Tag Archives: Soros

Globalists- NWO – UN – many in our Government ….

and media around the world  who are aligned with this manipulative, corrupt, evil, ‘destroy America’ movement  are the biggest racists that exist. They  want to rule over the  world with all others beneath them in servitude; as in Al Gore, Soros, Clintons, Buffet, Obamas, Gates, Zuckerberg, Pelosi, Rothchilds, some of the Bushes, etc. – to name a very few. Their goals are to control all the world’s resources and assets, including all property rights. They want to weaken America  and take us down to insert us into the NWO under the rule of the UN. Under this rule, the masses will have no freedom.  It will be an illusion of ‘being taken care of’. All will be ‘considered equal’ according to the edit of the few who rule over the masses. So what better way to do this than to flood America with illegals, refugees and others that don’t want to assimilate, but instead want to drain, destroy, change, rule over and conquer the USA.  

President Trump is trying to expose and to  bust this up. This group of  self- anointed  elitists are greatly threatened and in fear of him and what he is doing as it goes against their destructive evil agenda for America.  While they appear that they wanted ‘equality’ for all – this is only a facade – what they want is control. That is why they are after Trump so intensely. He is exposing them and will continue to do so. He sees right through them and has for years. If you listen to his interviews, from decades ago, he even says so then and that he knows their agenda.

Only the ignorant are buying into the chaos and division that ‘they’ are instigating, triggering and promoting concerning race, etc. Tearing down statues and monuments is destroying our history. History is ‘what it is’ – it can’t be changed and it is to be learned from. To tear down, destroy, hide  or try to recreate history is control for agenda and of evil.

‘They’ own most the media. So ‘they’ imprint in the minds of fools that which they want them to believe. They know most of the populous will believe what they are told because they don’t/won’t/can’t think for themselves and are easily brainwashed to believe that these manipulative elitists care about them and their miserable lives. ‘They’ think as advertisers do – repeat the promo – the lie – promote – repeat – promote –  continuously repeat –  and  the masses will believe what they are told to believe and buy what they are told to buy.

They want the American people weak and fighting one another. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

They want the government to replace God…. they want the world broken, fractured, fragmented, perverted, confused and under their Satanic-based control.

Cut to the chase – we are on the planet of dualities – good versus evil.

Evil hates the good, just for their being the good . Therefore, Leviathan fog is spread over all communication and  used for manipulation, control and corruption.

Their weakness is their arrogance – that no one can see what they are doing and that they ‘think’ in their distortion that  ‘they’ are all powerful. Just like Satan thought he was better and more powerful than God.  So God – ‘good’ – threw evil out of Heaven and  down to earth.

Evil is not more powerful than good.

God is freewill. Evil is about control…

Agenda 21…

???????????????????????????????I was inspired and informed to hear Cathie Adams, the 2009/2010 Texas Republican Party Chairman, one of the top Republican influential people of Texas, and now, the International Issues Chairman with the Eagle Forum speak at the Frisco Tea Party on Agenda21… 

Cathie has been attending UN meetings since 1995.
Which began at the 1972 Earth Summit, where it was decided, that a tree has the same rights as a
human being.

The UN met again in Rio, led by Maurice Strong (Capitalism is good for him, but he promotes Cap and Trade, Socialism and Eugenics for the masses. He is a Marxist.), then again in Rio in 1992.  Cathie was at the meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2002. It will be held again in 2012, in Rio, ‘Rio + 20’, with the aim of producing a legally binding document. The UN has three branches of government, now it only needs a funding stream and all the pieces will fit together.

This funding is planned to come from Global Taxation… as laid out by the EPA… the ‘Green Agenda’. Soros is already backing the taxing of International Air Travel and is working on taxing all International shipping.

Their Religion is ‘Earth Worship’ …  Liberate the Soil – Un-dam the Rivers – Free the People – Unplug the Empire… 

Gorbachev stated that it would be ‘global warming’, the ‘EPA’, that would lead to the ‘New World Government’.

