Tag Archives: love

Morality is Sexy…

???????????????????????????????Sexual corruption, exploitation and promiscuity are rampant today and about as un-sexy and un-sensual as anything can be.

What’s sexy is responsibility, commitment, selectivity and people who know who they are enough to be able to appreciate the sharing of another human being’s body as being a precious gift…

If a person doesn’t respect their body, expressed clearly in how they behave sexually, including the way they take care of themselves, then why or, how would they be able to respect anothers?

Why would anyone allow another to touch their body intimately, heaven forbid to enter it, to invade their personal space and boundaries, if they didn’t have a caring, a commitment, a love, a connection… something meaningful occurring…?

Today sexual corruption is being encouraged on all levels… on TV, movies, by examples in the media, Hollywood, and now, in our educational system. This sexual exploitation is one way that allows for the breaking down of morality, values and standards of an individual that translates into the breaking down of the foundation of a society.

Evil knows that to infiltrate through the sexuality and sensualness of an individual, makes it possible to control and corrupt them for life. Sexual addiction and choices can be groomed and developed. And self-hate and self-devaluation can and will occur relating to the extent and degree of the corruption and what was experienced can and will impact their whole life and everything in it…in most cases, weakening their spirit, skewing their boundaries and making them more easily influenced and to be led.

Human sexuality is what creates life. It is the highest form of creation that there is… another human being with a soul can be created through this act as this is its divine intention… not its only intention, but the outcome and primary reason for it…. Sex is a ‘drive’ and it feels good, so that human race will continue.

Sex is also the closest that two people can get in the physical and is one path of expression of affection towards another. That you care for and love someone with your heart and mind and that expression becomes physical through sexuality.

That a male woos a woman, is attracted, goes after her attention and affection. She observes him, to see if he is worthy of her attention and if he will make a worthy partner for her and if she should grant him her affections that might result in the creation of a life. Will he be a good provider and protector of their young, their home and of herself?  And herself most importantly, includes her emotions, her physicality and the ‘totality’ of her well-being. So that she will be able to glow and to bloom. When these requirements are met… the traditional family can be created with the opportunity for fulfillment on many levels.

Morality offers a solid base that creates the basis for a solid society. It is the strength of a society… solid morals, values and standards and a place for the youth to grow-up in a safe and secure environment. It displays the role of the male and the female…the balance to be played out and demonstrated and it is sensual and sexy … there is nothing else like it, all that it is in the height of its standards and values…

Men and women are different… that difference is to be valued and cherished, not exploited, or made the same…

It’s in its imbalance that works hard to find itself and creates such strength in its quest. And when that balance is found, even if momentarily, is that which makes it so precious and valuable… and today that balance is being continually distorted and diminished…

There is a wonderful movie, FIREPROOF produced and acted in by Kirk Cameron…  it shows a wonderful example and message of what man is in relation to woman and to God…it is a Christian depiction.

A woman is a rose and if she is not treated right, she will either wilt or never bloom….therefore, the male will never experience all the gifts and glory of the feminine.

The ‘Muslim practice’… ‘claims’ to ‘protect’ women… when in actuality it objectifies and oppresses women in both its fear and desire of her feminine allure and power…men’s desire and behaviors are blamed on the women… therefore, the men have no responsibility for their actions or behaviors. This is a fear-based practice, practiced by weak men and a weak corrupted people and one that annihilates the feminine. They look to diminish and to even destroy that which they desire so greatly. And look at how violent and cruel they are….When the allure and power of the feminine is objectified, or oppressed out of fear…it creates an over sexuality as we are experiencing now, or an oppressive backwards one as in Islam. Both are out of balance.

An individual who is balanced in their morality is sexy and wholesome as is a society that achieves this balance…

A sexually needy, graspy, oppressive, objectifying person or society is neither sexy or sexual. It’s a blight unto themselves and a blight on society.

Morality is Sexy…

A Woman’s Poem:

     ???????????????????????????????  Before I lay me down to sleep,

I pray for a man who’s not a creep,

One who’s handsome, smart and strong.

One who loves to listen long,

One who thinks before he speaks,

One who’ll call, not wait for weeks.

I pray he’s rich and self-employed,
And when I spend, won’t be annoyed.

Will pull out my chair and hold my hand.

Massage my feet and help me stand,

Oh, send a king to make me queen

A man who loves to cook and clean.

I pray this man will love no other.

And will relish visits with my mother.

A MAN’S POEM: I pray for a deaf-mute gymnast nymphomaniac with big tits who owns a bar on a golf course and loves to send me fishing and drinking. And if this doesn’t rhyme, I don’t give a shit.

Can you love someone you don’t respect?…

???????????????????????????????If you don’t have respect for someone, can you really love them? I am talking romantic, enduring, and true love…(I understand a parent can and will love a child even if their child commits murder, as parent/child love is unconditional, as is God’s love.)

But other than this, I believe without respect, love turns into something else like pity…or tolerance.

Only what is respect? Some definitions are:  an act of giving particular attention …consideration… holding in high or special regard – esteem… the quality or state of being esteemed… to admire deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements….have due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of…a feeling of deep admiration for someone, or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements … due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others … a person’s polite greetings…

But we are all individual and have different traits that we admire and respect in ourselves and in others…

Example: I was dating a man and I ‘thought’ that he was of a certain character level… then he stole something from one of my neighbors (small, but still) and he thought that I would think it funny. And of course, I didn’t. I was appalled and in that moment, I lost all respect for this man as I saw his true character. What he did in this instance, compiled with other things that I had observed in him, and any caring I had for him was gone. I saw clearly his lack of consideration, his arrogance, his ability to harm others, even to commit a crime (no matter how small)… and I didn’t want him around me any longer. I lost all trust and all respect. He showed me that he is a person of weak character. Because what someone will do to others, they will eventually do to you…

Another person might even admire him for what he did, or it might not have bothered them as it did me.

So, what makes you have respect for someone? Is it their character? Their talents? Their expertise in some area? The way that they treat you, themselves and others?…

And do you think that you can love someone without respecting them?…