The DNC… liars, BS artists, cons, womanizers, Hollywood crass…

False intentions, all words, little action, except those with ‘different motives and actions’ than their ‘words’ convey… false promises and lies. All propaganda….

The DNC is just like a playboy or womanizer… “I love you baby. I will leave my wife for you… just ‘do it’ with me.”
then they stay with their wife and keep with their old agenda.

Democrats/Progressives/Liberals at the DNC… “We love America. We are for the middle class. We have Christian values. We will make your life better just ‘vote for me’.” But nothing gets better. There’s just more debt, regulations, and destruction for America and its people. They will stay with Obama’s failed agenda of spend, spend, lie and spend while saying they must do it and it is good for America.

Same lines… same liars… same cons… same BS artists. Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice shame on you…

Women’s issues… “I didn’t have sexual relations with that woman.” Clinton cheated on his wife their whole marriage and had ‘sexual relations’ with an intern while he was President of the United States. How can disrespect for women be more in our face? It can’t!

Birth control paid for by the government … is this for real? This is absolutely surreal. Birth control is between a woman and her doctor and she should pay for it herself. How about not having sex, until you are married or in a commented relationship? Ever think of that, instead of focusing on promiscuity?

Abortion! This is between a woman, her doctor and the people involved. The government should butt out. It is not a government issue.

Gay rights! Sex is between a man and a woman. Marriage is between a man and a woman. If same sex people choose to have a ‘romantic’ relationship, why should the government be involved?  Why is this even a government issue? How about doing a legal agreement between the same sex parties involved and leave the rest of us out of it?

Class warfare based on race and income
… this is divisive and all the Progressives/Liberals/Democrats have to use.  Divide and conquer is their platform. They vilify success while Moo and Bo live the high life.
Moo whined in her speech about how Obama could barely afford shoes, while the truth is he was backed by Saudis, got a scholarship as a foreign student, traveled internationally, and could afford drugs and cigarettes. If he couldn’t afford shoes then he wasn’t spending his money wisely… just like he runs our country.  Michelle Obama is a blatant liar as she travels the world on America’s dime. She lives the life of a dictator’s wife squandering money, while pandering to the poor.

Michelle Obama ‘tried’ to copy the genuine, truthful speech of Ann Romney to try and make her husband ‘appear’ something that he is not. Everything about Obama is media created and false. It’s all image created for agenda.

The DNC is full of false orators… all words of promises and lies…
nothing genuine about it. It is all ‘orchestrated’ for their agenda.

Orators are just that… it’s the doing of it that matters…

Lies, con, propaganda, hyping up the people to vote for him and if he should win… he will put forth his backers agenda to destroy the American economy…take America down in order to insert us into the NWO.

Obama spoke about jobs, while he has done nothing about them…. but since he knows that’s what America needs and wants to hear he pandered. Obama has done nothing, but spend money, lower the rating of America and LIE!

Obama again talks about his ‘vision’… from ‘hope’ to ‘hopeful’… empty words, empty speech, empty man. His words are hollow. Nothing new, no policy… vague ideas, random, same ole, same ole…Obama gives the same speech over and over again…
Might that be because he is a puppet? Obama talks and that is all he does. What a con artist! What propaganda! What Leviathan spin!

When someone wants to control and…

???????????????????????????????manipulate you and you won’t let them. What are some of the things they do? 

They get passive, aggressive. They belittle you. They ‘project’. (You are the problem not them.) They ‘blame’ you. They side step and make excuses to try and make it ‘appear’ that whatever went wrong, or is happening, or not happening is ‘your’ fault and not theirs.

They get others to gang up on you. They try to scare you. They raise their voice. They pull rank.  They will do anything and everything they can think of to escalate their efforts. And people like this are usually devious along with being controlling and they will get  frustrated when they can’t control someone. And they will get…

… rude. They will threaten. They take something from you or threaten to do so. They try to create fear and insecurity in you. They lie to you. They call or use the ‘authorities’.  They will ignore and disregard you to get you to ‘kow tow’ to them and their will.
They are the kind of people who reward their friends and punish their enemies.