When in, actuality,many scientists state that global warming is inconclusive.

But if you say a lie often enough ‘most’ people will believe it. “It’s a web of lies.” (this is what Clinton calls it) to promote their agenda… Agenda 21…

This ‘Green Agenda’ is just that, an ‘agenda’ to control everyone and everything in the world. Their agenda is to control all land, all resources and what humans can and can’t do. As you all know, Al Gore is leading the way…as he conveniently is set up to benefit financially…an inconvenient truth about ‘his greed’….

The UN is making ‘rules’ that we cannot get out of, as there is no voting… no argument or debate… It is all decided and spread by grants. They are going for government control of all land. You can own it, but the government tells you what to do with it.
Agenda 21 is a two-decade old, grand plan for global ’Sustainable Development,’ brought to you from the United Nations. George H.W. Bush (and 177 other world leaders) agreed to it back in 1992, and in 1995, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order #12858, creating a Presidential Council on ‘Sustainable Development.’ This effectively pushed the UN plan into America’s large, churning government machine without the need for any review or discussion by Congress or the American people.

‘Sustainable Development’ sounds like a nice idea, right? Until you scratch the surface and find that ‘Agenda 21’ and ‘Sustainable Development’ are really cloaked plans to impose the tenets of Social Justice/Socialism on the world.

At risk from Agenda 21; Private Property ownership, Single-Family homes, Private car ownership and individual travel choices,  and Privately owned farms. Freedom of choice is at risk in just about everything…

The Agenda 21 plan openly targets private property. For over thirty-five years the UN has made their stance very clear on the issue of individuals owning land; Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, and therefore, contributes to ‘social injustice’; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved, if land is used in the interest of society as a whole. But who decides who has what?… And it’s interesting that Soros, Clinton, Gore, Oprah, Strong, Rockerfeller, Rothchilds, Kennedys, etc, all own huge estates, even more than one, and travel in private aircraft.

They want to shred the Constitution and create new ‘rules’…. and these new rules create an ‘elite class’ and a ‘slave class’, doing completely away with the middle class…
(Obama continually ignores even laughs at the Constitution)

They want to totally do away with Suburbia and have all ‘workers’ (the masses) living in high rises. So, that there is open land for the ‘elite’ to enjoy, while they protect all animals and other species. ‘They’ are about themselves, the earth and no one else matters.

Source: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat I),Vancouver, BC, May 31 – June 11, 1976. Preamble to Agenda Item 10 of the Conference Report.

There are more very good reasons to be wary of Agenda 21 and the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) that supports it.

In 1997, George Soros’s Open Society gave ICLEI a $2,147,415 grant to support its Local Agenda 21 Project. We all know by now that Obama is the puppet of Soros.

America’s appreciation of freedom and self-determination is one that needs no explanation and is seen as a problem by the UN. So, Obama was brought in to nail the coffin shut on America’s free enterprize system under the guise of ‘change’.

This type of global plan could not be implemented without a large and well-funded group pushing through its priorities. For that, Agenda 21 has the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). And ICLEI is deeply entrenched in America.

Over six hundred cities, towns and counties in America are members of ICLEI? They enter communities with ‘green ideas’ and grants for innocent things like bike paths and green zones which sound good, until it’s realized that they are under UN regulations.

This agenda is spread by Federal grants. Do you support your local government agreeing to rules and regulations set up by a UN-based organization that wants private property transferred to government control? If you would like to see if your community is a member of ICLEI, you can visit their website.

In this, the government decides which companies will receive tax breaks and are allowed to stay in business.  In light of this realization, the cozy relationship between the current administration and GE (a company that paid no tax in 2010) should raise eyebrows. As should the relationship of  Soros, Buffet, Gates, Oprah, the MSM and many others that stand to benefit and rule over the masses.

