Tag Archives: truth

Orchestrated opposition…

Created opposition for agenda with purpose of confusion to implement ultimate control – when behind the scenes both sides have ‘similar, even the same’ agenda. Creating an opposition serves the ability to guide and implement a deeper, fuller, all encompassing control of all and everyone.

As in Devil’s advocate – some may not even realize or be aware of how they have been sucked in – until they do. Some may be blackmailed, threatened, hooked in by their ego. Insecure – ego-driven, power  hungry men are the easiest to suck in and control because they are all about self – about their weak, insecure fragile self-ego, as they try to create value and importance, trying to negate, prop-up, do anything rather than deal with their internal insecurity – thinking that control over others on earth, and or, having wealth will give them power almost equal to God and for all to see. Everything they do is fear-based, fear-driven. As in Satan desires to enslave humanity in any and every way possible with the endgame being to takeover & steal souls. Fear is Satan’s biggest and most favored tool.

Orchestrated opposition creates cognitive dissonance in those held captive by it. ‘They’ do not/cannot believe that it’s true – that ‘the one’, they believe/believed was telling the ‘truth’  – ‘the one’ who is/was for them – fighting for freedom, was actually all the time part of the plan to implement control and enslavement. And was only coming from the opposing angle in order to capture more followers – and those not as easily led – being of two minds coming together for agenda.

It’s the internal moral adjuster in any human being that ultimately decides their proclivity and limit for engaging and doing evil. This internal adjuster decides when they must cease, in order to regain their internal moral balance.  And of course, some men have little to no internal moral adjuster. They are the ones without conscience – those without healthy ego-balance along with the ability to do any and everything to attain for the sole purpose to sooth their weak, insecure selves, which fuels their self-serving agenda.  Some men seduce and lie, but will not rape. Some men will steal, but will draw the line at murder. It all depends on their internal moral adjuster and level of internal desperation and need to feel powerful – to have the ability to overpower those whom they deem weaker or less than, even if it’s only for a moment.

Wasn’t it foretold that God’s most special/beautiful angel – didn’t have a secure enough internal moral adjuster to be satisfied with self – even while being God’s most special, he still felt less than and desired more – so he  desired to be equal to and have the same power as God? He therefore, had to defy and challenge God’s power – so that, he was able to ‘feel/ believe’ that he was equal to, or even more powerful than God, in order to satiate his envy and ego-driven insecurity.

Is perhaps, Satan versus God, the ultimate and most final orchestrated opposition?  This challenge for power over God’s greatest creation – ‘made in his image’ – that of the human being.

For Satan’s disobedience and challenging of God, God threw him out of  the heavenly realms down to earth to crawl on his belly for all of eternity. Oh, and how these snakes do crawl…

If you gain the whole world, but lose your soul – what do you actually gain?  All you have is the ‘temporary’ power of Satan. And for those not able to know God/Christ that is all that they ‘think’ there is.

Men-of-morality – men-of-God know intuitively, instinctively and internally that there is more – that they have a God-given soul – that magnificent spark that ignited their flesh to come alive. And that they take off their garment of flesh when they leave earth but that spark lives on.

Men-of-the-world – men of things – men of worldly power – men of money – men who are followers of Satan – followers of evil – of the ‘any-ends-justifies-the means’ – to which the end is always ego-driven, self-serving-biased – greed and envy, without empathy to, or for their fellowman. Unless, it is the ‘facade’ they use, behind which lies their ego-driven agenda of evil – of rule, dominate and control.

Evil is ego-driven, ‘pleasure & power-hungry by any and all means’.  It’s their arrogance which will do them in. In that, ‘they think’ they are so above all others – above all of God’s human beings’ & belief in goodness.  Evil ‘thinks’ it’s wiser, higher and more cunning than all.  When it’s driven by their feelings of deep-seated insecurity which results in envy – envy of God.

