Category Archives: Inspirational/Spiritual

What does a wolf have in common with…

???????????????????????????????a lamb?

What peace is there between a hyena and a dog?

The sign of a happy heart is a cheerful face…

If one is mean to himself, to whom will he generous?

One who is wise, is cautious in everything; when sin is all around, one guards against wrong doing.

Do not follow your base desires, but restrain your appetites. If you allow your soul to take pleasure in base desire, it will make you a laughing stock of your enemies.

Wine and women lead intelligent men astray, and the man who consorts with prostitutes is reckless.

One who trusts others too quickly has a shallow mind and one who sins does wrong to oneself.

Wisdom about ‘right’ living always applies and never changes…

Look to the left and click to follow…

Sociopaths, psychopaths and pathology in…

???????????????????????????????…psychology, the clergy, legal, justice, political and medical fields. Rule, dominate and control…and hide out while doing so. These are the ‘perfect’ professions and careers for sociopaths and psychopaths to hide in and to manipulate people for their amusement and benefit..

Sociopath Someone whose social behavior is extremely abnormal. Sociopaths are interested only in their personal needs and desires, without concern for the effects of their behavior on others. They are motivated by their obsessive need to control others.

Psychopath Also called: sociopath a person afflicted with a personality disorder characterized by a tendency to commit antisocial and sometimes violent acts and a failure to feel guilt for such acts.

Pathology – any deviation from a healthy, normal, or efficient condition.

I have noticed more and more that ‘religions are cult-like’ as they sit in ‘judgement’ of others… telling people what to do, in order, to ‘get’ to Heaven.. as if ‘they’ have a clue…as they suck money, resources, time and energy from others and create and pr
omote their agenda to control…

Richard Roberts was arrested for ‘allegedly’ driving under the influence of alcohol. An Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper stopped the 63-year-old just past midnight driving 93 miles per hour in his Mercedes-Benz. According to the arrest report, Roberts failed a breathalyzer and field sobriety test. The officer “detected the strong odor of alcohol about Roberts’ breath and person,” the report said. Roberts, the son of Oral, served as president of Oral Roberts University for 15 years before stepping down in 2007. He currently hosts a nightly television show called, “The Place for Miracles: Your Hour of Healing.”  HA!…

I grew up in Tulsa and the ‘skinny’ on this family was/is legend. One of my family’s housekeepers, also worked for the Roberts. And oh, my!!! The stories she told. In his early 20’s, Richard had a Mercedes-Benz, while his father made his living off the ‘poor’ and ‘needy’ who were ‘hoping’ for a miracle. People sending in their dollars based on some passage from the Bible used to exploit for their gain… It’s criminal and has nothing to do with God.

An investigation discovered all kinds of documentation that Oral hired ‘experts’ to help him craft letters that would bring in money. The concept of ‘Seed-Faith’ made him rich. They owned a whole city block in Tulsa that they had walled off and Oral ‘stole’ the architectural plans for my Father’s house, which was one of a kind, to have one built for himself.

Also, look at the sexual exploitation rampant in many churches. These are the false prophets we are/were warned about in the Bible. Many churches are led by and full of sociopaths. It’s a ‘pure’ concept that’s been corrupted by those looking for prey…and those with the need to control others in their ‘posturing’ to be and ‘feel’ important.

How about…read the Bible and follow the ten commandments. This you can do on your own. You can give to others on your time and give resources directly. You don’t need to have it ‘filtered’ through some ‘self-serving’ church…you don’t need some TV evangelist, or some large, money sucking church, or ‘charitable’ – ‘non-profit’ entity to tell you how to do this… because people running the ‘non-profits’ are profiting…

In the field of psychology, it is easy to manipulate clients who are in pain and need. I personally know of psychologists who have had affairs with their clients who have come to them for ‘marriage counseling.’ HA! Think of the pathology existing in a ‘psychologist’ to do this…

Have you ever listened to some psychologists, to hear their controlled, monotone, calculating, manipulative, authoritarian way of speaking? It’s the vilest… so contrived and done for affect and effect. Their persona of compassion is used as their facade to illicit trust, to disarm and to control. Some ‘manipulate’ to create dependence, so that clients will stay in treatment and have appointments that can go on for years as psychologists ‘suck’ off their insurance and income.

