Summer is hot, but it just got hotter…

???????????????????????????????Obama is no president. He is a dictator-puppet of a regime that is trying to destroy America…

Common sense tells us, if you can’t pay your bills as they are, you don’t get more credit and get into more debt. Yet, Obama and his regime want America to take on more debt.

Common sense tells us, that if you need more income, you get a job, not spend money. You don’t go buy a new car, furniture and lots of clothes, jewelry and remodel your house, if you can’t pay the bills that you have, because to do so, would cause destruction, a complete collapse of your finances and household.

But Obama and his minions continued to spend and to grow America’s overhead. All of this is a path to destruction and they know it. Either they are the stupidest people ever conceived, or this is being done on purpose. I think it’s both. Obama and those in his administration are puppets of evil and destruction which does make them really stupid. They are bought and paid for cons being used to destroy America.

Change, huh?! Oh look, at the ‘change’… destruction, that this affirmative action destroyer has done to America, while he blames everyone, but himself… Oh, but I forgot, he’s a ‘community organizer’…so does that mean that what he organizes, others take the blame for? But when Bin Laden was killed, the ‘community organizer’ seemed to want the ‘blame’… or rather accolades… Is that it? A community organizer blames others, unless he wants the praise?  Ummm… interesting concept… huh?

Soros is one of Obama’s biggest backers and he destroys the currency of countries for his own benefit and that is what he is wanting to do to America. He also influences and owns the media. When the media becomes an arm of the government, we are in a dictatorship. So we then, have no journalists only propaganda and that occurs daily on the MSM.

Under the Obama administration, America has been down-graded. He has spent more money than any community organizer ‘president’ ever and he has passed a socialist health care bill that will not only ‘change’…destroy the medical profession and more of our economy. And most of all of this was done behind closed doors. Americans aren’t even shown the bills, until after they are passed. You see they are ‘secret’ bills that only ‘professional politicians’ and ‘community organizers’ understand… Ummm.. yeah, right!

Obama and his ilk are trying to make America weak, so that they can take us over, our resources, our investments, our personal wealth and to tax more of what we produce to take in for their use. So that they can grow some more the bloated, wasteful spending that has become our government. Then the ‘community organizer’ can play more golf, party more, fly on ‘his jet’ and be on talkshows….

These are the things that a dictator regime does:  A dictator lies to the people to implement takeover. Obama lies continually. A dictator is on the media continually to brainwash the masses. Obama is on the media continually. The media becomes an arm of the gov. and promotes their agenda, while vilifying and blaming anyone that is against, or sees what they are doing. The media vilifies the Tea Party, Republicans, or any group that believes in the constitution and real American values. Now, Geithner ‘the tax cheat’ is blaming Standard and Poor for the down grade…hahaha! Can’t any of these people take responsibility for anything? Except, oh I forgot, they took the ‘blame’… credit for Bin Laden… but I think it was really the Navy Seals… 

Very strange person this community organizer… I haven’t seen anything like it…he’s never even had a ‘real’ job….yet, he is running a country… Oh, but I forgot, he was on Oprah…

Apparently, tax cheats and community organizers never get the blame…that is unless, they ‘want’ to ‘take’ it..

This is not a Presidency…. this is a regime… an evil regime of a power grab…

A country is destroyed either by the sword, or the monetary system…

Wake up America!   Obozo is a community organizer dictator and he is using the tactics of all dictators…brainwashed, vilify, blame, then destroy. Oh, and educate the youth to agenda.  Hitler used these tactics and blamed and vilified the Jewish people for Germany’s bad economy and they weren’t the cause at all. In fact, they were they prosperous ones, the working ones…

And we all know how that turned out….was Hitler a community organizer, too? Ummm.. I think he might’ve been…

Obama is organizing for evil as all dictators do…
Yes, it’s as hot as hell this summer…

Mostly About the Obamas and a Few Others…Exploding!…

Would you invite Obama to your house? I wouldn’t. I have nothing in common with a community organizer who associates with radicals and goes to a church that hates America. I would never cross paths with a person such as this, were he in my community, and if I did, I wouldn’t like him, how he lives, what he believes, or stands for.

Concerning Michelle Obama, she would not fit in my world. Most of my friends, be they MOwives, mothers, career women, volunteers, or socialites… have a certain refinement, and know how to dress appropriately.  And whether rich, poor, or in the middle, they know how to put themselves together for their body type and look better than Michelle Obama, even if they are just running about doing errands.