They ‘act’ like they are doing it for your own good. They insult you. They ‘try’ to make you feel stupid and ‘act’ like they know better. They talk down to you. They find your insecurities and exploit them. They try to weaken you. They try to fool you. They try to con you.

They intimidate you. They corner you. They dictate to you. They may even push you or hit you.

They will deflect the issue or the situation. They will talk around it.
They blatantly lie, thinking you are too stupid to realize it.

There have always been controlling people and always will be. The control freaks…Those who must feel that they have power over another or others. They are really usually terribly insecure that is why they try so hard to feel that they have some sort of ‘power’. And I have noticed it is getting worse and worse…

I am a person who frustrates people because I am not easily controlled. I am my own person. I think for myself. And through the years, I have learned to discern and to see through motives and agenda. So I can easily frustrate those who wish to control me in certain circumstances and situations in my life.

And being a petite woman, men and those physically larger than me ‘think’ I am weak or malleable to their wishes and desires. Wrong! Size and sex don’t mean weak, stupid and controllable.

Some people only want and like to be around people they can control on some level. These people think someone who won’t allow themselves to be controlled is ‘difficult’… and they will come at them anyway they can to get them under their thumb. Interesting, huh, and really?

I have come to enjoy watching how people behave and the tactics and loops they will jump through to try and control me, or others…

And this is what the Obama regime is trying to do and doing to many who are weak, easily lead, can’t discern and see the truth and can’t see what is being done to them…

The Obama regime wants power over all the people. They want control. What they do, shows clearly the tactics of controlling and manipulative people.

People without standards, convictions, morals, ethics and intelligence are easier to control than those with these attributes…

What else do controlling people do? And what do you do about it when you see and feel it happening?

Liberals, progressives and other fools…

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Isaiah 5:20

A perfect example:
Robert Gibbs stated about the RNC, “I think it was very, very strange. Sort of highlighted by lots of anger and lots of insults.”

HA! Really?! This statement coming from a member of the Obama Regime… one of the most insulting, lying, conning, Leviathan spinning administrations we have ever experienced in America.  They call good evil and evil good. They call others haters… when it’s they who hate. They are full of envy, etc… many are loaded full of the seven deadly sins and they seep from their mouths and out of their pores. And those sins are ‘trying’ to take our great country down, but we will not allow it.

They call individual success bad. They vilify the wealthy when its what they crave for themselves. They call inheritance from families that worked hard to create it for their heirs a bad thing. They want to take the success of others for themselves. They are thieves. They are of evil, envy and all that is bad. A dictatorship government preys on the envy of these people to get them under their control. The control of evil.

Freedom is of God! Freedom of choice. Freedom to use your God-given individual talents for your benefit as well as for your family and from that origin out into the world. Your gifts come from our creator not the government.
Do you know truth when you hear and see it?

‘We’, the people of truth, can see and discern that which is of good and evil for what it is…

Success is good. Families are good… generational wealth is good. It is a blessing from the Lord that is given through individual creativity, hard work, persistence and lifted up by the American dream.

“Liberals have run out of ideas. Their moment came and went. Fear and division are all they’ve got left.” Paul Ryan

“Do we want to live in a society where everything is free, but us?” Paul Ryan

Government for the people and by the people.
God Bless America! We are the light of the world!

“My definition of ‘sin’ is whatever is consistent with my values”…

FALSANI: “Do you believe in heaven?”

OBAMA: “Do I believe in the harps and clouds and wings?”

FALSANI: “A place spiritually you go to after you die?”

OBAMA: “What I believe in is that if I live my life as well as I can, that I will be rewarded. I don’t presume to have knowledge of what happens after I die. But I feel very strongly that whether the reward is in the here and now, or in the hereafter, the aligning myself to my faith and my values is a good thing. When I tuck in my daughters at night and I feel like I’ve been a good father to them, and I see in them that I am transferring values that I got from my mother and that they’re kind people and that they’re honest people, and they’re curious people, that’s a little piece of heaven.”

FALSANI: “Do you believe in sin?”

OBAMA: “Yes.”

FALSANI: “What is sin?”

OBAMA: “Being out of alignment with my values.”

FALSANI: “What happens if you have sin in your life?”

