Tag Archives: conservative

Censorship – curtailing freedom of speech and the right of free expression…

   Christian, heterosexual, white Conservatives  are continually being censored while progressives – libs –  dems – terrorists – shooters – muslims – people of color – perverts – etc. are allowed to post and say whatever they want to  –  including threats – even to our President.  This is especially true in the entertainment arena, the main stream propaganda media and on FB.

I was put in FB jail for 30 days for the following blog article:


It’s only opinion commentary about what I think about those who march wearing pink hats and vaginas on their heads – nothing to be put in FB jail for- but I was.  No threats – nothing but my opinion and that of many others and I am put in FB jail for 30 days for it. At the same time, I am in FB jail, I am being sent emails from FB asking me if I would like to boost this same blog article it is getting so many hits.  The duplicity and unfairness of FB is deplorable.  They are pro-their agenda and against anyone who doesn’t go along with  it – which is completely un-American and against freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

FB is as bad as the fake lying media and something should be done about their unfairness – their censorship – their  focus on ‘their’ agenda – their allowing terrorists and those who hate America to promote their lowly agenda while they censor those who are Christian, conservative and love America.

Conservative Class… Liberal Crass…

59bday6From my experiences, I ask why are Liberal/Progressive women so full of bitterness, hate, jealousy, and animosity..?

They may ‘use’ the word ‘love’ alot, but it doesn’t seem that they even know what the word means. They call others names such as hater, racist, and sexist when they are usually the ones doing the hating. I have been called, fat, old, a skinny, white bitch, among other names, etc. by Liberal/Progressive women…

Liberal/Progressive women seem to not be able to stand a Conservative, attractive, physically, emotionally fit and morally sound woman. Why are Liberal/Progressive women so threatened by Conservative women?…

They go on the immediate attack as they do with Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, etc… It’s even deemed okay for them to attack Palin’s children, but if one word is said against Obama’s children, they go wild. Not that I think we should be bad mouthing, or attacking anyone’s children, or children in general… but there is such a double standard….

Why do you think Liberal/Progressive women are so unhappy, bitter and out to ‘get’ Conservative women? It’s as if they can’t stand these women, especially in the media…

Compare the look on Hillary Clinton’s face to say Michelle Bachman’s… compare the look on the news ladies on Fox compared to say Katie Couric… compare the Liberal/Progressive women in Obama’s cabinet to Conservative women…need I say more…?!?

Why are Liberal women so threatened by Conservative class… I mean women?