Another God-created opposition is that of emotions & intellect which drives the human experience.  Stuck in emotions, and intellect will be hampered – possibly dulled. Stuck in intellect, and feelings/emotions can be stunted, even done away with into complete blockage. When both flow in balanced opposition – there is wisdom.  Therefore, the opposition of emotions and intellect give the opportunity to further define the human being into a deeper awareness and understanding of their own humanity, of others, and their soul’s purpose.  Times of perfect balance – is to think through your heart.  Male traits being primarily of the head/intellect and female of the heart/emotions  – gives even more interest to the opposition/connection/attraction – as in God created male and female as the perfect complement.

Is this perhaps, from where the orchestrated opposition idea and theory arose? The battle – the opposition between good and evil – between emotions/heart, male/female, intellect/head orchestrated perfectly by God.

We all ultimately have a choice driven by our God-given, earthly defined internal-moral-adjuster, guided at each turn by our emotions and intellect into the choice between that of good and/or evil. 

God grants us choice. Satan/evil grants us nothing –  with evil there is no choice.  God/good is freedom. Evil/Satan is control. Evil/Satan captures souls. God/good sets souls free.

The friction created by and in the opposition might very well be what keeps this place rockin’ and rolling – what keeps human beings striving and evolving  – what keeps the earth revolving/evolving.

It’s up to each of us on the physical, mental, emotional and soul level to discern, use critical thinking, gut instinct and soul level discernment to become….  

The dark defines the light. Lucifer’s definition is ‘bringer of the light’.

Two-faced, smile to your face, talk about you behind your back…

Polite and nice to money. Rude otherwise and looks down upon, even shows disdain for those with less than, or in poverty.  Judges people by their car, house, clothes, etc.  instead of their character. They don’t even know what ‘character’ is  because they have none – so they can’t recognize it in others. Will do anything – lie, cheat, steal to achieve the image, position or appearance of control or power over others. Mistakes having power and things as greatness.

Say one thing then  they do another. Say words or act in ways to manipulate for their use or gain. Nice, courteous and kind to people when selling something – be it a service or a product but uncaring, dismissive even rude otherwise. try to extract value for self from people, places and things with no regard to what they might do to harm.

Men who tell  lies to get a woman into bed. Women who flirt and compliment to make an oaf feel like a king for her gain – doing so, only to manipulate and with ill-intent instead of worthy intentions.

I have observed and become more aware of  this kind of behavior in our world today. This is why, in my opinion there is so much depression, anxiety, addiction, harm to self and others. There is a lack of respect for our fellowman and  ultimately ourselves.

I am otherwise, I was taught otherwise and choose to live otherwise. My words and behaviors reveal who I am, not only to others but to myself.  My word is my honor and my bond. I can be counted on to do what I say, or I don’t say it. So many people these days cannot be counted on for anything much less their word.

What I do in private, matters as much as what I do in public. Of course, I have been known to say what I think – which means, I don’t lie to myself or others.  There are  these concepts called – truth – honesty –  responsibility and accountability.

I try to live by the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Do I lose it at times and mess up? Of course! But this serves me also,  to become more aware of my behaviors and how they may affect others including myself. It’s called ‘self-reflection’ and ‘self-awareness’. We won’t grow, if we don’t have both in our emotional and mental selves.

If we are not becoming more aware in our lives, then what is it we are actually doing? Accumulating stuff – screwing as many people as we can – and on multiple levels –  taking  instead of giving? Look into the eyes of people who have done this in their life even for their entire lives with little to no awareness.  Oh, then of course, some know exactly what they are doing and these are the evil ones. And these people  have dead eyes which reflect their internal selves

Look at the eyes and faces of the Clintons – they are perfect examples. Bill is only 71 and he looks as if he is 171. 