OBAMA: “I think it’s the same thing as the question about heaven. In the same way that if I’m true to myself and my faith that – that is its own reward; when I’m not true to it, it’s its own punishment.”

March 2, 2012 | Michael Foust / Baptist Press – This one-hour interview by Cathleen Falsani was conducted when Obama was running for U.S. Senate (2004)…

Answer by Obama: “Being out of alignment with my values”.

God gave us the Ten Commandments to live by but Obama has added an 11th: “Believe as I do or you will go to hell”. Do not align with my values and you will be guilty of a sin. Or “I will reward my friends and punish my enemies.”

Only the Messiah has the ability to establish commandments for life so in establishing his definition of “sin”, Obama takes on the role of messiah; is there any wonder why Obama is referred to by his opponents sarcastically as the “messiah” or that many say Obama has a “messiah complex”?

What does this communicate about Obama? 

Leo Gerard another Obama string-puller…

Obama has brought a new mob of mafia, radicals, criminals and the likes to the forefront to try and destroy our America.

Leo Gerard the man who controls the Obama agenda… the man who helped forge Barack Obama’s national political career in 2004 and whose Blue-Green Alliance organization has been the ‘most frequent guest’ of the Obama White House.  Leo Gerard – the true domestic and international power behind the Obama presidency, the man who has initiated presidential involvement on his behalf not only within America, but in such countries as Brazil, Mexico, Germany, and Australia – including the use of the American military to do so.

Leo Gerard – He is a “Social Democrat” – this political organization is described as the largest socialism group in the world whose primary goal is to replace capitalism with a government-controlled economy that focuses on wealth re-distribution and social justice – and the abolishing of privately owned business.-The environmental movement is a means to force the rise of socialism and the death of capitalism.

-The teacher’s union is a primary partner to ensure the education of children to be used to further promote the socialist agenda.

– Discloses himself as a primary architect of the Obama Healthcare reform – and calls those who opposed it “right-wing nuts” and “redneck jerk-offs”.

-The United Steelworkers Union is a socialist organization.

The United Steelworkers (USW) Marxist president Leo Gerard believes if Big Labor can’t get what it wants through the ballot box, it’s time to start cracking skulls. The Canadian-born Gerard loves a brawl. In 1999 he helped the violent anarchists protesting in Seattle block access to the World Trade Organization meetings. USW sent 1,400 goons to shut the talks down. Gerard’s agitation helped to push Algoma Steel of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, into bankruptcy in the 1990s.

USW president since 2001, Gerard wholeheartedly supports the labor-backed Occupy Wall Street movement – and wants it to become even more violent.

“You’re damn right Wall Street occupiers speak for us”, he recently told left-wing radio host Ed Schultz. “They do in Pittsburgh, they do in Chicago, they do in Oakland, they do in San Francisco, they do all across the country. And I think what we need is, we need more militancy.”

But occupying cities isn’t enough in the view of this man who began his career in labor activism at age 11 by handing out leaflets before a strike.

Gerard explained that the Left needs to start a “resistance” movement. “If Wall Street occupation doesn’t get the message, I think we’ve got to start blocking bridges and doing that kind of stuff,” he said.

“And no wonder people are occupying. We ought to be doing more than occupying parks. We ought to start occupying bridges. We ought to start occupying the banks.”

Gerard is a member of the AFL-CIO’s executive committee and chairman of its public policy committee.

He takes pride in the fact that the New York Times called him the “No. 1 scourge of free traders.” No wonder: A few days after Gerard visited President George W. Bush’s cabinet in 2001 the Bush administration slapped tariffs on imported steel.

To help advance the protectionist agenda, President Obama named Gerard to the President’s Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations.

Like Karl Marx, Gerard has an interest in economics. He had planned to become an economics professor before taking a job in the labor movement. But interest doesn’t imply aptitude, and like Marx, he apparently has little understanding of economics.
(Gerard and Geithner in Pittsburgh)
Leo Gerard Geithner Meets With Business And Labor Leaders In PittsburghAdd to this: Did Gerard bring Soptic to the attention of both the Obama campaign and the pro-Obama SuperPAC run by ex-Obama White House aide Bill Burton? Which would formally tie the administration itself to the activities of the SuperPAC? A violation of federal election law.

