Category Archives: Politics

Illumi-Nation – if you can read a script… you might enjoy this…

SUPER: “I am part of the power that would always wish evil
and always works the good.” Goethe
The sun shines, fluffy
clouds float.
A beautiful MALE ANGEL falls into a –LUSH GARDEN
Male Angel hits the earth. As he looks around he smiles slyly then turns into a
A lovely nude PREGNANT WOMAN with a crown of stars above her head
When the dragon saw that he was cast to
earth, he persecuted the woman who brought forth mankind.  The Reptile
slithers towards the Pregnant Woman as red fire shoots from its mouth. The
Pregnant Woman backs away.

Sconces, candles and a
roaring fire light the room as thirteen BUSINESSMEN from various countries,
AMERICAN MAN, a BRITISH ROYAL, a GERMAN MAN, an elaborately dressed ASIAN, enjoy
a lavish feast. They sit around a large table with the finest china and
crystal. ADAM WEISHAUPT (40s) wears a powdered-wig, sits at the head of the
table, speaks English with a German accent. 
We control the monetary system, so care not who makes the laws.
Weishaupt rises from his chair.

Right you are, Mayer
He moves to the over-sized fireplace engraved with the motto, POOR
picks up an elaborate sword by the fireplace.

We are
the masters of war! But care not who wins as it always benefits our

Control the presses. Control their minds.
motions his sword toward the American Man.

No truer words were
ever spoken.
Weishaupt laughs arrogantly as he saunters swishing the sword.

We divide! We conquer! We destroy!
We create secret
societies within  the society with offers of money, power and sex…
at big-bellied man)
…Will any refuse?
Non, Mon
Weishaupt. May the serpent be aroused.
Weishaupt sits at the head of the
table. He places the sword atop the table before him.

Hidden behind acts of charity, we do as we wish. We offer incentives
for donations. We tax the ground and use the proceeds to instruct the masses as
we choose. 
Weishaupt nods as he grins at the British

With the appearance of good, we are able to infiltrate
(looks at the Asian)
…We blur every boundary to have all
resources under our control.
We, the few, control the many.

The Asian
As always…
…The way to ‘God’ is
through us.
We can hide so easily in doctrine. The masses won’t
recognize it’s us who create dissension in all religions.

Christed one accomplished

Laughter all.

Mon Weishaupt, can this be managed 
past our demise?

We rule the past, the present and the future,
until the orchestrated end.
All nod, toast and smile in

Ha, the future is ours!  With lightning fast
communication, the masses will hear little and comprehend less. Much easier to
escalate their fear and confusion. Leviathan at the finest, spins  words until
the meaning won’t be understood.
(snide chuckle)
 We will control their minds as we change the cycles of the earth then
blame it on them…
The Moriah conquering wind sweeps through
and over all!… 
Luciferin ideology imposed and
(holds up the sword)
The men raise their
glasses. “Illuminati!”
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Raise America’s standards…

???????????????????????????????.. so that America can get back to excellence. America has been lowering her standards for decades to make everyone ‘fit’ in and to ‘feel’ equal. Well, we are all equal in the eyes of God, but we are not individual in that opportunity. We are all born with different strengths and weaknessess.