Today so many seem to live by the motto – ‘Screw others before they screw me’.  They will say  or promise thus and so and if they are lying or change their mind and it inconveniences or harms another — so what? Their motto is –  ‘It’s ‘me’ that matters, not them’. What value can I extract from another. They are all about self and this is why they are so internally twisted and unhappy, seeking any and every thing to numb out their torment and misery.

We have become in many ways a selfish, narcissistic society. And that is why so many are unhappy, turn to drugs, alcohol, stuff their selves with food, buy too many things, sit on the sofa watching TV or playing computer games, watching porn, having sex with people only for sex, stare at their phones – texting or surfing the internet even when in the company of others.  Living behind a facade of cars, clothes, fitness routines  – so concerned with ‘image’ – they forget  their internal/eternal self – when reality is – nothing is fit or right about them. Or  they may live in a fat, unkempt body, wearing ill-fitting sloppy clothing, lazy and slovenly  while, thinking nothing matters,  including their appearance, while being envious even hating those who appear they are ‘really together’ – but  who inside may be also dying.

There is a concept called balance – both  inside and outside. The inside will reflect on the outside in some manner or form.

Those who indulge in these behaviors ‘think’ they are putting something over on everyone  else, but what they are really doing is harming themselves, even going as far as to be rotting their soul. Who – they are conning – is themselves. They are choosing to live by no standards, disaplines or morals, but that of self-gratification and all this does is to make a person selfish, self-centered, internally alone, even though they may be surrounded by others – bloated and fat – possibly catch STDS for having sex with many – and because of selfish self-indulgences  they lose their ability to love and care for others and therefore, lose their own individual humanity, just for the purpose  and sake of their momentary attainment and  pleasure of fake power and things. Image is actually nothing. It’s the internal reality that matters.

When you are true to yourself is when you will be true to others. and this has to do with integrity in body, mind and spirit and this comes from continual awareness of self as it relates to others and your relationship with yourself. Self -awareness and self-reflection are keys to happiness.

A book to assist in awareness:



Punished for speaking the truth! Rewarded for lying…

In our world today – many individuals do not want to know the truth. They are afraid of the truth of themselves and to face the truth in and about the world. They want to live in a la la land of their own making – avoiding reality. – avoiding the truth of who they are and the reality of the world – as in it’s impossible for  a country to invite everyone in – even those who hate the country and oppose their way of life – give them everything and survive as a country.

A human being can’t do drugs, have other addictions, do perverted sexual activities, lie, cheat, steal, etc. and be a solid emotionally and physically healthy person.

