All that glitters isn’t gold…Are most people only ‘nice’ to money?…

???????????????????????????????Are most people only ‘nice’ when they think that they can ‘get’ something, or ‘benefit’ in some way from knowing you?

Remember in the movie ‘Pretty Woman’… Richard Gere tells the Julia Roberts character, “People aren’t nice to people. They are nice to money.”, when her character can’t get waited on in posh Rodeo Drive shops because of the way she is dressed. But then, Roberts ‘character’ is a hooker…. so she should know that, right?

HA! Corny, delusional movie, but fun to watch…

Many years ago, before that movie, I was looking for a house with my then husband. We were young, had come in from the ranch, were dressed casually in jeans and driving a Jeep. I had on no jewelry . We entered a house to look at and the sales people paid us little attention focusing on another couple dressed better and driving a Mercedes Benz.

The next afternoon, we went back to look at the same house. We were dressed up. I was wearing jewelry and driving a Mercedes Benz. The same real-estate people were falling all over us. Following us around the house, giving us their cards, asking our tastes and preferences, etc.  I don’t think they even recognized us as the couple that was there the day before… (stupid sales people), but of course, we were the same people and, both times, looking for a house with the ability to buy.

The way I was treated in that experience taught me something…

And today, it seems to be getting worse … that people are only nice to others for the gain of money or something that benefits them.

They are only ‘attentive’ and ‘nice’ to those who ‘appear’ to have money and resources. When a person can be carrying a Prada bag, wearing designer clothing and driving a new expensive car and they don’t ‘actually’ have a dime to their name, money to invest, or to spend. They are charged to the hilt on their credit cards.

While another person can be wearing jeans and a tee shirt, carrying an ordinary purse, driving a dated car and they may have a ton of cash… This is the result of the ‘credit card’ world that we exist in… and America’s debt is a symptom and example…

Appearances can be very deceptive… and because of the lack of real values today…people are nice to the ‘appearance’ of money and
power…  So people charge on credit cards to ‘appear’ to be something that they are not.

People are ‘trying’ to ‘glitter’ … because they feel like they don’t shine internally…

The Obama regime is the personification of this. Everything about this man is fake and contrived and he acts as if money, human beings, life, debt, etc. have no value… everything he does reveals this. All he does is try to ‘glitter’ to suck people in, to be ‘attractive’ to the easily fooled. There is no substance to or in Obama and he knows that ‘glitter’ is what many people attract to now.

But without substance it matters not how a person ‘glitters’… and if you attract to this facade… you will soon be disappointed.

It shows the real character of a person, if they are nice, caring and compassionate to those who can do nothing for them.

A person can have lots of money and dress like they don’t.  One day they may dress in workout clothes, or sloppily and the next dress like a million bucks…and in both instances they are the same person internally…

The character of a person is in their walk, their face, their eyes, their actions and their behavior…

It’s the person wearing it who fills the clothing … the clothing doesn’t make the person. And in this world today… it seems many have this completely turned around… and it’s become very convoluted…
manifested on all levels into our world and to the complete fraud that we have in Our White House.

People ‘think’ if they carry a designer purse and wear Jimmy Choo’s that they are ‘somebody’ … when a ‘person of character’ knows ‘affectation’ means absolutely nothing…and with experience and wisdom they can see right through it…

It used to be that paying cash and owning what you have was a prized way to live… leasing a car was unheard of…

I say, if we get back to these values… not only individually, but our whole country will be much better off…

When people know what real value is in themselves, they will be able to see that in another… I believe the reason a fraud like Obama is where he is, is because people can’t recognize value any longer and go for the ‘promises’, what they can ‘get’ and the ‘glitter’.

Are you only nice to those who can ‘help’ you in some way, give, or get you something, or are you nice and kind because that’s who you are?