if it can even be called a discussion…
Lib/progressives are self-righteously angry now that ‘their candidate’, which actually should have been in prison, instead of running for President, lost. Any exchange with a lib/progressive always succumbs to them calling names such as racist, homophobic, bigot, etc. when this is not even close to subject, in fact, their comments are way off topic. Because they can’t comprehend enough to stay on topic. They deflect, lie and circle-talk to avoid dealing with facts, common sense, accountability and reality…rebellious teenager-like in response and behavior… no reality, self -delusional, illusions of whatever fantasy occupies their brain. They continually ‘judge’ others while screeching that they are being ‘judged.’ So child-like they are, that’s it pathetically humorous were it not so harmful.
I began this site with a ‘friend’ who is a liberal. I didn’t realize her political leanings at the time because eight years ago, politics was not as up in your face as it became when the lowly traitor to America, Obama, ran for President. But as the election got heated, her ignorance and delusions were made clear. She could never be on time. She wasn’t true to her word. Her brain full of ‘I don’t know what?’ …High heels, designer clothes, fairy tales ??? Her voice began to sound like finger nails on a chalk board… as she rambled on about nothing. She is the reason, I got on Facebook, in fact, she put me on it, for benefit of ‘our’ blog. She had been an intern on the Hill for some liberal and she had been well indoctrinated. She had no common sense and the fact that she could be up to an hour late meeting me for lunch didn’t bother her at all and she didn’t understand why it should bother me. She only thought about herself while trying to ‘appear’ that she thought about everyone in the world. HA!
Another interesting example of our innate and inherent respective conservative, liberal differences could be seen even as children when we tried out to attend the same ballet school. It was a highly thought of, exclusive, with acceptance limited to ability, school led by two professional dancers that were once with Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. I auditioned and became the youngest member of the corps de ballet. Her acceptance was declined since she treated the ballet practice barre as if it was a jungle gym. She and her mother were asked to leave.
She was full of the typical lib/progressive delusional BS even as a child. Of course, we soon parted company. With her driving off in her pink Barbie car… her exact words and her calling me Cruella Deville… the usual lib/progressive name calling child-like tactic. She referred to the girls that cleaned her house as ‘Cinderellas’ … so perhaps, her head really was stuck in a world of fairy tales… like most all Lib/progressives.
Well, that was my first up-close and personal interaction with someone so off in their head that it was impossible to communicate in reality and with logic and truth with their expectation of full entitlement with no consideration to others.
Lib/progressive idiocy only grew as ‘Obama world’ took over. Those who follow Oprah like everything this woman spews is worthy… the ‘those’ who can’t think for themselves.
Booing God at the DNC convention. Their God is apparently’ earth’. Their cry, save the earth, save the earth. Which is where Satan rules. While God tells us in the Bible that the earth will always regenerate and be able to self-cleanse.
Idiotic destructive protests and looting with no regard for human life and other’s property as they express their out of control emotions about injustices that they can’t even articulate.
In exchanges with lib/progressives, I have been called old as dirt, a transvestite, etc. and these are the kinder names.
One only need listen for a few minutes to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, or Obama, etc. to realize the dysfunction of the lib/progressive brain… as they spew idiocy, call for others to treat everyone ‘right and fairly’ while, they, just like Hillary, call everyone that disagrees with them things such as “deplorables” as they suck money and power for their own benefit and use.
The mind set of lib/progressives is full of hypocrisy, illogical conclusions, immaturity, illusions, circle-talking, deflecting, name-calling ignorance. They are followers of ‘whomever’ like the wind, with no internal core of ethics, morality or standards. They respect no one, including themselves but expect to be treated with kid gloves and high regard for doing and saying nothing of any consequence. They spew and project their inner conflict outward calling names, devaluing those who don’t perceive in their distorted way… deeming them uneducated… when most those voting for Trump are the higher educated, those with real-life world experience and common sense.
Lib/progressives are a blight and disease on a society. And those like Soros, (Soros is a war criminal that should have be imprisoned decades ago and he backs Obama, Clinton and the likes while instigating and bank rolling the lowly lib/progressives to riot and destroy) Obama, Clintons and others behind the scenes who are pillaging, manipulating and riling these fools up for their personal and NWO agenda to control, reap power and wealth from America and to weaken us and eventually take us down to insert us into the NWO under the rule of the UN… where there will be no rights but those deemed by the Godless ‘elites’ on earth. With their agenda of no property rights and they will have control of all earth’s resources.
While the destruction of our way of life, rights and freedoms are slowly and more quickly under the traitor Obama taken from us, loony Lib/progressives are more concerned with their pets, saving the animals, unisex bathrooms and climate change. HA!
Therefore, dim-witted lib/progressives are literally rioting, and protesting for their own loss and demise. Truly a level of ignorance that is unfathomable.
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