What has made us accepting of behaviors and things that we once considered banal and wrong? What has made up accepting of lies, facades, falsehoods, duplicity, perversions, immorality – with focus on money, power and things? 
Is it because we have lowered standards, in order, to make those who made bad choices not feel badly about themselves? Doing this is stupid as it lowers the standards for everyone.   Everyone lives by some sort of standards and values. So why are we lowering them to the easy and slovenly way, instead of raising them up?
Morals – integrity – honor – cleanliness – right living-  do not change…
Truth does not change. Right living does not change. Wrong is wrong and right is right. Truth is truth. Lie is lie.  Everything is not shades of grey – most things actually are black and white.  Trying to make things shades of grey ends up destroying what is right, true, moral and good.
What this is – is evil. Evil is corruption- distortion- lies- misrepresentation – focus on material things, instead of human beings – focus on perversion, instead of that which is wholesome.
Example the Clintons – they are only facade – their ‘family’ image – their lying words are trying to hide what and who they really are – which is a man who has had sexual affairs his whole married life – and lied looking directly into the eyes of the American people – deaths all around them – an unnatural gain of wealth through self promotion and more lies.  Hillary talks about women’s rights – when her husband has been sexually abusing women all through their marriage. Was Chelsea even conceived between them? They want you to think so – as to give the image of a happy family. Many media outlets and rumors reveal that Chelsea is not Bill Clinton’s child.
Everything has become about the ‘image’ that is presented to the public – ‘promotion and advertising’ – being sold an ‘facade’ – instead of the TRUTH of what really is.
Are you afraid of the truth of yourself? Because until you really become aware, know and understand self – you will be. There is a higher self and a lower self – which side of yourself do you lean to more often? Lower self strives for easy pleasures and rewards no matter how attained. The lower self can also destroy everything good – as that is its nature.
When the pain of lies gets too much to bear, if you are fortunate, you will stop and have deep-self-reflection – a dark night of the soul-when you will try,  even through pain to be forced to look at self in truth. When you do – as you dig through your facade – you will come into awareness and growth into releasing the facade… Otherwise, you will spin in pain, addictions, lies, quest for money, power, things, etc. to keep up your facade and continue living in duplicity – pain – sin – addiction, etc.
Are you a child of God – good? Or are you a child of Satan – evil? Some think God – their conscience – their internal moral adjuster does not exist. They may get away with doing this for awhile – but sooner or later it will slam into self – a time when beliefs – imprints – duplicity – facades – that you have been hiding in and ‘you think’ is your worth, don’t work any longer – and all you are left with is self. Some people live a life so full of evil that it shows on their faces and in their physical body, Their eyes are dead, their skin is lifeless – their energy is fragmented and frenetic. They live in internal torment  – full of addictions and disease. They may realize this – they may not.
This is what dying unto self means – when you come to meet your soul in complete honesty then decide to address your issues, torment, imprints, beliefs… and change. When you leave this world – all you exit with is your soul – nothing you have acquired on earth matters any longer – you take none of it with you – what you are at this time,  is what you are in your soul.
How will you feel when this moment occurs? Will you feel satisfied with who  you genuinely are – your authentic self or will you be crushed  when you realize that – your car does not define you – your job does not define you –  your house does not define you – your designer purse does not define you – your money does not define you. The only thing that matters and defines you is who you genuinely are – what you carry in your soul. Is it truth or is it lie?
Until you face the truth of yourself and who you are – you will live in illusions, delusions, self-lies and an altered universe full of distortion – and that is what I am seeing  so much of in our world today. A world filled with much corruption  lies, illusions, facades of good which are covering up much evil.
You may be seemingly rewarded at times for lying to self and others in the material world, but in the world of God, you will be rewarded for seeing, revealing, telling and living in truth…
A book to assist in awareness… DADDY THROW ME IN THE AIR….

Sexual pursuit, harassment, assault …

ann-smile4About twenty years ago, I was visiting a friend in Manhattan Beach. He was invited to a party at an actresses’ house in the ‘Hollywood area’ because of his business association with her. So, we  attended. I knew no one there, but apparently, I resembled some wife of a studio head so I was greeted as if many knew me or thought they did.  I was outside admiring the lagoon when a world famous, Hollywood elite – actually ‘acting royalty’ – as in from a  family acting dynasty, actor approached me. I had seen him in many movies and on TV and liked his acting.  He was friendly, talkative and began flirting with me. I knew from the tabloids that he was not divorced from his first wife, although they had been separated for years. He was seen dating many and was known to be a womanizer.  His flirtations to me were flattering – I guess. But I disengaged from him.  No way was I interested in dating a womanizer, still married actor. Yet, everywhere I went, he was close by watching me. Men, such as this, when they set their eyes on a target and are not successful, just keep at it. He approached me again and again. Gave me flattering compliments – asked if he could take me to dinner. To which, I responded, “You are still married. I don’t date married men.” To which, he stated, “But the divorce will be final soon.” I said. “Call me when it is” Then laughed and walked away. Clearly, being the top actor that he is, he was not used to being rejected. He touched my arms, tried to hold my hand, put his hand at my waist, like he was trying to appear as if we were a couple and I was his.  He leaned in as if to try and kiss me and I turned my head. He tried to corner me, by moving forward forcing me to step back against a wall, so he could have my full attention and be in control. I stepped away and disengaged.

