All posts by ann888

When did people become like commodities to…

the government…actually, not ‘like’, but are. 
Commodity – things of value of uniform quality produced in large quantities to be used or consumed.

Did it start when the population grew at such a rapid pace with so many giving no thought about how to care for themselves, so those with ingenuity decided to make these people dependant and become their ‘rulers’.
In order, that ‘they’, ‘the self-proclaimed elite’, will have power and control over others’ lives and have the ability to extract income, energy, talent, and even individual indentities from those who produce, along with the ability and power to give it to those who don’t.

Therefore, giving them the ability to control everyone, giving themselves life long jobs, and professions with benefits, power and control over all earthly resources doled out as they see fit and at what ‘price’ they deem and create. Even now, controlling the market place and businesses and where profits go by legislation to force certain types of purchases. 

Or was it always this way? Did it begin with the beginning of humanity with the desire of some to control others? Is it just the difference in good and evil being played out continually in the world?

The intense evil that cares not for people, or humanity, but only cares for itself and its own insatiable needs. Even if it falls in on itself and destroys its own, this evil will continue and perpetuate.

The current example is the government’s rapid and bloated growth that can’t be sustained without taking more and more from the people.  Ultimately toppling it all, confiscating all resources, with the government playing ‘God’ concerning who gets what and when… 
What first began as good, a pure thought, can easily become corrupted, by those of evil intent.  Hiding behind love, love, love… is evil, evil, evil…

Many people can so easily be led because they haven’t a solid foundation of common sense, morals, real love, intellect, family, and values because they are weak and only looking for pleasure and a way to escape their feelings, emotions and accountability for any behaviors or actions. Therefore, they succumb to addictions of all sorts and varieties… and this is the goal of evil. Evil wants the family fragmented, values lost and morals nowhere to be found.

This kind of life and existence is created and brought forth for the ego, for the consumption of others. The need to rule, dominate and control for self-gain, ill-intent to feed the ego of those riding on the backs of others.

Because while some say that they are trying to be ‘fair’. It appears to me as if it’s a con to control and destroy those who don’t and won’t agree with them.

While some say they don’t want war, they are creating the very atmosphere for war and chaos on a global measure.

Nothing is as it appears and people as ‘individuals’ are becoming nothing, but commodities to the government. Individual rights, likes, desires, and freedoms are being taken away daily. The human individual is being digitally controlled, slotted, and watched for the benefit and control of the ‘government’…after all, commodities, chattel, property have no right to choose, object, or to feel… they are not individuals, but are objectified and used for consumption or benefit.

Stand naked before a mirror…

a three way full length mirror, or just in your bathroom, or somewhere in your house… but perhaps, avoid doing this in a Neiman Marcus’ dressing room because the lighting there is terrible, reveals every ounce of cellulite… oops! But that’s not the point…

The point is to stand naked before a mirror and look at yourself, really look… front, back, sides, and all around the turn back to the front and look clearly into your eyes. Do you smile, cry, laugh, or frown at what you see? Perhaps, you do all of these.

It’s fine to want to improve on what you see, but can you accept what you see today? Can you look at yourself as you stand this very day and smile at what is being relfected?

It’s doesn’t matter what you look like. What matters is, your perception of what you see, when you look at yourself without the clothing image that you project to the world? Because this is the real you. The you without adornment… so do you like yourself or what?…

I do this about three times a year… sometimes more… Sometimes, I hesitate, at first, but after after I do it. I like myself more. Sure, I may decide I need to workout a bit more, or I may think, ‘hey pretty darn good’, or ‘aren’t physicial bodies interesting’, or ‘umm, so this is me, the real me’ …  something along those lines … But I am always glad that I did it, because it makes me feel more in touch with myself.

