I commented to an ‘old’ friend that I love flowers… and when it comes to roses, I like peach, white, yellow, or pink.. any color, but red.
A week later he shows up at my door with red roses…
I thank him while thinking… ‘red’?
He says, “You said you especially like red roses…”
Getting a vase, I think strange then chuckle to myself as I ask… “Do you remember what I said last week?”
“Yes. That you love flowers and especially red roses.”
“Do you have a bit of a problem with your hearing?”
Self concsiously, “Yes. I do. Yes, at times…. why?”
“I really appreciate the flowers and I love all flowers, but red .. .well..”
“You don’t like red roses? I thought your expression strange when I walked in.”
“All flowers are beautiful and I appreciate the gift… but, I prefer white, yellow, peach, pink…”
He adds. “Any color, but red?”
We laugh…
“Darn.. next time, I’ll bring white.”
I reflect, perhaps, other misunderstandings with this man have been because of his loss of hearing… or is it that he doesn’t really listen…?
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The dude is passive aggressive. He brings you something he knows you don’t like . The gift is about him and not who he gives it to. He either is cruel, dumb, doens’t listen or I might guess he’s even sadistic.
@ Ron – or I might add, a mixture of all four.
He heard the word roses. He just doesn’t listen or doesn’t care. Buys something fast without thinking. Doesn’t pay attention to details or what matters. I say pretty much a creep.