Why should someone born with intelligence, talent, skills, or beauty be held down and back by those without these things? To do this is hindering, demeaning, and cruel to everyone concerned.
Affirmative action and ‘no child left behind’ have destroyed our public school system. Anyone who wants a good education must now attend a private school because of these programs. They are a set up for mediocrity and for lower level to be the norm. That mediocrity becomes the highest level and it is destroying our country.
Excellence and achievement deserve acknowledgment and reward and serve as an inspiration and challenge to others to achieve that place.  Otherwise, to give everyone an award just for showing up is demoralizing, demeaning and insulting to all involved… like why put out effort if you can win without doing so?
It’s like a fat, unkempt, unfit person looking at a fit, slim, well-kept person and saying, “I want to look like that!” Well, you need to work at it to attain that, you can’t just claim it as yours without the work. And the same goes for this so-called ‘redistribution of wealth’. That those who have resources need to share with those who don’t. Well, those who didn’t work for it, don’t appreciate, or care for it and will soon squander it.  But the actual truth and reality is that ‘redistribution’ is really a government grab of resources that no one, but the government will ever see. Only the dumbest, affirmative action types by into this government con.
Look at our youth… many are without values and positive goals. They are like whiny, directionless, without standards, bloated, ill-dressed, ill-groomed bullies, thugs, Hollywood-like, tatooed, pot-smoking, blank-faced, lowly slobs. And the reason for this is that we have such low standards for our society.
It once was, if a highschool girl got pregnant, she was shamed, hidden away and kicked out of the group of other kids that wanted more for their lives.  Moral behavior was once what was strived for. Now, few care. The govermment pays for the baby, or she can easily kill the new life by abortion and either way, it’s become no big deal.
When I grew up, no one got pregnant in highschool because to do so, showed the girl as immoral, stupid, her future gone and if she got an abortion that would be worse, like murder. And it was all hidden and something awful as it should have been because it was awful!
So, what has made us accepting of everything that we once considered wrong?
What has made us accepting of fat, bloated, ill-dressed, immoral, directionless, unmotivated, lowly educated, ignorant people with no pride in their appearance or concern for their health?
It’s because we have lowered standards, in order, to make those who made bad choices to not feel badly about themselves. And it’s stupid.  Everyone lives by some sort of standards and values. So why are we lowering them to the easy, slovenly way, instead of raising them up?  It’s done only so the government can step in and control the masses by doling out ‘goodies’ and so the sheeple will live by the standards that the government deems as such and this my fellow Americans is real slavery! 
Sure, people make mistakes, and make bad choices and they should be called out as such, so they can learn and choose differently. They should be showned the better way and not be allowed to continue down a life of squalor, immorality, obesity, ill-health and ignorance.
Now, it’s turned about, so the fit, moral, attractive, intelligent, industrious people are the miniority and ‘the others’ who are envious of them want to harm and take from them instead of to emmulate, be guided by and strive for their higher standard of existence. And this is happening because we have lowered the standards, instead of pushing everyone to higher standards and excellence in their lifestyle choices, but are forcing the ones of higher standards to accept that of the lower and this is a recipe for disaster on every level of society. Also making the masses easier to be controlled by evil and destructive elements, such as a corrupt government.
Physically and emotionally healthy, morally directed people will not fall for lies, corruption that will further destroy America. But this type of people are becoming fewer and fewer. So the standards are getting lower and lower.
