Spying on private citizens. Putting the IRS on those who disagree with the Obama agenda…
Quote Obama. ” I will have the most transparent administration in history.” When truth is, it’s the most hidden, corrupt and full of lying spin. The Obama regime controls the media like never before. They are the propaganda machine spewing lies, cover-ups and con. Truth is lie and lie is truth…
Obama promised. “If you like your doctor, you can keep your
doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. ‘Period,’ he said
‘Period.” That means no stinking conditions.

The Obama regime lies about everything.  Obama ‘care’ is only the tip of the iceberg that is melting America a free country into the hell of government control…
But does Obama ‘care’?…. NO! It’s his agenda to lie, con and screw over the American people to take over our country and insert us into the NWO… Agenda 21, in order to implement the death of  all freedoms… under the guise of fairness, equality and income distribution.
Lie and smile until you get close enough to slit their throats… 
Obama is slitting America’s throat… 
The death of America… that is what Obama’s ‘caring’ is…
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Men! Do you know the specifics of what your lady prefers?…

???????????????????????????????If she likes chocolate, is it dark, milk, or white? And what brand, does it matter, or not? What wine does she prefer? Pinot, Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc or….  and what does she prefer to drink with what?

What kind of flowers? What color and what type are her favorite? What brand of shoes does she love, and which designer makes her swoon when she wants to splurge on a bag or an outfit?

In jewelry, does she prefer yellow, or white gold, or perhaps platinum? Which gem stone is it… diamond, ruby, emerald, or sapphire,etc.? And what cut, cushion, pear, marquis or round? Does she like chunky jewelry or refined?
What colors does she prefer, in what applications and circumstances? She may love the color red, but not like it in certain things. What music does she like and when?
Does she like to sleep in long, romantic nightgowns, or pajamas and what mood makes her decide when to choose what?
Does she enjoy impressionism, cubism, or primitive, when it comes to art.. modern design, antique, or a mix of both?
Do you know your lady? Do you pay attention to her preferences? A wise, attentive and caring man will pay attention and know… only a fool wouldn’t. A selfish man is more concerned with his likes and dislikes and that the woman fits his needs. Men like this are not lovers, they are users and takers and will drain a woman instead of fill her up.
Ladies, wise up, if a man doesn’t pay attention … why not? Is it because he’s clueless, or is he not worth giving him your time and effort? If he doesn’t care enough to learn about you, why spend time and give your energy to him?  Women are natural givers… and many allow themselves to become drained in so doing. A wise man will find ways to fill his woman up and he can’t do that, unless he knows what she likes and doesn’t like.
A lover seeks to please his beloved. A taker doesn’t care and will just do enough to get by…in order, to get what ‘he’ wants… be it sex, attention, or just the thrill of the pursuit. He’s about feeling good about himself more than pleasing another.
A caring observant man knows what his lady prefers and he strives to give and to make it happen just like she wants it…
Many years ago, a man in pursuit sent me roses all day long.. all red ones. He filled up my living room with them. I don’t care for red roses. I like every color but red. (I discarded them all before they died. I couldn’t stand looking at them.)
Another time, a man brought me one single rose, my favorite color… (I treasured and enjoyed it) He really cared about me, knew what I liked, and took pleasure in pleasing me.
One right rose means more than vases and vases of the wrong color. One man was thoughtful and caring.. the other about himself, his pursuit, and showing off…
If a man doesn’t take the time and effort to know a woman, he is not caring and thoughtful in a genuine way. Now, some men can be taught this awareness, but others not.. because some will only do enough to get by and not really care.
Nothing is more attractive than a caring, thoughtful, attentive and caring man.. and nothing is more unattractive than a man who is all about himself.
“When over the years someone has seen you at your worst, and knows you with
all your strengths and flaws, yet commits him- or herself to you wholly, it is a
consummate experience. To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial.
To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly
loved is a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything.
It liberates us from pretense, humbles us out of our self-righteousness, and
fortifies us for any difficulty life can throw at us.” – Tim

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Feeding the beast…

BO…the beast of big government. The government of controlling everything through over-spending, waste, bloatedness, incompetence, lies and sucking everything from the private sector. While those leading and working for the almighty government beast thrive as they feed their ego, have fake concern for the masses who pay their salaries and allow them to be where they are and get wealthy, while they supposedly ‘serve’ the America people. When they are really lying, conning and manipulating the government to achieve government control over everything.