My friend  and I left the party – going onto another. The next day, this actor called my friend inquiring about me. Asking if he and I were a couple, asking all sorts of questions about me. My friend told me that this actor was smitten with me and would fly to Dallas to take me out. To which I responded, “I do not date married men, no matter who they are!”

Get it ladies? You set the boundaries. You know when a man is leaning into kiss and you can easily step back or turn your head or talk loudly to embarrass him or even scream, ‘NO!’ So that others hear.

These stories I am hearing about Trump sound like bogus lies to me. All coming forth at this time, for political agenda. That one woman’s story of being on an airplane and saying Trump was all over her. I call BS! At his first attempt, all she needed do was say I am not interested and get up. Yet, she says something like if his hands had stayed above the waist, well, then she wouldn’t have been so upset. Really?  If any of this is true, it shows that she allowed him to touch her so he kept on. But I think this whole thing is a made up lie to correlate  with the leaked Billy Bush tape.  It’s a set up!

So what if Trump likes beautiful women and approaches them?!  It doesn’t mean he disrespects women but admires their beauty. And as far as him forcing a woman to do something she is not interested in – I doubt that very much.  

The above actor, I mentioned was an ambassador to some humanitarian political organization or some such. He is high profile. He is married again and has children in the home. How stupid and idiotic would it be if I came out and said what he did to me at a party? It would be incredibly inane.  He is a good actor and a fine person in most regards. He just pursues women that he finds attractive – SO WHAT!?

Sexual harassment and assault – I  have had this occur when I was asked to write a book with a man in the financial industry. He was married and lived in my neighborhood. I knew his family and was acquaintance-like friends with his wife. He came onto me verbally  during our book collaboration. I would ignore his stupid comments then finally it was too much when he grabbed the pearls   around my neck and pulled me to him. I pushed him away and left. Then I called him on the phone telling him that I would not do this project and to leave me alone. And at the time, I needed the money, he was paying me because I was going through a divorce. then I found out that he raped a woman in his office and that he had a history of this kind of behavior – as in other financial institutions that he worked for in his past had settled  with several women who made sexual harassment accusations against him.  I filed a lawsuit to break the contract between us and I did it immediately. I didn’t wait. I did it the very next day. He was very well-known in our area as am I. So it made the paper big time. It went to trial. He settled with me.  And during that time, they tried to say I was crazy and everything else to disparage me and it did not work. I was telling the truth and I prevailed. His wife divorced him.

I have been through enough things such as this to know what is real and what is BS. Men come onto women they find attractive and this is very different then sexual harassment or assault. Women set the boundaries. They say, ‘no”! Disengage or file a lawsuit immediately, if it really is sexual harassment or assault.  They do not wait 30 years and come out just before an election to whine and say he groped me or he ‘looked’ at me or whatever these bought and paid for accusers are doing.

About Trump looking at the women in the beauty pageants. At one time, Trump went on Howard Stern and he put it out there as he beat his male ego-driven chest about sex and women. At the time, he was not running for President … he was a novelty kind of reality show guy. Many years have passed. So again, I say so what?!

Do I like the way Howard Stern and others talk about women? No! It’s lame, immature and rank. Men like this have the need to beat their chest and say these things. It’s males being idiots!  Most men talk this way about women to one another, at times, bragging,  beating their chests as if to claim… ”  I am man hear me roar!” I say … who cares?! Be an idiot.

Wise women see right through what this is and disengage.  And men can grow up and change. SoTrump and Melania 2me don’t like Bill Clinton did not, but I believe Trump has. And also that most the women coming out with their stories and accusations just weeks before the election are bought and paid for, ‘you know what’s’ to do so. Otherwise, were it true and so traumatic, they would have dealt with it at the time as Clinton’s victims did to which Hillary further victimized them. 