Watching the examples in our government, our leaders, those on TV, in the entertainment areas has become appalling.
Affirmative action  is the premise of – ‘Hey, you don’t need to try and become better, or even be proficient, or able to do the job, you will just get and keep the job because of your skin color, or because you are a miniority.’
And now, we have an affirmative action president… unqualified and only there because he played the ‘race card’, repeatedly and still does. He is a bought and paid for puppet of those who wish to take America down to take over control of our people and resources.
Obama is a weak, whiny, affirmative action president who with every opportunity given him still whines and plays the victim card. This man has no backbone, no character, no leadership abilities, lies continually and is very possibly ‘gay’, while living the ‘facade’ of a family man. His past and who he really is has been hidden. That, we, as a country have elected this lowly character is shameful and is a clear reflection of what this article is about. We have lowered American standards to non-existant for a man like this to be elected. This man clearly hates America’s excellence in the world. Everything that comes out of his mouth shows his lowly self and his lowly ideas. 
America needs a President of excellence… one that takes pride in what our forefathers set forth, not some affirmative action community organizer, teleprompter talker spewing lies and con. 
We should encourage others to raise their standards, in order, that they ‘will feel’ better about themselves, instead of lowering our standards, so that they ‘might feel’ better about themselves. 
Look at the faces of the tatooed, pot smoking, fat and bloated, ill-dressed and ill-groomed… they have no light in their eyes and no pride in themselves and this is what happens with the lowering of standards. It diminishes the human spirit to a slovenly, direction-less nothing, only looking for escape. Then look at those who are fit, drug-free, with morals, standards, and direction, who dress well and are groomed…most walk with spirit and have clear eyes with a look of purpose in them.
What kind of society do we want? A Wal-Mart world of freaks or a Neiman’s world of sleek, successful and well-dressed? I am not talking about money, but success and having it should be strived for, as it’s a good thing and not negative as it’s now being propagandized. But a human being can be fit, well-dressed and live well with a minimum of money. An easy example is that of Michelle Obama. She has all the resources in the world and she dresses like a hooker, has the manners, class and refinement of a hog, and has a cold look in her face and eyes as evil.
What it’s about are choices, awareness, pride, honesty, integrity, honor, modesty, morality… The values shown to us by the Ten Commandments and the wisdom of healthy living, body, mind and spirit.
I have met many a person with little money, but with pride, honor, and wisdom and the look in their eyes and the way they carry and present themselves clearly shows excellence in a human being.
Children must be taught to strive for excellence. This will push the ordinary up and the weakest to strive higher… and those who are born with excellence to lead our world to outstanding things.
While acceptance of things lowly will only take us down lower.  Some may get left behind, but it will save the majority from a living hell.  And Americans have always cared for those less fortunate.. it’s in our nature. 
There have always been places for those who can’t or don’t fit in. But when we have the moral, the aware, the truth tellers, the attractive, the fit, the intelligent, those who love America, those who love freedom, believe in the free enterprise system, those who love God, believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and try to follow the Ten Commandments  becoming those that don’t fit in … Hell is where we are headed. A hell of no one has anything… everyone is ‘equal’ while the government of fools control everything. 
America and her ways have been the light of the world. For her to remain as such, we must rise again to excellence and not accept less than.
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Cognitive dissonance, one reason Liberals and Atheists may behave as they do…

