Turning God’s Earth Into Satan’s Work Camp…

???????????????????????????????…. with no freedoms, no choices, but with the ‘illusion’ of  being cared for by the ‘Government’ as all rights and privacy are taken away…gone!

God is freedom. Government control is abolishing freedom and this is of evil.

This is what happens when God is taken out of Government… taken out of our schools, taken out of America. Satan’s greed, lust, gluttony, immorality, perversions, lies, destruction of the family, worship of false idols, disrespect and disregard for God’s human beings who are made in his image, become chattel to Satan. Fear mongering is promoted as the reason for their actions as all individuality is diminished… then completely eradicated…

Satan’s goal is to fool, dominate, rule and control God’s human beings… Satan considers earth his playground. Satan sees us as all the same, not individual, but as a group of sameness. God sees us, each one iof us as an individual creation. And each strand of hair on our ‘individual’ heads is known to him… 

Satan sees us as all the same, nothing unique, nothing individual…

Satan collects souls…

Christ saves souls…

Earth is Satan’s domain. That’s why he and his ilk put it before mankind. This is not of God because as children of God,  we are on this Earth, not of it. While for subjects of Satan, earth is all they will ever have, or know.  Therefore, it is all they care about… theirs is the material earth plane.

Satan rules and walks the earth taking dominion of all he surveys, tempting the fools… “Come to me, I will take care of you, all your needs will be met, medical, housing and food. You are all ‘equal’, just believe what I say, do as I say, don’t talk badly about me, or one another, don’t be disagreeable, don’t be ‘haters’, and all your earthly needs will be taken care of… just hold hands all together now and walk quietly, peacefully, robotic-like into hell. Jump into the shower to cleanse yourself.”…as poisonous gases fill your lungs, instead of water… HAHAHA!!!

Satan’s plan is composed of religious lies which are used as propaganda for the revelation of his kingdom. These lies are successfully proclaimed by his large number of collaborators, since ‘public support’ is vital for the implementation of his plan to take over the world… as in Agenda 21, the UN and the New World Order.

The first half of the Antichrist’s rule will predominantly be characterized by deception. Leviathan…the evil that creates the spin and fog, so that truth is more and more difficult to hear, to discern, to see, or to even find. During this phase, he will voluntarily be recognized and worshipped by virtually all people. It will only be towards the middle of the tribulation when opposition against him will be mounting that will induce him to institute the most severe military dictatorship in the entire history of humanity.

The Lord Jesus describes it as a great tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world, and that it will bring humanity to the very edge of total annihilation (Matt. 24:21-22). Only then will Christ intervene at His second coming to save a remnant of Israel and the nations (Matt. 24:29-30).

The Lord Jesus has good advice for a time such as this: “Take heed that no one deceives you…” (Matt. 24:4). Abide in Christ, abide in His Word, walk in the Spirit, resist the present evil world and put on the full armor of God that you may remain standing against the wiles of the devil. The Savior has promised to be with us always, even to the end of the age (Matt. 28:20).

WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! Do you know truth when you hear it?

7 thoughts on “Turning God’s Earth Into Satan’s Work Camp…”

  1. Thanks Ayn for your continuing GOOD WORKS ! This message of who is the true ruler of the earth is very important . So many folks get bitter and blame our HOLY REDEEMER for the evil that is being done on the earth , but , our Messiah gave dominion of all that flies , swims, and crawls on this earth to Adam and Adam gave his dominion to the devil , the true ruler of our planet .

  2. Wonder Where They Will Spend Eternity ????? Our Churches will share some Harm for NOT Standing Up Against SATANISM !!

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