I am back!…

The other day, I was running errands and had the wonderful realization that I was irritated at how slowly the people in front of me were walking…
YES! I am back… walking quickly and becoming more my usual  ‘irritating my friends with my fast-walking self’ everyday… YAY!

 I have been released from rehab. My arm, at this time, is 97 percent back to normal range and I am quickly building back the muscles in it. And as stated, I am back to my quick gait…

It’s been a rough haul these past three months, full of pain, stress, working hard to regain what I’d lost because of my accident of falling on my left side on an unmarked, wet concrete floor.

I was fortunate to be led to one of the finest orthopedic trauma surgeons in Texas…Dr. Blake Sanders…to fix my elbow fracture…

Then to the Edge Physical Therapy …
I entered rehab, eight and a half weeks ago on crutches, in pain, and unable to bend my left arm. Today, I walk most all the time, my usual walk… and have 97 percent range of motion in my left arm with most of the time, little to no pain.

I knew ‘this truth’ my whole life that movement is key to engaging muscles and to keep the physical body at maximum health and performance and this accident has only served to reinforce ‘this truth’…

Jody – PT, Marina – PT tech and Gaye – PT along with others at The Edge, made rehab as fun, entertaining, efficient and effective as it could possibly be…


Thank you! And YAY! I am back!!!

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