Let’s look at this starting with Leo Gerard who is a member of the Obama Administration’s Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations (ACTPN).

ACTPN is a formal part of the Office of the United States Trade Representative, tasked by the 1974 Trade Act with the responsibility to “provide the U.S. Trade Representative with policy advice.” The U.S. Trade Representative is officially a member of the President’s Cabinet, carrying the title of Ambassador. The current U.S. Trade Rep is Ambassador Ron Kirk. Kirk, a Democrat and Obama appointee, is the former Mayor of Dallas, Texas (the city’s first African-American mayor) and previously was the appointed Texas Secretary of State for the late Governor Ann Richards. The group can have as many as 45 members all appointed by the President and is supposed to be bipartisan, with representatives of both parties serving as members. (Among the GOP members is New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.)

Gerard as we know is the International President of the United Steelworkers. The self-same union from which steelworker union member, Joe Soptic, emerged in the now infamous Obama SuperPAC ad.

As all of America now knows, the Obama SuperPAC has run an ad with former steelworker, Soptic, essentially accusing Governor Romney of killing his wife. Interesting, how this is all coming together?

About 2016: Obama’s America….


2016 Obama’s America takes audiences on a gripping visual journey into the heart of the world’s most powerful office to reveal the struggle of whether one man’s past, will redefine America over the next four years.

The film examines the question, “If Obama wins a second term, where will we be in 2016?”

Across the globe and in America, people in 2008 hungered for a leader who would unite and lift us from economic turmoil and war. True to ‘America’s ideals’, they invested their ‘hope’ in a ‘new kind of president’, Barack Obama. What they didn’t know is that Obama is a man with a past, and in powerful ways, that past defines him–who he is, how he thinks, and where he intends to take America and the world.

Immersed in exotic locales across four continents, best selling author Dinesh D’Souza races against time to find answers to Obama’s past and reveal where America will be in 2016. During this journey he discovers how Hope and Change became radically misunderstood, and identifies new flashpoints for hot wars in mankind’s greatest struggle. The journey moves quickly over the arc of the old colonial empires, into America’s empire of liberty, and we see the unfolding realignment of nations and the shape of the global future.

Emotionally engaging, 2016 Obama’s America will make you confounded and cheer as you discover the mysteries and answers to your greatest aspirations and worst fears.

Obama…love him or hate him, but you really don’t know him.

But it’s clear Obama hates all that America is and stands for… and if he stays in office what America is and stands for will be eradicated.

WomenExplode gives this documentary a high recommendation…

A true heart and a worthy soul can’t be purchased…

???????????????????????????????so are you either born with them or not?

As they are a down payment on forever…

But your perceived power or monetary position on earth will not, cannot, either ‘buy’ or ‘command’ that you have a true heart or a worthy soul…

How you ‘use’ your earthly ‘power’, God-given talents and resources display what kind of a heart and a soul that you possess. It’s not the words that you speak … it’s your actions and behaviors that show the quality of your heart and your soul…

While on earth, we are given the ‘opportunity’ to heal, expand, attain worldly knowledge, be tested, be tried and to display who we are under all sorts of circumstances and trials. And this is done in ‘every’ interaction with our fellowman, not just the ones, that we ‘think’ matter, but in all of them as all are seen by our maker. How we deal with ourselves is known by the ‘Almighty’…

You may ‘think’ that you are getting away with ‘something’ as you sneak around in the dark of night.. but in the light of Heaven it is being seen…

All that we do and all that we experience is imprinted upon our soul and in our heart to carry with us forever…perhaps, even from many past lives into the future … who really knows for sure while being on earth?

Because all of what we do is seen and all of who we are is known… not just some of it.

What if, what we do on earth is a down payment on forever…

What do you have, if you gain the whole world, but lose your soul?

When your emotions overflow…

??????????????????????????????? you cry. And crying is good for you. Crying is an overflowing of emotions. It’s a release. That’s all it is. And you usually feel much better after a good cry…

People who are afraid of their emotions may find it difficult to cry and are made uncomfortable when seeing others’ cry. Crying is a natural and normal release and its purpose is just that…

Water is emotion and tears are emotions overflowing…

I have gone through periods where I was too upset and blocked to cry then when I finally did cry, I felt sooo much better…

There is no shame in crying… as there is no shame to feel any emotion. Crying is healthy…unless, it is used to manipulate and those kind of criers are usually easily spotted…

Crying : Crying womanIt’s our society that has us thinking something is wrong with us, if we cry and if we show emotions. Crying isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s a sign that you ‘feel’ and people who feel are emotionally healthy.

