What are we living in, when…

???????????????????????????????It’s ‘sex and the city’…greed, greed… anti-Christian deeds… child-age girls giving blow jobs to little boys, as if it’s nothing. Gays demanding marriage and women have children out of wedlock as if marriage was just an after thought…the sanctity of marriage and family are thrown by the wayside…

Women dress like hookers… ‘hooker heels’ are all the rage…and men treat them as such… as more and more women seem to strive for this…

Many women don’t like men and many men don’t like women… Some men are behaving like women and some are women behaving like men…so respect is exiting fast…

‘Stuff’ is more valuable than morals, values, standards, and honor…
or people… as many claw over each other to buy ‘things’….

Truth is lie and lie is truth… Right is wrong and wrong is right…

Patriots are deemed terrorists and terrorists deemed disgruntled employees, or I guess as just having a bad day…

Corruption in government is rampant … our President leading the way as, ‘liar-in chief’, as his I-I-I shows his love of self beyond all else….

Wealth is vilified, while most all lust after it…

Some people are famous for doing little to nothing, but self-promotion…

Muslims are entering our country in droves and we are adapting our schools, etc. to their Sharia law…setting aside prayer rooms for them, etc.

While young boys that emulate a true Christian are expelled…
and Christians and their religious holidays are laughed at and mocked…

Every move Obama makes is to help create a Muslim Caliphate…as he apologizes for Americans and calls us lazy and talks down to us as if we are stupid children….

The race card is played continually…while politically correct BS is forced upon us for agenda…

Our economy is bad, but our ‘president’ spends millions on a ‘December holiday’…

Slander and rumor run rampant… the press will annihilate a person at their whim… while protecting their Obama ‘god’…

False religions and ‘gods’ are idolized and followed… Oprah as one example…’Obama the messiah’ another…New Age BS….

People are on their gadgets more than they are interacting in person with one another…

Obesity and laziness have reached new highs… the over-indulged bulge is seen everywhere…

People listen to talking heads and the world more than to themselves… many not able to discern what is real and true and what is Leviathan spin…
and now-a-days most all of it is Leviathan-spin…

Information spreads quickly and most of it is slanted propaganda as in the MSM’s ”yellow journalism…

What most of us found abhorrent, we are now having to endure as the ‘norm’…

To me, America doesn’t feel safe, doesn’t look the same, or feel the same… it feels strange and off… really off…

It’s ‘Happy Holidays’ if you want to be PC… instead of Merry Christmas….


America was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs… not Muslim…

People who come to America need to adapt to us, become citizens, or leave. We have freedom of religion, but it’s not to make/force us adapt to theirs. It’s not freedom of other’s speech and not, ours, as Americans…

I don’t feel like I belong on here on earth…I don’t fit in. My morals, values and standards are not like what I see … and I don’t want to lower who I am to the standards of most in this corrupted world.

Does anyone else feel as I do?
So, what are we living in?…

10 thoughts on “What are we living in, when…”

  1. I don’t even speak the same language as these new earthlings, I can’t understand them and if I speak to them, they don’t respond or acknowledge me….sometimes I wonder if I’m really here, witnessing all this mess

  2. The American culture is being reshaped by “global gardeners” who want only “one flower” in the world garden. America better wake up to this cultural degradation- it’s all driven by political economics to destroy capitalism as an evil expression!

  3. hey are trying to turn us into a communist country. The sad part is some of these assholes in our government that are taking pay off ‘s from the wrap heads are selling us out they dont care about this counrty or the citizens. They have taken God out of schools and public places . Changed what they are teaching kids in schools teaching them to hate americans . We the people have to stand together as one and stop this shit. We are all tired of this shit. I am going to shut up because I could keep on and write a book on the traders that are jeopardizing our safety and our way of life not to mention our freedom. Merry Xmas

  4. Ayn Dillard, you have really nailed almost all facets of American life and when I read your unbelievably well written blog/post, I am in such agreement. The problem of course is, how do we or do we change all the negatives Americans are allowing themselves. Only through a new republican president, either Trump or Cruz, will we be able to solve the muslim crisis. I wouldn’t vote for anyone doesn’t show they are anti-muslim.

  5. @Ayn Dilliard, @Women Explode, “It is sad that America has sunk to the level it has in all areas of society without realizing that they have now pushed the “SELF DESTRUCT” AND “IMPLODE” buttons on themselves. This society has run down the gauntlet of the deepest disrespect for life and the human experience. Personally I am appalled at what I observe, hear, see, and have to experience in the USA today. There is NO respect FOR ANYTHING! The destruct course which this society has triggered is not long from being fullfilled the way that DISRESPECT, DISREGARD, AND ANIMAL ACTIONS ARE BEING USED AND EMPLOYED IN THIS SOCIETY. There is NO DIGNITY, NO RESPECT, NO APPRECIATION FOR THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MAN AND WOMAN THE DEFINED ROLES THAT EACH PLAY IN THE LIFE CYCLE. There is no bonding, no comfort, caring, sensitivity, gentleness, in the behaviour of most in this jungle we find ourselves trapped in today. Why? Can anyone tell us “WHY” this society wants to destroy everything that this nation was founded for? I am disgusted, angry, feeling betrayed, and not hopeful any longer. What has happened to this wonderful great and powerful nation is so demeaning and so disruptive of American life that it needs to be quarantined NOW IF AMERICA will SURVIVE! Please think about this and share it with all you can!!! It is time to “SAVE OUR COUNTRY”!

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