The seeds for Agenda 21 were planted back in 1987 when the writings of Gro Harlem Brundtland (a woman who was first Vice-President of the Socialist International) caught the eye of the UN. Dr. Brundtland wrote a report for the UN called, ‘Our Common Future’ eventually got into the business of environmentalism as a tool to control all the people of the world and establish a global government. For a better understanding of Agenda 21 and ICLEI … The American Policy Center offers a one-page primer on Agenda 21.

Obama signed on, 6-9-2011, an executive order, EO #13575, that gives the government the rights to take over all land. 

So, if you look at what ‘they’ did with the housing industry … it will make more sense as to ‘their agenda’. Obama is trying to do away with real-estate deductions and tax further personal real-state sales. This is hidden in ObamaCare.

The ‘so-called’ Smart meteors are used to further manage, report and limit electrical usage.

Obama is investing tax payer’s money into companies that promote the ‘Green Scam.’ Why should he care if the money is lost? He wants America on its knees.

Everything that is being done is to further the implementation of Agenda 21. To put everything under the control of the UN, Agenda 21…and to create a NWO… for the elite to utilize the earth and all resources as they see fit and to have everyone else as slaves to their wishes. It is clear that America needs to withdraw from the UN as it is doing nothing, but to enslave us to it.

The questions to be asked of the next President are: their stance on global warming, the EPA, Agenda 21 and if they think it is in America’s best interest to withdraw from the UN.

Cathie Adams, International  Issues Chairman…Leading the Pro-Family Movement Since 1972 … www.EagleForum.org

Obama, “I punish my enemies and reward my friends.”…

Obama’s friend Warren Buffet made his ‘original fortune’ on the backs of regular ‘Joe 6-packs’. He made billions because of the “DEATH (Estate) TAX” and the need for regular Americans to have Life Insurance to meet the demands of it.  Many have to take out insurance policies just to pay the taxes on their family, or businesses and estates, so that their family farm, businesses and wealth can pass onto their heirs, instead, of being eaten up by Government by taxation which allows the Government to take this privately earned money and assets for their use and distribution to whomever they want. Oh yeah.. it’s Buffet’s Rule

Also this irritating ‘Bump it’ woman is the face of Progressive Insurance
 (A liberal/progressive Peter Lewis started Progressive and I was informed that Soros is the money behind it )company…think of how often this irritatingly dumb commercial is on and you will get an idea of how much money it is making. I’d steer clear of this company, if you don’t care for Obama, his buddies and the NWO…

So, Buffet is promoting that the ‘rich’ pay more in regular, capital gains and estate taxes, just as he makes money off of these policies. Even as his company owes a large amount in back taxes. Also Buffet takes his income in ‘capital gains’, not ‘ordinary income’ like his secretary does. Therefore, what Obama and Buffet are saying about Buffet’s secretary paying more taxes then Buffet is a down and out lie!  Buffet is benefiting both ‘coming and going’ as ‘Obama’s friend’. Buffet Rules!

Then we have Jeffrey Immelt of GE…GE owns NBC and Obama gives his precious friend the business of making of all the light bulbs that he is FORCING us to buy for the the ‘green BS’… and Immelt sends our jobs to China..and GE paid NO TAXES in 2010…ARE YOU GETTING IT YET?

But it just can NOT be true, that this Obama appointee is the CEO of a corporation that posted a 14.2 BILLION profit last year, yet paid ZERO taxes? No way! Obama has promised, among other things to,”cut all corporate tax loopholes” so, how is it possible he would appoint someone to create jobs who runs a huge corporation that pays ZERO TAXES? Wait! It gets better, they also were given tax CREDITS in the BILLIONS, ensuring they will not pay taxes again. Wait! Better yet…they also posted a huge profit in 2009 and paid. C’mon, take a guess…give up? ZERO TAXES! Had enough? Wait, there’s more! They were confronted on this and announced that it is true, they paid zero taxes 2 years in a row, but, their financial arm GE Capital recorded a loss. Oh gee! This  doesn’t quite explain it. but, OK. Only wait! Isn’t this the very same GE Capital that received a huge bailout check? Are you freaking kidding me??? It’s good to be Obama’s friend… huh?

