Killing morality. Killing health. Killing smiles. Killing intellect. Killing common sen
se. Killing freedom. Killing free enterprize. Killing choice. Killing joy. Killing the private sector. Killing the honor of the feminine. Killing morality. Killing refinement and manners. Killing hope. Killing families. Killing creativity. Killing freedom of expression. Killing God. Just plain Killing life…
We must vote out the killing of America!!!
We must vote for joy, independence, God, morality, strength of the traditional family, freedom, health, honesty, life, strength, beauty, intelligence, refinement, manners, morals, choice, the private sector, freedom of expression, the free enterprize system and free speech. We must vote for freedom! We must vote for truth. We must vote for life! We must vote for American values!
Each man has their moral adjuster that defines them and what they will and won’t do… this is expressed in their lives, by their choices, by their associations, actions and deeds.
No man is perfect, but some reside mostly in evil…it can been seen in their faces, their eyes, their very movements. It can be ‘faked’ for a little while, but the truth is always revealed…by what they strive for and towards…
Evil is shrouded in mystery, fog, confusion, killing, deflection, perversions, avoidance and lies…Evil thrives on control, threats, lies, fear and killing. Evil loves to kill that which is good.
Obama divides, lies, hates and envies. Obama kills the spirit of good with his ‘rhetoric’ of ‘hope’ because all he is, is ‘rhetoric’. Obama is a walking lie.
Good is just what it is, plain and simple… out there, honest and true. Goodness thrives in freedom! Freedom of choice! Romney carries no envy and no hate. Romney speaks from his brain through his heart…
“Even this nation will be on the verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground and when the Constitution is on the brink of ruin this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction. The time will come when the government of these United States will be so nearly overthrown through its corruption, that the Constitution will hang as it were by a single hair, and the Latter-day Saints-the Elders of Israel-will step forward to its rescue and save it.”
Socialism works on you, Capitalism works for you! Obama is a Socialist and tries to hide it. Romney is a Capitalist and is proud to share it!
Vote for Freedom!!! Vote for beauty, honor and truth! Vote for life and freedom from government control! Vote for the American constitution!
It’s our only chance to take America back to what it was and what it is meant to be! FREEDOM FROM OPPRESSION!!!
We must vote in morality, the free enterprize system, sanctity of life, marriage, family, the will of the people, borders, freedom and the American way!!!
Biden is the worst example of a vice-president there could ever be… he is a foul-mouthed drunk, a laughing, grinning, lying, rude hyena, a rude, interrupting, arrogant buffoon. We have got to get these clowns out of our White House….
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