???????????????????????????????Cognitive dissonance (BS psychological term) is the excessive mental stress and discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time. This stress and discomfort may also arise within an individual who holds a belief and performs a contradictory action or reaction.
For example, an individual is likely to experience dissonance if he or she is addicted to smoking cigarettes and continues to smoke despite believing it is unhealthy
One theory of cognitive dissonance focuses on how humans strive for internal consistency. When inconsistency (dissonance) is experienced, individuals largely become psychologically distressed.  The existence of dissonance, being psychologically uncomfortable, will motivate the person to try to reduce the dissonance and achieve consonance. When dissonance is present, in addition to trying to reduce it, the person will actively avoid situations and information which would likely increase the dissonance.
Example: Liberals/Atheists who avoid hearing or watching anything that differs from their beliefs because it makes them so uncomfortable. They can’t tolerate anyone to think differently than they do and when confronted, they become extremely uncomfortable because it creates conflict inside themselves and they can’t tolerate their discomfort. So they project outward that which they cannot tolerate, one way is to call those who don’t agree with them names; such as racist, hater, bigot, etc. They just can’t tolerate differing opinions because it makes their  internal discomfort levels rise. Sure this is childlike and as we have seen most liberals/progressives and democrats are childlike with childlike behaviors; as in Bill Maher, an atheist,  lashing out at Christianity.   
If there is no God, then nothing you do matters, you can do anything.
So, for example, if Bill Maher believes there is no God  and acts accordingly. In those moments, that he wonders, if there might really be a God… this will fill him with cognitive dissonance/intolerable discomfort – so he lashes out to alleviate his discomfort. Otherwise, why would it matter to him what others believe or think?
Individuals can adjust their attitudes or actions in various ways:
1. Consonant relationship – Two cognitions/actions that are consistent with one another (Ex: Not wanting to get intoxicated while out, then ordering water instead of alcohol)
2. Irrelevant relationship – Two cognitions/actions that are unrelated to one another (Ex: Not wanting to get intoxicated while out, then tying your shoes) What Liberals do.. create a diversion, example: calling names and talking nonsense that is not even relatable to the subject matter or topic.  They deflect, blame and circle talk.
3. Dissonant relationship – Two cognitions/actions that are inconsistent with one another (Ex: Not wanting to get intoxicated while out, then consuming six tequila shots) Those who do themselves exactly what they tell, or shame others not to do.
The importance of cognitions: The more elements that are personally valued, the greater the magnitude of the dissonant relationship  and the more uncomfortable they will be. As in Obamacare’s failure and Obama’s lies about it. Obama supporters just ignore his lies, as if they never happened, because to acknowledge his lying would reveal that they were wrong about Obama and they can’t tolerate being wrong. It would make them too uncomfortable.  
Cognitive dissonance theory is founded on the assumption that individuals seek consistency between their expectations and their reality. Because of this, people engage in a process called dissonance reduction to bring their cognitions and actions in line with one another. This creation of uniformity allows for a lessening of psychological tension and distress. According to some, dissonance reduction can be achieved in three ways:
Attitude: “I am going on a diet and will avoid high fat food”
Behavior: Eating a doughnut or some other high fat food.
1. Change behavior/cognition
(Ex: Stop eating the doughnut)
2. Justify behavior/cognition by changing the conflicting cognition
(Ex: “I’m allowed to cheat every once in a while”)
3. Justify behavior/cognition by adding new cognitions
(Ex: “I’ll spend 30 extra minutes at the gym to work it off”)
Clearly many liberals try to justify differing ideas by not even listening, or hearing and calling names of  those who challenge them in anyway. They blame, deflect, lie, spin… they do whatever they have to, in order to justify their thoughts and behaviors. Doing so, alleviates their internal discomfort that what they think or believe may not be accurate or real, if others think differently.
The Muslim practice is an extreme example of cognitive dissonance… they kill those who do not believe as they do. 
Liberals, progressives, democrats can’t tolerate a differing of opinions, they lash out, lie, twist, spin, deflect, blame, call names. they are like children who can’t handle being uncomfortable…which is the whole premise of everything they do… it’s all to make everyone feel okay about who and what they are no matter what it is they do, how they are, or how they live.
It’s a psychological mindset of self-protection and controlling others. They make wrong-right and truth-lie, in order to protect their fragile self-esteem and their inability to tolerate the possibility of being wrong. 
So if they have vilified someone or something and come to realize that person is really good, nice and correct … it creates such conflict in them that they just can’t handle it. Forget the BS psychological term ‘cognitive dissonance’. It’s called immaturity, stunted development, ignorance, intolerance, etc!
So, this is one reason that makes them so intolerant of others while trying to force others to be tolerant of them. They must be ‘right’ to feel ‘okay’… and they will do any and everything to accomplish this.
Think Obama and his words and actions. Obama must be filled with cognitive dissonance! 
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Inmates running the asylum…

