Why is abortion even a government issue? Shouldn’t this weighty and most serious decision be between a woman, her doctor, her family, those in her life that know the situation and her God?
I believe in a woman’s right to choose. As there are circumstances in her life and that of the unborn where an abortion may be the decision that she makes. But that is between her and her God and not the decision nor the business of the government.
I am not saying that abortion is the ‘right’ thing to do as it is not my place to do so and it is not the government’s either. It is deeply personal and a decision of seriousness that matches few others, as also is the decision to bring a child into this world.
When and how did abortions become such an ordinary decision to make? Was it Roe vs.Wade that did it? That government ruling that made it ‘okay’ to do this. But even the woman that forced the creation of this ruling has since changed her mind.
Today, promiscuity, pregnancy in young, and younger females and pregnancy in unmarried women is rampant. Children born out of wedlock and children who don’t even know who their fathers are is rampant. How did this get so out of whack? And to think that abortion is one of the government’s answers to this is disgusting. The government has no answer.The government needs to butt out.
When I was in highschool, I didn’t even know what an abortion was. Only the sleeziest of girls went ‘all the way’. I didn’t know, or ever even heard of a girl getting pregnant. If one did, it was hidden and taken care of by the family to an outcome that they alone reached and it was in private.
I didn’t have my first first ‘french kiss’ until the night of the prom. And the first man that I ‘went all the way’ with I married. And as an adult, I can look back and know that I missed nothing by not having sex at a young age. Thank God, I had a childhood. When I was a child, I was a child and when I was an adult, I delt with the adult issues of sexuality and even then they were sometimes very difficult.
When I was in college, a girlfriend from high school did get pregnant by her boyfriend and I was appalled to hear it. No one that I knew of got pregnant before getting married. This couple quickly got married because to have a child out of wedlock just wasn’t done. It was shameful to all concerned.
Later in my life, after a divorce, I got pregnant. The man and I were in love, but weren’t ready to get married. So, after much discussion, we opted for an abortion. It was the most difficult decision that I ever made and I changed my mind several times before actually having it. One of my thought processes in deciding to have an abortion was that it must be okay because others were doing it. There is a law that says it’s ‘okay’. So it must be okay. And this was BS!
But even though in my heart and soul, I knew it was wrong, I did it. I suffered emotionally for years because of that decision. The man and I married, but having made the abortion decision that we did, our relationships was harmed.
I feel that abortion is murder. I have prayed, asked for forgiveness and felt tormented for years… until I could finally put it into some sort of perspective. But I will never get over it and when I think of it, I feel like crying still to this day. And on my death bed, I will be asking for God’s forgiveness for this action.
But, I don’t want women that do decide to have an abortion to have to sneak into some back alley.. and have it done by some not so good doctor, or in less than sterile and safe circumstances.
But then, at the sametime to have an abortion carry some shame might curtail how many that have them, or even get pregnant in the first place. To have some shame associated with getting pregnant out of wedlock, and who practice promiscuity, might cut down on those participating in it, especially at ages where they have no real idea of how serious the repercussions are or will be in their lives.
How did we as a country become so lax and promiscuous? Was it when the ‘government’ started paying for unwed mothers and their ‘issue’? Is this when so many decided that having a ‘government baby’ was the thing to do, or even a ‘lifestyle’ choice that was desirable? I find this despicable.
I was in my thirties when I had an abortion and even then I didn’t realize how deeply that I would be affected by this decision. So how in the world can a young person in highschool, or even younger know, or even have any idea of how important or profoundly deep a decision it is to have sex and to get pregnant? They can’t. They don’t!
In our current climate, sex, having babies and having abortions have become almost no big deal. And they are VERY BIG DEALS.
Sex creates human life. Human life is valuable. The most valuable thing that we have on this planet. Abortion is killing a growing human being.
There is nothing more serious, important or worthwhile. And the importance of this needs to be taught in the homes, schools and churches. A baby needs a home, two parents that love each other and that can provide for it and this will never change no matter now much BS, government propaganda, politically correct propaganda, Hollywood immorality, or anything else promotes otherwise.
It’s difficult enough when there are two grown-up parents to raise a child then to add other obstacles into the mix.
All this needs to be taught by example of how to live by adults and in the community.
The government needs to butt out of private decisions concerning a woman’s body.
And the government needs to butt out of all healthcare issues… this is between an individual, their physician, their family or clergy and not the government.
It’s about life. The most valuable, important, precious and profound thing on our planet.
What an article. Thank you for sharing.
WOW! I agree with you, Ayn
You are so honest and so on it! I applaud your honesty and insight.
Truth! You are the bomb! You write truth! This is a down to the gut serious issue and you explained it just as it should be explained.
Incredible article!
Keep Smiling! You are one rockin woman!