Gaslighting – a common form of psychological brainwashing in which an abuser tries to falsely convince the victim that the victim is defective, for any purpose whatsoever, such as making the victim more pliable and easily controlled, or making the victim more emotional and therefore more needy and dependent. Often done by friends and family members, who claim (and may even believe) that they are trying to be helpful. This can certainly be done easily by twisted psychologists.

The gaslighting abuser sees himself or herself as a ‘nurturing’ parental figure in relation to the victim, and uses gaslighting as a means for keeping the victim in that psychological place, or relationship, perhaps as punishment for the victim’s attempt to break out of the dependent role, or if they try to expose the abuser for who and what they are.

Example 1: If an abusive person says hurtful things and makes you cry, and then, instead of apologizing and taking responsibility, starts recommending treatments for what he or she calls “your depression” or “your mood swings,” you are in the presence of a gaslighter.

Example 2: If someone insults you or criticizes you, and then pretends it was a joke and asks, “Don’t you have a sense of humor?” – that’s gaslighting.

Perception blaming is a common form of gaslighting, and a common technique for evading the consequences of one’s actions. Example: “I’m sorry you perceived my words that way; it wasn’t my intention.”… this is classic psychological BS.

Translation: “You are perceptually defective. Everyone else in the world can read my mind; if you can’t, there must be something wrong with you. Or so, I’d like you to believe.”

I know of people who have gone to psychologists for years and they say it was the biggest waste of their time, and money and actually caused them more harm than good

Psychology is a pseudo – science. It’s ‘psychobabble’ and many psychologists are more disturbed and troubled than their clients. That’s why they get into the field, to ‘try’ and ‘figure out’ what is ‘wrong’ with them. Read about Freud and Jung… they were sexual perverts that lived sorted, twisted lives and these two are the ‘fathers’ of psychiatry and psychology. HA! There was a recent movie made called, DANGEROUS METHODS, based on Freud and Jung…. watch it! You will realize what hypocrisy and lunacy this whole practice is based on.

Sure, some people need drugs to keep them balanced, as in bi-polar disorder, etc., but many people are prescribed, then become dependent on drugs that they have no real need for. And the Rorschach tests (inkblots… HA!) and the other BS tests are only that…  the DSM, ‘Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of MentalDisorders’, tries to ‘categorize’ people and this was created for ‘insurance billing’ purposes.

There was a ‘prominent’ psychiatrist in my area whose office was always packed. I would see her at functions and around the community, she came across like she was ‘the authority and ‘God’s gift’ to sanity’. I have a friend who took her teen-daughter to the office where this psychiatrist’s husband, a psychologist, also practiced. My friend told me the office was so busy, it was zoo-like, and that she had to wait at length for their appointment.

Well, this psychiatrist was picked up for shoplifting in Saks, then come to find out, she had been caught many times previously for shoplifting. It was all over the local papers. Then she lost her license for giving too many prescriptions… So, ‘Miss Sanity Professional’ was hooking people onto drugs and passing them out like candy to prop up her practice….that is why the office was always so busy and her husband, the ‘psychologist’. Well, it was discovered that while he was talking with clients, he was looking at porn… Imagine, how freaked out my friend was thinking of her teenaged-daughter ‘alone’ in a room with him.

The people doing the ‘judging, diagnosing and prescribing’ many times, are the ‘sickest’ and most twisted… it gives them a place to hide with the ability to control and ‘categorize people for monetary gain’ and to act out their perversions and pathology.

