More and more men these days are being revealed as having a NEEDY PENIS…
DEFINITION OF NEEDY PENIS COMPLEX – Men that are NEEDY in their emotions, self-esteem, sexuality, are narcissitic, have little to no ablility to look at their issues, and project issues and problems onto others. They lie and betray, in order, to get their needy penis some attention. They may appear strong and self-assured, but are the exact opposite under their facade. They may and usually do have an accomplished, attractive, even beautiful wife or girlfriend, who may have no idea what this NEEDY PENIS is doing behind her back. Men with this complex often lead several different lives and are adept at lying and covering up.
Many have a ‘MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE COMPLEX’ in conjunction with the NEEDY PENIS COMPLEX – thinking because they have money and power that that they can do whatever that they want in life and get away with it. They often act in ways that eventually destroy everything good in their lives. They destroy families, loved ones, career, and a ‘good’ reputation – even if it was a false one.
Similar traits are: they first lie and believe that they are believed in their lies. They are self-delusional. Only eventually, because of pressure and facts contrary to their lies, they will admit the truth and apologize. Usually, stating in a pathetic manner, that they will get help. Oh poor NEEDY PENIS, now caught, feels so bad for their choices. RIGHT! They just feel bad that they have been caught and revealed as what they really are.
Most recent NEEDY PENIS AWARD RECEPITANTS: Al Gore – John Edwards – Tiger Woods – Jesse James, Mel Gibson …
Past NEEDY PENIS AWARD RECEPITIANTS: Bill Clinton – the man that decided that oral sex wasn’t sex at all… YEAH RIGHT!
and in his cover-up actually stated, “It depends on what the meaning of IS — is.” Then there is Jim Bakker…
Help me to fill out the lists here… Think back and add your Needy Penis recipitants to the list, both past and present, and as you do think of how they presented themselves before they were found out.
Look at and evaluate the traits that they have in common and otherwise. Ask yourself, if they can do whatever it is that they desire to fill their NEEDY PENIS COMPLEX, whatelse is a lie about them? And whatelse are they capable of doing and would they lie about to get whatever it is that they want and need to fill up their empty self-esteem?
They may be capable of STICKING it to everyone who is in their life or anyone that they meet and may have the ability to betray us all.
Become aware of the traits of both these complexes, So, that you may be more astute and avoid interacting, trusting, or having relationships with these characters. Because chances are that they will NOT change or become more self-aware, stop lying, or fill their emotional needs on their own to become a healthy, giving, honest human man.
Sure, you want to give them the benefit of the doubt as that is what the feminine does. This is the expressoin of some of our prominent traits … compassion, empathy, caring and understanding. And the Needy Penis knows and counts on this in the feminine.
I was once married to a Needy Penis and in my experience, they rarely, if ever, change.
And having written this, of course, there are many men who are great and don’t have these issues. What this is about, are those men who so obviously do, and how they have conned the women in their lives and the public.