Obama = liar. So instead of calling someone a liar.. just call them
an ‘Obama’… When you catch someone lying… instead of saying, you are lying, just say…”You are Obamaning!”
When you catch someone in a lie… say, “Hey, you just told an Obama!”
Biden = imbecile … so instead of calling someone who is clueless, dumb and says stupid things, an imbecile… just call them a ‘Biden’…
I know that calling someone an ‘imbecile’ isn’t PC….but screw PC… because it is destroying us. Is Biden even human? Because he looks like he is held together with glue… kind of like a ‘caricature’ of a human being…
Sometimes, calling something what it is… is the wisest thing to do!
Pretending something or someone isn’t what it is can be lethal to everyone concerned…
A ‘Romney’ is a handsome, moral, successful businessman, husband and father…
A ‘Romney’ is a man who has it all…and his life together…
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