Warning! Don’t do it after eating pizza and drinking beer… although this shouldn’t really matter… but for some it might send you into a depression that you never recover from…HAHAHAHA! It shouldn’t, but it might…

It’s nice to do it… in the morning before, or after your shower… or in the evening before you retire…

As a couple, I have done this with both of us in the bathroom… nude and it’s really a connecting experience… to feel fully accepted… But I have found those that can’t or won’t do this… those who can’t look at themselves fully nude in acceptance… have difficulty with self-esteem and are critical of others as well as themselve.

Years ago, I had surgery and the man I was in a relationship with helped changed my dressings. He saw me nude, smelly and not looking good at all. We had a special connection and to this day… he sees me clearly and I see him… and this bond is healing.

The point is that, many of us rarely, if ever, look at ourselves naked. Few of us love ourselves enough to look at ourself in all our humanity, in all our humanness.
Look at your skin, touch it. Examine your wrinkles and folds. Look at your shape, accept it and love it. See and accept who you really are without your clothes on. Look into your eyes and see who you really are.

Can you do this? Try it.. and see what you feel like then share with us…

You don’t need to use your real name… it’s our secret. Really it is!

After you do this, I bet you will feel a closeness to yourself that you haven’t felt in a long time… Love your body, love your soul and live the life that will allow you to do this without shame or repulsion. Children do this all the time…run around naked and look at themselves in the mirror…

When you really can and do see yourself, you feel better about everything. It’s when you hide who you are from yourself that you feel separate from self and from others, a bit rotten, and try to create illusions in your mind and that of others about who you are, or who you want people to think that you are.

After doing this, put on a great outfit, do your make-up (if you are a female) and meet the world with a refreshed confidence and air of inner knowing… an inner knowing that you really know who you are…

If you can’t really look at yourself, how can you truly see another?

I have noticed that people who tell you up front…

and continually what and who they are… are usually not what they tell you. Or they are so insecure that they are trying to convince both you and themselves who and what they are…

And those that tell you continually what they are ‘trained’ to do usually aren’t that good at what they do…

As in… Obama continually telling us that he is the President. Like we don’t know that he is…

I tried a hair stylist once that told me repeatedly that she was a ‘stylist’ … she was the worst that I have ever been to…

A doctor that tells you repeatedly that they are the ‘doctor’ … watch out! (concerning medical issues, be your own advocate)

A person that constantly tells you that they always tell the truth … watch out! If this is true, why do they need to tell you that they do?

People who repeatedly tell you that they are spiritual or religious… watch out? Perhaps, they are telling you this, in order, that you ‘think’ them ‘good’, so that you will then trust them and they can come in for the kill.

Men who inform you that they are good in bed… watch out!

A woman that tells you that she is sexy… watch out!

In college, I dated a guy that on the first several dates talked about sex alot and told me repeatedly how sexy he was… I, of course, ignored what he was saying… then he kissed me… AND it was like kissing a wall… not sexy or sensual at all!

Sensual, sexy people usually don’t say a word about it… it is emitted through their very being and essence…

I have found that people who are good at what they do, don’t need to continually tell you who they are, or what they do … they just do it! They just are, and they know who they are, and it translates into their life in every way and all its forms…

It’s how a person behaves and their actions that tells you, who, and what they are, and what they can, or can’t do…

Those trying so hard to tell you who they are, what they can do for you, or about their character are usually all talk and no go…

As in Obama… sorry, had to say it!

As in talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words…
both true adages… I am seeing this more today than ever before.

Have you found this to be true?…

Do men really want an intelligent woman…

Or is it just something that they just ‘say’ to make them ‘sound’ a certain way?

I have found that even as they say that they do … that they don’t…and certainly not if she is more intelligent than themselves…

What do you say?…

Look to the left and click to follow…

Predator and Prey…

If you are empty and have nothing to give, you will be looking to get and to take.

You will be a predator looking for prey. It can be in many ways and on different levels… emotionally, sexually, financially, positioning in society, power, etc.

