Predator and Prey…

If you are empty and have nothing to give, you will be looking to get and to take.

You will be a predator looking for prey. It can be in many ways and on different levels… emotionally, sexually, financially, positioning in society, power, etc.

If you are insecure and have no self-control, you look for prey that you consider controllable, so that you can have control outside yourself and feel a sense of power

If you are insecure sexually, and unable to connect to your emotions, you will look for sexual prey that you can use then toss away. Something is always wrong with them, never you. 

If you feel lacking in an area, you will look for those that have what you lack, so that you can take and get things from them.

Sure there is a balance in sharing, ‘a give and take’ in relationships and in the world. But the predator is only thinking about, and wired to be concerned about what they can get and take from their prey.

If a predator ‘appears’ to share anything, it is just to fool its prey into giving away more and more of their power, so that the predator can get, take and use them.

Apply this to love relationships, friends, politics… Oh politics! Our government has become a predator and the people are its prey.

All the government does is look for more and more ways to take
away power, freedom and finances from the people, in order to give themselves more. This is not as it should be… the government is there to SERVE the people instead of PREY on them, their talents, their works, their efforts, their resources and their very life…

When the government ‘appears’ to be ‘trying’ to help, it is only fooling in order to extract more of your rights and to take more of your power. They give alittle in order to take a lot!
The dynamic of predator and prey seems to have gotten more extreme in our world today…

Agree or not?…