This is a ‘first lady’?…Not really?!

The media spin is continually trying to ‘sell’ us on how stylish and beautiful Michelle Obama is, But she just isn’t. Only who cares what a first lady looks like as long as she is refined and has character, but Michelle doesn’t have these things either…

Michelle and Barack Obama are no one to look up to, aspire to, or listen to and they should not be where they are in our country.

Barack is the product of a wayward woman who had sex with an African man back when ‘respectable’ women didn’t travel the world behaving in this manner. (not that this is an acceptable lifestyle now, or anytime.) There are even ‘sexual photos’ of Obama’s mother floating around. She was a slut, in my opinion. Barack’s father was a radical, whore-monger, alcoholic, and married to several women at the same time. And he barely saw his son, Barack, during his lifetime. Barack Jr. was probably born in Africa and indoctrinated to be Muslim. His higher education was on the government dime. (if he even is educated) He did drugs, hung out with radicals and those on the edge of society. He has many social security numbers, and men have come forth claiming to have had affairs with him. Where he got his money to travel about when he was younger is a mystery. Everything about his past is sordid and a mystery. This man is nothing, I would ever associate with, or have around me EVER!

Then he writes a book (was he really the author), is on ‘Oprah’, and is now, telling Americans what to do and ‘his view’ of what we need to be. ‘Change’ is the BS he espouses with no specifics, facts, or plan of his own…he signs bills that were put into place before he was ever elected, or even a candidate. He wants things passed quickly and uses threats and fear continually… he doesn’t let the people read the bills, until they are passed. He over rides the constitution and ignores the American people.

We can look to Oprah for this con to be where he is in America and this woman is the Queen of Con and ‘giveaways’. She conned Americans along as she became wealthy and now she is a part of those trying to ‘change’ the free enterprize rules, so she, Obama and their ilk rule over the rest. She and Obama both attended Wright’s church of hate America… never forget that…

How about this character Pelosi… would you want her at your house? She always talks like she just came back from a three martini lunch, like some wealthy, dimwitted, socialite dowager and this woman is in the Gov…? She has made a fortune for her family and her husband’s businesses by pandering to progressive/liberals as she grows the gov. to control the people and more of the revenue…

Then Harry Reid… looks like a nice guy, huh? Would you ever want him in your home? So, why is he in the government pushing to make laws that rule over our lives? The man is a freak show….he is pushing the liberal/socialist/progressive agenda, spend spend and grow the government. Just look at his face! Does he look like a Nazi or what? I would never associate with this dweeb and traitor to the freedom of the American people.

Michelle and Barack are nothing, but Walmart puppets of the ‘elite’ with a destroy America agenda, living off the taxpayers dole, putting on a show, wasting money, living the high life doing the agenda of radicals and America haters that want to take away our freedoms, rights and control us while they attain more power and wealth. Grow the government and spend spend spend….to indebt and enslave the American people…

Government only cares about sustaining itself and this is the reason that…

Our founding fathers stated clearly that only real Americans, natural born Americans should and can be President… they knew those with ‘different’ backgrounds and ideology would not understand what America is and they were correct. Our founders were wise. They knew foreigners and America haters, those jealous and envious of freedom, integrity,
prosperity, morals, standards, God-loving, believers in Christ, would not be able to lead our country in any positive, healthy way, or direction … And they were correct. We were warned and forewarned and all this was predicted…
Everything about Obama’s administration is anti-Christ and pro-Muslim. Everything about Obama’s administration is about the Government instead of, WE, the people. Obama is about ‘I’ will tell you what to do, how to live and how much the government will take from WE, the people. Our founders wrote in our constitution, and in the division of our governing branches, catches to protect the people of America and Obama is ignoring them all…

Obama clearly by his actions, words, and who he associates with, hates America. His campaign slogan ‘change’ and his statement that he will ‘fundamentally change’ America shows this without a doubt. 
I am appalled at what Obama says, the way that he talks down to Americans, his stupid ideas, his ignorant, circle-talking, full of lies, dictator-like speeches, his scripted Leviathan crap that spews continually out of his mouth as he reads a teleprompter.

A President and the first lady should be American people to look up to and that they lift and bring our country up not threaten and lie to us. What the Obama’s are doing is bringing down everything good and sacred about America, while they smile, preach, spend (waste) America’s money and make ‘changes’ that are detrimental to everything about and to America, what we stand for, and who we are. We do not need change … we need to get back to what our founders set forth.