ObamaShorts…degenerates and perverts setting the standards, the values, and morality etc. Take a hard look at what is going on in America today because it is appalling.
Hearing what comes out of Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Michelle Obama, both Clintons, or Biden’s, etc. mouth must be like what being in an insane asylum hearing inmates babble would be. It’s all delusional, lies, fantasy, word salad-like, out of reality, distorted, twisted drivel.
It’s like something, or someone reached in and snatched their brains and inserted lame, agenda-filled-talking points, taking away their ability to speak the truth, reason, speak clearly, or off the cuff in any meaninful way, because in off the cuff and their agenda is revealed… with their inability to keep on script as their real agenda bleeds through their lies. So they must stay on teleprompter and talking points as they smile through their corruption and lies. Genuine cognitive abilities and compassion from the heart are absent as it’s all lies for agenda.
The same can be seen in most in the media, think: Juan Williams, Bob Beckle, Barbara Walters, etc. And in the public eye, especially many in the entertainment arena, and I do mean ‘arena’.  It’s like we are watching a circus of fools performing in an arena of distortion and perversion led by degenerates.
Sidebar – Ellen ‘Degeneres’… ummm.. interesting word play, isn’t it? The first woman who revealed herself as a lesbian on TV and so many seem to think she is so ‘nice’ and ‘humourous’ She is married ( I think), or living with another ‘woman’. Who would have thought that we would ever be considering those of the same sex marrying? And if you don’t care for the idea, then you are called a hater, or worse. You see it seems we must accept even that which we don’t approve of ,or want to accept. That which we once thought abhorrent and unnatural.  Ellen is a woman who likes to dress and cut her hair like a man. She wears little men suits and she tells jokes to entertain… well, I think you get the picture. She is an entertainer, not anything to model after. And Michelle Obama is on her show often. Speaks volumes, huh? It’s entertainment and should be taken in that vain and perspective and little more. It’s a temporary escape. Why is it that many can’t tell the difference any longer?
Were it only a bad movie, it might be funny, if seen and taken as such, but it’s not funny because these fools are destroying America… its integrity, its freedoms, its place in the world, its excellence, its leadership, its sanctity, its security, its morality and filling it with chaos, insecurity, deception, distortion, control, lies, weakness, perversion, corruption… everything lowly. They are a leadership of rancid, delusional, lying, corrupt, degenerate  fools trying to lead others into their abyss.
Knowing the truth, seeing the truth then still believing all their lies is the example of ignorance and stupidity on a level that is unimaginable. Have the brains of many in America been flooded with an inability to think and discern to see what is truth, what is lie, what is good and what is evil, what is sound and what is nonsense? Why can so few tell the difference? What is entertainment and what is real life? What is a charade? What is a facade? What is fake and phony? What is acting?
Because who could believe, or buy into what these idiot fools are promoting and selling? No one, but other idiot fools. None of it makes sense because it is all nonsense and it goes against all logic, intelligence, morality and common sense.
Their reasoning is seriously flawed and they are too self-delusional, ignorant, agenda-filled and distorted to realize how insane they sound as they keep talking, twisting, lying, deflecting and destroying, like the bad and unruly kids taking over and destroying a playground, while the good, intelligent, well-bought-up children look on in shock or amused disdain. But it’s anything but amusing. These traitors to our constitution and moral way of life are appalling and destructive to everyone in American as rights and freedoms are taken away and government control is implemented. And morality is at a new low.
All the government employed and (tax payer funded) paid and media blockheads do is talk. They build or create nothing. So why are they listened to and believed as knowing anything and certainly not anything better, or worthwhile than you, or I, and those in the private sector who own companies, work, invent, create, etc. They are sucking the resources and energy from the people into their corrupted, bloated, machine of destruction.
These degenerates suck off the people. They manipulate the people. They try to influence the people as to what to buy, how to live and what to believe, while their own lives are full of immorality, lies, facade, cover-ups and fraud.
They are bought and paid for talkers, paid to influence, twist, decieve and con. They are fakes!
So why is anyone with a brain tolerating this, watching, or even listening, other than to be temporarily entertained??? Why can so few see things for what they really are?
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Does Obama ‘care’?…