If you are insecure and have no self-control, you look for prey that you consider controllable, so that you can have control outside yourself and feel a sense of power

If you are insecure sexually, and unable to connect to your emotions, you will look for sexual prey that you can use then toss away. Something is always wrong with them, never you. 

If you feel lacking in an area, you will look for those that have what you lack, so that you can take and get things from them.

Sure there is a balance in sharing, ‘a give and take’ in relationships and in the world. But the predator is only thinking about, and wired to be concerned about what they can get and take from their prey.

If a predator ‘appears’ to share anything, it is just to fool its prey into giving away more and more of their power, so that the predator can get, take and use them.

Apply this to love relationships, friends, politics… Oh politics! Our government has become a predator and the people are its prey.

All the government does is look for more and more ways to take
away power, freedom and finances from the people, in order to give themselves more. This is not as it should be… the government is there to SERVE the people instead of PREY on them, their talents, their works, their efforts, their resources and their very life…

When the government ‘appears’ to be ‘trying’ to help, it is only fooling in order to extract more of your rights and to take more of your power. They give alittle in order to take a lot!
The dynamic of predator and prey seems to have gotten more extreme in our world today…

Agree or not?…


to avert and change the subject in conversation is rampant in communication today…

Deflect – turn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest. Cause (something) to change direction by interposing something; turn aside from a straight course.

Therefore, many can’t even have a ‘straight on’ conversation today. If anything gets too close to home, or questions, or gets too real, honest and intense, what occurs with many is deflecting, either by changing the subject, humor, sarcasm, or name calling.

Serious questions and things true and on target are being deflected everywhere. Some think that if you side step and side step some more, then ‘maybe’, ‘hopefully’ no one will notice…and they might even forget.

Obama is the king of deflecting as are his administration, his followers, his media and most all of those who voted for him. Liberals and progressives have made deflecting an ‘art form’… deflecting is the art of cons, the weak, the manipulative, agenda-filled, and the guilty… and it is unfortunately, because of public example, considered ‘okay’ to do and has become the ‘norm’.
I can’t stand it! It’s almost as if a real conversation or communication with facts and truth are lost in today’s world…

Circle, spin, deflect, repeat then start the wash cycle all over again…

Give me a person that’s straight to the point, answers questions honestly and directly, and uses few words to make their point.Not long ago, this was what was admired and strived for and we must bring this back into vogue, or we become a society of word spinners and deflectors that say nothing that means anything.
Agree or not… or will you deflect even this topic and question?

Jealousy, competition, and betrayal amongst women…

Why is this so prevalent? Why isn’t there honor and respect, instead of jealousy, competition and betrayal, among many women?

It doesn’t matter what the age, or the circumstances, many women are jealous, competitive, and betray other women….

Look at what happened to Maria Shriver. A maid working in her home had a lengthy affair and a child with her husband and reports tell us that this woman wanted to be Maria and would try on her clothes and jewelry. Why didn’t, or couldn’t this maid like herself and her life enough to stay out of, and respect the boundaries of someone else’s?

In my life, there were two secretaries that worked for my father’s company that had affairs with my husband at the time. Sure, we know the men who do this are thinking with their ego and penisbut what about the women? One of the secretaries told others that she was going to take my husband because she wanted my life.That, of course, didn’t occur. He got rid of her. I got rid of him.

What kind of a woman does this kind of a thing? They must be full of self- hate, jealousy, envy, betrayal and a ridiculous kind of competition. If more women refused to compromise themselves, their values, and self-worth, men wouldn’t be having as many affairs. There would be fewer women to have them with.

I have sisters. If I share about my life, some  of them will say that all I do is talk about myself. If I don’t talk much about myself, and only inquire about them, some of them will state that I am being nosey, not being friendly, and not sharing about my life. There is no way to win. They will be jealous and create competition where none need be… why is this?