Go to Walmart, walk around that dump and look at most of the people. This is what we have in our White House. We are lowering our American standards to that of a third world country, a ghetto of sloppy living off the gov. dole slobs… and that man in our White House and his wife, with no beauty, style, grace, or fashion sense, (regardless of what the corrupt media spews) and hate of America will take us to their level, if we allow them to….

We need to come back to the constitution and the vision that our founders had for us.

We need to kick American haters back to where they came from and that includes the Obamas. Obama is not America’s President, or an American President. He belongs and works for the NWO.

We need an American President.  A President that puts American first and the world second, not the other way around.
This race card, politically correct BS and the corrupted media is what got this unqualified, community organizer where he is. We, the people, must stop the brainwashing and destruction of our country backed by the greed and evil of those going against our constitution.

The Obama’s are not welcome in my home, or my country. (neither is big mouthed Oprah and certainly not loony Pelosi, or dweeby little Reid) Agree or not?

Playboys, Never Married Men and Committment…

???????????????????????????????A playboy is a philanderer who devotes himself to a life of “play”. The term typically refers to a man who has numerous brief sexual relations with women… some have serial ‘marriage-like-play-like’ encounters that never result in a real commitment.   

Some people ‘think’ the term ‘playboy’ is glamorous and some men even ‘think’ it’s a compliment to be called a ‘playboy’… I think it’s one of the lowest things that a man can be. A playboy is a man that is still a ‘boy’… he ‘plays’ at being a man. He ‘plays’ house and  ‘plays’ at manly things… What could be more unattractive in a man?…

What makes a man attractive is maturity, responsibility and the ability to have an enduring lasting relationship with the ability to care and really love. A man who is in touch with his emotions in honesty is sexy… not a man that walks around trying to see how many women he can have sex with… this kind of a man is a joke unto himself and a blight to woman-kind.

A playboy is attracted just as far as the conquest goes, when he feels that he succeeds, or even partially succeeds, he becomes less attracted. This behavior is nothing, but empty, immature and can even become ‘cocky’. And this is not attractive, sexy, glamorous, or manly. It’s weak and childlike, grabbing for one toy, after getting it, tiring of it, then reaching for another.
Gigolo : 40 something executive with tuxedo flirting with young girls.
Men, I have met, and gone out with, who are over forty and have ‘never been married’, usually are very lacking. They can’t see it in themselves, but they are self-centered, even arrogant (a coverup for their innate insecurity) and I find them emotionally immature on many levels. Truth be known, many have sexual issues, even if they have had many sexual partners.  Having a need for many sexual partners is a sign of immaturity and an emotional lack. A person who has had, or can have emotionally satisfying sex, doesn’t desire random meaningless sex, unless, they are emotionally stunted and trying to cover-up deep seated issues.

‘Playboys’, or ‘the never married male’ often state that they just haven’t met the ‘right’ woman, but to me it appears more like they aren’t the ‘right’ manThey aren’t ‘right’ with themselves or who they are inside.

When they observe their friends getting divorced, they are ‘proud’ that they haven’t had to endure this. Yeah right! They haven’t experienced, or endured much of anything where ‘real commitment’ is concerned. They are so afraid of divorce that they never marry. They are so fearful  that they are afraid of losing what they never have had, or experienced. How pathetic is that?

The real deal with the ‘never married man’, forty and up, is that they can’t commit, are afraid of failure and real intimacy. So, they objectify women and diminish marriage and commitment to make themselves feel better about their inability to commit, to choose, and to make long term relationship decisions.

They need that ‘easy’ satisfaction, that ‘rush’ of something new, an escape, a change and they may not really like women, may even fear women, and certainly have a fear of knowing themselves in relation to a female. That’s why they pull away when it begins to get ‘real’.

So, quick seduction, or even slow seduction with all the words that ‘play’ like love with some ‘play-like’ actions and they may even enjoy ‘playing house for awhile’, of course,  without the ‘unnecessary  (very necessary) commitment’.  They always side step, or exit, then blame the woman as ‘she just wasn’t the right’ one’, as their MO.

It’s much easier to pursue and run away when it gets to real or close, than to really commit and get to know themselves in relation to another. In a committed relationship, is when, and only how you get to know yourself. It’s called ‘relationship… in relationship with another. Playboys and the never married, usually don’t have much of a relationship with themselves.

is when love really begins then grows. Marriage is a beginning, not an ending. Without commitment, love definitely will fade, with commitment, there is the opportunity for love to grow deeper.

