The race card…

???????????????????????????????I don’t like Obama, but that does not make me a ‘racist’. 

Obama and his lying, conning, Leviathan spinning minions need to stop using the race card. It’s been continually played, over-played and it is redundant, lowly and despicable. People like Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, ‘Rev’. Wright (Ha! …a
Reverend, really?)are sick in the head and make their living off of racism and hate. They continually project their own mind set onto every issue to incite and it’s for their gain, agenda and benefit. What are they, but … ‘ Racist Reverends’ who promote hate?…

I like some white people and don’t like some. I like some black people and don’t like others… and that is true for all races, nationalities and people.

Now ‘they’ are turning it on the white race. We are being targeted, harassed, bullied, lynched, vilified by the racist blacks…as political correctness and curtailment of free speech are used to eradicate freedom of choice and being used to beat us up and into submission. 

This despicable game where the race card is played over and over again, well, it’s time is up. Obama and his racist, bigoted agenda are taking us back to the dark ages.

Does anyone agree? Well, let me hear it…

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