appreciation in a man’s eyes… and a man desires even ‘needs’ to see a reflection of appreciation in a woman’s…
This is the ultimate balance of the male and female and what most all desire, wish and strive for… to have stimulation, excitement, comfort and wholeness… but most of all appreciation…
When this is achieved and balance is there, at least, most all of the time… respect, trust, peace and a true contentment can be experienced through security of both…
A woman’s ‘base need’ is security and that is achieved through respect and trust.. that she is loved for herself and appreciated and admired for who she is along with her innate nurturing abilities. When she feels secure and appreciated, she is then safe to become more of who she is… to be all and bestow her gifts on her man.
A man’s ‘base need’ is to be ‘the hero’ … a protector, in charge and in control of his life’s direction… and to know that he is appreciated for his efforts. When he does this and feels appreciated, he is then free to achieve and be more of who he is…
As in this balance of the innate male/female needs and desires being achieved …. contentment is not only possible, but from which derives joy and bliss.., and when there, nothing is better …
The feminine and masculine in their highest purpose are the perfect reflection of one another..
Agree or not?
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Very interesting reading. A woman that gets it is a rare find. YOU get it. Impressive
Thank you for such a touching post. You are a Godly Woman! God bless you. This is beautiful, the balance God set in motion! You have a tender, humble and a beautiful spirit! And a beautiful smile. God Bless you.
Godly balance, Amen Ayn Dillard! May God bless you!
I wish it were still this way, Ayn. Things have become too complicated too quickly.