Can you love someone you don’t respect?…

???????????????????????????????If you don’t have respect for someone, can you really love them? I am talking romantic, enduring, and true love…(I understand a parent can and will love a child even if their child commits murder, as parent/child love is unconditional, as is God’s love.)

But other than this, I believe without respect, love turns into something else like pity…or tolerance.

Only what is respect? Some definitions are:  an act of giving particular attention …consideration… holding in high or special regard – esteem… the quality or state of being esteemed… to admire deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements….have due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of…a feeling of deep admiration for someone, or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements … due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others … a person’s polite greetings…

But we are all individual and have different traits that we admire and respect in ourselves and in others…

Example: I was dating a man and I ‘thought’ that he was of a certain character level… then he stole something from one of my neighbors (small, but still) and he thought that I would think it funny. And of course, I didn’t. I was appalled and in that moment, I lost all respect for this man as I saw his true character. What he did in this instance, compiled with other things that I had observed in him, and any caring I had for him was gone. I saw clearly his lack of consideration, his arrogance, his ability to harm others, even to commit a crime (no matter how small)… and I didn’t want him around me any longer. I lost all trust and all respect. He showed me that he is a person of weak character. Because what someone will do to others, they will eventually do to you…

Another person might even admire him for what he did, or it might not have bothered them as it did me.

So, what makes you have respect for someone? Is it their character? Their talents? Their expertise in some area? The way that they treat you, themselves and others?…

And do you think that you can love someone without respecting them?…