At one time, I had a stepdaughter, 8 years-old. She and I were very close and got along well, but still she would show jealousy of my relationship with her father. It was ridiculous! She would flirt with him in front of me, taunting him to choose whom to give his attention and it was so silly to observe, but also irritable, hurtful and damaging. She would hug his neck and stick her tongue out at me at the same time.  Where does this come from…this competition among women?

One of my best friend’s husbands come onto me and I shut him down fast. Even if I had been attracted to him, I never would have gotten involved because it is against my nature to do this kind of a thing. I have never had an affair. I would consider it betraying not only the woman, but myself.
I honor myself and who I am too much to betray my soul.

Is all this jealousy, competition and betrayal because many women have no respect for themselves, so they sure don’t respect others? So, they will steal, lie, betray, and harm other women to ‘make’ themselves feel ‘important’ or ‘valued’ even if it’s only for a short while, when in actuality they are devaluing their self-worth. Does it all boil down to self-worth and if so, why do so many women have so little?

Men don’t have respect for the women who do this. How could they? You can’t respect someone that compromises their self and without any glimmer of honorable values. The men are just using them for their ego and penis needs. Sure, the men ‘may’ have ‘some’ affection for them, but usually the men turn against, or away from these women as soon as they are found out. Do you think if Maria divorces Arnold that he will marry his ‘ex-maid, mistress’? Laughable, isn’t it? 

Look at all of Tiger Wood’s mistresses… is he with any of them?

So, let’s discuss… why so much competition, jealousy and betrayal amongst women?

Descriptions of Evil…Is it taking over?…

Description from the DSM IV About Socio/Psychopathy & Narcissism Descriptions of Evil
(Lucifer, Satan, etc.)
Grandiose, self important and pre-occupied with self Wants people to worship him
Fantasizes about power, brilliance, success, and money Says to God “I WILL ascend, I Will Rise…” Showing power fantasies
Requires excessive admiration Says “You WILL bow down to me”
Is entitled Wants the same power as God, feels he’s as powerful as God
Exploits all relationships Tries to lure others to do his dirty work in the world
Lacks empathy Envious of others
Arrogant Fails to follow laws or rules/uses unethical, unlawful and immoral behavior
Deceitful, lies, cons for fun or profit Impulsive, wants it/takes it, sees it/does it
Aggression Disregard for the safety of others, puts others at risk
Irresponsible–bad with supporting others Lack of remorse, rationalizes stealing, lying, etc.


Description from the DSM IV About Socio/Psychopathy & Narcissism Descriptions of Evil (Lucifer, Satan, etc.)
Pretends to be wonderful, helpful, supportive Masquerades as the ‘Angel of Light’
Powerful Often beautiful or handsome; Lucifer called ‘the most beautiful’, name means ‘the shining one’
Superior attitude towards others Is superior to other angels in power and authority
Contempt for others especially authority figures Fights against God and wants His power
Use power and authority over others Called the Prince of Power
Prideful Heart is filled with pride and contempt
Splits people against each other Turned 1/3 of the angels against God and took them
Often rejected, expelled, dismissed, broken up with because of behavior God expelled him from Heaven
Places are created to contain them: jail, prison, mental institutions, probation God created a place to contain him in the future–Lake of Fire
Fights against any rules and others who try to make him conform Fights against God to ruin and hinder His plans
Destroy and deceive others (and enjoy doing it) Called ‘The Destroyer’ and “Deceiver”
Masquerades as anything you want him to be Masquerades as the ‘Angel of Light’
Likes to scare others and show power so others fear him Prowls like a roaring lion
Looks for someone to overpower and control Prowls like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour
Bold, cunning, self ambitious Boldness, subtlety in his cunning
Self willed and strong prideful self will
Narcissistic wanting to be better than everyone else Said “I will be like the Most High”
Fakes being wonderful, helpful, virtuous Many false prophets have gone in the world (like him), performs lying ‘signs and wonders’
Accuses others Called ‘The Accuser’
Adversary, enemy to any who turn against him Called the Serpent or ‘Adversary’
Liar, tempter, thief Referred to as a liar, thief and tempter
Motives are destructive to others Motives are to deceive and afflict

After reading these descriptions, think about our leaders, people in the public eye, associates, etc…

What do you think, is evil becoming more prevelant?

