She was fired from her position in the House Judiciary Committee’s impeachment inquiry into Watergate for lying and unethical behavior. FAILED to pass the bar exam and then married Bill and moved to Arkansas.
Let’s not forget the “Whitewater”, “Travelgate”, “Filegate”, and “Chinagate”…. all scandals the Clinton’s masterminded that ruined people lives and even got some murdered.
I’ll skip over the Bill Clinton presidential years and his subsequent IMPEACHMENT and scandalous infidelities which any sane woman would have divorced him for. But let’s face it, Hillary married into power. In a nation with more than 150 million women, it ought to be possible to find a president who got there on her own merits and not owing everything you have to your husband.
Other than being an elderly drunken crone, Hillary really has no accomplishments as her time as a slacker senator in New York either. It only proved that her success was accomplished by just showing up.
And her infamous “we’re broke” claim. Okay, there are dozens of ridiculously-talented, hard-working people who’ll never set foot in a mansion… but Hillary buys two and weeps. Estimated between $25 and $50 million, all from speeches and ghostwritten books, her personal wealth is arguably her only accomplishment.
Before there was Brian Williams, there was Hillary. She infamously claimed in 2008 that she landed under “sniper fire” in Bosnia, which was refuted by video evidence of the incident. However, that is not the first time that she has been caught telling untruths. In 1995, she claimed that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach Mount Everest’s summit. However, he did not do so until 6 years after Clinton was born, making it unlikely that her mother would be familiar with him at the time.
“Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.” ~Hillary, June 2014
This shows again why she is not fit to be President. If she has a place to fill, the more fitting venue would be a prison cell, lest we not remember who she really is.
Fab list sharing. Thank you!
thank you thank you.. good work!
She is so disgraceful it would be best if she did not run for office! I smell a money laundering campaign again!
OMG – tell me this sorry woman had gall to say this – the Clinton’s are nothing but liars & pretend to be something “They Are Not”
Great article – all facts!
We don’t need perversion in the highest office of this country . It’s bad enough we found out that Muslim in there right now is a homosexual and married to a transvestite . This shit has to stop and we need to get back to God and the holy book for guidance. This bastard let out all the gays to be pranced around like it was something special when in fact it’s perverted and unholy . No more sodomites in this government . We need true God fearing Christians with America and her ppl. as a way to move forward.
That is the liberal / alinsky way; say and do whatever you have to to gain power. Blame, lie, deflect.
WOW !!! Did you ever not leave out a thing, in your post on swilary! I had forgotten about the Watergate thing. Lady, YOU ROCK !!!!!!!!
Great column, Ayn. She has so many skeletons to hide that it must look like a Civil War battlefield that was abandoned for a couple of months.
Once again, you nailed it.
Well said, Ayn
Amen Ayn!
Soro’s position rich being taxed at higher rate & made to pay more taxes while he did not pay his to tune of 7 Billion USD because he has no intention of ever paying.. Soros is actively involved in overthrowing US government to cancel his debt.
Sharing this link. It’s very well done. Thanks lady!
Wow! All this while carrying on with her Muslim side piece.
…but it’s all OK, because she had 900+ FBI files, many of which (we must assume) are still relevant. They cover leaders in both parties, the media, and quite probably the courts.
Why no one makes the connection between those files and her magical persona is a mystery to me; it’s the most-obvious, most-comprehensive answer, and the only theory that actually explains how she (and Bill) got away with… everything.
It’s also why Obama was the only one of the crop who had a chance — he wasn’t on her radar in 1993. It’s also why so many of her “targets” jumped ship for Obama. They were scared of her; they didn’t have the same problem with the Senator from Illinois, who was run by many of Hillary’s targets as a good way to put her on ice, and prevent her from retaliating… for 8 years, anyway.
She also makes up things. Frankenhillery is trash in the way.
You write well and I enjoyed reading it. Keep up the good work. God bless you for being a strong woman who has something to say and says it.
she has NEVER faced any measure of intense scrutiny she just glides above all criticism..galling!
I completely agree. I recently saw a poll so Pathetic you wont belive it! checkout saianarchy.com if you going to vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. we also have the biggest hilary clinton email dump here: http://saianarchy.com/email-leaks/, and we expose the excutive ordre made secret by obama here: http://saianarchy.com/executive-order-leaks
Thank you, Ayn
You are a very smart person!
BENGHAZI BITCH should be swinging from a rope right next to OBAMANATION !!!
Good post dear Ayn Dillard! She has a has no soul, so what does that say about her supporters?
I’ve been paying attention to presidents since the seventies and I don’t recall ever being disgusted by one of them before. Hillary Rodham Clinton truly disgusts me.
For all of the reasons outlined above, yes, but there’s something more to it. It’s the fact that she appears to have no life-purpose other than holding a position of power. She has no philosophy, no higher-purpose, nothing that she obviously stands for that would improve the human condition.
She’s been a promoter of universal health-care, but how can we trust anything she says regarding health given the fact that she obviously smokes like a chimney (you don’t get a wrinkled mouth like that from any other activity). That may sound like an insignificant point, but if she really believed in improving the health of all Americans, she wouldn’t so obviously engage in a practice that has taken more lives than any other activity in human history. It’s yet another reason that I can’t believe one word coming out of that nasty, wrinkled mouth.
God Save America.