by Ann
What do you crave, want, eat and in what combination, when you get a junk food attack???
And I don’t mean pomegranates covered with dark chocolate because we all know that ‘s actually a health food with their natural antioxidants and all.
I am talking down and dirty JUNK FOOD! So, what’s your poison of choice?
Recently, and it’s been years, as I passed Pringles on the chip aisle in the grocery store, I was a gonner. Oh, I did keep on going, but then circled back to nab a cylinder of those artifical-like, salty, thin stackable potato chip-like treats.
Like who cares if potato chips have the ability to stack? But I do recall when they first came out..the red cannister was unusual and made ya want to try them.
That evening, I had about a half a can of Pringles with a glass of Sauvignon Blanc. Why the wine? I don’t know?! It was one of those, I don’t know what I want to eat moods, or in what combination. After that, I was craving something sweet. So, I did have some dark chocolate-covered pomegrantes and felt satiated.
My junk food attack fulfillled with the mix of the salty and the sweet along with the wine buzz.. Now, a chocolate-covered potato chip might’ve been the perfect choice. Umm…would they go better with a red or bordeaux?
Lately, I also, got a craving for Cheetos… not having had them in decades. So, I bought an individual package and chomped them down licking my orange finger tips as I munched and crunched. I felt like a school-child eating these crunchy orange treats. Yum!
Smack! Smack! Crunch! Crunch!
So, what’s your junk food attack consist of, and in what combination? Do you indulge and give in to it often, or do so only on occasion?
Okay, be truthful and forthcoming. I was! And I was both pleased and grossed out by my crazy combination mix! But sometimes, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do!