A psychologist is a ‘friend’ that you ‘pay’ to listen to you, who is really not a friend, as they nod their head, talk and question in monotone, “How do you ‘feel’ about that?”, look at the clock and count their money.

I have never met a psychologist that I trust
.They usually have screwed up lives and screwed up children along with many perverted secrets…and if you trip across a psychologist who also ‘wears’ the cloak, or mantle of the church. Watch out! You could be dealing with a double whammy of manipulation and sociopathy…a complete predator. People who ‘try’ to come across so ‘good’ and ‘knowledgable’ are ‘usually’ quite the opposite and their ‘front’ is only used to throw others off their true agenda…

A sincerely good person has no need to wear such a mantle. They just are… so anytime, someone ‘tries’ to ‘appear’ so good, ‘Godly’, or so in touch with a church, or God that they want to lead, influence, or control you… run away!

How about talk your problems out with real friends? And read on your own to become self-aware…

In the medical field, a ‘doctor’ can order all sorts of tests, prescribe medicines and have you returning to them for visit after visit, all for their monetary gain as they bilk insurance, medicare, medicaid and you, along with kick backs from pharmaceutical companies. Do we even need half the tests given and prescriptions doled out? The ‘God-complex’ that some of these ‘doctors’ walk around with is legend… complete sociopaths…

Take care of your health… eat healthfully, workout, keep your weight at what it should be, take minerals and vitamins and take as few ‘medications’ as possible. A good friend who is an ethical doctor advised, “Stay away from doctors and hospitals to stay healthy.”

Sure, you need check ups and to monitor your health and when ill, of course, use their services… just be aware and be cautious. Use your God-given instincts… don’t give your power away to others just because they have a ‘title’.

The key is that people in these fields ‘perform’ a ‘service’… they should act accordingly, instead of becoming ‘authoritarian demigods’…. the really good, ethical ones in these professions know this and behave accordingly. You only need observe them and not ever be intimidated…It’s your body, mind and soul.. not theirs…

And the legal field, we just need to look to John Edwards (who is even exploiting his own daughter)John Edwards John Edwards Campaign Finance Violations Trial Begins and Obama, (Obama’s actions and words show that he is a classic example of a sociopath). Well, the list is long here and it bleeds into all levels of the political and judical arena. Many use the legal, political and justice fields to make laws, while they break the very laws they make.They create and use these laws for ‘control’ of the populous and their personal monetary gain. It’s complete and total corruption…

Let’s look at the prison system… you have people who break the laws that go to prison, then are raped, exploited, tortured, sold drugs and murdered by the guards and the system. The ‘crime’ is on both sides. Prisons are big business long with industries that feed off of them. The more laws that are made, the more people who break them, the more prisons are needed with people to build, manage and service them.

Sociopaths in these fields try to ‘force’ people to obey their laws and rules, while they break everyone of them… it gives them their ‘high’ and sense of power and control.

Sociopaths and psychopaths can easily do their dirty deeds hiding in these professions. That is why many enter these fields in the first place to manipulate and harm others for their gain… these people have a ‘innate’ need to be in ‘control’ of others.

Be very careful when dealing with many in these professions. Listen to your instincts…don’t let their manipulative, authoritarian tone and domineering ‘facade’ (as that is all it is) control and harm you and your life.

Those without Christ in their heart have no conscience, or compassion and know no bounds when it comes to their ability and desire to harm others. (they are full of pathology)

Make sure that the light you think you have is not actually darkness. Luke 11:35


The intent and emotion behind words…

???????????????????????????????Intent and emotion are more important than words. Intent and emotion give words their real meaning.

Are the words spoken with restraint, calculation, caution, manipulation, anger, deception, love, clarity… the same words, or phrase with different intent and emotion will have completely different meanings…

So, it’s not the words. It’s the intent … the emotion that matters…

Can you hear the emotion, the intent in the words spoken to you? We need to become able to listen with more than our ears. We need to listen and hear with all of our senses and most especially our gut instincts.