Today, in my opinion, the government elections held for those who are placed there, have been corrupted to their core. Dead people vote. People vote multiple times. ID’s aren’t required by illegals and minorities when ID’s are needed to do most every transaction otherwise. It’s insanity! Why are illegals even voting? There are corrupted organizations backed by agenda-driven evil like Soros, Acorn, Move-on, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc. that do everything possible to create their desired outcomes. Nothing is as it appears.
The man who is now president will not release his records… who is this man really and where did he come from?
What was once for the people and elected by the people has turned into manipulation and corruption from those behind the scenes who control the voting, the candidates, special interests, the media, while they try to brainwash the masses as they create lies, spin and propaganda so outrageous that many can’t even comprehend the underhandedness of it all, therefore it is taken as truth. And most all the media is their bought and paid for propaganda machine. It’s like some sick and twisted horror show.
Lies have become truth and truth deemed as lie… Spin is the norm.
Government employees should be servants of the people. Those in the government are ‘supposed’ to be of service to the people, not the other way round. But as time has passed, those elected and otherwise placed, have become puppets with strings attached thicker than rope being pulled by those who profit off of, and get an ego charge off of sadism, despotism, theft, control, extortion, even killing and murdering of the masses, while they smile through their lies and pronounce how good it will be for all.
The perfect example: Obamacare is about control, not health. It’s about sucking resources from the people in the private sector into the almighty beast of the government. It was created in secrecy, presented in cover-ups, corruption, lies, and incompetence and done only for control.
Until we stop feeding the beast of big government and make them accountable to ‘we’ the people, the private sector, ‘we’ who pay our income into the government in the form of taxes to pay their salaries, support their outrageous spending and lifestyles, America will continue to be weakened and even falling into destruction toppling us into loss of all our freedoms as we become more subservient to the beast… we will become a socialist, a communist…a nation with no freedoms. We will lose everything that makes America great.
The Obama regime wants control over every facet of our lives and over every dime. They want everything controlled and sucked into the government then the government will decide what a person has or receives.
“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword and the other is by debt.”~ John Adams, 1826
It’s an evil beast and it is time to stop feeding it!  Freedom must reign supreme again!
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Eyes can betray and eyes can reveal…

???????????????????????????????What are the reasons that you won’t, don’t, will, or do look someone in the eye?

I usually look people in the eyes. I think the eyes are the windows to the soul. I like to look into a person’s eyes to see who they really are… instead of focusing on the image they create, or words that they want you to hear…
Eyes can betray and eyes can reveal…
Do they have cold eyes while trying to present a caring image?
I avoid looking into the eyes of Muslim women with their head covered, wearing a burka, or the men with them…. the reason being, what they stand for I find repulsive… as it’s of oppression and control. Also, if I am walking in an area that I do not like, or feel unsafe in, such as a Walmart, I walk quickly, get what I need and make little if any eye contact.
To make eye contact with a stranger is to engage… and those with whom I have no interest in engaging, I don’t look in the eyes.
If a person thinks they are better than another, or that someone is beneath them, they may not look them in the eyes… as in teenagers snobbing someone off. 
Therefore, it may be a put down if someone won’t look another in the eyes… as if the message is, you aren’t worthy of my acknowledgement, or my attention.
There is a person who has betrayed me, lied, and tried to harm me all my life and she will not look me in the eyes… while I choose to look her directly in the eyes, even though, I know she is of evil intent. Her not looking at me in the eyes, makes it clear she ‘thinks’ that she is better than me as she continually tries to and does me harm. 
At times, it’s interesting and helpful to look someone in the eyes that you know is of evil intent and soul, so that you can better discern their maladaptive manipulation as they conjure it up… observing their eyes can be for your self protection. 
But, I also notice that when around another person who has shown themselves to be a liar, I won’t look them in the face and certainly not their eyes because what they stand for repulses me….I know they lie and their eyes reveal it.
Predators and cons, sexual and otherwise, will use eye contact as one way to control. Holding a gaze and appearing to be so interested in someone can be a way to manipulate and to have power over. Most people like to be seen and given undivided attention and predators and sociopaths know this and use it as part of their manipulation. 
Someone not interested looks away. Someone interested looks in your eyes… but what is the motive and interest concerning?
I usually don’t trust someone who will not make eye contact. As it appears as if they are lying, hiding something, up to no good, or are ashamed of something, maybe, even themselves… or more innocently they might be shy… 
But on the flip side, I don’t trust someone who watches me too closely, or intently and tries to meet my eyes for too long… especially someone I have just met, because it feels intrusive and controlling.
Eye contact is a way to increase intimacy. Psychologist Dr. James Laird conducted extensive experimentation into what they called “mutual gazing,” where complete strangers were paired off and instructed to look into each other’s eyes for an extended period of time. When questioned on their feelings for each other, the subjects who had made eye contact said they had stronger feelings of affection and attraction than those who looked at hands or other body parts. 
The general belief is that eye contact is a signal of dominance in the animal kingdom, so being able to meet a gaze without flinching sends an instinctual message that the gazer is an alpha breeder.
Then there’s giving someone the evil eye.
Looking into someone’s eyes can show you who they really are… is that why some avoid eye contact? 
Eye contact reveals feelings, emotions and inner thoughts. 
Eye contact is intimate. Lovers enjoy gazing into one another’s eyes…
This eye contact thing is complex, interesting and confusing…
When do you make eye contact or not?
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‘Old’ friends…