Trump is my choice for President. I believe he, his knowledge and expertise are what America needs. Hillary’s  agenda along with all  lib/dem/progressive  is to lead us into the NWO under the rule of the UN. With this kind of duplcitious leadership – America will be no more.

I write about women respecting themselves and setting their boundaries.  Hillary Clinton/dems/libs/progressives respect no one but their agenda – especially women, blacks, minorities, etc. They use them for her cause and benefit which is for more power and wealth for the NWO and those who will benefit from America’s destruction.

Trump is going against their agenda so they are against him. Making America great is the exact opposite of what they want, no matter what they say. They are liars, crooks, progressive communists.


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Reality is becoming an illusion…or is illusion becoming….

???????????????????????????????reality…Whichever it is we are being played for fools. By polls, which are being used to ‘try’ and ‘sway’ people to vote for who and what ‘they’ deem are the popular and right choices… whether they are, or not. The polls that we hear about almost everyday are used as a tool to sway and influence the populous…

We are being played for fools…by the media… all they do is present agenda-filled propaganda. It’s all orchestrated… ‘they’ are trying to ‘create’ our reality.. they are trying to create what you think… who you vote for, how you live, what you buy and what you do in every moment.

It’s all Leviathan spin and lies… In the last days, Leviathan will rise up from the ocean to create a fog, an illusion, a confusion, where no one will be able to discern what is true and what is not….

I have written about this many times before and will continue to do so…

Because the fog is getting thicker by the day. ‘They’ think that if they say it, repeat it, then say it again, that ‘it’, their agenda, will be believed. If you repeat a lie often enough, it will eventually be believed… all cons know this trick…

The devil is the master of illusion…it comes like a thief in the night..

Evil’s goal is to corrupt and to lead astray because its agenda is only that… Its agenda is to corrupt the good, the whole, the blessed… and in order, to do this, it first needs to confuse because in that confusion… many can and will be taken advantage of and led astray…

A man with an evil-agenda walks into a park with a cute puppy. He approaches an innocent little girl who is playing and asks. “Do you want to pet my puppy?” In her innocence and compassion, she is attracted to the puppy. She only sees through the eyes of her innocence, she can’t see the man’s agenda hidden behind his use of the puppy… the puppy creates the agenda confusion. So, she pets the puppy.

The man begins to walk away as he engages her in banter about the puppy. Then before the little girl realizes it, she is far from the park, far from her safe world and all that she knows. The man grabs her and throws her into the back of his ‘perfectly placed’ car. She has been led off her path and captured by evil under the illusion of good. And off evil drives on its way to the reality of ‘her hell’ and its success.

What appears like a nice man with cute puppy is really, torture, rape and death… the disastrous destruction of harm and evil…

In this simple scenario is clearly how evil always works… it may create the illusion of good, cute, entertaining, caring, an offering of something as a whore to its mark… as it pulls on desires and emotions then leads away from the safe path of goodness, until it can grab and you find yourself captured in the reality of its spell, then before you know it, you, or your soul are diminished, or even destroyed.

This is what is happening continually in almost every minute in today’s world…by the corrupted media, by cons, by marketeers, by fake polls, etc. they try to appear  ‘good’,  and truth when in reality, they are total and pure lies, manipulation, con and evil.

What are we living in, when…

???????????????????????????????It’s ‘sex and the city’…greed, greed… anti-Christian deeds… child-age girls giving blow jobs to little boys, as if it’s nothing. Gays demanding marriage and women have children out of wedlock as if marriage was just an after thought…the sanctity of marriage and family are thrown by the wayside…

Women dress like hookers… ‘hooker heels’ are all the rage…and men treat them as such… as more and more women seem to strive for this…

Many women don’t like men and many men don’t like women… Some men are behaving like women and some are women behaving like men…so respect is exiting fast…

‘Stuff’ is more valuable than morals, values, standards, and honor…
or people… as many claw over each other to buy ‘things’….