Some try so hard to hide their emotion, their intent, their pain, their agenda, that when they speak.. their words are so ‘contrived’ and full of hidden and conflicted meanings that everything about the words ring false…

When the purity of emotion, intent and the words come together is when it all rings true….

The pure of heart and intention can ‘usually’ identify and see the deception more readily than others, but sometimes, they can be the easiest to fool. Cons can see through cons as they say…

As people experience and age,’their intention behind the words radar’, ‘usually’ becomes keener. That’s why and how the youth are so easily swayed… and why people such as Obama go after them. They want to imprint them with their ‘contrived’ words used for their agenda…

As the world gets more and more corrupted… words are meaning less and less… it’s the emotion, the feelings, the intent that we all need to be hearing and listening for. What is the real meaning behind the words?

Words, these days, are being uses as a tool to manipulate…

Word masters and manipulators rely on their ‘words’ being taken at their face value…and in this day and time, this is exactly what we should not do.. take them at their first appearance. I say take them for their agenda and intention.

Obama is a prime example of this duplicity, where emotion, agenda, actions and intent do not match with his words…

Look up Leviathan… I have written about this often. Leviathan is the ‘devil’ of confusion, fog, misconception and duplicity, confusion in communication, in words, and he precedes Satan…And this is what is running rampant in our world today…

Learn to discern… see the emotions, the intent, the agenda behind and in the words… We must all do this, while viewing the public arena and also in our private lives. It’s imperative…

We all use the ‘same words’… it’s the intent, agenda and emotion in and behind them that matters…

After all, a lecherous playboy says the words, “I love you.” with ill-intent… while a person with sincere love in their heart uses the same words…One is true, the other false… it’s the intention, agenda, emotion that matters in the words used…

After all, “I hate you”… can even mean,”I love you”…in certain circumstances… can’t it, huh?

Actions match words, or it is crazy making… foggy… Leviathan-like … and this is what cons do.They want you to hear only their words and not to be able to see behind, through and in them…

“A rose by any other name will smell just as sweet.” Shakepeare

Turning God’s Earth Into Satan’s Work Camp…

???????????????????????????????…. with no freedoms, no choices, but with the ‘illusion’ of  being cared for by the ‘Government’ as all rights and privacy are taken away…gone!

God is freedom. Government control is abolishing freedom and this is of evil.

This is what happens when God is taken out of Government… taken out of our schools, taken out of America. Satan’s greed, lust, gluttony, immorality, perversions, lies, destruction of the family, worship of false idols, disrespect and disregard for God’s human beings who are made in his image, become chattel to Satan. Fear mongering is promoted as the reason for their actions as all individuality is diminished… then completely eradicated…

Satan’s goal is to fool, dominate, rule and control God’s human beings… Satan considers earth his playground. Satan sees us as all the same, not individual, but as a group of sameness. God sees us, each one iof us as an individual creation. And each strand of hair on our ‘individual’ heads is known to him… 

Satan sees us as all the same, nothing unique, nothing individual…

Satan collects souls…

Christ saves souls…

Earth is Satan’s domain. That’s why he and his ilk put it before mankind. This is not of God because as children of God,  we are on this Earth, not of it. While for subjects of Satan, earth is all they will ever have, or know.  Therefore, it is all they care about… theirs is the material earth plane.

Satan rules and walks the earth taking dominion of all he surveys, tempting the fools… “Come to me, I will take care of you, all your needs will be met, medical, housing and food. You are all ‘equal’, just believe what I say, do as I say, don’t talk badly about me, or one another, don’t be disagreeable, don’t be ‘haters’, and all your earthly needs will be taken care of… just hold hands all together now and walk quietly, peacefully, robotic-like into hell. Jump into the shower to cleanse yourself.”…as poisonous gases fill your lungs, instead of water… HAHAHA!!!