It’s the endurance of commitment that allows for the possibility of true love and growth in both the man and the woman.

Many men these days are so immature and emotionally disconnected, unattractive and unavailable that the possibility of real love will always evade them.
They want the sex and fun, but with none of the responsibility or commitment…
so it’s superficial, empty and soon becomes meaningless…

40 something executive with tuxedo flirting with young girls. Stock Photo - 5185220I know a man who is over 50 and never married. He ‘thinks’, he knows about relationships, even marriage, when he is clueless.  Knowing him as long as I have, this makes me laugh, as he’s delusional. He doesn’t love. He gets ‘enamored’ for a bit then shuts down, or exits. He states that women cheat on him. I understand why because he is never really connected or emotionally available.  He has aged dramatically over the years, is overweight, his body and face appear unloved and unlovable and everything about him is less attractive, even the way that he walks and moves, but he still has that internal ‘playboy’ facade of ‘I am so desirable’… and that he is ‘holding out his commitment and marriage for the one.’  It is really sad, he has lost it, if he ever even had it, and he can’t see it, or who he is, or how he really comes across… he has little to nothing to offer a woman because he has nothing to give.

So, I wondered, does he think that the age of 60, ‘Ms. Perfect’ is going to appear and want him so badly that she will put up with his immature antics and BS that only a mother would, or could deal with? Doubt it! (Is that what these ‘playboys’ think is going to happen?) I told him 15 years ago that he will never marry, and as of yet he hasn’t and I bet, he never will.

Men with deep seated insecurities are too fearful to be really and deeply intimate with a woman. While at the same time, they are very needy even desperate for feminine energy.  Immediate and momentary sexual closeness temporarily satisfies this need and their appetite as they think of their self and their needs and not what they are doing to the woman in emotional harm. They can suck a woman dry then run off to suck the energy from another. The real loser types have several women going at once. They are so fearful of being left without a woman to suck energy from that they keep many on the string.

They put their innate insecurity onto the women in their lives…. and no woman can handle it for long, they wear her down, and the woman that can, they don’t want. Because she sees through him and forces him to look at himself.

The man that I spoke of previously, I can barely spend a lunch with any longer… he is so needy and depressing. But he can’t say… ‘I am unhappy, I need this, or that, I feel lost.’ No, he will say that he is happy and fine. That he is so together, when everything about him appears lost. He is usually deeply depressed. He has no ability to see himself and not only that, he is after a woman with money.  He wants to be taken care of…  so from ‘playboy’ to ‘gigolo’…he, now, complains when he spends money on a woman… GEEZ! Loser much! Like any woman would want him.

Nothing is more pathetic than an aging playboy! Insecurity reeks from every pore.  Playboys are superficial, weak and needy. And the older ones that drive around in their flashy cars trying to appear so ‘with it’ are so not…

Men who can commit, have emotional depth and want to be held accountable to the woman that they love. They aren’t fearful of being known for who they are and the experience of growing in love. They want to care for their woman and make her feel safe and nurtured as a mature and emotionally healthy male does. They want to give and provide … that is what a man is and does, that is the true nature of the male.. a real man in relation to a female.

Beach lovers.Nothing is more attractive than a man who can love deeply and having experienced marriage, this kind of man, wants to experience it again, because he knows that this is a remarkable way to interact and to live, to have a witness to your life of who you are and who you become while living and sharing it together.

It takes a secure man to commit. It’s the weak ones that can’t and who focus on sex and are ‘playboys’…The male/female connection is bliss at it’s finest ….
but with a ‘playboy’ it’s empty, as they are empty vessels… looking to be filled up, instead of filling up another…

How do I know this? My first husband was a ‘playboy’. Yes, some do marry, but they continue their ‘playboy’ ways while married (as in Arnold, Edwards, Wiener, to name a few). My ex was an emotional phony and terrible in bed. I was the wife he wanted for his ‘image’. I am a ‘playboy’ magnet. I have observed and studied them for years.  I can now spot them at a glance. They are the needy penises that I refer to and that is exactly what they are…they are everywhere and the Internet is a playground for them…

Of course, I have had relationships with men who were and are not ‘playboys’… there are good men.. so don’t you guys get all in a huff. Only these days… Wow! From what I observe and what other women tell me, they are few and far between…

(Okay, I am talking about men, but I know there are ‘playgirls’ and the same applies to them.)