Snakes are famous for changing their minds…

Pursuing, romancing, lying, promising, conning, deceiving, focusing on ‘their’ agenda of the ‘sting’, conquering, possessing, manipulating… saying just enough truth to be believed webbed into their con…  

Playboys – sexual pursuits, romance, power-over, self-gratification, lying, narcissistic, sociopathic, false, full of ego, empty rhetoric until they achieve their goal then a 180 degree turn after they do.

Politicians – empty, lying rhetoric, romance, deception, false compassion and interest and pursuit until they achieve their position of power-over and control enough to implement, promote and reveal their self-serving agenda to reveal their narcissistic, full of ego, sociopathic, even psychopathic, only focused on self-gratification…

Playboys and politicians…. like used car salesmen, not to insult used car salesman, which is really a more honorable pursuit than a politician … HA!

But this ‘snake’ aspect rings true in playboys, politicians, many ‘big business’ types, lawyers, salespersons and the likes. The characteristics of the ‘snake’… the ‘serpent of evil intent’ are becoming more prevalent in all areas these days. Once the ‘sale’ is made … their position in government attained, make the girl trust and like them, close the sale after money has changed hands… they do a complete180 degree turn…

Playboys and politicians are always trying to ‘sell’ someone something…  and Weiner, Clinton and the likes, have the worst characteristics of both while also filled with sexual con and perversion which makes sense, in that, the serpent is a symbol of both the power of deception and sexuality…

The serpent is a charming exploiter… a user and deceiver of humanity… 

In the Book of Genesis, the Serpent is portrayed as a deceptive creature or trickster, who promotes as good what God had forbidden, and shows particular ‘cunning’ in its deception. (cf. Gen. 3:4–5 and 3:22)

The serpent appears in the Garden of Eden who tempts Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and denies that death will be a result.

The Serpent has the ability to speak and to reason: “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made” (Genesis 3:1).
The art of deception… the serpent, the Leviathan spin of fogging communication for agenda and self-satisfaction of taking from another with no honorable intent or exchange of value is taking over in our world…

And when a serpent can’t succeed at their deception, they oftentimes become cruel, hateful, vindictive, etc.. as their true self is revealed…

Snakes don’t like to be revealed for what they really are…

How true does this ring?

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