Satan’s plan is composed of religious lies which are used as propaganda for the revelation of his kingdom. These lies are successfully proclaimed by his large number of collaborators, since ‘public support’ is vital for the implementation of his plan to take over the world… as in Agenda 21, the UN and the New World Order.

The first half of the Antichrist’s rule will predominantly be characterized by deception. Leviathan…the evil that creates the spin and fog, so that truth is more and more difficult to hear, to discern, to see, or to even find. During this phase, he will voluntarily be recognized and worshipped by virtually all people. It will only be towards the middle of the tribulation when opposition against him will be mounting that will induce him to institute the most severe military dictatorship in the entire history of humanity.

The Lord Jesus describes it as a great tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world, and that it will bring humanity to the very edge of total annihilation (Matt. 24:21-22). Only then will Christ intervene at His second coming to save a remnant of Israel and the nations (Matt. 24:29-30).

The Lord Jesus has good advice for a time such as this: “Take heed that no one deceives you…” (Matt. 24:4). Abide in Christ, abide in His Word, walk in the Spirit, resist the present evil world and put on the full armor of God that you may remain standing against the wiles of the devil. The Savior has promised to be with us always, even to the end of the age (Matt. 28:20).

WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! Do you know truth when you hear it?

The race card…

???????????????????????????????I don’t like Obama, but that does not make me a ‘racist’. 

Obama and his lying, conning, Leviathan spinning minions need to stop using the race card. It’s been continually played, over-played and it is redundant, lowly and despicable. People like Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, ‘Rev’. Wright (Ha! …a
Reverend, really?)are sick in the head and make their living off of racism and hate. They continually project their own mind set onto every issue to incite and it’s for their gain, agenda and benefit. What are they, but … ‘ Racist Reverends’ who promote hate?…

I like some white people and don’t like some. I like some black people and don’t like others… and that is true for all races, nationalities and people.

Now ‘they’ are turning it on the white race. We are being targeted, harassed, bullied, lynched, vilified by the racist blacks…as political correctness and curtailment of free speech are used to eradicate freedom of choice and being used to beat us up and into submission. 

This despicable game where the race card is played over and over again, well, it’s time is up. Obama and his racist, bigoted agenda are taking us back to the dark ages.

Does anyone agree? Well, let me hear it…

Look to the left and click to follow …

What is the definition of evil?…

???????????????????????????????A dictionary definition of evil is “morally reprehensible, sinful, wicked.” The definition of evil in the Bible falls into two categories: evil against one another (murder, theft, adultery) and evil against God (unbelief, idolatry, blasphemy). From the prohibition against eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:9), to the destruction of Babylon the Great, the embodiment of evil to come (Revelation 18:2), the Bible speaks of evil.

For many centuries Christians have struggled with both the existence and the nature of evil. Most people would acknowledge that evil is real and has always had devastating effects on our world. From the sexual abuse of children to the horrific terrorist attacks on 9/11, evil continues to rear its ugly head in our own time. Many people are left wondering what exactly is evil and why does it exist.

The existence of evil has been used as a weapon by opponents of theism-and Christian theism in particular-for some time. The so called “problem of evil” has been the subject of various arguments by atheists in an attempt to demonstrate that a God who is good simply cannot exist. By implying that God must be the creator of evil, God’s holy character has been called into question. There have been many arguments used to indict God as the cause of evil. Here is one of them:

1) God is the creator of everything that exists.
2) Evil exists.
3) Therefore, God is the creator of evil.

The logic of this syllogism is sound. The conclusion follows logically from the premises. But does this syllogism demonstrate that God is the creator of evil? The problem with this argument is its second premise, that evil is something. For evil is not a thing; it is a lack or privation of a good thing that God made.

As Christian philosopher J.P. Moreland has noted, “Evil is a lack of goodness. It is goodness spoiled. You can have good without evil, but you cannot have evil without good.”