beigeIs the ‘affordable’ healthcare act really about health? Or is it more about gaining data and control over your life… even to expediting your death?
Obama’s ‘care’ is about government control of every area of everyone’s life…
And it’s just a piece of ‘their’ agenda… there’s gun control along with confiscating private sector wealth, as in retirement accounts being sucked into the government…


The take over of education, curtailing individual thinking to promoting brainwashing and changing the real historical facts into Obama’s dream and propaganda….
Control of the food sources as in Codex Alimentarius…
Spying on private citizens. Putting the IRS on those who disagree with the Obama agenda…
Quote Obama. ” I will have the most transparent administration in history.” When truth is, it’s the most hidden, corrupt and full of lying spin. The Obama regime controls the media like never before. They are the propaganda machine spewing lies, cover-ups and con. Truth is lie and lie is truth…
Obama promised. “If you like your doctor, you can keep your
doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. ‘Period,’ he said
‘Period.” That means no stinking conditions.

The Obama regime lies about everything.  Obama ‘care’ is only the tip of the iceberg that is melting America a free country into the hell of government control…
But does Obama ‘care’?…. NO! It’s his agenda to lie, con and screw over the American people to take over our country and insert us into the NWO… Agenda 21, in order to implement the death of  all freedoms… under the guise of fairness, equality and income distribution.
Lie and smile until you get close enough to slit their throats… 
Obama is slitting America’s throat… 
The death of America… that is what Obama’s ‘caring’ is…
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Feeding the beast…

BO…the beast of big government. The government of controlling everything through over-spending, waste, bloatedness, incompetence, lies and sucking everything from the private sector. While those leading and working for the almighty government beast thrive as they feed their ego, have fake concern for the masses who pay their salaries and allow them to be where they are and get wealthy, while they supposedly ‘serve’ the America people. When they are really lying, conning and manipulating the government to achieve government control over everything.

Today, in my opinion, the government elections held for those who are placed there, have been corrupted to their core. Dead people vote. People vote multiple times. ID’s aren’t required by illegals and minorities when ID’s are needed to do most every transaction otherwise. It’s insanity! Why are illegals even voting? There are corrupted organizations backed by agenda-driven evil like Soros, Acorn, Move-on, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc. that do everything possible to create their desired outcomes. Nothing is as it appears.
The man who is now president will not release his records… who is this man really and where did he come from?
What was once for the people and elected by the people has turned into manipulation and corruption from those behind the scenes who control the voting, the candidates, special interests, the media, while they try to brainwash the masses as they create lies, spin and propaganda so outrageous that many can’t even comprehend the underhandedness of it all, therefore it is taken as truth. And most all the media is their bought and paid for propaganda machine. It’s like some sick and twisted horror show.
Lies have become truth and truth deemed as lie… Spin is the norm.
Government employees should be servants of the people. Those in the government are ‘supposed’ to be of service to the people, not the other way round. But as time has passed, those elected and otherwise placed, have become puppets with strings attached thicker than rope being pulled by those who profit off of, and get an ego charge off of sadism, despotism, theft, control, extortion, even killing and murdering of the masses, while they smile through their lies and pronounce how good it will be for all.
The perfect example: Obamacare is about control, not health. It’s about sucking resources from the people in the private sector into the almighty beast of the government. It was created in secrecy, presented in cover-ups, corruption, lies, and incompetence and done only for control.
Until we stop feeding the beast of big government and make them accountable to ‘we’ the people, the private sector, ‘we’ who pay our income into the government in the form of taxes to pay their salaries, support their outrageous spending and lifestyles, America will continue to be weakened and even falling into destruction toppling us into loss of all our freedoms as we become more subservient to the beast… we will become a socialist, a communist…a nation with no freedoms. We will lose everything that makes America great.
The Obama regime wants control over every facet of our lives and over every dime. They want everything controlled and sucked into the government then the government will decide what a person has or receives.
“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword and the other is by debt.”~ John Adams, 1826
It’s an evil beast and it is time to stop feeding it!  Freedom must reign supreme again!
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If I don’t like Obama, I am a racist?…

???????????????????????????????According to who? The real racists!
The race card game … it’s time for it to end. It’s overdone and done for manipulation and is the only reason an unqualified traitorous man like Obama is where he is. He’s the first affirmative action, victim president and his administration and its ideas and decisions have proven to be a disaster for America. Obama lies continually, misleads the American people, covers up and spins like some snake oil salesman…. But all that aside, if you don’t like him, you are called a racist. It’s insanity… a kind of manipulative dementia…
Obama must’ve been told by his handlers that all he need do is be a puppet, spew lies, implement evil agenda and continually play the race card to destroy America and our freedoms and thus doing, he would be set for life in the lap of luxury like some king or ‘dictator’.
Obama and his minions hate America. They hate freedom, the private sector and promote government control of everything. Dislike of him and his hideous agenda have nothing to do with racism, except theirs with their use of con and spin using the absurdity of political correctness to implement their horrors on our great country.