???????????????????????????????I commented to an ‘old’ friend that I love flowers… and when it comes to roses, I like peach, white, yellow, or pink.. any color, but red.

A week later he shows up at my door with red roses…
I thank him while thinking… ‘red’?
He says, “You said you especially like red roses…”
Getting a vase, I think strange then chuckle to myself as I ask… “Do you remember what I said last week?”
“Yes. That you love flowers and especially red roses.”
“Do you have a bit of a problem with your hearing?”
Self concsiously, “Yes. I do. Yes, at times…. why?”
“I really appreciate the flowers and I love all flowers,  but red .. .well..”
“You don’t like red roses? I thought your expression strange when I walked in.”
“All flowers are beautiful and I appreciate the gift… but, I prefer white, yellow, peach, pink…”
He adds. “Any color, but red?”
We laugh…
“Darn.. next time, I’ll bring white.”
I reflect, perhaps, other misunderstandings with this man have been because of his loss of hearing… or is it that he doesn’t really listen…?
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Would you take dating advice from…

???????????????????????????????….someone who has never been married or had a successful enduring relationship? Would you take financial advice from someone broke, or who has financial issues, as in lived above their means and was deeply in debt? Would you take diet advice from a fat person? (Oprah) Would you take child rearing advice from someone who never had children, or ever worked and engaged with them in a real enduring and meaningful way? (Oprah)  Would you take marriage advice from someone who had never been married? Would you want to be guided spiritually by someone who lived a life displaying low standards and morals, as in affairs, addictions, etc.? (Clergy, etc. who cheat on their wives, lie, commit all sorts of perversions.) Would you take life advice from someone whose life is a mess? (Psycologists, with out of control children, addictions,who have affairs with married people, or their clients.)

Would you trust someone who lies repeatedly? 

Would you take business advice, listen to, or follow a man who has never run a company, built anything, managed a profitable enterprize, or did anything on his own, but just talked about it as if he knew about it and how to do it? (Obama)
Would you listen to someone who told you to share what you have, while they squander money on themselves and share little to nothing of theirs?
Would you elect a president to run a country who has never run anything? Would you elect a president who is immoral, allowed Americans to be killed, lied, cheated, was of questionable sexual orientation and that you knew little about because facts about them are hidden and covered-up?
How a person lives and what they actually do is who they really are… not what they say, or tell you they are….
A talking head is a talking head… they just talk and don’t do..
As a country, it appears this is what many are doing…listening to so-called, self-proclaimed ‘experts’ who really know little, but talk continually with so very much telling everyone else how it’s done, or how it ‘should’ be, while they accomplish little to nothing themselves… living a lie.
We are in a world of sales-hype, self-prompting, conning, BS and Leviathan spin. Truth is lie. Lie is truth.. up is down and down is up…
Sometimes, you just have to laugh about it because it’s all so pathetically lame, not to mention sad.
So little is of truth, reality, honor and actuality…  it’s mostly all a cheap, empty, facade… Even reality shows are scripted for effect and to attract viewers in order to get advertizing… it’s all about advertizment.
What happened to our country and its standards of honor, morality, integrity, sound values?
Has the advertising imagery, media con of what it ‘looks’ or ‘appears’ like must make it real and true, and if it’s said, it must be true, taken over all reality, common sense, virtue and honesty?
The self-promotion of this is who I say I am, never mind who, or what I really am, or how I really live my life…  has the lie, con  and cover-up become more important than what is true and real? 
Many don’t seem to be able to discern truth or even want to hear or know it… they say it’s too harsh. But it’s my opinion that the reality of what is happening with the cover-up, corruption and lies are and will  eventually create a harsher reality than anyone will be able to bear…
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People of the ‘why’?