We are warned and encouraged to not show emotions, to not speak the truth, to be politically correct, to not show, or to state how we really feel, because it’s not polite, or ‘politically correct’. We are being taught to be cut off from ourselves, from our emotions…from who we really are… from our integrity from our true beings and from our souls.

Ever wonder why so many are afraid of emotions?

Deny your emotions and the feelings that arise from them and deny who you are. Not expressing your feelings that result in emotions, can cause addictions: drinking, drugs, over-eating, cheating on your loved one and explosions such as violence and abuse… if you suppress yourself too often then you may explode in an unhealthy and harmful way to yourself and others or to both…

There are healthy productive ways to express and explode and there are unhealthy ones. Too much suppression and you will either explode internally or externally… and exploding internally can cause illness that will eat you up inside….

So, if you feel like crying.. CRY!  It’s good for your mental and emotional health.

All of our emotions and feelings are there for us to express them. That is why we feel themthey are a part of our emotional make-up that affects our intuition and that is God-given… It’s a gift from God to FEEL!

‘Sensitives’ are usually healthfully emotional and are in touch with their feeling, emotions and their inner and outer selves and the world around them. They, oftentimes, sense the feelings, emotions and state of being of others and to do this… they are self-aware.

‘When’ we feel, and ‘what’ we feel, tells us something about ourselves and others… when we ‘listen’ to what we feel, and ‘honor’ what we are feeling, we are being true to ourselves and therefore, more able to be true to others. If we deny and are not true to our feelings and emotions, we will become a distortion of who we are, a distortion of our God-given self. And not knowing who we are, and what we feel, we can become easily led and controlled by others and that, of course, includes dictator-like regimes.

When we are ‘told’ how to feel, what to ‘think’, and that our emotions are bad,  we become confused about what is true and what is real.

Like a child who grows up around abuse or alcoholism and when they stand up and confront it are told what they ‘see’ and ‘know’ isn’t true and that their feelings and emotions are not accurate and are wrong. If this child, buys into this distortion, they themselves will become distorted.

As a society, we are being told, even ordered and mandated, to not express ourselves about what we like, or don’t like, therefore negating our individuality, our feelings, our emotions.

Some made fun of John Boehner, as his tears overflowed, when he was made Speaker of the House. His emotions were seen as ‘unacceptable’ to some who possibly can’t deal with their own emotions. Why can’t we accept others’ emotions for what they are… and that they are a ‘natural’ and  ‘innately normal’ part of being a human being?

If others’ emotions make you uncomfortable, you might need to look at yourself… perhaps, it’s because you aren’t dealing with yours… that viewing others emoting might be triggering something in you that you don’t want to, or are ‘afraid’ to address.

In some families, there may be one person who expresses the emotions of all. They may be the expressive one, the feeling one, the one who tells it like it is, the one who speaks the truth that the others don’t want to hear, or even acknowledge. The one who expresses for all, while the others may be cold, uncaring and locked or blocked in denial. To be cold and uncaring is not a worthy human quality to strive for…do you think?

Interesting, that while being told to get emotions under control… that so many attend movies and other events, such as music and the theatre, in order, to have their emotions triggered. It appears as a society that this is an ‘acceptable’ way to express and release. Feeling ‘fear’ in a horror show is fine. Feeling ‘sensitive’ watching a love story is fine… just think of the tears that were shed while watching Titanic or The Notebook. So, when a movie or book triggers emotions, it’s fine and acceptable…ummm…

But when real life does, we are told to stop crying, take some medication, stiffen your upper lip, hold strong, etc. Sooo… why is this?

I am an emotional person.  I honor how I feel and I express it. Some think I am too emotional and others like and enjoy it. I am truthful, can see through lies, and con as I have experienced much and grown into clear awareness and it’s my emotions that prodded me to do so. I am physically healthy, do not have addictions and am happy and peaceful most all of the time and when I am not, I express it.