Goodness has existed as an attribute of God from all eternity. While God is perfectly holy and just, He is also perfectly good. Just as God has always existed, so too has goodness as it is a facet of God’s holy character.

The same cannot be said for evil. Evil came into being with the rebellion of Satan and subsequently entered the physical universe with the fall of Adam. As Christian apologist Greg Koukl has said, “Human freedom was used in such a way as to diminish goodness in the world, and that diminution, that lack of goodness, that is what we call evil.”

When God created Adam, He created him good, and He also created him free.

However, in creating Adam free, God indirectly created the possibility of evil, while not creating evil itself. When Adam chose to disobey God, he made this possibility a reality. The same scenario had previously played out when Satan fell by failing to serve and obey God. So it turns out that evil is not a direct creation of God; rather, evil is the result of persons (both angelic and human) exercising their freedom wrongly.

While evil is certainly real, it is important to recognize that evil does not have existence in and of itself. Rather, it only exists as a privation (or a parasite) on the good. It exists in the same way that a wound exists on an arm or as rust exists on a car. The rust cannot exist on its own any more than cold can exist without the existence of heat or darkness can exist without the existence of light.

Despite the horrible effects of evil on our world, the Christian believer can take comfort in the words of the Lord Jesus Christ recorded for us in the Gospel of John, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). More importantly, we look forward with great anticipation to our home in heaven where the ultimate evil, death, will finally be destroyed along with the “mourning, crying and pain” which it inevitably produces (Revelation 21:4).

Instincts vs. Addictions…

???????????????????????????????Listen to your body, protect your instincts…
stay in your power….

What makes some people tune into their instincts and others not?

I use to watch people drinking as a young adult…kids in college and others. I would barely sip a beer as I would observe their behavior as it became distorted and erratic. Nothing about it appealed to me.

I always enjoyed and preferred being in my feelings, my emotions, able to see clearly and being sharp in my mind.

But as a young adult, one evening at a nightclub, I drank three strawberry daiquiris. I felt the buzz and was having fun on one, so more must be better, right? The next morning, I was sick as a dog and was wiped out most all that day. I listened to my body and protected my instincts and never did that again…

As an adult, a glass of wine is great with dinner and occasionally drinking a bit too much is fun, but only on occasion… done too much and it loses its appeal as it makes a person sluggish, foggy in their mind and craving more…

Drugs, I never touched them. Well, I did smoke marihuana once in my mid-twenties. Why? A friend had brought it from Mexico and we were having a dinner party and well… But, I hated the smell of it and the way that it made me feel… I listened to my body and protected my instincts…

I have always been tuned into what is ‘right for my body’. What to eat that is good for me and what is not.  I detest fast food, but some crave that greasy, chemical taste.  About 20 years ago, I was driving on a trip and was starving. So, I got a burger at a fast food place. It tasted good, while I was eating it. I am sure only because I was so hungry, but later my stomach felt sick. I listened to my body and protected my instincts and never had fast food again.

I don’t take prescription drugs, unless absolutely necessary. I think the less chemicals you put into your body, the better. Sure sometimes, you need something, such as an antibiotic… But since, it is pure, my body corrects quickly.

Years ago, I had a surgery and was prescribed medicines. I did as the doctor prescribed. A friend was visiting the day after the surgery. She said, “Ann, your face is so red. It looks like you have spent days in the sun.” I looked at myself and knew something was off. I researched everything I was taking. I figured out what was causing the reaction and read why it was prescribed and to continue taking it didn’t make sense. I called a pharmacist friend who ‘confirmed’ that I should not be taking that drug, and certainly not that often and he questioned why the doctor would prescribe it as he did. I stopped taking it. I didn’t need to ‘ask’ the doctor because I knew instinctively and figured it out on my own. When I went in for my post op check up, I ‘told’ the doctor that I stopped that drug entirely and he said that’s fine. I only prescribed it as a precaution. Soo.. ummm…Another visit, I was in the waiting room and a ‘drug sales-person’ walked in and had that ‘particular drug’ advertised on everything that she carried.