Make yourself happy…


Smiling has a positive effect on your mood. Also a smile is infectious. When you smile, it will lighten your mood along with the mood of others.

Get Out of the House

Being cooped up in the same environment can cause feelings of isolation and depression. Change your surroundings and get a breath of fresh air. It can snap you out of a mood fast.

Soak Up the Sun

The vitamin D provided by the sun along with other benefits boosts serotonin levels in the body. Even just 15 minutes of sunlight will immediately aid in lifting spirits.

Reward Yourself

Allow yourself a pat on the back for the challenges that you have overcome. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small, in order to rejuvenate yourself for future battles.

Pamper Yourself

Indulge yourself with something that lifts your spirits. Like a hot bath, a pedicure, a massage, or an ice cream cone…. do what makes you feel satiated and pampered to improve your mood.


Shake things up in your environment. Altering your environment can change your perspective and leave you feeling more open and hopeful. Move things around. Shift your environmental energy.

Accomplish Something You’ve Been Putting Off

Procrastination can contribute to feelings of negativity. To finish something that you’ve been avoiding will give you a sense of accomplishment and raise your mood instantly. Clean out that closet, rearrange your drawers, attack the papers on your desk…

Douse Yourself in Inspiration

Who inspires you? Reflect on and read about people and circumstances that reflect strength and faith. This will inspire and fill you with a renewed sense of purpose.


Exercising releases endorphins, it is a quick way to make yourself feel good. It also makes you feel more powerful, alive and youthful, which are key ingredients to feeling happy.

Do Something Good for Someone Else

Get out of your own head and give yourself a fresh perspective. Brightening someone else’s day will make you feel better about yourself and happiness is contagious.

Count Your Blessings

List everything that you are thankful for. It is easy to take your daily blessings for granted and lose sight of what you have. Celebrating and appreciating your life will open you up for more.


Laugh as much and as many times as the opportunity presents itself.. Act silly, make up and tell jokes…

Behave Like A Child

Swing on a swing. Jump rope. Sing songs. Play charades. Lay in your yard and look up at the sky and imagine what the clouds look like.

Have A Happy Day!

Women are crazy, drama queens!…

I hear this so often from men. So, you’d think that there must be a lot of crazy women walking around. But even as often as men say this, I meet few crazy women. I meet more emotionally shut down, non-communicative men.

Sometimes, men that can’t understand a woman’s emotions call her crazy and drama queen, when perhaps, he just needs to understand what she is expressing. He might want to listen to her, to feel and get in touch with his emotions.

Also, sometimes, in a relationship, the women expresses all the emotions because the man is so shut down. He projects his emotions and feelings onto her as if it’s a weight for her to carry, until she can’t carry it any longer and explodes… hence DRAMA!

A man sure likes feminine emotions and drama when sex is involved. All of this is a part of a woman! It all goes together…  a man can’t just have one part and not all…

A woman is emotions and that, perhaps, is why a man is drawn to her. She helps him to process his emotions and through this they can connect strongly. Then if he protects her and creates a safe place for her, they may be able to create a solid and unbreakable emotional strength in their connection.

Sometimes, someone who is upset reacts to little things because they are not being understood on larger issues. Men that deem women ‘crazy’ and ‘drama queens’, I have found just don’t want, or don’t know how to communicate with her… so they step out of it and distance themself and call her names.

So, I may seem ‘crazy’ at times, because I am full of passion and drama, and if you can’t handle it then you can’t enjoy the wholeness of me… if you know what I mean?!

Do you know what I mean?! Are you listening to me!?