We are ;sentient beings’ living on this earth and we are here to feel and express. This is how we grow and evolve emotionally and why God gave us the ability to feel, to have empathy, to care, to cry, to love, to become angry, to fear, etc. TO FEEL! And to express what we feel!

Laughing : Portrait of a beautiful lady standing with folded hands and laughing against white background Stock PhotoWhen we process through all of our emotions, we arrive back at peace… it’s when we become blocked that we become irritated and ill… which can result in mental, emotional and physical disorders on a variety of levels.

I have written a book titled, DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR… that I will put on my site to market in the near future… that deals   with emotions and family lineage.

If you can laugh in full abandon, you can cry as such. When you can feel the pain, you can feel the joy!

So, if you feel like crying CRY! Don’t deny who you are and how you feel! Be who you are, feel what you feel and express it healthfully… when you do, you will be happier and healthier on all levels and whole in your emotional being! 

Be what God put you here to be …YOU! Authentic people honor emotions in themselves and others… Agree or not? Express yourself…

Please look to the left and click to follow…

Your actions are a reflection of what you really believe…

???????????????????????????????and actions display who you really are… not your words. Your words show your intent, but if your actions don’t follow through then your words are empty…also words can be used to manipulate others…

So observe and trust more in actions and behaviors and just ‘listen’ to words…

In an honorable person with integrity, their words and actions match up. They say what they do and they do what they say.
In a fraud, a con, a disordered person, words and actions do not match up.

Example: people who pray using words of kindness and caring towards their fellowman… then treat others with hurtful actions and behaviors even contempt are clearly not what or who they ‘say’ they are.

A recent observation: I was in a situation where a group of people held hands and prayed about all things ‘good’ and about people being kind to one another. Then two hours after this ‘circle-praying’, I witnessed one person try to hug another person who was in this prayer group, reaching out to her out of caring and empathy, and saw them be rejected by ‘this self-proclaimed religious’ person who happened to be the wife of the man doing the praying… complete hypocrites… lots of empty words with no follow through… they must ‘think’ that just ‘saying it’ makes it real and true… 

A person who says the words, “I love you”, then treats you badly, this is not love, is it? It’s manipulation. Love is actions, not words… The words, “I love you”, can be the most manipulative in the English language…

A Father who tells his child, ” I love you” then does hurtful things will instill in a child confusion that is harmful even detrimental to a child’s development. And will make the child confused as to what love really is. They will not trust others and not trust their own eyes and ears. They may attract to them abusive people who say the words, “I love you”, but do not have the actions and behaviors that go along with their words.

This disconnect makes them open to being taken advantage of and abused by sociopaths, psychopaths, predators and cons, etc.

I have been writing lately about hypocrites and about words and actions not matching up because I am seeing this has become a rampant disease among people.

Just look at the ‘Obama Regime’, it is despicable in its hypocrisy. They ‘say’ they want to ‘help’, do ‘good’, and care about America, but what they are ‘doing’ is destroying and doing harm. And they are modeling to those who can’t ‘think’ or ‘discern’ for themselves and those without morals that this kind of lowly behavior is okay… in fact, this is a display of what to do to manipulate and get into a position to have power over and be able to control others. Instead of having honor, truth and integrity with words matching actions being shown we have the opposite… as if they are all scripted actors reading their lines while doing the exact opposite.

The world is being run by sociopaths, psychopaths, predators and cons…and it is all based on ‘rule by hypocrisy’. It is a plan to capture the very spirits and souls of the pure of heart.

So ‘listen’ to words, but ‘believe’ their actions and when words and actions don’t match up… know that there is a disorder going on, either in the person, the organization or the administration … and step away, turn away, vote them out, and know that you are not dealing with truth, but with the manipulation of evil…the evil of hypocrisy.

Unfortunately, the Leviathan lies of spin and fog are more prevalent than truth in our world today. Learn to see through the words by observing and witnessing the actions, the beliefs and the agenda…

Seeing clearly is the only way to clear out the evil distortion of hypocrisy, the tool that ‘they’ are using, to try to take over all that is good, pure and Holy.

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