Solyndra  Taxpayers are unlikely ever to see any of the $535 million lost when solar panel firm Solyndra went bust amid accusations of fraud, Rep. Cory Gardner, a member of the House Energy Committee tells Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview. Read more on Newsmax.com: Rep. Gardner: Many Unanswered Solyndra Questions

Fast and Furious… Eric Holder… Obama protects him… Holder protects Obama…

Oprah … God only knows the depth of what she is doing for him and Obama for her… He certainly ‘owes’ her, doesn’t he…And Oprah’s network OWN is NWO backwards… what ‘they’ are after is the media sphere of influence to further brainwash the masses…yes, those ah ha moments… HAHAHA!

Rev. Wright… what transpired between these two, only evil knows…10 years of Obama attending the preaching hate America ‘church’ with several accusations towards Obama of homosexual affairs, even a book written, and one accuser turns up dead. Rumored that  Rev. Wright introduces gay men to one another. Sooo????  Gay Bath houses… on and on…

Elena Kagan… protects Obama on the birth certificate, eligibility issue then she is appointed to the Supreme Court…

Soros… Obama has recently promised 10 billion of our tax dollars to Brazil in order to give them a leg-up in expanding their offshore oil fields. Obama’s largesse towards Brazil came shortly after his political financial backer, George Soros, invested heavily in Brazilian oil (Pet rob ras).

Tait Trussel writes, “The Pet robras loan may be a windfall for Soros and Brazil , but it is a bad deal for the US . The American Petroleum Institute estimates that oil exploration in the US could create 160,000 new, well-paying jobs as well as $1.7 trillion in revenues to federal, state and local governments, all while fostering greater energy security and independence. Soros backs (OWNS) Obama for President and to usher in the NWO as he gains more power and wealth…

I wonder do the protestors, the Acorns, etc. on Wall Street realize all this…? HAHA!

And it goes on and on and on…

Snopes, Soros and the Supreme Court’s Kagan…

We’ve known that Snopes is owned by a lefty couple. But, MastersofAudacity and deceitas it turns out, Snopes is heavily financed by George Soros; a big time supporter of Obama (actually, Obama’s puppetmaster).

So, it might be a good time to take a second look at many of the things ‘kicked in the ditch’ by Snopes.

And in the search for truth…

I went to Snopes to check something out about the dockets of the new Supreme Court Justice, Elena Kagan, who Obama appointed. Snopes said what I was looking for was false, that there were no such dockets, so I Googled the Supreme Court, typed in Obama-Kagan, and guess what?

Yep, you got it; Snopes Lied! Everyone of those dockets are there.

So regarding Snopes, in reference to the article about Elena Kagan and Barack Obama dockets: The information you posted stating that there were no such cases and the examples you gave are blatantly false.

I went to the Supreme Courts website, typed in Obama-Kagan and immediately came up with all of the dockets that the article made reference to. I have long suspected that Snopes ‘slants’ things, but this was really shocking.

FACT: Kagan was representing Obama in all the petitions to prove his citizenship.

And now, she ‘may’ help ‘rule’ on them. (Gee, I wonder, was this the plan?)

Fishy Much?!!? Folks, this is really corrupt! Chicago Politics; and the beat goes on and on and on. Once again, the US Senate sold us out!

Now, we know ‘why’ Obama nominated Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court. (Remember, he rewards his ‘friends.’)

Pull up the Supreme Court’s website, go to the docket and search for Obama-Kagan. Kagan was the Solicitor General for all the suits against him filed with the Supreme Court to show proof of natural born citizenship.

So, he ‘owed’ her big time. (Again, Obama’s motto…reward my friends and punish my enemies). All of the requests were ‘denied’. They were never heard.

It just keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn’t it? You’d think Obama has something to hide, wouldn’t you?

