Energy – the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.
Energy can be recognized without it being seen. We can feel someone approaching without turning around. We can sense a phone call about to occur. Some are more sensitive and in-tune with the energy than others. Some can sense the energy of approaching events. Energy precedes every happening.
Energy is what you experience when you walk into a room and feel welcomed. Energy is what you experience when you walk into a room and feel unwelcome.
Why is one person attracted to one and not the other? It’s the energy. It’s the energy between people that compels them to be together… the energy of the attraction. And it’s the energy that repels or creates an instant dislike.
It’s soul energy, sexual energy, creative energy, flowing energy, erratic energy, negative energy, positive energy, joyful energy, sad energy, kinetic energy, psychic energy, slow, sluggish energy…
Energy is responsible for that urge, that feeling in your gut, that knowing, that warning, that anticipation, that excitement…
It’s energy that creates sexual attraction and when energies combine can create a human being.
Whatever RPM a person rolls at…it’s the energy that makes one person workout, take care of themselves, feel vital and inspired… while another energy has a person sluggish, uninspired, negative and droll.
The same clothing can be worn on one energy type, but when on another, it appears completely different.
Evil is one kind of energy… good another…
Like kind seeks like kind and opposites attract and they can oftentimes merge together. It’s all in the energy…
One person can walk into a room and lift the energy, another can bring it down without speaking a word. Their energy is transmitted for what it is…
A body is made up of energy… it’s shape, it’s level of activity, how it moves, processes food and the environment.
Movement is energy and the more movement the more energy is created. Thinking is energy. You know that saying? ‘Use it or lose it.’
Everything on earth is energy on some level and form…
Colors are energy, food is energy, light is energy, storms are energy, weather is energy, music is energy…
Prayers are energy. Words carry energy. Love is energy. Affection is energy. Attention is energy. Anger is energy. All emotions are energy and vibrate at a different rate of energy.
Ever think about what you are doing with your energy. Where you are placing it, directing it and doing with it, to yourself and others?
Some energy can be controlled, some not. Some energy is stagnant, other moving and changes rapidly. Some energy has a force of its own and you can either roll with it, adapt, or not.
Some energy can be shifted, transformed, transmuted and changed by thought, action, feelings, emotions, movement, belief, prayer, word and deed…
Creation is energy. God is energy.
Become aware, learn to feel, and read the energy. It may warn, protect, even save your life and that of others…
It’s all about the energy…
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Soemthing to ponder..