… that you will not tolerate bad behavior, garbage, mistreatment, usuary, neglect, or any form of abuse, or disconnection.
Too many women put up with things that they should not… Remember, you teach someone how to treat you…
At the first sign of disrespect, mistreatment, discounting, lying, or abuse, address it immediately. Don’t let it slide… thinking that he didn’t mean it, or that you are being too ‘sensitive,’ or ‘demanding’, or that it will get ‘better’, or ‘change’, once you are committed, or married, or if you do ‘this’, or ‘that’ to make him happy. Thinking this way is delusional….
When someone shows you who they are, believe them…
Many men want you to ‘think’ that it is ‘you’ being too sensitive, demanding, or picky. That’s part of their gig… to get away with being lazy, abusive, disrespectful or slovenly…
There is many an abuser who will say…”Look at what ‘you’ made me do!” And that’s only their BS propaganda!
Some men level the title of ‘high maintenance’ on a woman… I say HA! Why would any self-respecting man want a woman who isn’t high maintenance? The answer is that they don’t… only the men, not worth having, do…
Address abusive behaviors upfront and immediately… and if they lose interest, because you have self-respect and that you will call them out on their issues, misbehavior and BS… they aren’t for you and it’s better that you find out upfront rather than years later…
Difficult, abusive, distancing, neglectful men can become, seem, or be like a ‘job’ to women who put up with it. A relationship should be fun, happy, fulfilling even joyful ‘most’ of the time. Love feels good and if you aren’t feeling good most of the time… then ‘something’ is wrong, off, and just not right…
Sure, we all have difficulties, adjustments and issues to deal with and to be discussed. That is part of relationship. But someone not willing to discuss, communicate and look at themselves is not worth your time.
Men who can’t or won’t connect are damaged goods and why would any woman want them…?
They are tedious children and not worth the effort, they need to grow up, get over themselves, be responsible or be without you…
Many women have lowered their standards and it is hurting all of society…
If more women held to high standards for themselves… more men would become better men….Agree or not?
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