Truth is lie and lie is truth… Right is wrong and wrong is right…

Patriots are deemed terrorists and terrorists deemed disgruntled employees, or I guess as just having a bad day…

Corruption in government is rampant … our President leading the way as, ‘liar-in chief’, as his I-I-I shows his love of self beyond all else….

Wealth is vilified, while most all lust after it…

Some people are famous for doing little to nothing, but self-promotion…

Muslims are entering our country in droves and we are adapting our schools, etc. to their Sharia law…setting aside prayer rooms for them, etc.

While young boys that emulate a true Christian are expelled…
and Christians and their religious holidays are laughed at and mocked…

Every move Obama makes is to help create a Muslim Caliphate…as he apologizes for Americans and calls us lazy and talks down to us as if we are stupid children….

The race card is played continually…while politically correct BS is forced upon us for agenda…

Our economy is bad, but our ‘president’ spends millions on a ‘December holiday’…

Slander and rumor run rampant… the press will annihilate a person at their whim… while protecting their Obama ‘god’…

False religions and ‘gods’ are idolized and followed… Oprah as one example…’Obama the messiah’ another…New Age BS….

People are on their gadgets more than they are interacting in person with one another…

Obesity and laziness have reached new highs… the over-indulged bulge is seen everywhere…

People listen to talking heads and the world more than to themselves… many not able to discern what is real and true and what is Leviathan spin…
and now-a-days most all of it is Leviathan-spin…

Information spreads quickly and most of it is slanted propaganda as in the MSM’s ”yellow journalism…

What most of us found abhorrent, we are now having to endure as the ‘norm’…

To me, America doesn’t feel safe, doesn’t look the same, or feel the same… it feels strange and off… really off…

It’s ‘Happy Holidays’ if you want to be PC… instead of Merry Christmas….


America was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs… not Muslim…

People who come to America need to adapt to us, become citizens, or leave. We have freedom of religion, but it’s not to make/force us adapt to theirs. It’s not freedom of other’s speech and not, ours, as Americans…

I don’t feel like I belong on here on earth…I don’t fit in. My morals, values and standards are not like what I see … and I don’t want to lower who I am to the standards of most in this corrupted world.

Does anyone else feel as I do?
So, what are we living in?…

Good vs Evil…

???????????????????????????????Evil is plotting, manipulating, figuring out angles in order to exploit, shifty, sneaky, lying, deception, delusional, deflecting, blaming, changing stories, side-stepping, covering-up, insidious, false, foggy, changes forms, cunning, conning, spinning, corrupt, sordid, hiding, morphing, plots to get the upper-hand, to take, taking advantage of, enticing, creates confusion, tears down, draining, entraps, seduces, sucks energy, wears many masks, seeks to be in control…

Good is what it is, honest, there, responsible, truthful, straight forward, free, open, pure, always the same, lifts up, solid, consistant, present, sincere, secure, fair, on center, up-front, clear, giving, constant, freedom, choice, reality, reliable, real…

The words evil and lie can be interchanged easily just as good and truth are interchangable.

Evil can ‘hide’ mind the ‘mask’ of good for awhile. In fact, the most insidious of evil hides behind good, until it can strike. Behind the words of ‘hope’ and ‘change’ can be the most insidious of evil that ever existed. The words ‘I love you’ from a person of evil intent are used to entice, seduce and entrap. ‘Hey little girl, come look at my puppy.’, from the mouth of a sexual predator is an evil disaster.

The Islam way, ‘Kiss your enemies’ feet, until you can slit their throat.’
is a statement of the most insidious evil.

Evil’s goal is to corrupt and collect as many souls as it can…

Evil’s arrogance will even allow it to fall in on itself in destruction… as destruction is its goal.

Lies can ‘appear’ to be the truth in a specific frame of time and reference.

Good finds it more difficult, if not impossible, to hide in, or behind evil…for good to sink to the level of evil, in order, to match it in combat is more difficult then it is for evil to ‘pretend’ good, in order, to take down and to take over.