Concerning your health, you need to be your own advocate and in order to do this, you need to be aware, tuned-in and alert to your instincts. But if you are addicted to anything and focused on escaping this will be more difficult if not impossible to do. A doctor is just a person, a technician of the body… nothing more… and certainly not a ‘god’… that you do as they deem without questioning… although, many want you to think of them in that way.

Over use of prescription drugs can be just a bad as recreational drugs. We see continually ‘some drug’ that was once considered ‘beneficial’ is shown to cause all sorts of negative issues in the body…

Many people don’t listen to their body and give their power over to others. They may keep doing what is ‘actually’ making them sicker, until they dull their minds, bodies, instincts, emotions, feelings and everything else…

We need to listen, honor and use our instincts to ‘know’ what it good for us, or not, and if our instincts have been dulled by years of alcohol, drug, or chemical addiction, sex addiction, fast food, non-thinking choices, giving our personal, instinctual power-over to others, we are less likely to ‘know’ what is right for us and what isn’t. As we have lost our innate, God-given body awareness through the use of chemicals and addictions…and this makes us more easily led…

We see all the time, over-weight, bloated people mindlessly stuffing their grocery carts with foods full of chemicals…Beer-bellied guys loading up on more beer as if in a coma. This is what marketeers want… get people addicted and they will have a strong income stream forever… and that is with foods, medicines, drugs of all kinds, including government control over the masses, etc…

Addictions distort our instincts, feelings and emotions. Addictions to anything…even the addiction to turning our power over to doctors, lawyers, the government, teachers, someone we ‘think’ is an ‘expert’, or some kind of an ‘authority’, etc.

The most important instinct for survival is to know what is good for us and what isn’t and when recognized that it isn’t to stop it. And those who want to control us for their benefit, don’t want us to use our instincts and to be in our power… they want us under theirs…

They want you addicted…even as they ‘claim’ that they don’t…

Be your own authority, stay in your right mind, keep your body healthy with the use of few chemicals…avoid being addicted…

Listen to your body and protect your instincts…

Sounds like a plan, huh? What do you think?…

Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness…

What ???????????????????????????????does this statement mean to you?

So often when a person is kind, many will ‘assume’ that they can be taken advantage of, or that they are a pushover… Why do you suppose that is?

I have had this happen to me many times in my life… and when I realize and see what their angle is … They soon realize that my kindness does not mean weakness, or that I am a pushover…

Predators, cons, shifty, playboy, playgirl, manipulator, social climber types… attract into kind people and try to play on their good hearts…. They see, or ‘even search out’ someone kind and ‘presume’ that they can manipulate and control them for their benefit… while often doing much harm to the person of kindness…

As we become more aware of this and as our world gets less kind… is this, perhaps, creating an environment where the truly kind-hearted hide their light to try and avoid the dark?

I know that I have become more cautious, less open, guarded,… I want to see who a person is, before I interact ‘too much’. I only want kind, moral, high-valued people in my inner circle who ‘value’ and ‘appreciate’ me for the kind person that I am and who realize that kindness is not weakness, but is a kind of true deep strength.

But there are some who feign ‘kindness’ only to suck people in…

What do you think?…

‘He’ mocks the Bible, Jesus Christ and Christianity…

Oprah's Hawaiian CeremonyHe is where he is in part because Oprah had him on her show to ‘promote’ his book then ‘suggested’ that he ‘run for president’… because he was ‘the one’. ‘Her show’ that panders to, mocks, insults, talks down to and exploits America, Christianity, whites and everything American for her profit.