Beige4Have you ever been around someone who continually asks why, or how, or asks questions continually? 

Why are your plants so green? Why are you so happy? Why did you do this or that? What are you doing? Where are you going? Are you having a diet coke? (When they could clearly see that I was.)
Continual and inane questioning…

Recently, I was around a person who did this concerning the most mundane and obvious. It was like being with a toddler or a young child. I recall my mother stating that children who always ask why, are usually not given enough attention by their parents. 

In an adult, in my opinion, it comes across as being nosey, pushy, or someone who doesn’t have adequate conversational skills… the uneducated, low-information, non-thinkers. the lazy who just babble on asking inane things rather than thinking for themselves. 
Being asked why and how continually makes me feel as if am being interrogated and it’s exhausting, not to mention irritating. And the person with all the ‘whys’ appears as dumb as a box of rocks and it serves to make me not want to respond and to not want to be around them. They appear needy and it comes across as childlike and is a real turn off.  So, I stop responding, turn off and steer clear.

I have had this phenomenon of the ‘why’ people brought to me  intensely on three occasions where it irritated me off the charts. Once with a housekeeper, then with a younger boyfriend and recently with a person I interacted with which prompted me to write this article. I perceived them all to be dense, unable to think on their own, or to figure out the most easy and mundane tasks, or subjects, with an inability to converse as an adult. And also nosey… people will usually share and reveal what they want to and when they want to without being interrogated. It’s the mature, and considerate who wait to be told and to have someone share, rather than to continually prod and question.

I have an inquisitive mind and I love to learn, but I don’t feel the need to ask ‘why’ continually. I converse in a different manner and I find out most of my answers on my own or let things unfold in a natural and comfortable manner and time frame with friends or acquaintances.
There’s the declaratory sentence.. that need be used more often than all that questioning in a conversation… this is how confident mannerly and respectful people communicate most of the time. There is a time and place for questions, but not all the time, at rapid fire, or before you even really have been around a person much. 

Asking why too often is a sign of immaturity and immature thought processes…as in “Mommy, why is the sky blue?”

While, at the sametime, in my opinion, questioning is a positive thing, but most answers can be found on your own or will be revealed in time.

Ever experienced people of the ‘why’, and what is your opinion on those who inquire and question too much and too often?

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Being Authentic…

???????????????????????????????When you are authentic within yourself and with others… what someone calls you, or judges you as, will not bother you. You will just ignore them or walk away.

That is just one of the many things I find so false about Oprah. She spent many shows talking about ‘being your authentic self’, yet she is still whining and using the race card. She must not have learned what she spewed…huh? Or she is manipulating for her agenda.. either way .. she is not authentic… she is a fraud.
Authenticity concerns the truthfulness of origins, attributions, commitments, sincerity, devotion, and intentions.
Authenticity (philosophy), a particular way of dealing with the external world, being faithful to internal rather than external ideas
When you are authentic within yourself, you can withstand attack, judgement and anything else as it matters not what others ‘think’ about you, but it’s more important who you are, what you think about yourself, and know that you are.
The lack of individual authenticity in today’s world is alarming. Too many are worried about what others think, or they feign over sensitivity in order to manipulate and to implement agenda.  We are becoming a country of whiners, weak-willed, without integrity, or authenticity and this leaves us individually and collectively open for manipulation, cons, extortion, fraud, and everything bad.
When you aren’t authentic to yourself… you can’t see others for who and what they really are and the underhandedness and maniupative tactics of their agenda.
“We are told NOT TO judge ALL Islamic supremacists by the actions of a few lunatics.” 
BUT on the other hand……. “We are also encouraged TO judge ALL Gun Owners by the actions of a few lunatics.” 
The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 47 million people as of the most recent figures available in 2013.
Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us “Please Do Not Feed the Animals.”
Their stated reason for the policy is because “The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.”
We are to accept gays as they flaunt themselves in parades down our streets… 
but they get all pushed out of shape if someone doesn’t agree with their lifestyle choices…
These are examples of how distorted for agenda it gets when most of us are not authentic.
Good becomes bad. Bad becomes good. Truth become lie. Lie becomes truth.
Authenticity is gone. 
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