Ultimately, lies will be explosed. Truth is revealed. Evil is seen and good will prevail…

And that’s what bothers evil the most…


There is nothing negative about Truth…

  ???????????????????????????????Truth is a blessed gift and those who are able to see it, reveal it and speak it out are of the good.

This ‘new age drivel’ that many are buying into these days … seem to think that anyone who says anything that they ‘perceive’ as ‘negative’ is bad. So, to them those who reveal and speak the truth are threatening to their delusional world. What a bunch of deception.  

Truth may reveal that which is negative, and if so, that’s a good thing. It reveals that which is not what you may ‘want’, or think something to be. Sure, we all want ‘good’ things and to think ‘good’ about others. But if you can’t see and speak about that which is real and honest, that which is true, then you will buy into delusions and can be easily deceived.

People of the lie… those who blame, side-step, deflect with their ‘words’ to sell their agenda… their whole purpose is to point away from the truth. They may even point to the truth as ‘negative’ to further promote their deception. And with this ‘new age spiritual’ propaganda, more people are buying into con, as if they are separated from reality… the reality of who they are and what is real and what is not. And this assists the deceivers, liars and cons to have an easier time in their art of the con…the art of evil…

Obama is a great deceiver… he continually lies, blames others, side steps and deflects. It is the Leviathan spin … confuse, lie, double-talk, circle-talk, fog it all over… do anything and everything to pull the ability to discern truth out of the equation. Playboys do this, thieves do this, cons do this, slick sales persons do this… and the ‘spiritual new age types’ buy into this and they encourage others to buy into it, also.

Liars craft their sentences and words carefully for affect and effect. Speakers of truth speak from their hearts. They think through their hearts…. it flows from them easily. Look at their eyes, hear their words, look at their mannerisms. Learn to see and discern who speaks truth and who doesn’t.

If a person is corrupt into themselves, they can easily buy into those that are not, those of the lie.

Believe it and you can make it true… yeah right!  This simple, but powerful and much abused statement can be used either for truth, or falsehood…

Being positive and uplifting in your thoughts is, of course, a nice place to be, but not seeing and avoiding the truth, in order, to be in that place is of evil. It’s living in la la land. And that is where the cons want you to be… as it makes their job easier.

When someone reveals and states the truth, it does not make them a hater, or ‘negative’. It means that they know and can see the truth and are not afraid to reveal it. It is a brave person that speaks the truth. 

When someone is honest with you and reveals what they see as true… it might be wise to listen…

To call someone out as a liar, who is a liar, is truth. It’s not hateful…. it’s brave and of the good…

To reveal that someone is a con, who is a con, is revealing truth.

To be able to see who someone really is and to call it out and to name it, is revealing the truth…

Revealing the truth is of good… not ‘negative’.  It may feel negative to those who can’t see truth and don’t want their delusional bubble burst… but to not reveal the truth is of evil…

Evil hates for the truth to be revealed. Those of the lie run from the truth and will do anything they can to hide from it, or to camouflage it.

Jesus was crucified because he was of, stood for and told the truth. And those who feared and hated him said he was lying because they couldn’t stand to hear the truth…

Reality can be harsh, but it is what is true. You can’t wish it away, ignore it, or hide from it for long and certainly not forever.

It’s the wise who can see and reveal the truth and the brave that stand up for it and state it.

It’s the weak of spirit, the ‘spiritual’ cons and the spiritually weak that call others names when they do state and reveal the truth. They have bought into the con and evil of the lies and the truth burns their ears and makes them feel insecure. They become a part of the lie and try to uphold it at all costs. They feel if the truth is revealed that they may disappear because they are so eaten up with the lie. Evil has then won.

America wake up to see and hear the truth. We have an evil liar in our White House, with evil agenda, cons and plans to destroy all that is good and true in our world…
Satan is the lie… God is the truth…