Obama and Oprah attended Rev.Wright’s church of ‘hate’ America (Wright matches up gays) and ‘hate the white race’, for years. Oprah ‘promotes’ that there are ‘many ways’ to Heaven (as if this woman knows, or is an authority on anything. Ha!) She holds herself out as a ‘new age guru’. She ‘promoted’ homosexuality on her show and had every ‘freak circumstance’ that exists to bring her audience and revenue to promote ‘her agenda’. She appeals to the lowest denominator and the common. She coined the phrase referring to ‘Obama as the one’. Ha! The one what? The most evil one that America has ever seen…the one to deceivethe great deceiver. Oprah helped create Obama’s media image and the NWO uses her for her influence on the common, easily brainwashed and led masses.

Obama tries to use and justify his misguided policy, by quoting Jesus in Luke 12:48: “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

You do not have to have a seminary degree to know and anyone who reads the Bible knows that Jesus is talking about individual stewardship in an individual’s relationship with God.

For it is God who gives each person different portions of gifts, talents, and treasure to manage according to His sovereign will. It is God who entrusts people with what they have, not the government. We are each born with our genetics, our personality, our intellect, our talents, our gifts, our lack and into our individual circumstances.

God is the One who will judge the faithfulness of each individual’s stewardship and blessing, or lack thereof. (not Obama/Oprah, or the government) In Luke 12:48, Jesus, God the Son, is exhorting individuals to be faithful and give generously without regret.

One has to wonder if Obama has replaced God with his administration… ‘the government’. He must believe that when he says, “much is given,” he refers to what is given by the government; and “much is demanded,” as that which is ‘demanded’ by the government. This is 180 degrees opposite to the truth.

We have had egotistical presidents before, from both political spectrums, but never have we had one who saw himself as replacing God, or one who views his administration as acting on God’s behalf, or instead of God.

Misquoting the Scripture is a practice by some politicians to advance their cause. But this abuse of the Scripture and viewing one’s administration as the judge and executioner — not for crimes, but for personal stewardship — has reached a new level of egotism.

Sharia Law is a political ideology with goals to take over America and the world. They ‘sanction lying’, taqiyya, to achieve their goals. They use tactics to infiltrate, propagandize, ‘elect Muslims to office’, and convert Americans to Islam, in order to establish Sharia law as the law of the land, and make the country an Islamic nation, ruled by a Sharia-compliant caliph.

Muslims think that they are superior to all others… and clearly Obama thinks he is ‘superior’ to all others

When Obama reads from and quotes the Bible it rings so false that it reeks of evil. Nothing about Obama is honest, true, or of the good… he is only about his agenda and he will do anything to achieve it. The Obama Regime indebts and sucks money from the American people and launders it to his causes and friends. It is Mafia-like nothing about it is Christ-like… Obama’s Regime is anti-Christ…

But Obama is doing, saying and will do whatever he needs to and can, to get four more years to further his agenda of the destruction of America. Should he succeed… God only knows what evil he and his backers will unleash. He, his backers and supporters are an example of total corruption and evil…

Obama is without boundaries, respect, conscience and is full of conceit, lies, arrogance and usury. It seems the man will stop at nothing to try and win a second term. He wrote in his book that he ‘promoted’ on Oprah’s show, should the winds shift that he will stand with the Muslims…and now, he quotes the Bible to further his evil agenda…It’s laughable were it not so sick, twisted, corrupt and evil.

He also stated in his 1st book,”My father’s dreams, are my dreams”. And his father was quoted as saying,”American people could be taxed 100% of their income and it would be legal.They then can receive all they need from the Government”…”

Obama stated that we ‘are not a Christian nation’ and now uses, ‘mis-uses’ the Bible as a tool to  ‘campaign’ his agenda which is to ultimately exploit and enslave America.

The Obama Regime is clearly anti-Christ and pro-Muslim. The duplicity and agenda of the Obama Regime is pure evil… Obama and Oprah have mocked America for their gain and agenda long enough. Deception, corruption, lies and evil are what they promote and stand for…It’s all Leviathan spin! These people are socialists, marxists, communists and worse and are against everything America is and stands for… Enough of them, their corruption and lies!!!