by Ann
Conflict seems to be instilled in human beings. Conflict arises when a perceived dominance or peace of mind is challenged.
We all want to believe that we are right, better than, correct, have a handle on things and when we don’t feel this or feel threatened, we enter into conflict.
Dominant personalities find it difficult to accept that they may be wrong, hence conflict. They may not be able to arrive at resolution as easy as others. They may turn their head, try to ignore it, or try to make the other person bad, shamed, or wrong, to avoid admitting conflict in themselves.
People are drawn to conflict. They like to take sides, protect and cheer for the underdog, or cheer and side with the winner. It’s just good old competition.
Take the arena of sports… the conflict is exhilarating to some. Others don’t like it as much. Some don’t like it at all. But it’s cert
ainly been around, in some form, forever.
If there was no conflict, there would be no need for peacemakers.
Conflict helps us to define and sort out who we are. It is like a rock that breaks us, rocks us, splits us apart, to either mold, hide our heads, pushes us to growth, or pushes us away.
Conflict is a part of life. There is a reason and purpose for it. Accept, learn and grow from it, or deny, run from, or sneak around it, but it will always be there.
In your lifetime, you will be both a spectator of and involved in conflict many, many times over. It’s called being alive. The tension from conflict is what keeps our world moving.
Have you ever thought about or or defined your conflict style? We all have one. Awareness of your style will help you to understand yourself and others. Admit it or not, you still have one. How about sharing it with us for the purpose of discussion?