Here are some websites of the Supreme Court Docket: You can look up some of these hearings and guess what? Elena Kagan is the attorney representing Obama… Check out these examples:




(This info was sent to me. I added some to it and thought it important to share)

Just how deeply corrupt are Obama, his actions and this whole administration?

Let me know your thoughts on this matter…

Are we going to let the media choose our next President…

Pullinghair2like they did the last one?  Influence, agenda. corruption resulting in damage… the media has gotten way too influential and opinionated
.  Instead, of informative and factual, they are promoters of agenda and propaganda…. some have become an arm of the government…
an arm of the Obama/dem/lib/progressive/communist regime…

When listening to any of them, be very aware of why they are presenting what they are and what it does for them. Is it true, or slanted? Who owns them? Who advertises on their networks? Example: GE owns NBC and GE is in bed with Obama. So, of course, everything on NBC will be pro-Obama, pro-progressive . What does Soros own? His agenda is progressive/communism. NWO under rule of the UN with the global elites enslaving the masses. 

In the media, anyone can be made to look good and anyone can be made to look bad. Almost any idea can be made to look good and almost any idea can be made to look bad. Some may wrap it up as being ‘fair and balanced’, but this may only serve as a tool to disarm and to sway… to make you ‘think’ that what they present and they way they present it, has no agenda.

‘Make you think their way’ is the goal of the media these days.They don’t present information as it really is, or the facts, they only present what, and how they want the public to ‘think’ and ‘perceive’.

Take Michelle Obama, for example, ‘they tried’ to promote her as a woman of style, class and grace, even comparing her to Jackie Kennedy, when Michelle Obama and Jackie Kennedy are opposites. Michelle Obama is a big-boned, classless, style-less black woman, not a refined, stylish, of French lineage debutante with impeccable manners and taste.  The media assisted in making Michelle Obama a laughing stock. Why would they even want to compare her to someone so opposite of her? Why would they want a black woman to be compared to a white woman? For the agenda of selling the package of someone who is nothing as they try to appear to be. All done for distraction and deflection…
But some clueless people, those with no brains, eyes to see, or ability to discern ‘bought’ this comparison as accurate.

Some fools believe whatever the media vomits forth. 

Michelle Obama is unattractive, radical and extreme…and comparing her to refinement does not change what she is and never will.

The media and those behind it are counting on the masses having no brains, no ability to think, and certainly no ability to discern lies and propaganda from what is true, accurate and reality. Anyone who can be brainwashed into thinking that there are any similarities between Michelle and Jackie will believe anything…

Dictators reward ‘their media’ in either money, or favors, in order, that they brainwash the masses. This is one of the first objectives of a dictatorship. They have the media tell the people what and how to think.  Many of the ‘media propaganda polls’ are lies also, as they try to make the masses’ think’ that a certain candidate is popular, that the ‘many’ are thinking one way. So, in order, to be ‘with it’, others should fall into line with the group. It’s a total con.

So, are we going to let the media choose our next president like was done with Obama? Obama is nothing, but a media creation and agenda-filled media propaganda put him where he is.

Had the truth about Obama been presented accurately, he never would be President. So, the lying media is responsible and complicit for this disastrous presidency…

It’s time to make the media less important, even irrelevant, in the election of our President because they are in it for their agenda not for the American people.

See and hear behind what the media presents. Why are they covering up what they do, and why are they promoting what they are? Unless, you are and want to be a brain dead media drone led around like some brainless slave.

This current election is going to get rough. But as this election gear-up continues, the liberal, lying, progressive media is going to get desperate and will try to vilify and spread untruths about any and all Conservatives, Republicans, and the Tea Party, while they promote their progressive, socialist, communist lying imbecile puppets, Clinton, Biden, Sanders, Warren…

Progressive equals communism.. 

We need to demand that the progressive liberal media stop their propaganda and vilifying of those that don’t fit their agenda, or just don’t watch them. We can force them to be truthful and responsible in their reporting and stories.
We are in control of whether we listen or watch. They are not in control of us…unless, we allow them to be…